in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 6, 20 22 | 4 BOOST UP. Book your booster today. Protect yourself against COVID-19.agains It's up to all of us. Paid for by the Government of Ontario Visit At Village Orthodontics in Oakville, we specialize in beautiful smiles using clear aligners and traditional braces. New Patients Welcome Schedule your complimentary consultation today! 647-496-1424 2-2983 Westoak Trails Blvd. Oakville Book your Personalized Smile Consultation today Please email photo and information to Kelli Kosonic: • Call: 905-873-7162 Attention Parents of all babies born in the year 2021! The DEADLINE for Booking and Material Submissions is Friday, January 21st 2022 The PUBLICATION date is January 27th 2022 The price is $35.00 +hst Please note that payment must be received before the photo can be in the feature.feature. Submit a COLOUR PHOTO along with the Baby's Full Name and Date of Birth. 2021 Honour Roll