Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Nov 1936, p. 8

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paok moett ihe act on free press thursday novxmbkr 28th 1013 notice of births mrrug dmtba an tamrwd la tab cotmmn without maurisa notice jm osd par um addltloaal for poetry died wilds in otorewruto ny on mon day november lfftb w8 james wild aged 8s year ramshaw the borne rockwood ontario on tuesday november 34th 1q3a samuel kamahaw son of the late robert and elimkbeth ramwhaw in bis eflth year in memokiam mcarthur in loving memory of our dear wife and mother mrs william mcarthur who passed away novem ber 24th 1935 one year has passed since thai sad day when you dear mother wens called away in our hearts your memory lingers sweetly jtepder kind and true memories that we will always cherish till we meet again sver by husband and family ocals jor easy christmas shopping con sult th fkn pmess ads nrst just another week to get letters in tin fux pmss santa clous letter con test pour weeks from tomorrow if you dont know what that day is ask the youngsters the bays and girls have had some splendid ulrmlng on corporation pond the past week k4tooar aooldeni reported last week mrs barnes asserts that she did not signal the car driver to stop the work of putting the ice surface on acton arena has commenced and al ready the bottom is well prepared it looks uku winter and feels like winter therefore it must be winter in spite of all prophecies to the contrary youtl find attractive christmas of ferings of the local stores where youd expect to find them in the local paper junk shop boar railroad crossing in denver carries sign with this hint to motorists go ahead take chance well buy the car it sold that roovo parr of will hot seek reelection but mayor olbbons will contest the mayor alty for another term the mpotlng of uic halton county council arranged for tuesday has ben postponed until friday owing to tlio ill ness of warden qeorjfo currlo be one of the radio artists on the music aj silhouettes hour irom sttttloijcoc hamilton on saturday evening ut eight oclock only one tender was received by harrison georgetown cirk for four houses owned by tiio georgetown hous ing commission when live lioased were advertised for sale last week hie services at tile united chutch on sunday morning ucre in cluugo of uw womens muilaiiury society rev dr morrow chose for his subject why should we support missions members of tho assisted in uie service duncan campbell of moffat among the canadian breeders who will tuchlbit live stock ut uie id 36 inter national uvfctock exposition to be he la from nowmbcr clsui to december 5th mr campbell will sliow ills flue short harn herd books of all description are now on display ut ulntons so to it 00 store wo iwve the regular toy picture books fairy story tales and wonderful range of teen ago books for boys and girls that we onvr specially at 25c rebels in eramosa in 1837 continued from face one bread and bold that no more food would bo provided that day mr peters says that some prisoners were released to make room for tne men from eramosa and in their haste to get away they left their rest of straw their prayer book and all the live stock ex cept what was on their persons the seven men were charged among other things that not having tho fear of ood in their hearts but being moved and induced by the instigation of the devil they did traitorously compass imagine intend to bring and put our cold lady tho queen to death and that they did as false traitors endeavor to induce persuade with force and arms other subject to levy war against our sovereign lady the queen that they hd meet on the 8th day of december 1837 in the township of eramosa dis trict of gore and with other false trait ors did conspire consult and agree amrmg themselves unlawfully and wlck tdly to fulnl and firing to effect thelr sald traitorous xompaaslng imaginings and intentions the men were put on trial on march 8th ibm the grand jury of 18 men found true bill against the seven men mr peters says all thoroughbred tories from eramosa who were now again in jail and they were given 10 days in which to prepare their defence they subscribed 10 00 each toward the 7000 necessary to hire lawyer rubllo feeling ran high at home in fergus and guelph and among govern ment officials and was strongly against tht ty mrs anne smith at the ripe old age of ninetytwo years mrs annie smith passed away in tor onto tho home of her daughter mrs wlularn cogglns the funeral was held on tuesday of las week from the homo at 137 carlaw avenue with service con ducted by rev brwlngcr