ft favoa two the acton fkeid ihess thursday january mth 131 hjjr artnn jfirrr irbfi pbbualssd kvcsy tlwaday at actcss ontario scrsdtipnon rates4 adaaaor uaitsd sulkl spc adriltuaial sinfie epia jc hob old and new addrcssaa abould poi arbaxi cbai ol addxaaa la raquaatad canckixations ws find that moat of our aub prctar not to haaa tbctr aobaciiptloa tntampted way fail to rcaait before expiration wbila aab acrrptiooa will not ba carried in arrears ossa an period yet unless we re uotilird to cancel we the anbacriber wisher tha acrelce continoed advertising rateson application and as siren in various column besdinas although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free frees aecepta advartiaina in its colutuna on the understanding that it will not be liable iot any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof aucb advertisement is requested in writina by the advertiser and returned to the free press buatneas office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and la that esse if any error so noted is not corrected by the free fress its liability ahall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost ol such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement aelof dills editor telelhones ejitorial and llu residence early flood floods this year did not wait until spring to work their havoc but january rains have contributed to an earlier breakup and from many districts reports of damage are given the flood in ohio and th mississippi valley have caused the most destruction nrid hundreds of thousands of people are homeless and millions of dollars of property damage has been done in spite of all man may do to forestall damage build walls and endeavor to keep in check the course of rivers it seems that periodically he is defeated the security that was thought safe against all emergencies proves insufficient and the rivers are masters of the situation reports of great deal of suffering and hardship come from the flood areas it appears that plenty of help is available however and red cross and organizations of the like are to the fore again in their work of caring for the sick and injured at such time the brotherhood of man usually comes to the top and spreads as far as the need may arise good years ahead once again fall fairs start out on their rounds for 1037 with their first visible activity in the annual meeting the past year has shown acton fair in splendid condition the troublesome years of the past have been weathered and indications point to smoother sailing ahead in considering future suoccssesyit irould be well to credit those who kept the ship sailing in those difficult times th cditor was perhaps fortunate in being in line for the presidency this year rather than previously when there were more difficulties to surmejunt survey of figures at the annual meting shows that the fair in community is quite an institution for instance 1300 of its proceeds went to the farmers in prize money awards and the balance of the proceeds seemed pretty well distributed through out the section true the balance on hand is no large but thut only evidences the activity of the organization throughout the countryside acton has built up splendid reputation for its annual fall fair directors for years have stressed its service rather than the accumulation of funds and the foundations have been well laid it faces this year and the years to come with the assurance that it works cooperatively in the communitys best inter ests and can anticipate continued years of progress and growth an example perhaps it may be going bit to the extreme but certainly china is showing desire to rid itself of the drug traffic rulers of that country are deter minfiitoqxterm nate the bu to do so they exterminate the leading traffickers last week at peipin in the presence of 50000 people 10000 ounces of narcotics were burned and five of the lead ing drug manufacturers shot to death we do not advocate the death penalty for the offence in canadj but certainly we might take an example and secure more rigid enforcement of present laws and great er desire to do away with habits that lower the manhood and womanhood of the country the drug business in canada is not its moi serious problem but in the liquor traffic we have one that we might well consider for more serious enforcement and curtailment we just wonder if chiria isnt showing desire to clean up what might with moderation be taken seriously here in ontario after all the betterment of its people should be the chief concern of the state and not the balancing of budgets not all on the surface