Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Nov 1936, p. 7

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thursday november aeth 1w the acton free press page fisvkh let vm not with mournful musing fret oer follies of the put nor forever too accusing oooe the dice of fate are cast rather kt ui in our sadness torn to things of which were proud seeing as robe of gladness tbab which once we called shroud when with aching hearts we listen for voice well never hear and our eyes in sad glisten as we wipe away tear let us not toe only copies of those fears we wish to hide but beneath our scarlet popples let our heart toeat loud with pride on novembers choired breeaes in the distance hear it swell tu an anthem that well pleases from the throata of those who fell stand not only wrappd in sorrow but lay hold on life lnstcad faahion now that great tomorrow as tribute to your dead strom alio way twenty yeatts ago from the two vt the free presa of thursday november 30th 191s chronicles of ginger farm written specially far mr and mrs goocgo hszell returned this week from lengthy visit in the north west mm geotko itavill and mrs lalxd wcro delegated to the provincial women institute convention in toronto and thoy also uttendvd the reception of lady hendry at government house the actoii uoy scouts hav organized utjlc band eight buglers and four drumnun uill compose tliu bojwl with mr mooi as instructor mr and mn iluurl baldwin of th third lint who recently told tliclr form tj mr hardy am rnnovliur to acton last sunday was epworlh league day in tho mtthodlst church and tlio ser mojia uvrc vcry uppropr lately suited to tho occasion news from tho lg4th uaualioii the men art enjoying athletic contests with tho 205th hamilton tliti bugkr loutltt gave juvtruj buylo calls at the garth street mctliodlst church enur taliuncntj on monday evening fiorn wikteubon in actbn on sunday november j6th 1bi0 to mr and mrs chos winterbon ton krnmth charles oltace at the general hospital guclph on saturday november 11th 1910 to mr and mr grace acton tan llojd george 1111 stonb at grace hoaplui toronto on monday novtmb 31th 10klwhhtiv stone oflcd yeart ixalton killed in uctlon omewhen to franc on scpt mber 20th ldlfl charles dulton dirly beloved lnii band of llht oritfiui formerly of aeton why dost you ullax we all know people who go at full speed all day lonif without stopping who are so irrltaud tluy could throw thing who are ready to flare up at the least little thing ho tiro being driven to distraction they iud to learn to relay tlio rotate of relaxation for the human organism is luciary for health for at least some part of each day the moru uo can relax in both mind and body uw more rested are for inumlvt physical and mental exertion authorities oil the subject of relaxa uon claim thut tlurre wouldn bo tli number of people in our canadian mental lnstltutlotu and tlu long waiting list if people lcormxl liow to relax sleep provided us with period of relaxation but additional short periods of relaxation are btnchclal during our working houra under modem conditions of living wliat does such relaxation do for us it hau our muscles improves our dlges tive system reduces uw work the hcat lias to do and relaxes out arteries not only does relaxation do these tilings it removes fear anxiety worry ungr and dissatisfactions tho more vo can keep our minds clear of tliesa dis turbing emotions the greaur is our poise our mental calm our capacity for reason and good judgment and the greater are our chances for avoldlntf nervous breakdown what state pro you in right now are you in suspense expectant alert con tcentratlntf intently anxious fearful an noyed irritable angry or duuatlsflcd why don you lt back and relax relaxation is liclthy to let down to become physically quiet and pashe ta relinquish responsibility and to forget tlwj futqre to cuar auuy the confusion of ambition and frustration and to cul tuate mental calm this is uk way to rest the body and mind do it several times day preferrably after meau it wont be easy at fbt the trick of ktung the world slip by without your doing anything ubout it for moment or so is hard out by practice it can be learned and ulth the habit will came moments of happliwis and longer stronger life ax it luoulsa gfcys hkktlgatlov on tlu umgusa itlv 12 miles from bulaueyo tlu first irrigation project in