Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 29 Mar 1900, p. 1

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LS The Russell Leader. VOL. I. No. 42. RUSSELL, ONT., THURSDAY, MAR. 29th 1900. $1 per year in advance Single Copies, 5 Cents. PROFESSIONAL CAR CARD». LEES & KEHOE, af BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES, ETc... Money to Loan, lands for sale. Office, 78 Rideau street, Ottawa. Branch : Cook's Building, Russell. Saturdays and Court. Days Only. W. A. D. LEES. LOUIS J. KEHOE Open = TARA, ARY, CONVrame "mmm SUSSEX CHAMBERS, ideau Gi Little Sussex Street, Ottawa RUSSELL BRANCH. «1 darlor of Moquin's Hotel, Thursday, { Money to Loan on easy ferms. every W. R. CRAIG, Appraiser for Canada Permanent Loan and | Savings Co. i Money to loan at 5% per cent. Agent for the Norwich Union. Fire Insuranc Sodely: RUSSELL Conveyancer. W. H LOWRIE, AUCTIONEER, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Etc Russell, Ont. Money to Loan at 5 and 6 per cent. A. E. HUNT, LD.S., D.D.S. S R. MARTIN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Drs. Martin & Hunt, DENTISTS. Wellington and Kent Sts. T. Lindsay & Co's Corner, Entrance 54 Kent St. Ottawa. Branch Offices, Russell, Kinkaid's Hotel. Metcalfe, O'Connor's Hotel. Cor. FRATERNAL. MOREWOOD LODGE, 1.0.0.F. NO, 285, Meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Visiting Brethren made welcome, J CAMPBELL, Li; MUNHARVEY, N.G, R.S. RUSSELL 0: B.¥. NO. 39, Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday. H. TWEED, R. HAMILTON, Master. Secretary Visit ng, Brethren always welcome WINCIIESTER, L.O.L. DISTRICT OF NO. 653. Meets every Tuesday on or before Full Moon. HOTELS. -COMIMERCIAL FOITEL Russell, Ont. JOHN KINKAID, Prop. First class accommodation for Guests. Special attention to Commercial Trade. Good Livery in connection. OTTAWA and NEW YORK HOUSE, JOHN MATHER, Prop. Good yard and Stabling. Best Wines and Liquors. s + $1.00 per day. {and Miss A. Jeffrey, of Cumberland | IRE SAR ORAL ~ 5 fEERERSERERERRERRS |g laocal News. fon, 1 A ay BE m---- 0 | 3 Sis A IN IN POLITICS, © yo ot Rj Published every week, at $1.00 per ear, | wedded pair wi Sasempt- the Villiage of Russell. ville. AGENTS wanted in all villiages. | Mr Th ; pag firs Write for terms. f= fv Fas 1 HOMPIOY, representing of Montreal, in - | Gault Bros, {town on Thursday calling upon his was PERSONALS. customers. Among those who visited Otta- | Among the visitors in town on wa on Tuesday, were Messrs. D. | Friday were = Messrs. Laurence MacDonald, M. Turnbull and H. Dunning, of Vars, and Jas.Hughes, Pillar. of Ottawa. - C1 a Tara raQ 1 ol pe of Vars was a ghe Mrs. Wm. Craig has returned Viflage on feagay: from her visit to Ottawa and Ayl- Mr. Ernest Stackhouse, traveller her for fthe Lamb Mfg'. Co. passed ; 3 2 : ! Mr. R. C. Robinson, of Winches- through the village on Tuesday on oan : Lie if Ro y ter, was visiting friends in Ottawa. his way to Chesterville. Mack Turnbull left on Saturday evening for Moose Jaw, where he will assist his uncle, Dr. Turnbull, on his ranch in that place He will be. much missed. His friends all him success in his new ven- Miss Florence Craig is visiting in Ottawa this week. Mrs. John Morris is visiting her daughter Mrs. MacMaster of Ken- more. : wish Mr. Kenny, of Ormstown, Que. | re. is visiting his. brothers, Messrs. H. and F. Kenny of this place. Mr. Thos. Arbuthnot, of Finch was in the village Sunday. Mr, T. i car ic ge uns es Lower Rate of Taxation. The special valuators, Messrs. Carson & Carswell appointed by the county [Th roport to the council. The result has been, that Ithe valuation of the county has |'been increased by nearly three and col Hick pol Mgrs qiis Thaye S Yomitfed were visiting at. Mr. Thos. Corscad- dens on Sunday. Miss Nellie - Garret, of Chester- | a-half - million" dollars. This in- ville was the guest of friends here | crease has - taken effect in every on Sunday. municipality. A direct result of the increased assessment will be Mr. Geo. lL.ewis, of Chesterville visited his parents here on Sun- the striking of a lower rate