Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Nov 1936, p. 5

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tb0b9ut movmbm lath ima the acton frfee press patjb nvm miss louise bridges ofchamllton sprint sunday with acton relatives mr and mrs gordon johnston hamilton were sunday visitors bent mr and mrs norman mcrrttt of grimsby spent the weekend at the home or mr john gibson mrs william johnstone is visiting for few weeks with her daughter mrs mnot at tilbury misses kaihfrlno stewart and mar garet brown spent the weekend at the farmers home in toronto miss ruby mcphcrson visited at the home of mr and mrs johnstone in london over the weekend mrs grimm mr carman orlmra and miss claza boomer of preston visited with mrs moore mr and mrs robert macarthur spent the weekend in london at the home of mr and wis thompson mrs john russell and mr and mru wm butler am visiting in glovcrsvillo ny with mrt russells brother who is seriously ul mrs if caldwell has returned nomc after visiting at weston with her broth er rev kitching who was recently bereavixl in tlio passing uway of his wife the engagement is announced of ellen kathleen daughter of the late mr and mrs edward mccanh milton ontario to mr preddlo alvln anderson young est son of tho late mr and mrs george anderson hornby ontario the mar riage will take place early in december george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite ryrieblrks pattbrson ro speclalm ib ej hiwln mo orthoptic fimltu iu wyndhu 8l not to th aipelni phone aios quiut acearmcy bw activities the mcmbcrsliip week lias been sku for november 27 th to de cember 1st during those days tile people of acton arc being asked to enroll aj members and supporters of the under the leadership of tlie board of directors it is hoped to secure 100 idult rncnibers the balance of the total oh jectlvo of 250 will be made up of youny people boys and girls every adult is invitdl sharein carrying oiitlfcjvarld program of activities for young and old the fees paid by thoboys and girls covers only asmall parithltcost tho balance being made up by the adult feus there ore groups for members of ill ages torn lo years and ihcso interested in badminton boxing wrestling tum bling volley ball etc will find place for them the bus iwuuinmn no havo mens club and recreation period de finite plans ore under way for the pction of tlie social rom in the base ment which will odd greatly to tlie mr vice of the lloweve right now tne men and women who wish to us tlie will rind ample provision for uum and all lntereetedtn kliarirg in the com munity work for the younger seotl ml of acton are urged to support the atdocl1 tlon by enrolling as members tills week the senior girls club won orginlityid at supper meeting on tuesday evciiblg officers tlectcd wcw as follows president betty watls vlcepneaident laycrne smith secretary prance dills treasurer jean lambert tliese officers along with tho leaden misses mary chalmers and dorothy mc pherson will comprise tho executive tlicr club plans to meet each tmdfly at six oclock for supper and meeting followed by recreation and on friday atreightoclockor gym activities all girls over ari invited to join thin club coiiw to the on friday at tuesday and see the group in act gregory theatre friday november 21th spy drama starring jean liar low ptunchot tone and gary grant comedy tromanco in tho air cattoon greedy humpty dumpty saturoay november 28th the bride walks out romantic comedy starring bar bara stanwyck gene raymond and robert young comedy maid par day cartoon porkys pet pox news monday november 30th show boat the grandest show you ever kruw starring irene dunn paul robeson and allan jones var iety rookie pireman coming swing time costarring pnod astairc afid ginger rogers ilcwuul retail sales up itutau soldi the prairie provinces manitoba saskatchewan and alberta for 1035 totalled almost t350ooooo un increase of per cent over 1034 and 10 per oenu higher than tbe amount record ed in 1833 uccording to tlie dohihilon bureau of statistics the index of toiled for 1055 stands at a04 an the base 0c0 equals 100 indicating that tlw value of tail trade was still 30 per cent below the level of tlie base year relative im provement over 1034 was about equal for vsach of the tlire provinces consistent with tlio results for other sections tlie greatest improvements in 103s over 1034 in the prairie provinces was reported by automotive