boutlicm niiodcu is rapidly ruaring completion tti rei4rolr ujll hold 000 000 gallons of water the dam wall itself is btlng constructed on bend of ih rlvcr and is to iw no fes iuih and 000 feet long it will l1w pth of 40 fet of water inmdt and tlirow the waur ui for urn and half mill the dam will irrigate iclillllj 1j turtity uci ptuli lei ik ka rd to tulluble letthrh he uppllettkiyi for llu plots will be ri fully tuehd and uv il kpeula iiii tlu laud ulll im grauud only ul lrjchold ulul tlu ttptlll of pujyr eluiso hi upprovtxl iumi ait live ycurn gwkndolynk guue at we froaen up wonder for the duration of the winter if wo are sqppoee we cannot reasonably expect anything else but oh if wo could only have cold days without so much wind however it was not of weather condi tions promised to write this week bub to continue my story of the book pair so back we go to wednesday afternoon in book pair week halph connor was the second speaker that afternoon now know there are many people who like ilajph connors books and they would probably have enjoyed his address as lie was speaking quite bit about his own writing and how many of his books came to bo writ ten but as am not particularly keen on lis books naturally did not alto tiler appreciate his address wednesday enjoyed myself immense ly rho nrl speaker was marlus uar bclu french canadian and his rub joet uil the foll lore of old quebvc mr llarbeau ftjt lhao canada is in danger of loi frig lomething which if lost can xarc ly be covered and that li tlw folk iiig of tli quebc habitant mr 111 boau hlmlf har been in trumental in ivlni folk lore from extinction in munj in tances mr ilirbe iu quite unconsciously uppoie appeared quite in keeping with lib subject how bhall describe him ho was not old fashlonkhl and yet there uoj decldid oldworld charm about him whi upicalcd to lib audience at once perlups it was hbj mutton cliop whlkcni mr barbeau brought with with him delightful oldtimer vruiich liabltant in native drej who hallyl from qutbec and who juuh for many quaint action tongs inapr ich dialect the old hun was seventytwo but wliat pendldveriechchad al though it was impossible to follow his uordj jet hit gi turej it was easy noiigh to understand his rmts next on the program and by special request was grey owl when grey owl befan to peak uie mlcropliantj wcr removed and as he spoke the tall nalhc indian walked backwards and for wards backwards and forwards tlie full length of tlu platform clearly un hurriedly ho told us the btory of ills iff llou he liod un adopted by the ojlbuay tribe and taught hunting and trapplnff by ery old indian well vers ed in the uay of tho wild wood grey oul uj lie becamo older lived bj the pro eeds from the trap lines jut the jime or the other indians until at lart becieme intensely lntcnsted in tl beaer fajnlly and formed th deter mination to protect and preserve wild life ratlier than destroy it as hu love for tile bavers greu so did ills desire to preserve tliem and lie did for the beavurs what lie might not have done for hlmr if iv made tremendous itrjduj towards better education ho mixd witli the white people us much as poc iible trjing to ktlr up entliuslasm for his schema to protect tho utile beavers grey owl asks nothing for himself ills only petition is uiat tlic natural wild life of our canadian forests be handed over to tin only onca whom he claims know how to deal with it the native indians grey owl contends that large sums are spent annually by tlie federal gov ernment to keep tlw indians in idleness money which might be put to better advantage and the indi ns be mab hap plr and more useful citbsns by being alloued to rvvvft to their own natural waj of living tiilto wasio doubting qrey owls sin cerity and enthusiasm which appeared to completely captivate lus audience and ratlier fancy the time may yet come which will bring success to his appeal for his fellow countryman and also ills ulovikl hoaver grey owl has remarkable paronal lty uo has natural cosy grace an alert manner an expression which be tokvns hidden humor and physique which hears testimony to tlie hard out door life lid lias led after tlie meeting uiat night hun drtdj of peopv gathered round tlie plat form for etianoe to spaok to orey owl to shake luuuis with lm and auto graph hunteru vtv there to get hu mguatu eat back and watclied the croud and wondered is