Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Nov 1936, p. 2

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jiwmtuwtxmt 77 the acton free press thursday novkubbl mttl mta uiljr arion 3hrr rpea poblubed imx tburtdy at acton ontario united states sac addjtloual sinai copies sc botlt old and nw adilreaaca ahoiild be given wbcs chancy cl addrcbb rcqocstcdw cancellations find that dwtt of oar criber prefer ot to ha tbcirsnbacrlptioa interrupted in cu ow ail to raalt bciora expirmiiobl while sub criptbnu mol not carried in arrears over an period yet unless we re no tided to cancel we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued advertising rates on application and as bivcb jn various column bead tug although every precaution will be tkcn avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing tbat it will not be liable for any error in anjr advertisement published hereunder unless proof uf such advertisement ia requested in wrltns by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case il any error so noted la not corrected by the free press us liability shall not exceed such proportion nf the entire at such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole ipcc occupied by such advertiemcwt aklof gills ldtor tll el hones mitortaj hnd lluines ofli llcsideace in the cities too what has btcn happening number of smaller communities over the past few years has now reached the cities and we lind consolidation the news papers toronto on monday and in the days fol lowing has but one morning paper we readily recall when living there of being offered choice each morning of three apers and the same number for evening reading the number is now just hair ofthattotaljigure the merger of mornin papers was the logical thing to do publishing costs are of such proportions that few centres can support more than one paper advertisers do not care to pay double costs to cover certain territory with just duplication of news the joining of the two papers came with rather startling abruptness although it seemed to be generally conceded that such move would eventually come the globe and mail will be force in the news paper worid that could never have been achieved by these journals singly london has but one dailv newspaper su result of recent merger the num her of newspapers is gradually diminishing but the service they are rendering is on the increase we like the globe and mail in its new form we rather anxiously awaited that first iue on monday bone newspaper deserves support of all cttisehl an aroused consciousness of the status of weekly newspapers throughout canada is showing itself the columns of several weekly newspapers the economic right of the local weekly papers to share in national provincial and home town advertis ing of goods consumed in or seeking markets in rural localities in this province will bo sought by united action the chilliwack progress takes the lead by first challenging loyalty at home the community expeocs its public institutions to be defended to he favorably reported to bo kept in good report throughout the district and the province churches societies and organizations look for and expect their activities to be reported in their home town paper and the home paper docs all these things likes to do them this being so it is 6nly human that the owners of and those who are employed at the local news paper office should expect all these various interests would return the compliment through giving print ing orders if all tho requirements of chilliwack were to be print in chilliwack the progress would have to increase its staff what the progress of chilliwack has had the courage to tell the citizens of its home town applies to overy town and community in ontario hunts ville forester statement to be proud of the financnl statement of acton which will be presented to latepayers to morrow evening is one of which the reeve ind council of 1030 mny be justifi nbly proud of course it does not sliow complete year ind when comparison is itiadc the statement issued at the same time last year must in fairness be used and not an auditors report tor instanc cash balance of 927 70 is shown against one of tb2 02l50 last year arrears of taxes are some 300 less than at thesame period last year taxes col lected are some 200 in excess of last year at the sune period totulrccejptsand expenditures are less than for the same period of 1935 the waterworks department has been of assistance too in the financing of the town last yeir 125 00 was the amount toward the general account to