item odc the acton bree press thursday duokmbjer 17th iftm uuto town or bethlehem ho uu we aett tbee hot how mystical thy beauty beneath that aterry akj but little town forgotten the dream that flamed within lite breaat of him thou gmveat to aare ua from our sin hrllltant alar of bethlehem hoar gracious are thy gleams yet countless souls of carthland know not thy saving beams apart from then we journey preferring dark to light desert us not still shine for ua and clear our darkened sight little town of bethlehem how still we see thco lie above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by rebuke us for our restlessness bring peace again we pray let justice reign with mercy on this ralr christmas day thomas curtis clark menu hints recipe for new and morel utahea hooaebold ideaa soi modern christmas recipes by betty barclay wherever christianity is the prevailing religion christmas day observed evcyone agrees that it is the finest or all holidays especially tor the children christmas dimicr is gala occasion it is the high spot of the holiday get together housewives start planning for it days in advance take cranberry sauce for instance ho christmas dinner has ever been com plete without it our grandmothers pro pared it at least week ahead in those days cranberry sauce thick with berries wo served in tide dish today it may be strained put into mold and chilled the newest and most attractive method is to make lb without any cook ing and the addition of orange gives it new interest at serving time it come to the table side by side with the roast in cubes which adorn the edge of the dinner plate on of the advantages of this method is tliat it can be prepared at pactlcally the last minute because quicksetting gelatin require onl ur hour to become firm below ate the modern versions or cranberry sauce and holiday fruit cake holiday swott cake wmte can be baked three or four weeks ahead cup shortening cup sugar gg whites cups flour teaspoon cream tartar baking poude teaspoon salt cup water lb cup candled citron lb va cup candled chcrrte1 to slice candied pineapple lb slice candled pineapple cup black walnut meats cream shortening add sugar gradu ally mixing in well add unbeaten cgj whiter one at time beating uell be tween each addition sift baking pow der and salt with half the flour add ulurriately ulth water to first mixture add remaining flour to chopped fruit and nuts add to cake mixture bake in loaf or tube pan lined with heavy oiled paper bake in slow oven at 250 degrees 3q0 degrees about hours miikes loaf cranbeftfly orange rfcllsu package quick setting gelatin dessert orange flavor cup boiling water arouse tablespoons sugar cup cold water cups uncooked cranberries dissolve quick setting gelatin dessert in boiling water add sugar and cold water xhh cranberries and unpcelod orange through food clvopper odd to lie latin mixture and chill until it begins lo thicken stir up and pour into molds chill until firm serves 13 muvxatts wlilitkmg uutlalo lit ids out at walnwritfht alberta sharp ahooter sam purcella rifle is crackling with deadly accuracy and each time purt of name issues from its muttle anotlicr burfalo blua the dust tlie an nual kill of surplus animal at national buffalo ifturk which on the canadian national line between saskatoon and adnionton is under uay the contract for the slaughter of 500 choice buffalo uaif awarded thu year to burns and company who are preparing the meat undtrr government supervhilon at th ubuttoir erected within live confines of tlie national park sine the opening oul cimistmas cauol rlie little jesus come to town lie wind blew up the wind blew down out in the ttrttt the wind was bold now uho uould hour him from the cold then opened wide stable door pnlr were the lushes on tlie floor the ox put forth horned head come little ixrtl here make thy bed dp roiw the sheep were folded near riiou lamb of god come enter here he entered the to ru and reed who was the lamb of god indeed tlie little je us came to town with die and sheep he laid him doun peace to the byre peace to the fold par that they housed him from the caldl llzdujtuj woodaworth rce continuing from main street crecc tliat now has little appearance on main street since the roadway was filled in lart rummer but the creek la there just the same even if those uho drive through acton do not notice is now tlie main street front of the school grounds and uio adjoining lot where mr choc wilson atono house stand have quite remote hutory although mary and have both been here between eifnty and elphty years ue cant go fa enough bock in our personal recollec tions lo cover it so frankly admit that uc have to depend upon horesay for some tilings regarding it there are feu people in town now who may possibly remember the events about the flrt transportation for himself and all the members or the family across the con tinent to california remember tb crowd of cltlacna ana friends which as sembled at the old orond trunk station to see them off johnnie ahem sup piled the tickets and luke oreilly checked the baggage containing tlu family lores and penates whllo we weru on the platform with the family waiting for the train mr little camo up to say nood4yo as ho shook hands with marshall the only son he said well good byl marshall liopo you 11 have success in california when you get there put postage stamp on an orange and send it to ino and when it arrives iii know you huve rrnchod your new homo safely liroir molds artj grren and so mr mcgregor found it before very long ho and his family were glad to come back to canada and they nettled in good old uulton counti when they returned mr fror nor rug hi 111 tlie lumber buil lit wltlt mcce