thdbbpy january mth 1b37 the acton free press paqe nvz jreammau ur norman glboon la vlsltlnjr in hamilton this week mrs spence of toronto vbuied acton friends this week rev morrow visited hut week in buffalo and but aurora tov mr root shaw who has been very 111 the past three weeks la slowly re covering miss isabel smith visited the bast week or so with friends in toronto mr murray smith attended the fun eral of his grandmother mrs ileubcn smith ab crccmore mrs norman morton and babe left 01 monday night for sclrkland lake to join her husband who has been there for the pastr few months messrs oarvln mosaics and slui littker of toronto spent saturday with mrs robert oarvln and miss margaret garvin peel street mrs wm johnstone acton mr johnstone and mus doris of lon don and mrs moclean of tu bury left by motor on monday for holiday in florida the aialiy friends of mr phicx ililt will be sorry ojeatti that ho is con fined to bed jli bloodpoisoning ui his right leg all hope ho may have upld and complete recovery mr benale mrs gould mrs mcdonald mm ired uiow mrs mainprhw and miss nellie anderson represented the io10x at the presbyterlal hi guelph en trldy mrs plsk liad the misfortune to fall on thu ice yesterday at tiu home on park avenue and sustained frac tured hip she was removed to the hospital lit toronto for treatment und all wish tier prompt recovery mr and mrs edwin cripps acton ontario ulsh to announce uie engage ment of their daughter sadki cathar ine to john george welsh of duncan ontario son of mr and the late mrs john welsh euffcnla ontario the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of wbruury george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite ryriebbfcs patterson ro spmiftu in bye ortlupue twlmite 1m wjradluun st not ta ouexf1i phone 3108 qullly aeeormcy gregory theatre ruday january isia the gorqeous hussy actionized treatment of americas moat romantic period eurrlng joan crawford robert taylor prmichot tone and lionel rarrymore popeye cartoon lets oct moving chapter of mash gordon saturday january 3olli seven sinners mystery melodrama btarrinu edmund lowe and constance cummings comedy thafa pic tures cartoon milk and money po news monday ktjuuary 1st the crime of oil fottfces did tlite doctor violate hfcf sucrcd oath starring gloria stuart and robert kent com edy rush hour rhapsody novelty vaudevluions pic torial review no coming cain and mabel starring clark gable and marion davles rockalong institute dbituori anous meeacjlkrn lifelong and highly respected resid ent of acton angus mceochern passed away on sunday 17th lnst at his homo on young street at the ago of seventy six years son of the late archibald mceachern and barbara mclean he was barn at lob fourth line erin township although in gradually de clining health for some time mr mc eachoma last illness was of only ten days duration lie spent his entire 11 fi in this district in earlier yean lie wat carpenter and builder and thrcslicr later for many years shipped turnips and produce from acton station angus mceochcrn wosttnown by ail throughout the district and in tils work he llod made many rr lends and was the friend of all cheerful in his manner and kiildly and fair in his dealings his friendship was one that many wcru pleased to have ten years ago lie was joined in holy wedlock to mis mary wlllieimlna price who survive him two sisters mrs wm allen erin and mrs mceoclicrn rocksldu also remain to all thpse who have btcti bereaved tlic aympathy of wide circle goes out he vuj member of the presbyterian church and the funural on wednesday last was conducted by lib minister rev ii ueiinto tcrvlcu ut the home was folloucd by service in knox church twhicli was largely attended among tljose from distance who joined in tills last tribute to the deceased in attending the funeral were mrs kate mceochern guelpli mr and mrs ron old meeaclwirn mr malcolm mc eaehern mr malcolm sinclair erin mr and mrs john willis mlui mamie willi relfountaln mr and mrs wm mcphcn011 mrs gibson rockside mr edgar swlticr jlrampton mrs butcher cthuua mr jumcn price mr hurry price hornby acton wins three games continued from pago one lead lindsays lmt effort was high shot over the net tlio lineup was acton orcor goal walters and kentncr defence terry centre marzo and lindsay wings mooney marxa ezard gibbenfl and joe wood alternates georgetown my lone ouj scott and moore defence centre hall and richardson