Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Nov 1936, p. 6

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paob ape the actonfbee press thursday novtmbtb 2mb 1m bow geaivppa proposed lie always smiled and wicked one c4 any time happened tor he joined the village choir and aald he liked the way baked my bread sometime he squeeaed my hand mite aattunc in the candlelight lie often helped me find cow that auayed off from the placo some how and once when fell on the lot ho picked mo up and kissed me twice and thats how grandpa paved the way for me tout the wedding day james sanaker xat fish fob health vp you in touch food unit whl return for your tiwlft once write fish should swim thrice lliat it should swim in the seas do you mind mo7 then it should swim in butter and at laab sirrah it should swim in good claret dispense with the clarvt for this would not he in kccpliur with our effort to help the hoitmwivcs of culiadl stretch uwlr food dollar to tho limit it lioi been our ulm imwruy to with seasonal inula yiv you thti blggft dollar hi health from an economic ur uvll an from hen ltll standpoint lb is deslrublu that ilh luuld haw tin important place on our bllloffare it cuimot be toj strongly emphaslaaxl that for working txoplc ull classes those who worc with their hftads os well tts those who work with tllr hands llilf is tin ccon omlcal somxo of energy ncrssary to enable them to carry on their work wl for children aivd young people it fur nishes the very materials that arc needed to vinablc them to crow healthy attj strong fish as you know one tlu im portant protein foods it mokus pleasing variation of the dally diet and khould be included at least twice wouk in your menu tlierc is wide variety to choose from fresh or frozen filleted boneless dried canned pickled cured mid smoked fish aro very easy to dieesua fact of particular importance in thtserday when so many people ur of sedentary hablu laro jish are an rule belter when steamed or boiled medium aliees oiks uiould bo baketlor fidlit open mid broll td and small ones should bo fried vhiwnsh trout mackerel and emal cod sliould be split down tlvc back and broiled wliole if preferred cut off the lwrad and tall halibut and salmon should ybe cut into inch slices and turn ed often while broiling to clean fish wipo with cloth wet in salt water and dry on fish towel cason oily ylshnocd only salt and pepper but dry raeatod fish nhould be spread with oil before broiling use double wire broiler greased wtll with salt pork rind put thickest edge of tish next to the middle of broiler and turn often with split flsh war the flesh side zirst and then turn the nrc alwuld be hot and clear the time of cooking will vary with the thick iwss of ash when ready to servo loosen the ash fronrbrouer on each ide open broiler slide flah on platter flesh aide uppermost spread with butler salt and pepper garnish wltii butter cream and border oi potato balls there are any number of saues to by served too with scalloped ttsh creamed also baked ash but these filial be dealt with in another article start today planning to serve fish in your weekly menu ifere la nice recipe for halibut eieaks spanish style vry timely ijontyou think am sure many of those spanish mothers would like to go buck to the quiets peaceful days before the revolution and prepare such dish for their family choose stek two incites thick and weighing from two to four pounds ac cording to tlvc ae of your family sprinkle with salt on both sides and let stand for onelulf an hour then drain and pat dry with absorbent paper put into pan of suitable dh one fourth of cup of bacon fat tlie juice of large lemon lfct all heat together then lay in the fish steak cover closely and allow barely to simmer for twenty to tldrty minutes or until doiie ulic moment fork can be inserted between flesh and bone the flsh is cooked serve with lioeatrlng parsnips and paprika garnish quick supper dish lb can of salmon lj cups crackers crushed cup milk teaspoon salt 10 teaspoon pepper tablespoon buuer skvklt despair though fortune frowns upon ypu and life seems full of cure all irln is are but ftctlug so friend do not despair remember tliat tis always tlio darkest ere th day and when thy lot looks hlnckeit tim cloud will voir wily then brood not oer thy troubles cut cast all gloom orldc tv wiser to bo cheerful whatever may betide ood sends those little borrows to make us firm and true and he will make them cosy ir we keep his cross in view from the old scrap book in the course of time the membci of uw kennedy family one by one left theiold roof tree kate married ciiarllc dean and ws the wife and motlicr of hnppy home here donald went wst tom went to parry sound and shortly became the iwnd of home with dear lltue wife who reared him two sous and daughter