meet debenture payments this year the figure is 200 lookingat thcassetsandliabilitieillicsnjuc progress is noted assets have been written down by over s3 000 and liabilities have been decreased by about si 000 the debenture debt is being whittled down nicely and this year the assets are almost double the liabilities the reeve and council ably assisted by other bodies have splendid statement for the ratepayers to morrow night in spite of the fact that this year direct relief and hospital accounts are almost 1100 in excess of the amount expended lor the same period last year perusal of the statement and comparison if one cares to make it bcirs out this improved general condition of acton municipal affairs the ford v8 for 1937 an appeal acton folk have enjoyed year of the use of acton murray memorial and partial taste of the benefits that may accrue of having such an institution in the community it has had its first year test and the accompanying handicaps that beset every new institution perhaps in the estimate of some it did not measure up in that first year to ail that was anticipated new things never do but again perhaps too much was expected in the first twelve months there have been handicaps and obstacles to meet they are being met and overcome wc are not in the habit of using these columns for the promotion of any one community activity all of them arc worthy but do not measure the worth of acton by that first year of activities we said the mca was handicapped such is exactly the case there is not room to carry on nearly all the activities that should constitute ca program it is fortunate thi room in the basement is available to lessen this handicap it but requires to be fitted up flooring and walls arc required tftie beating plant needs to be extended and installed in this section then later will come the furniuimg fireplace is ready to instal threc of the local ladies organizations have undertaken to raise 100 each and part of their allotment is already paid in another citixen who always has actons welfare at heart has contributed 100 thats splendid starj wl know of no better investment in the young folks and yes the community life of acton as whole than one to make the funds available to complete this part of the building ce wish we had the power or eloquence to make the matter assume its proper significance secretary george emery is doing uu excellent job in his conduct of activitie we appeal t6 all who can help in any way to support any effort that is made to have the building complet cd it is uu investment 111 tht outh and upbuilding of actons young manhood and womanhood utid after all that about the biggest investment in which to put ones surplu fundi and in tluse days just about the safest editorial notes its almost getting too late to do your christmas shopping early the last week of november and christmas is just four weeks from to morrow these cold night have brought forth the usual query of when the arena ice will be available nominations for municipal offices are due to morrow evening choose well whom ou would have serve you the youngsters need no urging to get the christ mas spirit early they would do their shopping well in advance of the christmas rush winter conditions now male highway travel requue additional care in driving of motor car speeds should be reduced and extra care exercised to avoid accidents bet they re having good time in the globe and mail office sorting out the letters saying stop my paper etc and those expressing approval of the new combined papers this is winter tair weather the royal has beei the attraction on ond side and the provincial event will be the attraction of the other side to com munity situated as acton is the centre till iw tord vb for 1037 in tho mout beautiful ford car ever offered it ib built in only one me with one efindurd of roomv com fort and modem uppennmec but ou mav liavf eithor the miprovfil as horwpowcr vfl engine for maxi 7mim pi rformimct or tr cw liorppower engine for maximum conomv the smaller engine make pottihlf lighter cir lower pricid nr with lower operating eoptfi and riu it mill mon pi oplc to enjov tin tmiootlmebh quictnefth and reli iluht of th vtp 8climur nginc improved 85homrpaiver v8 ch glnc drito if and watch the tpeedomelrrl more than three million owners are now enjoying the superior perform nnc of the ford v0 engine on the road when you drive the 1937 ford with the gihorfiepower v6 engine you are master of power plant that gicn everything oii in pohbihly dcnnnil in ppi ed mil urci ration today it it he