wing hlcliardsuii gal braltli post ward and crichton alter nates the referee wiut spocdy oliver of gait and incidentally we never wltneu ed better handled game with both teams worked up to top pitch and out to win it took real referee to keep tlie teams in control and oliver did the job to turn there waimt thing that looked like scrap and it was one well job he did what scoring spree acton rcuulated with vengeance on monday night for that trimming that guelph handed them lost week in the encounter in tlie royal city the locals uere minus the tervlcuj of murray ezird the milton lad of second line and ia wai mbicd monday tlic key man squcok morrlum of the guelph uam was not on the lineup so lb looks like even stephen what will liuppen in tho next oiiio well know before you got this paper but in tho meantime we can only tell you about monday night there was perfect rheet of ice in spite of the ungraceful figures that referee talbot performed tho crowd might nave been jot bluger and just here wo uant to ray that tho rand lr certainly biff asset at hockey games actcns tlm only place ue ro where they marxo and lindsay wings glbbcns mooncy muruo exard and morton lie rim lea itefcrre charlie tatbot itoauui turn out so uell and it speaks well for community spirit and lntcrut in the came marxo fell when he uent to get away the floral tributes uere from the his nnt shot in the opcnlnn frame following pillow wife sprays edith kaiser uent right in but failed but after and elmer mcechern the allin exactly three minutes and twentynine family ed jennie and jean icatc of play meron made nice rush on wednesday afternoon tlie rock along institute met at the home of mrs henry maude with uve president mrs iouglos mcnabb in cluirgo tile roll call was who is who in tlie provincial lxgislature splendid program prepared by kirs john demi is wlu was unavoidably ab jent was given as follows paper on legislation as it affects farm women by mrs vclt new year resolutions for 1937 by mrs pusmore current events by mrs wardlaw household hints by mrs tone also contest by miss royne identifying prominent personages by newspaper pictures of them which was won by mrs nelson lunch was icrved by the hostess and her assistants and social time enjoyed on january 5th the rockalonff in tsltute uas entertained at the hospitable home of mrs williamson by tlie utoka branch ery pleasant after neon was sjiciir on january 15th number of tlie members put on musical drama in the contest sponsored by the everton branch they tied 1th tlie ospringe branch for first place tomato growers make progress success is meeting tlie efforts of on tario tomato growers to get fairer price for their 1037 crop states gilbert president or the halton tomato grouers association word lias just brn received from somerset commissioner of marketing for on tario that the canners are offerlnc the northumberland association 37c for thtlr crop prince edward canners are alio cut offering 3sc to 37c similar increases are being offered in euen in all sections however grower asso ciations are holding out for 40c and with storages pretty uell cleaned out special coronation sailings vara maiilrcjj to liytnotjui havre and london april 23rd alaunia april 29th ausonla april 30ui lancastrla special fvora quebee to clterbours and southampton april 21th empress of australia to havre sithtmiton aiid antwerp april 30th montcalm ertmt monlrral to gluifow itclfast and uvcrpoi april 23rd duchess of york april 23rd andania april 30th duchess of atlmll april 30th athcnla rms queen mary regular sail ings from new york educational european tours wej4 indies aiid world cruise ticltels and all information re railway and passports wrights travel bureau cooper mock acton mceacliern verll and cecil mrs fisher mrs atkinson jessie and lois mr and mrs john williamson mr and mrs will murrai mr and mrs hemstreet mr and mn hansen and family mr ond mrs butclicr mr wm white and miss ina white bert and prances mcdowell ritchie agar wreath from the neighbors tlie pallbearers uere messrs john willis john wllllamscn wallace lasby ronald mceachern mac sinclair mal colm sinclair and the flower bearen were messrs pred mccutcheon frank sttuckhamer ired cleave ritchie bert mcdowell henry denny interment uas at conlnnsby cemc terj halton county couiicil endorses provincial plan continued from pjce one education we recommend loaing payments brampton high school g2g 70 ktatti 1400 the