to bo proud of she piodecoased him there and the light went out of the home litde married bob cralnc theirs was real love match and their home knew much of the joys of happy wedded life they moved oo kitcliener ahd later to tor onto and after number of years of successful business activity the head of this home slept with hbj rattlers oollna married jim prentice telegraph oper ator in few yeurs this youngest daughter died the father and mother both reached ripe old age the father passed away first and was mourned by the affectionate family only the moukr and maggie were left tu the old home and when mother was called saaggie was disconsolate she lived on in the old home faithfully performed lier duties as forewoman of the canada glove works which position she lield for many years to the giiat satisfac tion of mr storey and thirty or thirty flve years ago laid down uie responsi bilities of ufa and fell on sleep it is somewlut remarkable that tlie kennedy home was afterward the place wliere two members of early settlers families departed tills lire it was litre tliat thomas moore wlio came to aclon with his parents mr and mrs thomas moore in 185 and who was himself bom in county antrim ireland in 1831 paitjd away here also clirls topher masales whose father also settled here hi the forties bade adieu to eartluy things for moro tlian lialf of his twenty or twentyone years spent in acton ma wlllam stark accouiant for messrs storey ae son imd rotuiu liere his wellknown love for art and nature were manifested in his muchloved den where works of art rare photographs of live animals and birds rack of guns fish ing rods etc bore mute but eloqucn evidence of tlio sincere love litis talented man had for nature and natures pro ductlons mr stark removed to van couver more than twentyflvv years ago where he died ten or twelve years ago hre mr and mrs thas obrien and family natives of dear old ireland re heat milk add crackers sat pepper it many years but about ten years ago it was acquired by mrs noble who resides in toronto and has had many tenants but la at present un occupied tlu adjoining propvrly uuo has liutorj the dwelling which is now thought of as tho wee hoose of tlie street was erecunl about eighty years jnl holt who built uud oper tluy alrc umng busy day making uted large woollen mill which occupied and boiling plum puddlui tlu lit of mj janus vls roddenr mary klld the mbtivus tt and aiul tlu main suv end of wliul now if tliat urge pudding is roked tiliri itlvrr trvt mr and mrs john holt knife in it and uv if it rnnus out were el nied residents of acton for llr niunbrr of years in those early in mhiuui mary ivlurmd th days tlils mill was also riour jnill knife cume out wmidcrfully cuan mam wlilh was icruted by arthur imewej fclw said smiling so ole muck til and at one time it was saw mill with the other knives in it 1johii lloss and dan shoak us umtirletors and then stir in flaked salmon the ad dltlou ofokw wll beaten euu improves this tltsh serve on toast with slice of lemon or sprinkle tlnely chopped parsley over the top as garnish usift cuantit it was hen that dan shook and jlmmlc swltxer operated their famous turning lathes and turned out almost everything then known as products of the larm they turned table legs and pumps potato mashers and oeckyokrs banistjer spindles and sap bucket handles and spiles as well as the novelties they turn ed to present to tliclr girl friends ho verting to the llttlo house after mrt and mrs holt and their daughter louisa left acton mr sldnny smith st purchased the houw ho was en gaged lu ui lumbering business on an extensive scale at smiths mills in the first concession of esqucslng on the check line millions of feet of the nnnit clear yellow puio lumber was cut there uamed to acton and shipped to utldi points mr and mrs smith and thctr son charles sidney lived there until mr smith bulltf his cut stone mansion on tle fouracio site which is now the acton high school and grounds think there was brief interregnum between the time mr smith moved from tlie little house to fuirview place and thodal when the lute david hender son and family moved there when they came to acton from milton they came in 1b73 jack the first bom was little toddler and think alice now mm drl mekagile of winnipeg were the only children if my old memory serve me right dluirlle was born in this house uud perhaps one or two others old resldenui will romemlier that mrd hrlstle who hud been in the tiiercuntlle buslmli in milton and mr henderson his urolherlnlaw who was sour time deputyrebitrar hi the old hegktry office at milton form ed partnership under the skylo of chrbitle henderson nnd purchased the old establuhcjl general business lie re of tlie late cliarles symon father of tlie lutw james symon of the hardware otire mr symon