we hear great deal these days about the can cellation of the hydro contracts the mutter seems to predominate at queens park and the globe and mail is not the least bit hesitantabout its condemna tion of the policy of the government the duty of governments in honoring debts has been thoroughly stressed we however hear very little about the duty of the companies we do not like the farmers creditors actor the bankruptcy act or any of these plans that repudiate legitimate obligations but perhaps these contracts were just some smart busi ness deals were not just sure of that because the whole thing seems so tangled that even phila delphia lawyer could not unravel the problem the companies are not apparently ready for peaceable negotiation and have taken the matter to the courts where it has been partially disposed of we hear lot about the governments policy being wrong the question we havent heard answered yet were the contracts right in the first instance perhaps an acknowledgement on the part of the power com panies would not be amiss if peaceable settlement is to be made its wellknown fact that the pre sentation of case before the courts has good deal to do with the success of the case and smart lawyer is generally worth his fee it appears to us that the hydro consumer needs the break and for once it appears he is going to get it but theres lot that snt being told in all the discussion perhaps if the opposition hnd done their duty to the public in the first instance the present opposition would not be necessary in the editors back fifty this iibiit ickiilar column but it may uppcur oocualoiiully iiii tort of third column on thu editorial 1mjc it ml depends on th fan mull wo get and in caiio you ure in doubt tut to tho typo of fan mull un editor likes vuh tell you now tho kind accompanlrd by ixiuwuu and now subtler iptlorut touches tlm liotut muni deeply borne of thosu ut thu annual nicotine of acton 1al puir luat wbck sort of woiidund what riant uli editor had to ba head of un agricultural tioclcty llo lntf jtrdt vlcosprsldent luat year wo rort of murmlsed wo should luivu homo proper quulircatlr tin for tho job and net about uccumulatinif the iiocejmary attributes our back fifty irt limited therefore we aclcctod tho amauiyjt of thu bariwax block poultry wfcd heard there wuk money in poul try uiid now we know there in because we put ii very limited amount of it in und part of it in atlll there of course wo selected tho advertlcd poultry brcedn and our first lot had two breeds black alunu and plymouth slocks wo be llcvo in holujr in on tho bljf scale in jiplto of uli tho cure that was ulvcii tiivle birds cusuultltj wcro pretty nmn urouu and in order to make the brood have fair appearance wc were forced to put hi mother lot from yet mother breeder thu bunch had two weeks iturt and cofit blu more but they lived lot in funeral expenracii visit to another poultry furm and that breed of new unmpitlre ilcdj loo ed cute and we decided that the chicken coop would hold more no wo added third breed to the hock the flock wa morivor leiii of penky nuhiuice during the mimmcr but fortunately the nelih iborr didnt want to away the ami weekend as we did and iaved ur from hunh treatment by the humane society wed juil buhht chickens at all mm and io it developed thut we had out if the lot twelve of the mnle iipecies and hnlfdoiacn biddies sunday dinners and chrtitniiu ucre duly observed with the twelve racketeers uhj crowed so luitlly every morning and too early fo common town decency juit ii the biddle were about to follow their brethren the mzit produc tion plant started in operation new difficulty arose which ones were luv inc and which ones were not befoic thin hnd been settled it wmi necessary to make small coop to protect the tkn kails of canadian aviation aviation in playing an hicrealimly important pure in the iraiifi porta ion problems cunudu and the uso of air craft in developing and conserving natural resources has increased each year in 1jj25 thoro wore only 30 licens ed aircraft in tho dominion by 1035 the ltfuru had frown to 3b0 untl toduy ulrmuji and air trajis port lines are in operation in many parts of tho country in 1025 only little oyer liauomll llon pounds of freight wcre carried by air in 1033 the amount had grown to over luoooooo pounds while mnll mat ter hud grown from 1080 pounds hi 1025 to lnooiu pounds 111 1035 commercial air transport has proved of immcnm value to canadian mining alreruft art first used in preliminary fiurvcyij of hew territory then thoy bring hi prospectors arui thjulpmeiit be fore or directly after tho spring breult vp to that operations can start with out loss of time that would be inevitable in long journeys by canoe after this aeroplanes bring drills and other gear for prcmllnury work and carry mea mi plica and mochlnry hi tecuons for subsequent development operations iilg curgoplanes ure employed to curry out concentrate or bullion when mine in iti production und aircraft arc relied upon to service established mines flying regularly to und from the nearest centre of supply aerial survey work ls another big field for civil aeroplanes in canada air sur veys are made ftr iiuuuested tranjunbi ilon linen for new roads in virgin coun try tor harbour works and for town planning nehemes vital part lr also played by aircraft in connection with the canadian fisheries planes are used in the stockinc of lakes and marketing of llsh for the last ten years the salmon fisheries off the coast of brlttnn columbia have been patrolled by air from june to october in canadian forestry engineers rely on ur patrols for fire detection and suppression survey lllghtr nre made to check timberlimits and by air photography in single flight un engineer can obtain com plete reccrd of cutting operations scotts sataptrook bwurt tub kftitkim wrtll am askslk htialtuv 18000 irasldmlc mile re kffe lwucsf dice wwe aa vjirm nycwtt4 eici qrtftk orfecry oblojacm isoo ixodbtjy hut ejlcavatdr5 5l risks of itomanck ilamp of vi rj mia ii4 wearlv eveinvrtomt burial 4roum3 srfilated ut he rav ajt whtltwacvltd zjkqttl bokt mtvtu couptcttw bukitp uhdj flc taroi dick luxfjexak a5 far back grim search for kidnap clues goes on olf hand there would seem to be little relation between marriage and reckless driving but listen to ray ingels direc tor of mtor vehicles state of call flock from wintry indi one saturday fornia aftemon window frame and pane department record show many of rlass and oticr odds and ends did single men formerly listed ns liabltuol this of coune it didnt cost hardl violators of traffic laws who became imything only we seemed to be gettlni model drivers after they ucre married deeper and deeper into the poultry busi perhaps the greater responsibility con ness tlnues ingebi curbs their reckless and now hats happening we are tendencies netting six eggs many days and one duv perhaps there is another reason ik inche breeds editorial notes coal production from cnnndinn mines during 1936 is estimated at fifteen million tons one of the eggs weighed mctifiured eight inche by there are three different poultry in the flock yet before the flood of inquiries starts as to what ve feed those chickens and to forestall the request to give testimonial on come radio program we want to tell you they eat blamed near everything ounces and with marriage for instance mans driving technique may undergo decid ed change before the task of manipu luting the steering wheel horn brake etc sometimes is left to one hand while the other rests uffectionatcly about companions neck after the ceremony the man not only has both hands free to cperate his car and the neighbors arc terribly fond of bu he may be assisted by sharp dircc them especially since the crowern have tlona from the back scat been eliminated and only the caclclcrs whatever the explanation it is plea remain sunt to know that cupid can be on aid we tell the story for couple of as ue as detriment to safe driving judging by crowds at games at home and else where the fans hereabouts still take their hockey quite seriously bone to the dog is not charity chanty ib thj bone shared with the dog when ou are just is hungrv as the dog jack london rencons perhaps nrst of all to give tii0t31rterlntm thircuccess nr our back fifty and secondly to show that we have some right to be on fail fair board were not at all convinced however that well stay in the poultr business and the first sign cf strike among these remaining six ls going xj be very severe lesson to them thut for their own good they should never have stopped activities exchange combine every inch of ground within miles of where the tortured bocv of little charles mattson was found with almost microscopic vigitancc state police and federal agents soupht the trail of the kidnap kiver while the hunt spread north to the international boundary add south into california with several suspects sought for questioning state trouper ij stone la uuinii his flashlight to examine the enact spot where the fro7cn body was found alongside the everett wash highway central pru 0nidln photo convicts riot wreck interior of guelph reformatory considering the number ol ice storms ilus enr power