of aebon mrs smith resided part of tho time in acton with her daughter mrs road ellen mcajplne and christina wallace floral tributes included the following wreaths from the family elders of naa sagaweya presbyterian church sprays from uio young peoples society the hustlers club honor ttie nely weds thp shamrock hustlers project club of dublin held concert and dance in womens missionary society womens ulo acoo on friday evening tho fol instltutc mrs lasby and mrs el liott mr and mrs david henderson more visitors to national parks lowing program was given by the girls of tho club with mr walter tinhorn acting as chairman chorus by the girls recitation alma watson vocal duett verna webster and rachoal mullln polk dance by tho girls vocal solo verna webster piano duett dorothy motor tourist traffic to tho notional muh dialogue iarks of canada for tho sixmonth married with tho following characters juua verna webster belle radical mullln ernest wuda mc pcriod ended september allowed an in llghi and hntmrn srnitn omu ul corrc interment in scarboro lawn coroo 103s on alaunhlln eln dorothy barber vocal toy lndlvlduo1 lmrk whcro solo wllda mcolaughlln piano olo the funeral wo very largely attended mour uml ta kopt dl mr robcrtao then at the close gratifying gains over last season remarkable advance was registered in the mountain parks of british colum uslng every endeavor to have them hung fcr treason the government was deter mined to suppress with ruthless hand any attempt at sympathy with the mac kenzie rebellion james peters had lost his position as clerk he was in jail whun the yn1 township netting was held in january ind sam fteor waj ppolnted in his place for 1818 and sam balls for 1839 th solicitorgeneral himself afterwards judge draper ap peared for the crown and tried all his tact and takmt with the witnesses to cure conviction there were 80 petit jurors summon ed 57 tories and 23 reformers it ap peared tliat the tpen from eramosa wvro doomed mr peters relates whav he terms miserable attempt to send them all to be tried higher tribunal than that summoned to meet in hamilton the government had stored 50 jcegs of gun powder in uiu cells which were all plank and umber the night before the trial same tlend it lire under the cell d4or and before morn big uti building was tilling with smoke james benham was ctorr viirjq same years ago was one of the original members of the amis of epg tho late mrs smith was the mother of mrs edward qoadknight and mr sydney smith of acton other survivors are son william and mrs albert quaning ton daughter and the many floral tributes that filled the room testified to the esteem and affection in which th deceased was held bla where kootenays total of 44050 she was bom in england her husband visiting motorists representea gain of edward smith who predeceased her 20 per cent over 1035 registrations at yoho park totalled 14474 persons an increase of 20 per cent of albertas national porks banff and watcrton lakes showed the greatest gains motor registrations at the eastern gateway to banff pork totalled 118247 against 01502 for 1035 gain of 20 per cent and traffic to wacerton lakes park advanced james wilds gloverevlllc from 47777 to 58540 an increase of 22 relatives in acton received word dur per cent motor traffic to jasper park ing the post week of the death of james increased 55 per ccnv to 3301 cars and wtlds at his home 40 union street jo slight gain was recorded at elk island aioversville nvy mr wilds was eighty park where 42832 persons were counted five years of age and was brother of attendance at buffalo park declined the late mrs david williamson of acton slightly from last season tho figures for and his last visit to acton was at tho tho shemonth period totalling 8440 time of her passing six years ago saskatchewans national playground mr wilds was born on july 3lst 1851 prince albert porkj experienced flow at whitby and had been resident of of tourist traffic with tobal of 242fri glovorsville ny for the past 50 years visitors net gain of 20 per cent jud tjvw 3fi vnr wax tn rham jitvhc lng mountain national park in manitoba buckskin deportment at ljttauer bros with 04627 visitors to the end of be in 1019 he entered the glove business for tcmbcr is well ahead of the tolal for the himself under the firm name of james some period of 1035 and promises to wilds son on east state street exceed the record of 100035 established survlng him are three sons fred of for the whole season of 1934 vancouver julian of tororlto of all the kational porks point peleo and harley of aioversville ny wo park in southwestern ontario