was going to piirry sound us manager of the nowiyfornied gujlph lumber comiiany after living in this house for some tlm mr henderson and family removed to slower avenue to tlie house now owned and oopupled by mr and mrs hurrop remember being in christie si hendersons store one morning when mr henderson came in late some ono knew tliero had been baby matinee at tlie bower avenue residence the night before and propounded tho question well davie what bl it this tlmo oh she boy iiraln replied the com ing member of parliament for hln native county who was by this time the father of some four or five lusty sons and heirs then the comewliat loquacious david explained his somewliat paradoxical answer to his friends question you know he said when the peninsula of mlclugan was being jioltlcd the settlers were often at loss for names for their pew hamlets up in the north settle ment had grown up without name numbers of indians were still sojourn ing there one morning chief came into tho little store and told tlie crowd around that newpapoose had come to their wigwam the night before in terrogated as to the sex of the little stranger the chief with grin said his pldgoon english oh she boyagaln and uiat aald my late friend la how tho city of cheboygan michigan got its iimue about tho year tlie christies and the hendersons came to acton tho year acton a9 incorporated as village with il storey as reeve and dr moaarvln asa hall john speight and cliarles hill as councillors tlie year acton plow company was organised to wit tl year 1b73 the old woollen mill was torn down in order to carry out tlie big plans of tho plow company all tlie beetlon from main street to the present power house dam was transformed tlie big frame building which laid housed woollen mill flour mill aaw mill turn ing lathes and had from year to year for somw time beeti the rendesvous for old general rvjaa vfr nr bumjum and his groutqua band of call thumplan subjects was torn down speaking of the call th urn plana of thoes early days tliey were cl tar ac tens of im portance and wortliy of note their parades were an important and striking feature in the preliminaries of tho big queens birthday oelebratlotia of seventy years ago they were not hurriedly im provised an hour or vwo before uu lime set for the parade but took days and nc me times weeks in preparation and re hearsal they represented kings queen ami potentates tho animals of the jungle and the clowns of the circus copied after the old original van am burg ag gregation of tho curly days they had reality about ttielr mavoup which uniuned the elders and nearly frighten ed the life out of the little folks tho were real cullthumplans and tliey revered their doughty old oeneral sklddlctna dlnkburtiddlcabumjum who was selected hi tinw for tlie honors of the day from year to year from among tlte big cliaps of tho town and the old mill was ulwuys tho headquarters for acton celebrated callthumpians tlu bl plans of the nw plow com tjiiny ait liave sud changed tlie face of this part of uui town continued willowstreet and opinxi hlvr strwt tlevlated the collrwr of tlie trout stream from its original bed about where uiver street now to tlie cuiial through the smith roprty and provided sites for factories and residences win stephen son who hud conducted successful hlucksmlthing bujilnut at knatchbull hud invented what wui known iui the stephenson nnehinidlexl plow it promised great things wiu to revolu tion lite farm plowing make the share holders rich and build up acton to city proportions tho chickens were count ed hero re they were hatclkkl acim plow company haii not been heard of as going concern for about slitty years the credulous thareliojdrs vis sidney flmlth dr mcoarvln ell snyder and outers dropped tens of thousands of harderped surplus and the queerlook luu onehandled stephenson plows could occttslotially bo seen hi tlie fence corners of farms and junk itcaps nevertheless william htcptienson afterward proved himself benefactor as an inventor with tlto stephenson steam plow on tho prairies of manitoba and in giving the production of farm machinery an 1m ietus in tho great west say wlicn uet going about uieso old days dont know wtiere to stop at leant thats what mary says well so bmg ill tell you something niopo aobut tlie ktephenion plow eriaps next week and how saw it at the big centennial exposition at philadelphia bearing red ribbons and medals and diplomas it hav ing luken first prize there for plows watchino heakt at tvokk method of watching tho working of tho living heart with the aid of xrays has been discovered by maria ukolova young doctor at the sverdlovsk insti tute of experimental medicfne until now it has not been possible to tho lnsldu of tho living heart as the xrays passing through tho heart left on tho