of taxa- day. tion and the equalizing of the as- i Mr. R. C. Robinson, formerly |Sessment. teacher of North Russell school | Dow--Latimer. On Wednesday evening March the 21st. Our. popular license in- was calling on friends .in town on Sunday. We were all glad to sce - wi > No aed spector, Mr. Robt. Dow, of Met- Bob" back again. ; : : . : ine | calfe was united in the holy bonds Dr. S. -R. Martin, of "Ottawa/| of extends to Miss Latimer LEAPTYR of matrimony Metcalfe. THE ngratuiations. passed through the village on his way to Metcalfe on Monday morr:- oo ing. | JEWELRY SHGP. Dan. college, Mon. | Messrs. Chas. Stewart and McLean, of McGill treal, are home for a few holidays. Mr. left Wednesday trip to| Manitoba with a view of Y Apri 2nd. 1900. | jewelry re- Opens Monday, Watch, clock and fine pairing a speciality Work attended to promptly Lucius: Loucks, on and morning on the gountiy, a QUIN, hos) HOTEL, RUSSELL. First-c B x > Juss meets Bar supplied with best liquors. lass livery in connection. all trains. Terms, $1.00 per day. Situations Vacant No trouble to secure a good position if you qualify at the FEDERAL BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Ottawa. Expert teachers for Book- keeping, Shorthand and Typewritings Cor. Bank and Albert Sts. G. S. HOUSTON, Prin. R in Mrs. N. nnions was attending the tawa last wed linery opening in that city. aftern | Ladiés will not support their hats crowd attendec! the aug |G. A. Morrow's. Aug on their noses this year, but will | 11 S Friday wear them a little bit higher. bids, for the crowd appes; accident and | when John A sad occurred last Monday, Hummel, the | 1 fifteen of Henry | Hummel; residing about two miles |. { fairly tumb e g y tumbled over one a result of | their desire to bid. The 4 prices * it was Mr. Morrow got go: year old son east of Chesterville, was killed by for his effect 1 11S COWS ; : his effects es ae the bursting of the big wheel on 8 s especially Tour to which ranged from thirty, 25% also an ensilage cutter. We extend to Sa ox 2 : : forty-two dollars. His hor, NOTICE the sorrowing friends our sincere | ? I 3 > hund- . : - . 3 wen 4 sympathy in this, their sad affle- |" t well, one going for on a tion. red and ten dollars. ily en As my wife, Lenise Gregware, nee les | ! ¥ Patneaude has left 'me of her own free will I Messrs. Alex. Robillard and J. | Our merchants are alk bu spring hereby warn all persons that I will not pay or be responsible for any debts contracted, or goods articles purchased by her and charged to me. DAMAIS GREGWARE, Lot 4, CoN. 6 Dated at Embrun, Nov 16, 1899. 26-6m days last week. | goods, and many of the 1 oe At Kemptville, by the Rev. Mr, |are very pretty. Watch fo Sanderson, on Thursday last, Miss | advertisements next week. W McCallum was united in marriage | Cameron were in Ottawa for a few [gaged opening up x 28 Carson, | that can be made by any tinsmith | Jessie Meharey, getting | lG > oD oh | Gregor had no trouble ed to be | would visit Metcalfe and Russell. A Good Milk Bailer At the Riverside factory meeting | Thos. I on Saturday evening, Mr. It consists of a square piece. of tin with a long hz andle attached surface © pus : o 1] Sguare raed up and down chrough the milk, thus oringing evety particle of the milk to the surface, where it is thoro ugh It saves a lot of needless work in bailing from one can to ly aired. another, no milk is lost by splash- ing and it takes very little time to thoroughly bail the milk, which in the old way it was often 'only half done because the bailer was in a hurry or tired after 'a hard 'days work. (And again it can be used | to bail the mornings mail which by the it a A Second Department, SS, No 2, Russell | Junior tion -- Possible marks, 95. -- Ila| Fetterly, 85 ; Laura Fitzpatrick, 83; Erma McKeown, 76; Percy Rom- bough, 73; 'Arthur Conlin, 70 ; Willard. Pillar, 63; Myrtle Boothe, 57 ;> Sadie Louis, 55; Stanley Jen-] kins, 55; Ike Brown, 46; Violet! Rombough, 45; Helen McKeown, | ;» Lillie Sutherland, 35; Charlie te 30; Sara Kennedy, 30: Birdie Summers, 2 Wilfred ~- Ea} Fil l- » ANNIE