had the daughters miss ida wilds of glovers greatest number of visitors receiving vllle and mrs roy woolley of lnirtlond oregon mr george wilds acton is brother and the last sur viving member ofthe family sympathy of friends here goes but to ulo bcxuavcd ttie funeral was held on saturday and interment was made in vrn dale ceme urj gloversvillc show boat coming to acton rarely lias play exerted cuch an emotional grip on ucum who luve taken part in it as lias show boat th jerome kutioscur ilammerstxln music al romantic drama which corned lo the gregory theatre on monday tlui hobi unit uw production luut on performer indicated by the overv helm ing desire of trouper to repeat tlwir show boat role letups conw to universal ktudlos from all oiir tlur coun try players ulio liad at onvs tlmtf or another been in stage premutation of show boat mulcted tliat tliy be allowed to rp tlialr parts in tin plirto play but wlnn all tin roles luul beei flluid tlurri ure till 100 former actors from sliow boat coniponua ulio coultl not be placed in tin caht uiuyiji unlior kiih uantikl to make illm ulth leirjl captain andis magnolias raiennh julks uild sherkft plajlnu u10 iiarts at tlu iann tlim having ut ksy dutor kou take dep breath and nine tline tliiiu willie afur inhihngt ytufiit 11 not ckanck patitut uuruvtmyt stipfiose ih ttinratlun 111 daliutnurf doctor doctor noilixtiafl you could buj daimcrollj ujetulloii fur 40 ilrst man to raise tiie ularrn and all the prisoners niade noise enough for tin jailor and turnkey to luior tliese two men took axes and with uie help of win of uuj guards wm kennedy afuruards of guelph clmpped off un nlanks betuantn the lire and uie gun poader tlia feelings of tin prisoners orf uiey lieord uie sound of tlw axes and won devd wlnjtlxjr tliey ucre to met deatli by fire or explosion can hardly be des cribed excepting wm kennedy none of the dastardly vllluuis who had been ft to guard uu jail would laid luuid to extinguish uie fire writing 20 yean later mr peters says uiat no notice was token of this uanton act and no effort uaimade by un authorlues to discover tlw perpetrators prom uie time tin court opened ull at night tin prisoners ucre made to stand the three crown witnesses were william campbell of eramosa walter king later of guejph and robert grin dell of lot 13 concession eramosa tho croun foiled to gt anything on of thui3 ultneases on uhlch to secure conviction and uie defence counsel oslc ed uiat uie case go to the jury wlulout liearlng uie eight ultncsses for ul fence tlio prosecution vould not consent to this hoping by crossexamuiauan to bring out some damaging evidence from dfftnse witnesses after examining tluve of uuoi the proiacutton rested uielr case and tlie judge cliaraed the jury duelling on tlio enormity of uie crime of treason but tiling tlnm uiat if an doubt twisted tho prisoners trv en titled to uie benefit after rulrenibpt of elht mlnutts the jury brought in erdict of not guilty and one of the most surring cliopters in th history of township of eramosa uos ended james peters wxs one of tha founders of speediddu congregational church was total ahtalner most unusual sind for man to talc in thooc dayl hen uhlsltei uas tlu regursr beverage tt tin many bees the tattlers hed in clearing land and erecting building when the priuuierj uere released they tcurtd tuo gallons of good uhbikcy and jamiaadmlu that iltli the othyr ji mlout he did take pull at old jero boam but 20 years later lie staus that be had only tested it tu ice sire am in ttgrtoment uth jamet ptten thit the ibt policy ith regard to uhu kiy is to leve it alone my ast drln lis 11 wet and ill 11 it in irunce in iu7 ulun thing uer lit yoinn tuo iil have cvr iin uiuouul nf uiiitln far jim and hope he uill ivuul that drapple ufn 111 nurrou trape from tf itli ntmtf blastini liiv an nuikt emu blud continued na vvi 20l40 motorists to set new nllumo record far this popular recrcauonal area the ptfcst map kennedy winnipeg friends hero will regret to lear of untdcauriir winnipeg of william new man kennedy who married miss edna may miller nauvc of acton the fol lowing is from the winnipeg free prest prominent railway architect and ploiieo resident of winnipeg wllllim moved baus of are neumon kennedy 372 banning street uiought was qulto stauonary died friday morning at ids residence among the earlient philosophers who at tifrrt rt nw lit mhk vipphew nf ftnl fn rnnrrtvi hip nrlpln nfl11 tiie credit for drawing uo first map goes to greek philosopher anaxlman der who lived between 500 and 600 bo anaximanders map represented strange dca of uie world because so little of it7 was then known and llko all men of his ume ho had no idea that the world was globe he uiought of it as completely flat on cxpanw of water and land over which the earth itself ho ho was kennedy second mayor jf win ntpes who held office in 1875g he uoii chief draftsman in uil lingln ering department of uie canadian papliic italluay from 1q00 to 1012 unn for three years he uas in private busi ness hj joined uie architectural staff of the canadian kortlicrn railway in 1015 and after the amalgamation of u10 grand trunk and canadian northern lines into uie canadian national hall ways lie was made assistant clilef archi tect wlui lieadquartlrs in montreal surviung ore his widow dna may miller kennedy formerly of acton ontario uiree cluldren john and kennedy of winnipeg and ehxaehth kennedy sclwol teaclur at dugald man and one sister mrs brown winnipeg xtus henderson tlu community of nassaffuueya was indeed allocked to hear of uie sudden and unexpected passing at uie general hospital gaelpji on wednesday novem ber 18th of agnfl jane little beloved ulfc of john henderson in her 57ui jear mrs henderson uiu operated on for appendicitis uiree eeks no and as tlwucht to be recoerlng she uas uw dauchter of the late joseph and mn little of moffut and uas born and reared there arid married to jolm hen derson qq december 4ui 1907 the deceased will be missed not only hi her home ami community but also in roas sagaucja prvsbyterlaii church uhore blie has attended and lias taken on actlw part since early childhood mrs henderson liod been member of th3 choir und at the tlnu of lier deatii was much beloved leacjier in the sabbath school and president or the womans mbjjonary society of which flic uas life member sin uas also member and regular attendant of the ladies aid tmd womens insuute one could aluaya liw sure of helping hand louardi any gtxid cause in the district from this popular ivjdent iujdei lier husband she leaes to mi urn lur lo three tons cliarle of toronto jamw and japh at home thro slfitftrs mm holnuvi toronto mrs lowrtj culgarj mrs ijwk vau couvit und tuo brother janici little vancouvir cturles utue cnmbrook the fur nil uas held vit toiulu ud ut the pi tor kew lank luus uvt mattluu er jl in mil uei in alit urd is shi phi rd things royal guelph now flavuno pigskin parade the football musical mon toes reunion starriiik tlic d10nne quints continuous saturday from 200 pm nkxt wed fill december 2nd 3rd 4th mae west in go west young man of the program miscellaneous shower was presented to mr and mrs hoger barr tlio followhig address was road by miss isobcl brims dear slgna and roger it is wlui tho grcatiest of pleasure that we your friends and members of uie shamrock hustlers project club assemble liero tonight to cx prwu to your our heartiest congnw tuiauons upon your recent marriage though not always able to be pre oait wo have enjoyed liovlng you as leader of our club wo wish you nought but liappmcss for all your wedded years may health and wealth and joy bo yours sprinkled by few tear may all una little things of life grow larger in your care and wisdom fill uw happy years as silver streaks your ludr tothxutnotrlenash psniade utus and put on each lock wo give to you our fondest wish wlui theso our gifts when you hove left our beaten way and find lifes not all flowers may it recount uie joys youve luul and all tho happy hours members of fcho shamrock hustlers club and friend aftei unch was served the rcmaiidii of uie evening was spent in dancing music being supplied by uie dublin or chestra hitchhiking round the world in lylduy si hiiu by her taking us his the fivoritc namely ihe uad kind hill in the mut uirllllim trawl story tr id in ainerlra the toll ilrollieri ruili je llltchiilliiu luiund the rid ullf be ni utetl in acton united church itthj thursday dec 10 1l iimi pui in hut mm digrtim why the lrtt4 uiilse it turn likn tnauldin he into mlti llirht uijd artr gotl iitrmiiit ua ut un ii acton th pslllxan uof six kldes of he rhiinh mirr dull irv hu neuon andirumi win diedge an 111 ti pi ticket are 2lw fur ac ult drew mcalplm muh 0i111 lloliei an vm tir lh ubm cture uo allen tlu ilmir barr wire tli brillurs llluorth stand mimk piidhun anna micn gar tuo aiulr in 1mu line in thj rude erni 111 citiarine audirwiu lt lelicj apnais in arab co tumr accknt on aockskoiues by barbara brooks clothes do not make the man so have been told ever since wo ere old enough to wear garments nor do ac cessories and garnishes make uie food we cat another truism that we have heard much of since we ucre old enough to cook on boui of thce ccortj ue have little corner of our