uielr interest the sunday school lesson continued from page two the epistle to the church of colosc where philemon and onflshnus lived paul speaks of this converted slave as the faithful and beloved brother col through preaching tho gospel paul had begotten him cor 18 here we see the preachers part in the new birth and also the instrument used by the holy spirit in the now birth tho gospel or the word of ood cf peter 23 jas 18 the nam oneslmtis means helpful up to this time oneslmus had not been helpful but unprofitable or useless now by the transforming power of the gospel had become profitable or of good use cf tim 11 in 12 paul speaks even more tenderly of oneslmus my very heart mine own bowels is tho translates is more literal die bowels being to the thought of that day tlwr seat of affection compassion and motion puul loved tills slave whom ho had led to the lord ry tender and longed for his companionship and jervlec as he belonged to philemon houcver paul would only have tins ui vlco by philemon fl glad consent not in the slightest degree by constraint xtie only tenl tlmt acceptable to god or christ uiat which is rendered voluntarily of glad free choice pa 110 cor cor peter oiilhlmll hud don wlek dly in robbing philemon and running iu iy from him but god hid made even that to uork for ood for philemon iv 1j and for the lalvatlon of one imuu cf hamuli 28 gt 45 sb 50 20 ph 7g 100 act 27 20 on imu would now lie lomethlng immeasur ably more aluable to philemon than lave brother beloved what oiulerf ul ay of looklnr at one lave or orvanb nfter they and jou are converted but tint tlie only chrl han uay of looking at them sec nw in one imu tijs piul and re ceive him ilt inyt if ii vlcarlou atonement 18 20 ju as paul takei nil or ouclmu obllgatloiu to philemon upon himself so the lord jcsui har tnlen all of our ob ligations to ood upon iliiusclf paul jtaji put all the obligations and debts of on imu to my uccount our snvlour raji lmt all the obligations and dtbu of evcrj believer in me to my ac count god has done it 53 gal 10 13 cor jl oncjmuj had no need to fear to meet philemon nou much as he had tinned against him nor need ue now have any fear of meeting god much as we liaw sinned at nln him jcus hxui assumed the full mca ure of our lntlebtednes slats diaky by olxvkb waaxtxn sunday the preecher cum home with us for dinner 4c to the convcraasnen ast pa sed ho what do you think of man who is ail ways dcceevlng his wife the preecher dlddertt seem to think it funny when pa rcpllde 4c sed he thotr him mlrokel man tuesday what are life tho teecher ast jake who sed 1st darn uilng after another so ho herd ac love alio ast blisters at ho sed darn things after each another she shuck iter hed in dlssgust but when told it to pa he seel not bad tall wedncsda tho teecher was tcllcn are class thai they am star abovn mutch bigger the whole world why dont it sited off uie rain uten sed jake in his dumncss strange to say shi ciiddcnt ausrr or dlddcnt no how thursday reel in tho noost paper where it bed tlie llrrt usa pubh nkool was started up in boston in 18 ir 21 witch with mo done rlmo with tlu lilerty my hlstry layj the pllgrcm futhers mm here to give to vvry no lot of other kids who ce tho mater ditto friday see where man onct made rvkkord by walking from to lransanilko in 70 days ac 10 hm lino bleevc could hitch hiker it qulckcrn that if tlu hweiu get much balder maj tee what can do siturday are fambly iuli jolved ui riddel of the re wnt tleckihcn voted for govcrjur limden jl sajn it uaf btcoi of fvw nin tlourt on inoddle ford ma are for pre uosenfelt rajj it was luenriey on pickerd llneiu cld djlux and etc fer unkel hen coin itle luvkriiilr sniiinsn homis tho home thit lullfl make for tlilinthe nr of all luipen and are very beautiful but they art often of extruordln iry hardm ts we may wondr how ueh jelly like thing can manage to form ruch it tolld com trucllon ar pla of refugu tlie hell li really compad of lime from the blood of the ilulliuh which came from the rocks and which tho flsh ghc out to harden and take uie form or the hell rpeclnl jiart qr the illi cnll the mantle achieves thli throulh cell which act in para ting the car bonate of lime from the body of the flsh as the fuh gain in rlzc the mantle does alo and tlie quantity of lime deposited ul increases genuine or li it the outcome of curl ajty to me the