ulld inter iigagrd in funning in jyafulehr nrur mil ton when ht retired tilth in loronto mr unci mr arch mcnab of fcru mosu lhed in the itnne house for year jlmmlu andcron and aunt janet from im low the mount in ut 3pcsldo secured the prierty when they rutlred from tlie farm and tient the remainder of their lives tin re ihty were rare old couple hey loved the presbytrrlu church but did not relish uewfunnled modes of worship aunt janet boldly oppoed the introduction of rru kit whistle for worshipping god in hlfl hou when the cangn it ion decided to reverently alt during prucr she would pen1 ixiitly land when slio ivad mls lonary money to contribute and slio was generouj giver for divine purposes she uould tnct rev dr robertson the mis slonur ouperliitendent of the northwest and him alone with her offerings but thoro was reason for thiii latter dr roberuon wns relative nephew think but aunt janet was grand old lady friend to any one in need or orrow and frank kindly outspokent clthsen uhom everybody esteemed mr and mm walker lived there in comfort for number of years several yean ao charlie wilson the hydro superintendent secured this homo and he and mm wilson and family have hod happy home here for several years they have improved and modernised tlie homo quite good deal and believe squire grant would be quite delighted were it possible for him to view tlie home it li at present but this is sufficient for this week tlie chrutmaj preparations are get ting along at our house just can say how many of the family will be home for chrltmas but marys preparing jurt as if tlioy were all coming to rom fur tuadfc to grain tradc rrom fur trade to grain trade has been the hltory of the canadian west in tli pist fiftyfive 5fcars in 1881 tlie first railway began to stretch 1u tracks acro the broad pralrlci to ultimately reach the sea at vancouver opening jip the one time hudron boy territory to the farm buhdlnjr erected on these lots an early lnff ret which replaced the cat the farmers creditors arrangement act day possibly no act of parliament or recent yrarn has been so roundly abused ond endured so much criticism from influen tial quarters as the parmers creditors arrangement act assented to on julj 3rd 1034 county councils the prrs tn general and almost everyone who ti in position make themselves heard have joined in tlie chorus of disapproval at tlie rl of appearing to be con trary tnuy be permitted to present point or tuo hot in accord with thr gun rul run of opinion pirrtly for vari ous loiv di ny any attempt to make jiolltlcul capital out of remarks that may follow ugn4 when taking office as pcttm to refrain from taking an uctlve juirt hi polluc it hard to find lound re ujia why thl should oe dettmnded of civil jjrvunl eoiinot refill the gov rnm nt muklnff an such cl mand wlien recruiting for crverseaj irvlc and lther political party jsccmr tlekled pink to liuvi it candidate with the prefix colonel major or captain und rurvey of the 1l of old country tundidate at tlie general electlotw give tin impression that few except com mit lotted officers are acceptable ik tlmt at it may it logical tha the civil jvcrvanl who really operate the machinery of government hould bo de barred from helping to repair old machinery or erect ivow if thoy are efficient in lite first place surely their knowledge hould be valuable but both part it agree that they be mucded of couro convictions may develop any offlclil that maj override his desire to continued cut pag seven no fumbling for foreign stations westinhouse flkpilot tunes them instantly the lltnll of khorc wave ba come very ral when you can goc ilm keationa you want nny time tneyre on the air thats why the wemimghoute air pilot is the mok important contribution to radio in years witli the welti nghoute air pilot wltolo world of ratlio nltniivment permanently cliaried ami nlways at your fingertips just glance at the tuning log te controls and there your station accurately lunei in for perfect reception no fumbling no gueuwork no tedious gropingl ax it gladly tirrange demon stration at your convenience leishman acton tgt8gtgtgigtgegttgts5 jlsesmgk gtgsgiggeigtgigtgsgtgtgigtta ttler told me long ugo that man named mullgan built frame hotel about uhcre the stone house now hands with stable and shed down noar tlie creek he dldnt last long and was cucceedej by john connor as the landlord connor uas rough eccentric sort of cliap and liked the booju exceedingly well himself he uas an irishman not long out and widower or bachelor farmers daugh ter was the housekeeper tlie farmer conceived the idea that connor ought to marry the daughter and went to the liotel to impress tills upon mine host of the california house connor contended that he had no use for wife but anally declared that he would marry tlie girl for ueek and tliat all be jabber 11 do tho story goes that the mar rlafie really did take place but whether for the ueek or till death do us par none can recall think it was during connors time that the liotel was burned down one night after big spree when an unusuai lj large fire of log was left burning in the barroom fireplace alexander grant then bought the property and erected tlie fine ston house which still stands there as same ulll remunber sandy wus scotch shoe maker and luul his shop on the south uest corner of the lot in their da hundreds of boys and girls stopped to see mr grant pegging shoes or pounding soles on their way to and from school mr grant moved his family and his shoe ihop doun town about eventy jears ugo foo far as can remember mr and mm peter mcgregor and family were day ted stream of cars jiave been rolling eastward each car loaued ulth ntt to occupy this home