establish ments house fumlihlng dealers and doaltm in hardwan or other building supplies much smaller guhui urc ic corded by food fiinrvfl country general jitora and uu gouerul mere luin dies group of ktoreii which kind of establish iucnt exikrlcncd smaller reduction in bumimm during the tkpreulon yeani ag grcgate hairs of tliti niuwilotlvt tfoup if uutbluiluncnts as whole including the business of motor vehlcki diafr yaruges aiid hcrvlcj jitutloiiji etc allowed an increase of is per cent tlie furnlttiru and luiuhold group was up by 13 per oeit wlille tlie building huiuriuls group was up by per ovnt grocery and com bliuuoti fttore solus increased by tier ocjit country vciveral store sow ifahled per oenl and department ktoro sales were greater by per cent bgilllhb xmas fruits are here recleaned sultanas lexias with seeds freeoseed lexias sunmaid seeded bleached sultanas recleaned currants fresh pitted dates fine quality figs choice cut peel assorted cut pjeel pineapple rings whole glaze cherries crystal ginger spanish almonds fresh bright walnuts our usual high quality at reasonable prices high quality values in presh pkuits navel seedless oranges 29 39 49 doie texas bright grapefruit laree size 25c hrikht yellow bananas ftf per dozen ju1hr0 size lemons socsc choice grapes bs for 25c ql basket applf any kind cj drop into barrs phone lfi more rnmhung round in runabout sure hockeys just around the comer signs of the times tho arena lias had couple of floods and good jse brit and tonight it is planned to take all tho intermediate hockey material to galb for the first le workout sure there are some disappointments for fans this year ibus morton left on friday tar the gold fields to join brother norm tho morton boys were genuine bports and well miss them in both hockey and baseball but the north gains in that move tho best of luck and pot of gold is the wish of everyone here looking at the sunny side tticres lllo mara as real sunbeam from oakvlllo scnlan last year who comm back homo two moru from mcrcantilet hockey are allowing up with tlio boys to catch place well just luivo to call tlio roll after thursday night to cc wliat 10337 oifexa prom oakvlllo comes tho word that next jrfiar tlie baseball nine of tliat town will buck to play with milton acton and georgetown no oakvlllo vllhuui this year pcrlutps not even an intermedlaio entry and tlio lakeside boys wantlngi to meet iliose terrible boys from tlio north end of thb county you know weve been liavlng such good sport with other towns that wc doubt if ookville will bo welcomed back in idthcr gome tiiey do take trimming with to many alibis grand valley will liavo an intermedi ate team thbi yoar and kew hamburg is back again tills year with uam presentation to mr and mrs john smith the ii meellng la blili for sal urday next and tlicn wc may expect the groupings deflulte decklon on tlie entry of junior team from acton will not be made until tonight in tlie report of tho rural league ibams lost weekbrookvlllo entry was omitted cant understand how ixc nas bagaweya boys got left out but tiiey wont be out when the games get going another rural league item is to tho cited tlutt everton will hav an entry in the group this year looks like real setto in the rural hockny tills year around here and some real competition for tlie tropliy health facts about whooping cough just taw traveller can get anything to eat 111 this dump wullrcui ye mill you kin traveller uh an what wuiter such au it ls tali excursion kxthndkd london uagbitrate to scot wlio luut been out painting the town red seven days impruonmeiit scot ye conns doe tlutt im only up iwmt in ji exeuraloji ticket parents of cldldicn pufferine from whooping cough aliould be informed that whooping cough is communicable disease to catch tlui discard the germs liave to pass to the person from fioinc one who already lm tlie disease that is why it ls so important to isolate cases of whooping cough wliooplng cough is more frequent in tlie winter and spring montlis but casea are seen all the year round uporadlcally or in epidemics it is distinctly cluu dwns disease nine tent lis of tlie cartu coming to chlldjxn before tlio age of seven and lutlf tlie cases affecting babiea before tlie age of two years tlie early symptoms of whooping cough arc live to ten days with running nose cold in the luad watery eyes with cougb and the chest cold of bronchitis some cases are never more severe thun this st tho wliooplng stage continues some lies for soieuil days to several munthi with an avcarje miration of three to four weeks wlcjuig is more frequent ai night in clisti rooms rather than li the open air and may be ttarted by eat ing drinking exertion or tobacco amoke whooping cough may bj very dangerous to children under three and especially young lnfunta who frequently contract pneumonia during the winter and sprtnu months tills complication li serioin und often fatal the things should be done when whooping cough ls suspected call doctor suspect head colds when aii otlier case of whooping cough li in the district keip the child quiet it muv not be iwceasary to put the child to bed tlutt ls mutter for the doctorto decuh curry out hls instructions carefully obey ciireliilly the isolation tuiuvquaruntlne lu htructlons ntintmlwr that such meu buivs are for the protection of yourself your furnlly jour neighbors and are only ehvutvt if bbierved by tlie family recently friends gathered at the liome of mr and mrs john il smith in rln township and during the evening ex pressed their appreciation of their long residence in the neighborhood and their beat wlshus in the new home in acton mr smith was presented with floor lamp by uiese friends and mrs smith was tho recipient of an electric toaster tho following address was read by mr swockhomcr and mr kerr and mrs thomas made the presenta tions on behalf of tlie gathering mr john smith it no acton ontario dear mr smith tlio members of churchill united church congregation have with mingled feelings gathered hi your form home tonight on the eve of your departure to enjoy an hour or two of fellowship with you and mrs smith though sooner or later tlie time eventually ooirasi when one must free himself from his life vocation or change his abode because you liavu been such helpful member of our community and church for so long we ftajl cry sorry to koe you go however wo believe you luivo mode wlsc decldon and wo urv glad to learn tluit you will resddu in acum and will be able to return frequently to our church servies und fellow ship wo take this opportunity tonight to thank you for your loyal and faithful memlustsiilp for over hfty thtxsjt year especially do we wish to express our gratitude for your sixty years of assistance hi tho ser vice of worship singing in tlie choir being choir leader for cloven years and for your help on tho hoard of steward for eleven years your faithfulness in driving regularly tlirough all ixirts of woattor and roads such long distance has been inspiration and example your clieerfuhicss and willingness to help lias been benediction we wish to express too our deep appreciation of the kindness cheer fulness and patience of mrs smith wlio hoi bcii such good faithful lielpmate tlie jcors of jiutierlng tlirough which sli lias recently iiass ed havo sweetened and beautified lier life and made iter benediction to tlie community we rojoleo tliat her health is much improved and trust sho will bo spared many years to bluss her home and community your nsiglibo mb of you greiitly wlnhes following ones ambition and our congregation to tliank you slnoerely for your willing help and hope you will still able to attend frequently and continue to servo your master with your talent of song and otlier ser vice as email token of our esteem gratitude and loye uw wish you to accepttiil7 gift along wlthour praywn for goda continued blessing upon you both signed on behalf of tlio congrega tion fcdna russell giuppin robert kerr articor swaokiiamer geo stephenson program of music included vocal solos by miss norma stephenson and miss wanda rutledge and piano solo by miss isabel steplienson rrlef speochea uure also made by messrs smith griffin and arthur swaclchamer ttr 1ikw dont hee why having y6ur car over liaulcd sliould be such depressing vx prlenci you dont wm it was over hauled by motorcycle cop worlds biggest horse tlie bigrest horse in the world prob ably theblggest that evvr exlitcd belongs to mr an hill who uvea at dakota it ls reported to stand twentytwo and half hands and to be thirteen feet five inches from tho ground to the top of lte ears holding ilsihcad erect giants exlst nmonc animals as among ilien the famous lincolnshire ox exhibited in london in 1700 stood five feet six inches at tlie shoulder and was nearly twelve feet jn length it is said to have weigh ed two tons eighteen