screen nothing butr distorted shadow tim new discovery it is claimed will enable science to solve number of hiilierto bafrilng problems regarding tho functioning of the licart xioisr uafidly business directory medical dr mcnlven rhyilejaa askd big is offlca and residence corner avenua and elgin street cut two nettro bojs were arguing uboit ghosts one clalmtxl have sect gtiost os hr paancd ulc cemetery tlio night before wliu was de ghna doln when ou laaseen him linked tlie doubtful one jes follin behln faliin uehhy rapid dr nelson phyalcjbb and bargtm electro therapy dr wm cullen fbydelan asa botmn office hours 14 and 70 sundays by appomtment wlhjur street just korth of mllstrees tessphoae 123 legal at the cirnt iea of cold no ritlt to ytxir uniuut buy pacltcc of grovesduouo quinine 8rt taking tb lwrt two nt tuiit grove will elite that toj within 34 wn uhuvtu quinine ibirae no 23 oat harold nash farmer barrister bolklur ntart rsblw eto mili stiieet actoh oict ilouro 030 to to 1200 noorf 100 to 500 hi saturday 1200 oclock free book on hockey great book how to be come hockey star by tmnmy gorman manager and coach of tho montreal maroons profusely ulutt rated and containing tuany valuable tlpa on bow to play tho game also tutocjiivhfm ktturcc cumtatt mavcst cnwip ufiitihtl utjaanih qhmp f4 cjiiuuiwns xhuuuiuji tutlurii aft itoldy noll iuvitwr huu iunu1 url llnhhuou lib iraj iimu lliwni jjninyuiiuti cwcd uaiillia wtil hayrw uiirty llrry puld kelly dava kmt hoy wikflu arahuily art iattuf dunk ikmrl ii lv hurt aus lrjvliwky your cltotca of tm aboisj lw lulvel from tin of ckown lkuand or lily whitk corn syrup write on the haclt your nume und address plulnlv utitl the words ociiy iuwk or the namatij the picture yati want ono ixmik or picture for vac lulnl mull the label to the address iow eowapdsbupi slii free press annual santa claus letters av uhicls jim ym14 hie letrttt amd lrjv im goin to jeimd lantaclauy hrdwn brand corn syrup the famous energy food lcnlastakilmianyii imovix once again wc announec the annual santa claus letter wrilhik contest fojrthe boys and girls of acton and district it luis been euch suctess and wc have received no many letters in the nast yejin from the boys and girl that we just couldnt do otherwise than continue the contest again this year this event is open to all the public school children in acton and the rural schools within radius of twelve miles of acton just write the dear old chap letter in your own way boys and girls and drop it in at the free press office you dont even need to pay postage on the letter unless you want to send it through the mails just bend it to santa claus in care of the klee press put your name and address at the foot of the letter and have it reach the hee press office not later than friday december 4th prizes for boy and girl for the best letter written bv boy the free press will give bi flashlight the kind you have always wanted and the girl who sends the best letter to santa claus will receive beautiful doll the letters adjudged the best will be published and the winners announced in the free press christmas issue of december 10th every boy or girl whose letter is published will also receive priae the prizes will be on exhibition in the free press window just few days please remember little folks to have your letter reach the free press before noon on friday december uk get suggestions from teachers mothers dads and bijf sisters oitbrothers but write theletter yourself and not from dictated copies wc want childrens letters to their old friend santa claus get your letters in early watch for the prizes in the free press window some boy and girl will win them for just little eltoh at no cost kenneth langdon harrisi solicitor votary fohur oflkci acton georgetown over fiynuck cafe main 8tnt tr appointments vhore acton acoreetourn eg cmttcs hours acton tuesday anc thursday is to 30 rwn tne on request uental buchanan denial ftnrxaan office in block hours until kwnfcis by appointment gas tot extraction closed wednesday atternoon photui li pearen dental uovttd to our new quarters in the symon block phone 29 mill stwet aoical miscfculavkous francis nunan bookhlnder account books ot all kinds uado to order periodicals of fevery dsscxiptloii carefully bound ruling neatly and projrjpuy done wyndham btrt ouelph out general we sraciauzs an life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate gim boiler fidelity booth annuities and all general lines of anaurance ocean steamship ticket leadino oohtanik kxceulbmt tacojtm pntmahunv ihw uss caas rar red wright ooitm ty auak want to selisometliaiig co to the acton free press halton countys largest newspaper to sold ltas small ad the quickest clieaoeat way to nnd buyer only cent wokvl

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