by prospects look gocd for realhdng this im rvrrls rented flgure the halton association lias aeorc ivrru un al fclgned up in tlie neighborhood or 500 ana brll bull iils acres and these growers have intimated that 40c ln the minimum price they will acept this jear there is cer tainly nothing to be gained by signing up in hurry states mr gilbert be wulerdouii toiw u3 county roads wc recommend the follow inc tlie passing of bylaw for our estimates to the department of hlghuajs for the year 1037 also pavment of 18 00 to jacob blombery for land required for road uldenlng in trafalgar that mr smith tho engineer hate signs elected cautlonlnn heavy laden trucks as to danger until sprinfi when an lnsncctlon can be made as to wliai can be done the bridge ut glen williams that the engineer attend the en gineers contention in toronto ivbrtl urv 22nd and 23rd carried mated mr hew son seconded mr allen that the following accounts be passed finance j2 g27 0j ittvpitak 039 50 good roads ib 00 printing 170 03 cuntv building 280 cs curried moved bv mr gilbert secondtd by mr mcnlven that the treasurer be authlorlzed pay old age peiujon mother allouance childrens aid and bulged the twine behind greer for the llrst counter mooney won just clow en his effort gemmell uent oif for tripping emrd and acton used tho break kentner laid doun nice pass for marzo to tie the score at 35 and then acton smeared gemmall with plenty of rubber but the shots just kept bouncing away from hliri icentner drew penalty and guelph applied the pressure lindsay and terry failed on thejr effort at 12 0g kent ncr gate marzo pass and the flashy rlghtuinger broke the tic greer slid doun the pest to sit on close one and guelph plastered couple more at him that ieemed close the third goal for acton uas by terry at 15 30 on un assist by lindsay lindsay missed the corner but got his counter at 1727 on an assist from terry mooney was beat by gemmell on his effort and just as the bell elided the period eard scored on solo effort and the rercree decided tlu goal counted and tlie score stood at 51 guctph argued before the second period started on that last goal and acton didnt press the point so the score uas not allowed and uent back to 41 walters uas close on terrj pass and lindsay missed when he had only gem mell to beat meron went to the cooler cause canners are out to secure as large an acreage as prfislble and al ready canners in the toronto area are attempting to secure contracls from growers in northumberland county burnhum chief of construction for the world columbian exposition in chicago in 1093 cliallenged the civil societj and urgent hospital account engineer or anurica to deilgn some the same to be confirmed at the next thing novel and unusual to rwal llw regular meeting of council curried the it ad of the houst teacher johnnie jou must bring written excuse being absent jester tuy from the head of your family eiffel rawer ut the purls exposition in 1dh9 rvrrls conceived the idea of con structing glguiitlc revolving uheel on which to cirrj iieople into the ulr for onium mnt iili friends and buslnes issocuii udvlstd him against its con itructum the country was in the midst of biislneu depreiion ajid llnanclng the undertaking uas dllflcult task eten tho in cliarge the exposition ut llrst regarded the scheme as fantastic johnnie she away on fortlilghts and waited several months before grant holiday maam shall bring one from uig ferris the ooncesaion with the result me father that the ivir had opened when the ulieel was cmnpletlhi it proved to be tlie chief attraction at the exposition that cat ami profitable investment eaiglllcers from all over the world admired tlie an aberdonlan liad been at football during of its design and the ierfectlon match in gusgow wlirii lie returned of lu construction tis wlieel was 250 lie wu tilling all about itlirn friend feet ui dlamcter 82r in clroumfhvnc uuerlod hud they big gale land so in width it was equipped with aye the blgget vr climbed over 35 carriage with seatblg capacity of adjourn to met at the cull of tlus ik returned peron eh wurdeii currlrtl moved by mr hall seconded by mr gilbert that smith be appointed to beut member of oaktlllc high schol board for terjn of three jear cur ried moved in mr itoblnson seconded mr mccutcheon that mr hull and mr currle be representatives from the halton county council to the buirf of the childrens aid society for the counties of