Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 3 Dec 1936, p. 7

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toobbday ffmobiitobr 3rd 1090 bugbt dats in winte bland tbe morntxiga breath of june the aouunrest breezes play and through us hare the winter noon 6eenu warm as summfra day bear up mother noturcl cry bird breeaeapd streamlet free our winter wtces prophesy of summer days to thces sojnthefto winters of uie soul by wintry blasts and drear oerswcpt from memorys frozen pole will summer days appear itcvtvlpff hope and faith they show the soul ilt ulntf powers and xow beneath the wlntora snow llcfc scrma of summer flower the nlifht is mother of the day the winter of the sprlntf and ever upon old decay tiic greenest mosses cling behind tlie cloud the surujfhl lurlct through tthowero the sunbeams full per clod who lovcth ull ills workii hi left hll mope with ull whlttlir twenv veabs ago worn uw lisur of tbe km lrc cf thursday lccembr 1th 19l6 sucxisful lied cross concert with good program was held in osprlnuu schoolhouse on friday evening it orval fletcher of naiuwmuwtrya was killed in action in france last wee pte milne of eden mills lias beeti wounded mias u1c bird of norval station has beeri award tlm ivovlnclal ilrit prize for brvad making open to glrli irom twelve to eighteen years tlio first anniversary of tlie openlnit of benczers nnu new church uut suit chronicles of ginger farm written specially tor the acton free press gwendolyns clafte last tuesday was busy getting break fast when from the buck door pvter started barking furiously thought there must bo huntem crossing tin field butvrescntly camo tup at the bact door opened it and there itood an old rnuli how he ever got past peter dont know lady am very cold can como in and warm myself looked him over he wwi not exactly preposhsiiur in appearance but imd not th heart to turn him awny flo bade him como in and get warm he sat by tin lire und presently ho mild lady ive got bottle otiulde could yuu spare little hot tea put in it why yes but have you hud any breakfast uijced no lady but im not very hungry if could just have little tea however he kut down und ate biff plate of porridge ueverul pieces of brad slats diahy by oliver waiuikn sunday thopreccher ftbd to oil of us uso are lnfloocnls for the chlrch pa what ore infloocnu he scd ts what you think yoii liave got until you try it on some boddle monday tlu dr sent pa ndus witch sod tlvo clwck pu give doc luis cum back tjiat mokrs ui even then ted ia for so has tho pune give it to tlie dr for curing tuesday at supper ma fc unkel hrn wok wundvrlng why lx ll lire fammy cunt wvu no money or nothing in md lie noes it are beeos uh iuibeir all wayu bylng tum tiling or jing sum thliitf we cant ailord wednesday jnuun wiyn lib ma ix hard harted croo he ud ito ii her hi dtddimt feel ijond at wanted itiy out of iikool when li it you dont feel veji at chi iad he roplldi in skool tr then he had to cum tho it nurt lilm luil thuiiklay the ttscher ud for iu boyi in the cl thli to tell why did ue utn tn be kowninr priednit ii sum uiint jake wl becoii he wood luive ium tiudi to dig bate then tho tcechrr id juke alnt got no luuliuchvu or nothing knncy how lie hioi got dears lhot lrlduy went over to cill on jane at evening as lur mi reil to liie we lura the lihuot nine 30 that sulb nn line replide ied at at nine lia janei ma cum in tfd it time to no oon was my way rebels in eraftlosa in 183t continued from pago three und honey and three or four cups of turtuiy was outqule hunting wlut lea so lie didnt do io had for man who wasnt hungry yatmi interest the womens missionary society of tho metliodutt church eelebruud the twenty fifth anniversary with very up lifting service on thursday evening former members were present and spoke words of greeting mrs eotgii of ouelph who was the first president mm hvy joseph edge mrs oram mrs brown nursing sister lieut anna oram all of toronto spoke tlte candles on the birthday cake wert lighted byi the two little misses darby of icnatchbull great granddaugh ters of the first president mrs easton nied where did you sleep liuit night ajced him well lady wob out with it young illlfittni thlt we got up flock blisters kep frighting rjghtlna wtc but