M. WATSON, Teacher. Sg Ca - F Md 00. inital pint Apri Russell Public School. Il Arithmetic. AW illie Holmes, 81 ; Chas. Fitzpatrick, 80; Della Pillar, 78; Willie Brown, 73 ; bert Cumming, 76: mer, 68; Ernest Rombough, 64 ; Ethel Loney, 68 ; Susie Booth, 60 ; Florence Saha, 56 ; Chesley Pil-| Pearl 50; [Lawrence Hel- lar, 5v; Curry, Chester Loucks, 42 ; 30; Walter Mather, Morrow, absent. Vv Hedley Boyd, 15. Willi ie| Percy Runions and Fred Louis, History---Stanley Carson, 85 68; Wm. I rick, 65; Max Macdonald, 61; ton Watson, 60 ; Charlie 43 ; M Lil- Holmes ) Charlie Crosland Morris, 53.5. ¢€ [ Sterns, 42 ; Bessie Cumming, 4 i Emile. Menard, 32. = Edith Me- harey, Jennie Scharf and Helen Loux, absent. A. HITSMAN, Principal ce @-- Correction. In our issue of last week a para- | neer Mec- | graph appeared stating that Dr. | Hunt, of Martin & Hunt, Ottawa, The item should have read Dr. |therc for no other purp Frother-in | Martin. A Long Felt 'Want, The inhabitants of adjoining country will be pleased to learn that our enterprising townsman Mr. D. K. Cook, has opened out what has been a long felt want in our midst, a watch makers shop. We hope that his efforts be appreciated and that it may be well patronized by the public. We understand that he has engaged a competent and practical watchmaker, who will Russell and will old way was almost impossible. Third Class--Composi- | Her- | Lucy | Fitzpatrick, 50; Howard Booth,43 ;| Thea at- | | The Federal Business College. The constantly increasing demand {upon this College tor enon in g gave a discription of 5 | Book-keeping, Shorthand,' | simple and practical milk bailer | [etc., and the su | '| securit -- 0. ur % po? don fees accepted smali monthly payments, (. S. HOUSTON, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Bank and Albert Sts., Ottawa TENDERS will be received,til March 30th, 1goo, tor the erection of a cheese factory. Plan and specifications can be seen at G. S. Morrow's. We Cook's ad- the business. to Mr. | vertisement in another column. Narrow Shave. attend to call your attention A serious accident was narrowly averted at the O. & N. Y. {on Monday As the ex- | press was leaving the station the Depot evening. |switchman went to throw the open switch shut, but instead of doing so, opened it wider and headed the »| express for the ditch. He noticed this mistake and threw it back al- most into position, so that the express passed safely over only | damaging the switch to some ex- | tent'and giving section Boss Fitz- | patrick some exira work mpking | repairs. Lo Mr. con- tractor is busily engaged preparing | for the building of Corscadden's { bridge as, soon as the high falls in the'sprirg. | The Concert. A large number from here brav- ed the pitch holes on Wednesday | evening the 21st, and attended the | patriotic conzert at Metcalfe. They Duncan Cummings, water all report a very enjoyable time, | especially the load who went up. Among those who attended were Messrs- P. R. McDonald, A. Hel- | mer, W. H. Lowrie, D R. Cooke, | W. Miller, A. A. Fraser, and Miss- i Florence Craig, Elizabeth Mec- | Donald, Lucy McDonald, Mc- Caffrey, Fitzsimmons, Lizzie La- teur. | Mr. Cook's new regulator clock | has arrived. It is a dandy thirty day one. The case is solid oak tand is almost four feet hich. No more incorrect time in Russell in | future. Just watch us be punctual. | A Good Sale, Mr. James | his sp Turnbull, sold ten of lendid herd of milch cows to { Mr. Hiram Earl of | the of hundred dollars or an average of fifty dollars Winchester for oS ~ round sum five each. Mr. Turnbull's herds have always been noted for their excellence but we think this was an except- ionally fine one .and reflects great credit on Mr. raiser. Turnbull as a stock- For this herd, Mr. Turn bull took out of the cheese factory we understand, an average of over forty dollars per cow forsea the - son. Messrs. Petrie have received cheese salt, article. & McKeown, their of which isa very fine Teams are busily engag- ed hauling it to the factories. carload different

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