llulton and peel cart led moviil by mr gilbert seconded by mr mcnlven that ue contribute grunt of 15 00 toward the count dramatic club and uls 50 00 toward the canadian institute for the blind carried it was decided the petition from the salvation army be filed moved by mr robinson seconded by mr davis that this council do now for dumping walters and ezard followed him kentner was close and ezard missed uhen ho was right in sloan uas beat on lib effort by greer it was lovely rush gemmall won the decl lon from maneo and the eame plajer shot over the net uhen he liad only gemmell to beat plenty of pep went into tills section of the play marzo got counter frm terry pass ut x240 and gem mell hnd no chance on the score greer beat beatty nicely on his cilort ami ridky shot uild when he hod only greer to beat marzo uas right in but gemmell beat him tlie sixth goal came from lindsay at 10 55 on terrys assist acton was sailing along smooth it and guelph uandered arcund like bunch of sheep without leader th locals were easj goals better lindsays first effort in the third ieriod uent on top of the net and btaed there until play was stopped his next effort hit the post terry missed with onlj gemmell to beat and orcer went down to sate nicely beatty was right id but oreerbeut him and gemmell did lie same lr terry and lindsay at fl minutes mooney scored from ezard pass coullng drew penalty acton tried to take the man advantage but dldn score coullng at 14 minutes hit the corner for guelph second counter of the night beatty niled again with onlj gner at 17 minute mionej and ezard combined for no counte guelph put eierjbodj down then acton did he siiiue and at ib kent ner bulged the twlnvnr no goal and on his nights play jack dosered goal ii sloan shot ulde tn hls elfort ol bins gate marao the assist for no 10 it 19 minutea and ko it ended 102 for acton and sort of cueet revenge the game was clean ami pluy uas fust both teums went at full speed und ulde ojien with none of uie defen sive tjpe of game the lineup guelph genimell goal mcmillan and brill defence icatwr centre meron and ridley ulnga coullnp sloan sloan ii gemmell and beatty alternates acton takes another pjtom guelph acton mode tlirir third win in tlie ueeku hockey and attained leadership tliat no other teiuna can reach this reason when tliey trimmed quelph by 42 lu tho royal city ureiia lust night guelph needed the win to got in the playoffs and tried hard to get it but even with soucck morruon on und mooney from acton hi bed with severe cold tho squad wasnt good enough to clinch win just wliut jvforrin means to tliat team however cull be judged by tho score of tlie gome monday night wltlmut him and the gume last night when ho scored two goubi und gavu an ana lit for tlie third there uus an almost perfect sheet of ice lust night for the gume but for city of 20000 the crowd waji mliarublo if liockey is to get uny place in that city will certainly iicd more supiwrt than whut it ls getting quelph went right cut to win from the starting uhktle kelly went right in but greer beat him und tluin from hi the crease kelly pushed uif puck in but of course it wusnt ullowed und suy weill right in but jotliam beat him marzo and jack kentner com nlned on cou onu morrison wont to the penalty box for charging ezard and eurd failed to click vn marzo rebound woods gat right hi but fulled to beat jotliam the ilrtt score came from terry on an assist from walters at 35 morrison evened the counb on nice solo effort ut 11 50 barney gemmell was close on backhand shot on gror walters uent to the cooler for rest the period ended at 11 and the play as close as the score walters uent in to open tlie second period but jotlutm won the toss mor rison came close oroa couple tliat greor saved nicely everybody sprawled on the ice ut the guelph ind but there was no score coullng made nice rush and greer beat him jujjt as nicely lindsay hit the post uhen he wan right in lindsaj went in again but jotham beat him walters fulled to get his shot auaj when the goal was empty and greer beat meron when there uere only the tuo of them for it guelph ent into the lead hen morrison made another solo effort from faceoff and put the score at 21 after lil minutes of the period terry tied ii up minute later from the same kind of play marzo missed when he cnl had jotham to beat morrison got right in again but orcer uon pred kentner and debroski went for rest for mixing