dlddent uhoot sed evry urn h3 wur retldy to shoot nothcr not in the vuy alnt he dum but come tlilnk fellow buybtg horjjts but he waii tueli shot twtct kilt the ijjinie oil bluun would wulk home liut got lost and then got cold and vl slept in straw stack just back of here near tile tracks have you slept ouujde before did once lady when was boy of fifteen oh ive got homo lady goodhomi and ive got money soy you do make lovely tea lltdy ill nlways remember this did sou nay your name was clarke well mrs clarke next time come by ill bring you nice present but wont be back again be fore easter now wonder could you let txb have slice of bread to take along with that nice hot tea the fishs fau1lt interfering old lady big man like you might be better occupied tluin in cruelly catching little rtshl angler perhaps youre right but if this fish hud kept his mouth shut 1ij wouldn0 be liere day is rough and stormyl hud got thus fur when along came ligations on values which only exist on daughter mum are you busy she rd by constitutional governments 99 years later ot another tragedy be ing enacted in the township many of these descendants are being dispossessed of thvlr furms the year 1930 saw near ly 1000 acres revert on default to the mortgagers in mobt cases tho mort gagee was tho crown represented by the agilculturul development board or the commissioner for agricultural loaiis 117 will probably sre an eiual umount of land cliungu ownership by default and lnce tlw parmera creditors arraligu hienl act rumi into force two years ago marlji yooo acres luive insen wived at leiut tennkiraruy from similar fute the end is not in night probably hidf of the farmers are in good ilnaticlal clrciimstuttces pay their toxv on thno and con carry on under prwnt clrcum ttauces indefinitely one juarttr itud the going liard they are bit late witli taxei and interest but by hard work and thrift have managed to get along an fur the remaining l5 ier cent have intervt and taxes piling up mid the end is inevitably disaster hi some cascs too kreat value lias been placed un farm property andloaiij and obllgutiorui ure consequently in excets of producing value expect to yaise iitorin when say that farm liuid in eramosa or simlllar townslilps hi of no value by that mean tlmt the average farm is worth no more than the improvements buildings wells fences etc or that it will not produce more tluui the value of the jabor soent on it plus interest and takes on improvement the fictitious values placed on farms jyjloivemawuolftiiere when coinci to nvjeting obligations or when salo forced for cash on an open market the settler got his land for little or nothing lie und his descendants put on ubout j500000 worth of improvements on the average 100 acres then udded about 200000 as profit and figured they had farm worth 700000 on this basis the properties have been purchased or divided among families and loans luive beon mode with the re sult tltat owners ore trying to meet ob if salada brown label salada tea asked yes terribly busy why paper or in tlie minds of interested parties whereas the only watered stock on farm rhould be live stock the old man his tea and norne tolmc md play pine mckayat aconjelown on vrlduy to take nonk you dont havo to do thai old unllar situation arow in britain oembcr 1st 1018 runciti uarber be uun pd him on with his clothes wrlune ctimt old wrltlne lou sec ahoitly alter ule war tile conservative lovl wife of wm gilbert mckay in hrct he wore jacket over thick wljit rerflxl famlly lrtnl my country endeavored to relieve the dlstresa lier 67th jear sweater then fairly lleht welsht over momry anjway allowed larmers and farm workers by coat and on top of that heavy over my to be nnu llalr method prooably too radical for this cakauian tuknips coat he wore cap with earmuffs command ilikmhumtatid leather work boots tied witli strlnif he said he lived at the next town and that he was eolnff to walk stralfiht home hour chasing the little while ball across country they derated all land urban the table and of course every time the rural and levied taxes on lm bnll dropied on the floor the cat chased pro mi nu income and business only their continued proipess vouches for you ever play pincpoiic when lhc wisdom of the move is it possible you were younir mother inquired that oiihthtn similar muit be done duuehuiv hrr the free press says ski xueau of their fine flavor and ap wo hnd to clwx thc pdraniy canadian turnips shipped into two days later saw the same old man tllo united states from tile provinces ol tm 0e road atjulii amnatety headle prince edward island and ontario havi ld been taking nights lodging at tile prlomlnaud on all major wholeri he wasa queer old chap and if dw rn markets of the easern united states he came from good home and had nl within motierttte shlpplnc dlstance of tlu muney uure certainly wasn much sign dominion passu throush oo usual but still for all that he was it channebi of trade of consumption in human beine and the day was cold so hotels ntauranui and homes theyr fir lmu could person do less than clve think what this won derful offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year for yourself and your fam ily magazines of your own choice and this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful departments ana color ful illustrations how is your chance croup croup select one magazine select one magazine ways hsd plncpnu tounurmnt during the winter yes we had lots of fun more fun than iounir iniplc have now nlpa have commanded premium ovv llim uiint ll wanted the poor old fl adtjs tlllnk nin lanlcrn those or domestic origin tlie domestn lou remarkably english and turnips in tlu easlcrn united states for tluro wai another thing in his favor uio most part are told on local farm lu if ne bl alloaed to wash inarkeis or to factories or transported hids before eating by truck to nearby wholesale centres man of the road wluit trauedy wa in oour life wonder if we really knew the life story of these human derelicts we meet along lifes way should we be less or more sym palhril uonder partner thinks am too jrullibu but however they do not ewrclse decisive lniluence on uic market prospects for canadian turnips in the two main consuming centres lor canadian turnips new york and huston prince edward islovl turnips command show was thrill in those days and if we wantd oilier luuusement we had to make it lor ourselves until thc cinema niienett up oh tho excitement of those ilnt awful flickering pictures young people have lone way to go to get thrill like we used to iet out of our simple pleasure in the days when was uuug giic at valle of accuracy do nut know that there is anything except it be humility which is so valu able xs an incident of education as ac piracy and accuracy can be uiught direct lies told to the world are as diut the balance when weighed agoirut tlie falsehoods of inaccuracy these are he fatal things and they are allper vading scarcely care what is taught to tlie oung if lt will but impart in them the habit of accuracy arthur helps tlus highest prices states the canadun tliit is rong it isnt that believe all trade commissioner in new york dur ing the season which extends from sep tember to tlie fallowing april or may opening prices are usually moderate in october rulng to peak in november tlw holiday season approaches and as rule rise again after the first of the eax this season prices quoted on the new york and tlie boston markelr for prine edward inlaiud turnips hae averaged about 50cnti ier bag of 50 pound these transients like to tell me but only that would rnther help them and take chance on being stung than feel might possibly be guilty of turning away cold and hungry someone who was really deserving anjway can always turn the tables on partner becaus few weeks ago he sent man to the house for me to feed man who said he was looking for work and who as he at lug the meal prepared for him scorrs scrapbook by scon wharf under date october 3lst 1030 me he had balance of sooo in uie new york wholesale quotations listed bmkuid he had his passbook to prove prince edward island turnips at 55 in to euss some of thc people he cents and onurlo tumlps at 50 to called on would be slad if they had go cents ier 50 oundii dealers ant lei balance of 300 too now if that pate that thc market ulll be comparaae man promued to brln me nice to ims tltat peak prlcns will reach uttll prcsenu next time lie came by about 75 cents or more and an average be oolaruj