mr buffalo car cashes kaiteru canadians uelcoine tlie rival of tlie annual supplv according to officials of wllslli limited uho are this jeor handling tlu lli di tributum grilr had butchering bus intra and did his slaughtering of beef pork veal and mutton in the old hotel liable dou by thi creek which had cuped the lire which dotrovid the hotel llelf th ti no upper cinuda ttt illh act burfulo wrat ls comparable to prime tmw luj mun slaughu domtstlc bof uhlh bulful steaks inumn in hnj im unj in tin unlit and no nnt evlii thougl any impr or nu niicf to tin it of uu nelghboni alwmt the 51 ir 187 mr mcorolor eot tlu cuifornu annuul thinning of the wainu right fi win tlu it uni iwiuiu he ihul herd iuccaarj in ord to kivp tlie on tlu lie of tlu callfornli hotel or number of anlnub within tlie gnudnj not uu not at any ratt lit dlspod cjipabllltut of the huge park ki ear of all his 1x1s iinili here sild good bye tkhii 00 to aooo unlmuu apivroxltit to grmdfuthtr und grandmother me ating the natural increase must be krrriher and olhtr friends rdilvid the bltusing of urv laichlaii caitictxii the wesbyurluu mlnuter and eugago tered trading posts hftyi yeora later in 1031 the transition of the oldtime trading routes was made complete by establishing western canada new grain shipping route by way of hudson bay ror tuo hundred jears hudson bay had been the front door the main entrance of the fur trading parties who came from england by ship to churchill and thence by york boats made their way across tho wet establishing posts at widely separated points but maintaining direst connection with ifudson bay as their base of transportation with the coming of the rallwayu direct connection was provided with eastern canada and the old route fell into disuse now tliat the rails reach the shores of hud tan bay at port churhclll the old entrance to western canada has been reopened and the vision of shott route from tlie ucstern prairies to europe has become reality modern harbor and terminal have been constructed at churchill and cargoes of wheat are successfully despatched to the markets of areat britain and europe during the post season of navigation which opened on august oth and closed on october 8th fourteen vessels reported inwardt and outuards at churchill with registered tonnage of 44 100 tons in un cargoe amounted to coo long tons wheat exports vieb 203 501 bushels valued at 2bfi idb tlie chief claims for the hudson bay route are that it shortens the distance to european ports and brings the head of ocean navigation into the east and uest centre of the continent prom churchill to liverpool li 030 miles win rent from new york to liverpool is 040 miki prom montreal to liverpool vlu belle le strait 710 miles churchill lt in longitude uest of mln tpilt ami st paul business directory dr mcniven ffcyatetaai and savcaaat and residence ooraar ua and klein street dr nelson waylcain an electro therapy dr wm cullen rhyatetan avnd oftle hours 14 and 19 sundays by appointment wilbur treet just north or mill street telephone 138 legal phone ho 33 boo 51 harold nash farmer banister solicitor watary be contctaikeer eta mill street acton owt houra 030 to 13 00 noon loop to 500 tn saturdays 13 00 clock kenneth langdon barristo bouclior notary fablw oflices acton oeortotomm over seynucks cafe main street por appointments phono acton as of oeorgetown office hours acton toeaday ad thursday is en to 430 ml inert on request dental buchanan bntax smgti off too in ttmin block hours until pm by appointment gas for fcxtraetions closed wednesday afternoon fboos h9 pearen besiial ef moved to our new quarters in the symon block phone 39 mill street aetoo slisckllankotia francis nunan boejkblsaef account book of all kinds made to order periodicals of fevery daacrlpuoa carefully bound ttuun neatly and promptly done wyndham street gueipb onl gift that lasts whole year every reader has number of friends who enjoy reading the howe news each week tnends you would like to write to each week but just havent the time perhaps their gift problem has been bothering you thl fnrr pnrss for s2 weeks would solve that problem and be reminder of your thoughtfulness every week through nil of 1937 general in wfc hltctauxm in life fire health and accident automobile windalorm plate gum lloiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lined of insurance also ocean steamship tickets lkabino companies kxcujlent vacaxxaa tupiibill itvocuo tla of cabajb for bm only fred wright office cooper block onlce bs 1tioue hold iu gift card umgut und otlu cuts ire con iden drllcjclfs as tlui uere in the dijb of thtj plainsmen he mi at niuls rl idi ttiuirkit tn fohttrn canadian cithw the iis mhtuscf art lutl tl tnwi thr mlli ii lip inj hm hi unci til ul in nuliu uu ml mi in alrl lc rc ii idul iui ir uh ut uni nu i1l suughtered leal uk park be over run the meat is made available to the public smaij wovihit mr ntulirlch hid ju engaged in hli lint fox hunt go hi he uoalu ulplug hu utream lng hrou no wondtr my wife fun lont to much of course we forward gift card telling tlie recipient that you are sending tin thi pnrss for year and the offer includes the remaining issues of 1036 and all of i937 the cot is of course two dollars or 50 to your friends in the united states well make it an interesting letter each week and we know it is gift that will be appreciated tin km pui ss combination magazine offer is ver ittniltive subscriptions ni be sent to different addresse ask about it ind solve many problems economically the acton free press want to sell something phone 174 mill street da5sdaisjsi3isis3s ksisisaaiaisisi3aa sold tpassa small ad li the cpiidtcat way to find buyer only cknt wobd1