it up and the period ended acton uent lit the lead again at 43 in the third period when lindsay took jack kcntners pass for the third goal woods got right in but jotliam beal him mrrlson uur close again walters hit the side of the net uhen he wm right in the plaj uas getting blamed lively and acton steamed up to moke the lead more secure pred kentner uas close und then in the middle of the period ends were changed as there uas bad hole at one end of the ice meron took rest when he tripped woods and jack kentner came close to scoring jotham cprauled on the disc to sutc score from marzo and terry at 15 05 quelph uent out of the picture when marzo made it four for acton en pass from lindsay sloan was right in hut orcer beut him pred kentner drew another pcnalti and terry ragged the puck beautifully until guelph fans razed their team to get in on him in the last minute of plat meron brought the royal city squad up one on an assist from mor rison tliat was the best they could and the game uent at 43 for acton the lineup was aclqii greer goal kentner and walters defence terry centre lind say imd marzo ulngs ezard glbberu woods and kentner alternates guelph jotham goal brill and mc millan defence sloan centre kelly and gemmell wings couling beat tj debroski meron and morrison al ternates referee charlie tulbot preston dublin literary society tlie regular meeting of the dublin literary society was held ut the school on friday evening with uio president walter llnluun in tho chair the roll cull wiu aruiwercd by naming canadi an industry and its headquarters after other buslneas matters ware attended to prances mullbi wu called upon to act us chuirmuil for thr following program recitation by james robertson en titled pile three pigs followed with piuno duett by dorothy prank and wlldu mcgluughlln reading wan given by isabel brims followed with mouth organ selection by annie kelly tuo humorous monologues were given by mv will sayers some very interest ing lunteril slidej were given by mr brown solo with guitar accom tiunlmeilt was rendered by jim davlcs followed with reading by mrfl brown low chorus by the imbllc school chlldrni entitled the hper wus un othi number bui cumutluui gave humorous reading entitled mixed sale followed by recitation by eleanor rosi luiloh waooervedond the remainder of the evening spent in duuclng tools nekoko bunker cuiit you go into any busl nej more profitable than begging beggar well air id like to open bank but havent gotthe tools footwear bargains velvet overshoes black or mens leather toi boots full grain first quality rceir375 for 298 pallants shoe stoite mux strkkt acl ann harding weds new york composer ann harding werner janssen nojuifu ann hordinil whose sudden departure for ennlnnd folknvuir separation from her husband harold bannister was marked bv banniitri efforts to keep their daughter jnnc in united states wi married to composer and orchestra leader werner janssen in surpn ceicmony in london the blonde film stars enuarement to the niw yik cimpojcr was revealed only wiild they filed intention to wed abovl ne reeunl pictureb of mr hardnir and mr jnnsscn cliief scorer of rangers rookie squad intutmkdiate standing goals pr ast pi acton 33 11 cjixiructoun 25 20 guelpli ii 10 43 acton kentner oreer defence goat wultem and iwry centre utukk caaiks guelpli ut aeoriictov11 tomorrou tildai niht georgetoun at acton munduv and pojtponed name oj at ton in guelph be urranijetl juniotit stanbing goali it agt pf at ton 2j ctolueutlll il oraiiit vllle 16 22 inruiii ramfcs geoi gettiu in acton tonlrht g10rnetou11 ut oraiutivllle llieuluy ciikcking back rutin olt er jacket aff young niiui un come me jolu yer no oln ter lick me ur faither lsither am that dldnu tell ye thin morning thut id letlle wi je fer yer bodbthavlour jk ay but thoiiuht it was milj iki like uhln ie telt the grocer yed ntttle ui him fiookn3 mi lester patrick new york ilaniers nro certainly uolna en in hurry neil colville of the rookie line of the colvllles and clace shlblovy la well up with the scorers of tlie national hockey leugue hi it followinu elde on the luels of such established wrorcrs larry aurl and murty barry of detroit johnny gagnon and sweeney scanner colville wiii brought up with tils brother und alex shiblcky from lungera furm team philadelphia ramblers this season the sonui iionsl mr colville is dimilavd hci acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance