thursday dbqeubkr 17th 1am the acton free press page stvbn christmas ttbee chiistm is time of aecreu 6a ill whisper one to you qrmndpm says uuo all who try it find that every word is true would you have happy day oito some happiness away orandpa says this utue secret should be carried through uie year and if all would try to heed it earth would soon be full of cheer would you hare happy day olve some happiness away twenty years ago worn the tune of the fee thursday deoember zurt 1918 motor traffic is growing am slier dally few drivers are still willing to brave winters cold and slippery roads judge mcqlbbon of peel native of nasagaweya has retired and justin of brampton has been appointed to the vacancy rev byron if stauffer gave his popular lecture folks next door to full house on thursday evening after lecturing for an hour and half he preached sermon for half an hour the board of education engaged miss wulson to nil the vacancy on the school staff mls wulson had been teaching at lome school for few months actons hero of two wars sergt gould returned after valiantly doing bit as his arrival was uncertain the civic reception has not been announced pie ward son of ward who was the electrician here when he en listed arrived in town during the week lie also has commendlbly doue his bit tuesday was gala day for the chil dren of tannery employees when messrs beardmore at co gave party in uie town llall and presents were given to each child mrs arch mctavlsh was called to seaforth on monday through the death of her mother mrs david wren or many years mr and mrs wren fcerc highly esteemed residents of this vlclu uy bofen sax1s in acton on stlduy 15th de cember 1016 to mr and mrs morris sake son died moore at creusoiu corners on tuesday 10th december 1916 mar caret heed widow of the late james moore in her 83rd enr chr6nices of jgingerfarmj written specially for the acton free frees gwendolyn clakke the farmers creditors certain payments to make at set dates arrangement act regard to interest and taxes continued from page six the result is that current taxes and proportion of arrears are being paid and if the mortgagee does not get ills in terest on time or tuxes are not paid on retain his position my experience with many men who have sacrtfled much fur an ideal leads me to believe that nuljnrwr the arrangements becomes lnopcra what have we been doing at ginger farm this week what has anyone been doing anywhere on every farm and in every home what but wait from day to day for the latest news from england some people wo know waited with greater anxiety than others but think there were very few who were really in different as to the outcome of this tre mendous empire crisis not for anything would we have been without our radio during this last week and there were very few hours during the day when it was not working part ner would iune in first thing in tha morning while he was lighting fires and several times was lucky enohgh to hear commentator straight from england of course work had td go on as usual even though king abdicates the nation many would falter when question of right or wrong depended on their silence tho question under consideration is not connected with party politics it passed by conservative government without serious opposition from the liberals and is continued by the liberal government it is possibly the most radically socialistic legislation passed by any government in canada and is in the same class as the old age pension act the mothers allowance act or the relief or hospitals acts the fact that it was passed by con servative government does not make it tory legislati under the old meaning of the word it is the kind of radical legislation that one would expect from 13 woodsworth or premier llepbura and is strictly in accord with the general trend of humanitarian legislation follow ed by canada great britain and the united states for years legislation so that burdens may bo more equally distributed has been recognized feature of englishspeaking must be fed but heres one who did hot bvemments for generations one prom mus much in the process of feeding or lnent our school law the preparation of fpod thursday bachelors old maids cbild momlnjf peeled potatoes sittm by the eidcrl contribute to radio prom the same position also co education burden that cut up meat for stew and skinned onions unbearable for parents alone while stanley baldwin delivered his the main objections to the farmers creditors arrangement act seem to be first thai it is unfair to the creditors who are forced in some coses to accept penalties no not reduction of the rate of interest some times cancellation of arrears of in terest and in rare caies reduction of principal unsecured creditors are often asked to cancel all but fraction of tho debt secondly tliat the act is luunnful to farmers in general insomuch that lend ing interests will not loan to farmers for fear tliat their investment will become insecure as result of the operation of the act third objection is tliat the act hi unfulr in that it applies only to farmers uhlle other homeowners in equally dlf motnentuous speech to the house of commons and of course every night partner and had to wait up until the eleven oclock hews broadcast every night one night partner had bad cold and went to bed early but sat up and the news broadcast found me asleep with my head down on the radio but came to my senses in time to hear the news so did not miss any thing alter all and now it is all over tho uimult and the shouting dies the british people have muddled through ugaln and what comes next what is our in dividual reaction to it all what do we feel about our late king raise the question bocousf of one or two criticisms which have appeared in tho daily press ncult circumstances con claim no mich since king edward abdicated criticisms which have been very harsh and con demnatory towards our late king is such criticism after the event really 17 casts from this township and on necessary in whatever way king kdward offend ed our principles whatever he did that caused suffering ttnd industrial cluas among his people has ho not now don his ery utmost to restore the empire to its former status moit of us toll that his demands in regard to his mar riage uere incompatible with british principle but since he his made repara tion in the only way pajibe surely we in dealing with the first objection am busing my observations mainly on the canadian tuttkkys to bsuta1n as result of the high quality of the large shipments of canadian turkeys to the british christmas market during the post few years canada is well regarded as source of supply british buyer are outspoken hi their praise of ths canadian bird and present prospects or tliat close to million pounds of turkejs 111 be exported front canada to the british isles for the coming christmas should now be able to accept the present reason stuation without further ceniure of moit of the turkeys supplied to the brought it about to blame the british market come from the pralrlc duke of winder for the ihortromlnks provinces manitoba saskatchewan and of kl ednrd savors too much of the alberta of this jeari export moe attitude tliat li responsible for kicklns went it is expected that manitoba will man uhen he is down supply the largest percentage in hand british principle and tradition htue to be faily welltodo in few others tliat hae come under my notice if my conclusions ore erroneous ltu my own fault for in olmait all caitfs arrears of taxes are involved and full suarn statement of affairs is fllei with the local treasurer and whenever possible attend the meeting of creditor before the olflclal itecehcr and iuj before the commlsion when the objection of unfairness to the creditor is made frorlt pntctu live and the mortgagee can proceed to foreclose us if the act were not in force the mortgagee and the municipality are in an improved position where payments uv being made the question will be raised how can farmer pay interest and taxes after an adjustment if he could not meet them before is it hot reasonable to suppose that farmer who could not meet his liabilities and who was faced with the prospecb of losing all would be likely to defer payment of interest and taxes until such time as assurance would be forth coming that the money so paid would not also be lost there ore objections that interest is lowered to aj what of it it still beats reliable bonds at the price they can be bought how and tho pre vailing mortgage rates of from to were admittedly too high have one sworn statement on hie covering tnortgage at 10 one of the regular objections is that the commission will sometimes cancel arrears of interest this is not unrea sonable ln many cases suppose the mortgage was for 5000 for ten years at and the farmer has paid 30ooo per annum for 8v4 years leaving 45000 in arrears by cancelling the h5o00 tha commission has only reduced the into rait to 51 for the ten years ttic commission has not reduced tho face value of arrears of taxes in this township they have cancelled some with tho township dissenting and hi contravention of provincial statutes claiming that tlie dominion law owrrldes the provincial the small percentage of relief to tlu farmer docs not in my opinion warrant the cancellation of penalties which must be made up by neighboring farmers rich and poor alike and tlie farmer who has his penalties cancelled is hi the position or liaving them partly paid by his nexti door neighbor even though tliat neighbor may also be under the act whether or not the taxes ore paid on farm school must be provided for the children from the farm roads und other conveniences must be attended to and interest pld on tlie money borroued in lieu or taxes outstanding so that then penalties are eventually paid by the taxpayers as whole then too taxes ore not debt in the lcne that mortgages interest and other accounts are debts that is taxes arc not contracted for by the farmer as are his oilier debts the farmer voluntarily ngreea to pay interest feed or store bills but taxes are in different category they are levied by law against the pro perty rather tlian aflainst the farmer and almost if not altogether without his consent thciefore they should not be subject to interference under the act won out in this long and trying ordcil it is up to us now to do our part to ling the birds are killed and dressed by tlie producer and delivered immediately to the nearest pool depot where they are uclghcd and graded according to government standard shipment to the atlantic seaboard is made by rail in precoolcd refrigerator cars and ati tlie seaport quick transfer is made to pre coolcd refrigerators aboard ship during the ithole period of shipment the blrcs ore kept in temperature uhlch never varies more than tuo degrees and they are just as fresh on arrival hi britain as when shipped from western canada christmas and competing with cuci the nritsliipmenl of canadian turkey other in the matter of bad