for oncl season prlcu of about co cents ixr 50 supposlnir some of these transient pound ba should be realized were not anaels but maglcalns possess an onalyjjs of unloading hi i93i rd secret power and supposlne is interesting new york received 12tu thc1 sald ever you wish for cars 50h cars from canada 555 ears shm havel local bostun received 705 cars of which what do suppose would wish 650 conic from prince edward island and stance choice you will think 03 locally vewark nj c33 cars all uould for water iwver falllnu from canada clilcago 375 cars i5 qr tlist from canada detroit 02 cars 83 fnim nver run partner is already canada philadelphia 05 cars all from drawlna water every ouler day for the canada cleveland 03 cars 58 from ule and how hate to see him start canada cincinnati 15 cars 43 from oul on ch cold tiring job when the canada pittsburgh 43 cars 41 froii canada washington 13 cars tom canada and nalttniure cars all fron bmta8smlssueshyrrf can horticulture arid home magazine yr lfterirma52hsael7c national home monthly yr canadian magazine yr pictorial review yr silver screen yr american boy yr parents magazine bmo judge parents magazine true story streenland house garden jyr lyr lyr 1yr bmo this offer fully guar antecd am renewals wm be extended take your offer no choice one magazine from group and loti slctp 14 sw ha we caucd hapcileorts oeftav watoloo cat mptron 1awb comfu6lg oftotoi out rloaepovjepi am altortuaiiy ttahdabo 01 vjow dtunutmto 6y wafy tllaa twtwiv culrjt bm 33000 poumo out icocrf mich mlulhk kodifcfovjtw uj hjw it hcihny ulit dti uwaltaj vfxup blut cuno lu fcikxi one magazine from group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group land this newspaper time tables at actoft nfl ooanf bui dolly except sunday 705 am dally except sunday 10a7 ajsu uajly except sunday 813 pjax sunday only 719 oolnc west dally except sunday 80 rj31 dally exccf sunday 123 so dally except sunday 716pm dully except sunday 1340 am sunday only 1132 pm standaiu5 time arrow bus schedule eliecnve beit 27tll 103b leave westbound dally 045 ttau dally except saturday 1145 uln dully 315 pm saturday only 316 pom dally 515 pm dolly 715 pan dally 1115 pm dally ls ojn leave eastbound dally except sunday 700 am dally 010 arl dally 1346 pan jdally 430 pan dally 845 pm dally 000 dan ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop repiiebkntatxvk goto duirtot uaisml conpuy tk alliane ajmuum cm the cauhy of cimu amniuo company the meremuiu calty cw the korucclanlri mntmj whats the news news ia cliuiijint cen tlintly events iiappen faut and things chunge over night only an alert neuttpaper cm keep abreast of these happeninn on many local fronts the acton free press offers its readcra complete servite in news reporting and editorial feature it answers the iiiealion whats the newb rejrularly every thursday subscribe now aiui keep up with uie times the actonfreepress acton ontario subscriptions for all magazines taken at the ivee ptau met canada muggs and skeeter by wally bishop vlulflc of simpuciyy simplicity is state of mind it duelu in thf main intention of our lived man simple alun lib chief care th wuh to be what he ouuhl to that ts honfsily und luturullj liuniiii an thli li ultliir so jjj nor imp ai one mltfht think at bottom it ioti kis in puflnn our ncs and asplratious in accordance tui tlu law of our bliu und cmuuu ntly itli tlw eternal leption uhlch allied that ue liouul ill ut mmer hoaer swal low buullou rkcl hwi uut let nun be man uiul not fox hor hiir luv orablrd of thu the um ol the hole maltlr cliarus wi iur jll ti ia koihlpl ccvio ll cik1vhac k1 iiociairiew fiyy sayrukiv sucud the kics rwe kids ts vmxmci xx mtourwe twg jurvjuuju jufy ocamir xj do rfcowpuntw something look jcj 7x v1em mifax to5owc jog tp rwm5 kick ahounf tokt uvimwawrj business rru tio us moqls uarjlk twaj4 cjooos our ecsr esey ra id igmore rni as se twlmcsrls3aj3iiljcc cup the cuamo vwtwjlrlg this vou cai6 rr meajj tr ptj vrit vacloiowlwgiciotce li u6ak aild thc pir2t tlmfi tue ctajs gllsl uc ajjr opemikks mu ask 0r ixrectod vcjdtct bv ttvte judfie amd cjsx xwe case our of twe haudi of ttoajt jofcv1airs oug qhlv uopa okuarw uopg we ser wcrl ctu4cej

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