interruptions hive nut heen numerous which would seem to indicnte the lines wei in td repair juist asjiood in acton for years toronttlins hud its as the drive for funds the past week or jo would seem to indicate that these years have taught city folks that such institutions are henelicuil and needful to the city and the upbuilding of its youth acton bus been fortunate in securinr and its success in community of this size is more or less experi mental but year of operation has shown its bene fits and process is beinj made it needs the sup port of every citizen financially and morally and it will pay bij dividends in the betterment of youth the city investors met the needs are not the youth and young folks of acton just as important as the youth of the city the contribution need not be nearly as heavy as that required in the city but in proportion the needs support dont ask how much you can ret out of it but rather how much rood will come to tlie community through your in vestment there is no bi drive for fund required in acton but the needs an hundred regular adult members to carry the load for the program of the younj folk dont awiiit an invita tion to join make your membership regular item each year und the investment will prove just as yood in aciou as the years have shown it to be in toronto the strap is hcine used with rood ellect it guelph reformatory these das perhaps an earlier ipplicatiou in some of these lives would have saved some ol the youth from being there the value of products of the canadian slnuglitei ing and meal packing industry sold during the year lus amounted to mj73i2 an increase of per cent ovei i1mi and ll per cent over ilu it seems as if this winter has provided iist lutle more than its shine of ice and sleet and in cope with the situation the application of sandjia been very necessary very frequently ucriiacv or niiwspairns in in ictdrl jii thf miklnn of nru pajhrs fnml kent ititm pnlhtcil urllti ut tin iuhlnmrt sun nuule this stalcllliilt 111 llo other bllliu unci in mi illlir tiintisslim uic that of the pure clentll the premium un ae uiuy so hlh the imnalty of iniucur ne mi prompt and the proporll if ifiuiiry io ureal the truth of this tnuiueiil iiunlllir to all who ure eiilianed in tile production of news paper and to ureal proportion of the iiiultlllt public uli uhlle unlnforilitd concerhlni the mechanical proeewcs tluoujth uhlill the news of the day liansmltted to the readtnit public neertheleu reconle the rellfthlllty by fur for the theater number of neus puen wliere ermrs do occur neuspiipcjs welcome the interest of readers in call tnu them lo their altentton it thruuith the friendly nikratlon of the leatllni public thut nennpaliers are aided laritelj in their cternul endeavo to ituiud against inac uracle it 15 intcicstlnti to recall in tills con ttectlon the remark ome made in so keen 11 ci lilt wood lit wilson lo thf elfect it is apparent that the hoy scouts ha quite group ol enthusiastic supporters in acton who ap preciate the work being carried on the banquet attendance on saturday was about the largest held here in some lime th ousltterlui the mpltcatcd lliiliije prncevs of ijutherlnit and prlnlnut and the speed ultll ulllch it it is reinukuble that newspupe tew irors any kind olt also he uork of the is evidently verv 1ighlv regarded in toronto in the uiiiuial drive for iliads the espouse met the objective and went over the top acton is fortunate in having one of thesi splendid institutions and deserving of the support of uli mlnlsl iuho is not popular hi th parish to utile ttlrl ut door is sour iiiuther in no shes out is your fttllwr inv no hell out oh uell ill just come in and hit by lie lire till they tsanie in ye ieednu bullur its out tuel iniiuinu and binishlni until the interior of the institution was nuisi of smoulderini dcbrii sou in mates of the ontario reformatory at juilpli out stalled an eiyit hour mil which ended only when iftiaidn iiiforced by ptovincui and city police tottsed tear lias bombs into ibe corrida and herded the smoke and liastortured convicts to the cells with the aid of fire hose and extiniiuishera fires rated ut 10 points uiside the institution net by insinertf who burned btdditiit and destroyed quantities ot food und furniture two kiuurds ulld 10 convicts wre injured all of ue 12 iiiisotiers ulio escaemsd hi um eunfusloli were returned with the government offerhli va amnfsty to uu who nave tbeiutolv up two of the orison lnriut took no part the closhiia aisj shown top quelling one fire in cortldor with buckela water judicial inquiry his bca oruirad shiuai naaa irmtm