head colds to the british market for the christmas daughter brln home very special trade uas made in 1032 uhen uell ovc variety from school noes down 1th it 1000 000 pounds of chilled and frozen on the cr night of her brothers hs of the critic is to picture the creditor hive repeatedly protested to the com as widow probably utth family of mis ion against cancellation of penalties lutle child en or as an elderly man tut without avail unable to uork and depending on the the objection that the principal of interest from the mortgage for liilng mortgage li reduced doe not carry much the facts usually show tlie mortgagee uelght have seen the principal re some cajt3 duced onlj in ciiec where there un he is the commissioner for agricultural bvloiuih not enough assets to satisfy loans in others he is the possessor of the amount or uhere the previous ouncr show that british principle is bg enough other mortgages uhlch arc good pro to include charitable thoughts towards ducers and also ou nr few good bond one whom ue know must have suffered ui quite large proportion or cases tn greatly we approach tlie season of mortgagee is an estate where the loos goodwill touards men surely our good if is borne by people who never uill may extend towards that lonely and mallj owned what they ore losing pathetic figure king in voluntary uu other cases the chief creditor admitted selling at high price or ad mltied making big profit on the sale the objection that the farmer creditors arrangement act is making it impossible for farmers to obtain loans appeas be entirely witliout founda arp tion for the act docs not touch mort family relations who have been left gagc or debts lncured after 1935 so tint and now to get back to ginger farm interests by will quite out or proportion reluctance on the part of loaning uhere we are trjlng to do number seasonable thtngirlilce getting ready fo the ability of the farm to produce pinies in 193c cannot be attributed to the will was made eirs ago uhen farm the ac besides the commissioner fcr values and farm production vulues were agricultural loans li loaning to farmer birds uere despatched at tliat tlm there uas unquestionably some risk in volved in transporting chilled poultry some oooo miles but the condition in uhlch the tlnt shipment arrived and its reception bj discriminating buvers dls muh in excels of their value in 19353g rhe villi embodied what was probably fair dlstrlbutlon at the time but prove to be groshly unfal if not an impossible public school conce mother has ii dlstrlbatiun in thise davs of deflation the law of averagus among the 20 or more ctu hive been able ta watch hee thoald have been some cucs hardship oi poor creditor but have en no case where the acl wai redpoll polled ml doubu on that iore utu an imcrcst in hl on mc turkey raulng im delopl into quite pclormuncf nothln of ull mjortty the habllltus an substantial industr in canada tho rest of tho concert partner the krvawr than the aes and any 5erl staj at home alo and mlis uhit waj look upon being the mast ei jovable performance of tin ear how ever father went to the concert so that our oung vm might fet1 that omeonv recent years while the principal growth in the past teu jeara has iwn in wct era canada tli industry has been mat inff considerable progress in eastern cnada particularly in ontario and quebec uhere artltlclal hutching and rearing is carried on extensively mot of the production comes from tlie com paratively small hocks of farmers en gaged in mlved farming next to succumb to the cold and now ou los have it and son gets coughing sjiell previous the creditor lias occurred the operation of the art make known yolll faith if jou have faith preach it if ou have doubts bury them if ou haw joj share it if ou ha sorrow bear it tvtvllfiu rules for everday practice toti man riuu tluni and preach their ii1 djubts uhlle tlu bar their faiui lveri time there li something we spec not because of it lally uant to hear on the radio and so the average assessment for 100 acrts it in this township is 45tky00 an average but something wonderful happened of those with buildings would easily here loit ueeu something the reason for amount to 5000 00 the assessment has which ue have not been able to get been fienerally regarded as about two rgurwi out yet have mentioned thirds of the value makhflg the estimated before partner has had to drau uater utui oct 000 when the majoru or eer jav for the stock except sundays the liabilities uere incurred the creek was absolutely bone dry and quite frequenlh the mortgage is there uis not enough water in the uell 000 00 in addition to arrears or in to uater all the stock except on sun crest taes and other debts and the davi and that of course uas because osicu as whole would not cover tic parmer had been drawing tu little as rlage interest and uu at forced pajlbk rem the well all the week well vlu ordinarilj ile nrt mortgajc ot day patnet iri found the cret slkiue ihanng their sorrow one whom they can induce thiin and accxptlig thur matter tf cuire or evtn with ri siginuan th an to listen to jov as earing them uas up the bac runhln thea tliqsi sorts hd bet mi rain and no rt il thaw la lvlk nf and vet there uis the running id it is leen running ever lid not be more de lih if iiruvu led him teac mig iit thie li iioilil te in atw rqul schlk kstp now bund ihir puli tlutl tl vsu ip hi el ughlv puiktuat udrvd jld tae the inn side able far lu oton to prnilabj iri it have jell at low ice to there is wr little grout ir