indian is pathetic llgur man deprived of his birthright dc moralled by our so ciued clvlllauon and hlr itality and phlcal ablllt deenomted through an unnatural waj of livlng the next dij uv unable to spend much time at the book pair and friday nc ling came lu feellng that irv ihort ita in toronto had been ui mat satlrfactory liollday had spent in learo have lumrd tiie bookmen ajuo clauan spoken of as being no moc tluin publicity stunt for tlie benefit of the publishing houses perlinps it there are tricks to every trade but even if that be to it publicity stunt uiat ajso bcrkjlts uie public so why worry sword isii sinks boat after an cncounur wltlf giant sword firh the iitch el khalr an arab dhow juns unk recently near bcrbera brltiih bomajiland the pasengerii were awak ned by croj water poured in through nnt in tho hips side ml the charge of th sea montcr the ere inu of the terrified people on board ut acted another dhow which rescued pnsengen and crvu bexore the disabled boat foundered the giant cwordflsh rarel en but it known and feared by all dhow mosterj iu ual weight is 200 to 300 pounds and its charge wlui its sharp su ord easily penetrates uie filmy umber of the native dhows havi never met successful man ho lsn wrapped up in his work simply for uie sake of the work simply because he likes it rudy vollee scotts scrapbook by cctx aaaupowlq wa hit monvn roocr op am cadiv ttxmpt ro noduge horjclcs caruiaqca nwrfviah food eo tilt wmt wokklo tupanep vjint his pttf wrni 4rtawd of uaftic m4p fieea imtva tvjimtd ih til hait htwculht waua oq cam 5xhd iii blow of hcavv club ott hatttt ah oh hit iteao hifuour much harm iwtutttoflhci samfs of papua hxpsuplal fftod kpunham wdt5 alhtat rtepe it liffta ok ko vja1su dllfosni tcictc hayche5 rkau rfi auuct iu poucm om rfi bacv arufthmuteathne nm mm am tea the free press says think what this won derful offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year tor yourself and your fam ily magazines of your own choice and this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful departments ana color ful illustrations now is your chance group croup select one magazine select one macazjn madeans 24issuk lyr national home monthly yr canadian magazine yr chaiebine yr ppfctorial review lyr sliver screed yr amwitaa boy yr parents magaztoe 6dm can hortkuttine and home mapzine lyr liberty mag52ksues1 yr judge lyr parents magazine lyr true stay lyr sereenland yr house garden 6mo this offer fully guar anteed all renewals will be extended take your offer no choice one magazine from group one magazine from group and this newsoaner niagaijiic ii um group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group and this newspaper ssss end ijn and time tables at aoton nadjan nionalrajlways ottog cut dally xccpt sunday 705 jn oally except bunday 104tjn dmlly except sunday 011 pjn sunday only 719 pm ootng wt dally exceot sunday 89 ajn dally except sunday 33 pm dally rxocpt sunday pjn dally except sunday 13 40an sunday only 11 33 standard time arrow bus eptecxive sep1 21th 1d30 leave westbound dally 45 iuu dully except aturdtty 1145 im dally 15 pn saturduy only 15 pm dally 15pm dully rl5 pin dilly 11 15 pin dully uj in leave easxboijnd dally txcipt sunuu dilly dilly dilly illy dully 00 10 in 45 put jo 45 pm 00 pm ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop riewleskntative goto dlsirlat mutual norwich union catuulaki hro inutraace company th alllajnoe ararmkioe co the ciiahtally vt causula asamnnco company the merehjuiu cutulty the poriaceiatrmlrla motnaj whats the news news is changing con htanuy events happen fast and things change over night only an alert newspaper can keep ahreaiit of these happenings on many local fronts the acton free press often its readers complete service in news reporting and vcdilorlal features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now aim keep up with the tunes the actoiifreeprss acton ontario subscriptions for al magazine taken at the free ifteas oflie muggs and skeeter by wally bishop uiv atcu cwlll ituuavl mrilrtct miur ion ooc ttv rcmlmueots pukviklo cmeds itle jutxt amtc tkiasnuaii3 piuv wnu ulu ciop kirrimo im coucrr ifw watrirni ktid3 wwjrli san clwfu lil lioc allo mutts ctmnnmekhivmw couji en ui tui vsucv jim it yalkimo mteclp vwucrc it eveeveoovs xnfetl d6mauid

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