hundredweight an ox was shown at wembley in 1024 which stood eighteen hands in height and weighed 3400 pounds dogs occasion ally grow to vast sliic st cornard was exhibited few yvars ago london which weighed 225 pounds and was in every way most upland id looking animal the st bernard holds the record for weight but not for height tliat belongs to the irlih wolfhound breed which was supjiased to bo extinct few years aao but has now been re vived the modern wolfhound stands about thirtyeight inchea at tho shoul der bin then are records of far larger dogs in old duys one is said to have been no less than four feet in height it the shoulder no poultkv fancier three illrs uvre spending their eut leuve in the country pivvmtly tw of tliriii not into heuted urgumenl out what kliui of uulmul heifer wis its wut or pig uald ontf not on your life rvplled the nthe if kind of shivp 1lnally they called in the third party nuv riiiti the hit sailor wofa hifer is it pig or sheep 1111 sratched his liead nonplusixl to kll you the truth shlpmaus he aid dunno much about poultry it is man hlnulf wlio judges his own conduct and awards punishment in tiia form of remorne or reword la the form of inward lioiitfi httldanu dont let people discourage or kill your ambition by telling you that the thin you propose to do absurd that it cant be done those practical souls cant co tho vision that you sec they dont feci that inner urge which is con stantly bidding yojj up and on you yourself may not realize that it ls jim call that runs in your blood divine call to do the tiling that you were sent into this world to do tiik difference 13 what is tho difference between genius and talent talent gets paid every saturday my lattv anyway nice sort of arrival sold the father visiting his son at boarding school am hardly out of tlie train when you usk mo for monoy well dad you must admit tlie train was twenty minutes late inter were ready with complete stock of sporting coods for winter for instarce skate and boot outfits are so attrac tively priced this year that everyone can have good outfit bauer skate outfits good boot and tube skates qc al sizes in the line special per outfit ttfj wc also have complete stock or skates from 150 to 600 xr best choice do christmas shopping now symonhardware nnirj7street acton on once more we are nearinjr the christmas seanon and we invite you our store to look over our merchandise for your christmas shopping in buying our merciionduw for christmas we have done all hi our power to get quality goods at pair price to suit cveryonw such ail urldge and junior lamps botli in the better liu better site upproved and recommended by the hydro electric commission turn it on lirlght medium or imm to iult you let us demonstrate them to you also lovely range of tobk radio and action llglits occasional chairs cedar clicsbj ishd tabled mogoslne stands smokers card tables mirrors pictures comforters lied spreads inner spring mattrossei studio couclies day reds etc por the ktooiestricyclts kiddie cars rlocjcboards doll carriages wagons rockers all at very reasonable prices why hob replace that old chesterfield suite we will give you liberal allowance on your old suilo and taku you to the factory where you have 75 suites to choose from in nil tlie new styles and covers may we serve you johnstone rumley furniture and floor coverings phone 30 please note contrary to rutaoors llavo lard xvo tolah to inform our custombrs that 1uv xyvt nllln our pumlulro buslneu isl canada bays two destroyers from britain mm s7 fcfe caiuuius new defence policy und armament pro grams ore causing considerable speculation oven in kources closa totho government great secrecy ap pjrently kiirrounds what cunsda hus been com mitted to in imperial defence mid whut her pi mis are for national defence one muvu officially an nounced yjiat the purchase of two hew desbroyers from great britain to replace two ohaolete ships the vuucottver and champuiln botli of whkh will be as thhmc skcena which will be retained will bo delivered late tills year according to jane fighting ships in which is listed practically every fighting craft hi thtf world these destroyers cost in the ncighbornood of 670000 canada will have fou destroyers the skhnu one of tbe two to be tamed is known auovk ut top thu vuncouvit be scrapped is known rkiow scrapped the two new iiclirovcr of the iuin

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