EDITORIAL Al sbout the same time last surer Fred Laughren was bringing down his budget st Queens Park, Community Memorial Hospital administrator David Brown was in terms of bed closings and/or lay-offs, for this year. But looking down the road a year or two, he left litle doubt that Community Memorial will escape what numerous other Ontario hospitals have had © face: closing down beds and probably layoffs wo follow Down at Queens Park, Mr. Laughren was unveiling the wughest budget in Ontario's history: 8 massive deficit and over $1 billion in new taxes, most of them on personal incomes. The simple fact of the matier is that governments have run the coffers dry, Community Memorial Hospital has boes held © a | per cent increase in provincial money this year. Next year, the increase is two per cont. That may sound like an improvement, but it's not That two per cent hike next will be spread through the entire health system. Hospital base budgets will be lucky 10 get one per cent The provincial government doesn't order hospitals 10 close beds don't enjoy the luxury of raising wsxes, they have no choice but © out back. The out-pouring of red ink is not peculiar 10 Ontario. It is found at the federal level, in every province and in many menicipslities. Governments at all levels, school boards, hospitals, police forces and virally oll agencies that depend on tax dollar © operate are now facing the brutal facts the purse is empty and the sources of mext tants have all but dried as the taxpayer can't afford © dig any docp- o For decades, Canadians have enjoyed prosperity wn-imagined in most comers of the globe. But it was a prosperity built partly om & house of cards as governments spent more than they wok in, promised more and more and then simply paid off the promises by raising taxes or dreaming up now taxes. For decades, Canadians did lstle, if any, complaining. But the day that the And it drove home the point that things will never be the same. It may take a generation 10 right the problems of the last fow decades. But the simple fact remains that severe belt tightening will be 8 way of life no matter who you are. In image only Relax. Ho hasn't coms back vis some "secret" by-clection in Quebec. And he has not been named a Seastor or some kind of hoe- Trudess is in , alter of him I ed seedy. herd * primi Ost accounts it is a good portrait of the man who more By than 15 yours in public life, yet remained distant from oll but a very fow Canadians. Present ot the waveiling of the porwsit, Pierre was reported © have commented that he has passed the point of no retarn for comeback. Sn eta Aas something went sight he coun- try last week. Now, if oaly Brien could be persuaded 10 sit flor & poresit... bel ighering | VIZZN Rob Craddock is a Scugog cartoonist and graphic artist. x LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Post office announcement is shocking To the Edivor: happenings as the down-sizing of mented. Operating the government The recent sanouncement that railways and post offices, the adop- on a sound financial basis is & wor. Blackstock Post Office will be tion of free trade and the nation's thy goal. However, we all know closed is shocking It is not that this precarious fiscal policies all make there are many ways 1 achieve the would never happen--we have all Canadians question just what is or same end result. Why should gov- scen earlier leased facilities con- identity. Can we put a price tag on ernment allow policies that rip the verted in small villages. our unique Canadian character and heart out of rural and urban com- The Conservative government traditions? munities alike. Canada was built has given Canada Post Corp the I feel that this loss of identity strong by policies and objectives mandate 0 operate af a profit. They translates directly into national con- that were not always profitable, but have been successful, but st what fusion about our directions and they were obviously successful price. The un-settling fact sot this goals as a nation. | would suggest Canadians should not be forced whole process is that the reasons that the Conservative Government 10 choose between profits and patri- given are all economic. should study cause and effect otism. | would suggest this is un- Canada is losing symbols of its before forcing Canadians 10 swal- nogeasary. national herfiage daily under the low any more mic solutions" Glenn Malcolm Mulroney government. Such recent like those currently being imple- Nestleton. . . Ode to the Working Stiff Van donated an aonate To the Edivor: perplexed by the more dis- tis shortly before midnight snd drive, | conminly did my duty | To the Ediser: 1 can finally reflect gn the thoughts and on time, 100, With reference to the of 8 day worth remembering: the The next time | hear compiaings | Mobile Coffee Truck ndincome tax deadlines regarding the privatization of the | the editor, Citizen, Into ome, post office franchise agree- | parked on Water Street major decision of the day | ments and all the emotions that go | the Proud 10 be Canadian core- fokt was deciding among my fellow with that, I can only reflect om how | monies last April 25. ball loam members just what type the service and attitude is refresh- fundraising van was of beer packaging we should select, ng. Why wasnt the major pos donated 10 the Kinsmen Club ita 6 MIS 18 ltinnale G8 SYul in Win Sri) sie? Sau in overing tho expes- nows of = surcharge on repr or rly het Without domations of this This we Liv when | was advised my sort, fow quickly and | ot ont © stamp wag sot sufficient for the | tions would be able 0 hold off my income nd deliv- eight of we Youn 0 got af events which benefit the com- Towing ot a Just can't win. It as certain not the it Must be post- days, you just cen was y marked by Let's got back 10 the age of barter- | intention of the Kinsmen Club Finding the post office closed, ing. to hurt any local merchants, but being referred to Nestieton, | 1 would sure be a lot more fun. | The Execuiive, Port Perry saced off 10 do my duty, Chris May, Kinsmen Club. A smiling face met me, and Port Perry. '