minds which nays iontrinnctdrtty7vtrfybij cioerieji aoitt moke uie man and maj be garnirdieji dont mak the roast but they ro long uay touard mnklnb life more interest ing wc hac to botklo the part of our mind uhlch wont accept truirm as holly fue then ue start to think cf food ulthout jarnlshmcnt plain and un cmbellklud it uould still be food ro doubt but uie joy of eating would be gone we uouldnt feel little wave of pleasure at wlng lovely dlih appear before us colorful and attractive in ar rangement we uouldnt think of our menu as color picture into which each food must blend we uouldnt have uie joy of achieving somouiing new and dif ferent in the uaj of garnish that uould make our friends say susan is original iuish could think of things that million other people hadnt thought of before mel ko food would not be the same lthout uie little touches the furbeloun uie plus gestures the added attractions coolwry uouldnt be fun if ue didnt put the accent on acccnsorlls for soujis crenjntd ono especially croutons of course pop corn if you like cheese toat grated mw carrots toasted shredded almonds rice krinplcs salted hipped cream grated choose or tiny cheeje cubes hipped cream cheese finely chopped green pepper and tlio good old standby parsley and paprika be sure to keep your minds eye color conscious and accent your light soups ulth bright garnlsluji your gay soups uith light garnuihei grated raw carrots an potato sou lis suited whipped cream on cream of tomato for palaib tiny pimlento ring ar ftrli finely chapped grcon peppen jr chlvci shreds of swlyi cheese all bran match slicks of ciyrots wafer uiin slicea of sulet plckla slices of hard caokvd c8u3 or fiuelj rlced yolk grated raw bee us nuts uhole shredded or chopped waur civ curly endive tomato slices thin strips of tmitflen cilery hearts chlcorv tiny cubes of cream chuoso anchovy filleui ltmon ulth lh salads and pars lei long may it uave ihlt la slum jou what th lilte tntichi can do for food ue give iou rtuoitolat bnakfiit ctreal udil bit of firtlug and estol ue luive cnai lion that make breakfast fun for iuij tin ktplut of us poaci1fd wiioij wiipat ilisculls ulu le wheat bulllt tibli ions lirovui inar tabli pooii butti cup milk put bi cult in sh illou iiiik pm ulwuit lii tnhiiitts i3trf hot ulth 111iil ni the pan yilii mns non aildltloual migm und maj be irvid if dtihetl an entirely new feature is presented at the acton beauty parlor noma machineless permanent wave as tho name indicates no machlne is used in diving this wondcful permanent it is so comfortable so sample in operation and so pleasing uiat you will be amazed and delighted ulth uie results if you have uie tap of hair uiat nover talces successful permanent this is thq wave you require test curl will prove just what noma can do for you maleo an appointment now to have free test curl tim result will uirlll you phone 156 ley gift suggestions glovesilk velvaisueote lingerie practical gift vclviumixta id lovely locknlt iuxiuro at puro dya fabric nvcat ridincs vxquklle goftncjut and unusual ktrcnetli jtls luoce velvet looks iike swede weajis like iron cant ron undo in vcsu illoomcni isintk itodcrly stylod tor pit and comfort slip pyjln tuid oowils vests bloomers panties bo 59c white and tea ue slips white or tea fetoao sthap 100 botlt dp 12s pyjamas gowns lace trim and tailored btyltis 19s vclvasuedd lingerie co are putting on an interesting contest sure and gev your entry form be we have laxioe assortment of goads on display uiat make lovely gifts shop early while lines are complete hosiery scarfs gloves underwear pyjamas gowns hresslng oowna robes sueatvrs blouses handkerchiefs blankets comforters spreads towels tabic clothes cushions table ttunners andmauyotherlhius wear well hosiery by clinton knit see the large range on display in our window of the family quality line reasonably priced name implies wear well lin for all members they are all uiat uir trv pair today and be convinced in the grocery dept for your christmas linking you wunt he ijt wc are prepared to supply your necds with iiioii quautv goods that are presii and reasonably priced elliott bros phone we deliver acton freds cash and carry man now at the door of the americin homo he und bii film slur wife hi lcn vinson ure furniihlng british tennli ulu tied perry reads tililumiy eonurattilating lum upon bin cisiou to turn pioxeibioiial iiniuumced uu hu hurried westward from new york im eubh and ait man from now on said tie bluckhaired netler who it is bald may 11 due lliouou within the next few ymra as pro cmijin iiiulu

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