in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 13 ,2 02 2 | 6 STUDIO SUITES STARTING FROM $2,925 380 Sherin Drive Oakville, Ontario L6L 4J3 905.847.1413 BOOK A TOUR TODAY Get more FOR LESS You want cosy and comfortable in a nice safe and quiet Neigh- bourhood with Oakville and Halton Region's best value? V for Vistamere. You'll find us nestled in south Oakville. And you owe it to your- self to see our delightful Studio Suites that go for just $2,925 a month. You'll be impressed with the generous size of our suites. Complete with lots of closet space, a 4-piece private bathroom, fully-equipped kitchenette, broadloom throughout and a walk- out patio. Perfect. Plus take advantage of our 60-day move-in timeline, it's sure to be a stress reliever. Call 905.847.1413 to book a tour today. Medium-Large Suite shown above Suites up to 962 square feet BOOST UP. Book your booster today. Protect yourself against COVID-19.agains It's up to all of us. Paid for by the Government of Ontario Visit