that tlie miiriu riui or ill act he satle tl alt it ti lit the art idr liu ii and stand con nut uiiall in tlit for the dominion government tlie objection that the act is unfal because it falls to help home owners other than famines is reimj compll nuntarj and lueds no furtlur comment tiutc is something about the act that none of us like spirit of repudiation of default that is distasteful to all men and women ho believe in fair deal ing but it appears to be essential num erous firmcs are pajlng lower rate of interest are secure from seizure or foreclosure and are working with new hope who but for the act would be on the road and probably in receipt of relief my experience as mentioned pre viously lias been limited and mainly confined to one township cut am liostlj convinced that as administered by the commission for ontario mr justice hope anio iiq an3 col green tlie farmers credit ors arrangement act is wtse legislation and affording large measure of relief ulth minimum of hardship of all the progressive leglilatlon en aced toward llu close cf the life of tlie previjus government and submitted to the cj irts for ruling us to vuildlt the viiiuts creditor arrangement ct came ulf best ere an livb us in all lel latl mi ui cv wll alwiv tx dillernicen of tlu se ma fees ue arc all ir ou own se taelei and rdi lidtperd illst sioo co uli it ik ipi after in la ii bl ittmuith each iviii ns th it the ne hi nei th it 11 irurdere id vro it ii moiil ali ttl to vmi on tlm till me luuk ol an uai uuvor ear piliueiit tii bud ix iimte ptobum his in ii pi ir rjl it ul rag un ulth tlm um to il re tm in vii ul ti turn llvarinai in marph chapungoddard wedding revealed paulctte goddnrd has been the wife of charlie chaplin for more than year according to randolph churchill son of the british states man who declared the dean of hollywoods celebrities and the beautiful actress confided movledoma open secret to him churchill wua nuilo positive that the marriage wan fact though the principals related their silence onent the matter they are shown together ut recent tociiil function in the movie capital crtai vr cnm ttiiiii the free press says ajtffcl ubc yhsnlt what this won rscrful offer will mean in enjoyment through cut the whole year for yourself and your uv glyj magazines of your own choiceand this newspaper packed with stories time sy articles helpful departments ana color ful illustrations now is your chance group croup lecr one magazine select on maca1ine uhfirty mags2issues1 yr jute lyr paiaits magazine yr true story yr sa eailanil yr dhousa garden bma macleans 24 issues lyr national home monthly yr canadian magazine lyr iy pidorial review iw silver streeii lyr amejltaa boy lyrr parents magazine etna can horticulture and home magazine iyr this offer fully giuxr anteed ah renewals will be extended take your offer no choice one magazine from group and one magazine from group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group land this newspaper time tables at acton dully douy dull sunum dully dally dully dally sunda qotnc eui except sunduy 705 am except sunduy 1007 ja except sunduy 811 only 710 pm ckrfxur west except sunduy 880 uon excey sunduy t33 pjn excpt sunduy 706 pjn except sxmduy la40jn only 1133 pm stansami thutg iw ahrow bus schfidulir effective sept 31th 1036 leave westbound djjly 045 ajn dally except saturday 1145 ajn dully 21b pm tiuturduy only s1b pjn dully b15 pm dully 716 pm daily 1115 pun saturdays suiidays aiid holidays only 105 turn leave eastbound dally except sunday 700 ujn dally dlo ujn dally 1315 dolly 30 pjn dally 845 pm dauy 000 pjn whats the news newa is changing con hlantly events happen fast and things change over night only an alert newspaper can keep fcbreast of these happenings on many local fronts the acton free press offers its readers complete service in news reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with the times the actonfree press acton ontario controlling tuberculosis hvrrynna knows qlwiut tluwut thnt at nun tlmo cauwvl tfrnal loj ut lift and lhm havu ihtn tinuiclit undr rnnttrol in tlih labl thirty or forty yir an rtglt or humii rn public hultlt iiiliiwhu jv ptiuld fever in nnu uliibtratlon twuiit it mi fir tldrty ycarj au it wu not uikuiiinioti for rltlm to iiaa dnihi rat rnmi iliolil ranulna om liluli uu tu 76 diatliuoutof viry 1u0o4hj living rwina iixu it 1h almukt dlbtfruca lor rlty to tiatu illi ratu of moro tiian otit or tuo iuy 1ihkmmj and lu many cltlt4 ruttw for ti plmld fur tho liojt yxr wiri ltvj tlll dill ylluw fivit la aunt plafni of nifjtuin or two win wtwn whulo cltl mi in irantlnru tmaiito of it ijitililtiirla tho lllux of rhlhlrtn fiw am uo lu todjy imtonilnif raro aw mutiy coiuinunltuu huvn not lutl di alli or inn cjji of tllphtlnria in mnj yiaru tlujiun to unwli nitliodu of lminuiittauon aiialtul thu dim nui iin illimk uiftt crounc and urrnr of rmr fiinfituicru in now ldom in ard of and it u4 uhwi dr ad diuauui wlikh imiii lniatd tlio lupuutuu iru luiw pri illy llmlmiud tuunuionu la ktlll far from iwiatf mui nil hut it 1h iiirriuruuliit to nou tli it nior irounti hj im ii mad in iok hili loirti iurlnu atwsftrmt li irx of ihii oiniirj tfiiun in ii to ui it nl lfoi tlo rf th iori iliiul hnirniiu ui jt kti it irir ttd ut iiimalnl ut 1iii mm uy it it in oilnxlld hulri und uitlt tli siiltl hj fulli hit ilf ljt lil hm tjk 1u it dull llwww ui lp ill rr tin in tt frt ut minid man nu tlm in miifr tl4 11a 11 ill suktiriptiottri for au mujcazinca taken at the tv lxttn office