tier engine th ever with hitler cooling hvttim and hinoothiupe ct improved ear hurelion enables it to ilclitr its thrilling performance with iimiru illy oiitniuption ir 60 hortepom ttfiiur dru if and irici the fail guitgel tin new 60 horttpout tvp rvliiifhr engint is almost in ivul replic of tlu 05 eci pt for fizt weight and power it dehvtn ninoothnrfcs nncl qim tnetw een at ppttdfi up to 70 mill an hour with ganolim nul api fo high th it it create an entirely new vtand ml of economy in modern motor car operation we invite vou to nee thin new ford car at your ford dealers showroom and arrange to drive one equipped with the engine thai fits your own needs features apptadaucc iul inn ir ii il lanipv rr in vnd apron mil rn lul ipe iioiiil hiitri at lli luru iarper ulv ipire pare lire ncnl uitlnn mj com pulily new ninnon maiimil uiml itiu opmjnaurin ir shakes new ea cim ii itr the cjlif ami mluit control lp th if titl from pptlal lo wliul if ik zi nr momentum if etl lo help ipph ill tlr tt la thou thai about nnrtlnrd it dal pr ur is reqturtd lo lop llu rar kody nol an ounr uootl uml iructunl trenctli ramr flrurtur ill ti ili lird with iica pamu lop mile and il mr 11 jre tided into fcinglf tteel unit of eral atr uplh comtfofcyand qullt tpatv in th bod hip ro rar ftra not lalen up the rn ine under ike hood comfort of uie cnlre poifc kid further inrreatd miooiher action of the ln tupring tpring v11i1 iiu preture luhrtration nev mriliodit of mouttlm body and etikine uile this quieter car see your nearest ford dealer for complete dletails the sunday school lesson toll suntda ovuiblr 20ui he ben tht of new louer hydro rateb and ehmm turn the bothersome service charge uill be notil on the bills that consumers receive in inuarv and lebruaiy many will buieht fiom tins jieat publie utility wilh its plun of power it cost christian buotireauiood golden ttict there con he neither bond nor ire for arv u11 oiift man in christ jesus oalatiai6 20 lrion text philemon 420 tl 01 03 place rome exposition as mjrclf 17 tills letter of pivuh addred to ptrtonal friend and affortu an interest ing sidelight into hla life and cliarac tt the lfctler la remarkahlo for the broad spirit of humanity which it uu plays und for uie tuct and delicacy ulth uhlch it treats the gnat social quest lorn uf uuj brouiprliood of man it is full of precloug ksorts not only about tlie tk clprocal relations of scrvonu and mas urs but also about our iord jcsua and ills work for and ills attitude to ward us aw illustrated uiint paul did for oneslnius and his attitude to uard oneutnuj it was written at the game lime that tho epistles tlie ephes lans and to the caloslans were writ ten and tent by tlie same pertonj tjchlcus and oneslmus col 10 kph 21 22 did thu fact have any thing to do with paul fpeaklnff za plulnlv and beautifully in both of tho eputks about the mutual obllkations of matter und slaves sh kph col jj philemon waa proi inent nun in tht church at colons lie uus tvld ntly nmn of conslderallp uns and ulau ount 1g the vord runlaud nrvant really means la paul did not atuick luvi in this eputv or in unj of iuh urit inai lie vtr inu ulth tkuuuj uutltiitumk but uys doun certain vital prlrilipuit of chruuuu truth which if ad iplvd uould tciiu dy und evuituallv iltmlnuu rial rvlls iilutri nn ue unb ddd fn uutleiit eivluutl lo xi ulfd lo hu uuuy bi kuni revolutionary ctroke ould have been foolish and useless paul ket forth prln cipleo of conduct on tho part pf master touards tlulr slaves and put into opera tion lnfluenccg tliat in time entirely trnjformed uc institution of slavery and led inevitably to its abolition vs 15 1g cf epli col phil mon though rlavc ouner uas man of lot ond exemplary chrltlan charac ter ts onesimu5 one of his slawi appirently had been guilty of some dts hone toward his ma ter 18 and had fled to rome tht refute of run aixajo in thoe days learning that paul as in home lu ent to hear him proa in his own hired dwellinc aclj 28 30 31 and uas converted by bis preaching oj his master imd been in the old ijpheslan dayi 101 now paul is sending him back to his master far him to decide for himself what to do ulth him the itomon uu was wry severe regarding runaway slaws ujt paul kntu very uell that philemon uould act as chrlsuan paul uould have had perfect right to enjoin order idle man ulth all boldness all flpok cnnejtf what to do but ulth charac terutlc tact ajid courusy cf horn 13 cor 20 unh prter 11 he beechefl ratlur tlian com mands this was not be au paul lack ed in boldness cor 10 phil but because he abounded in love in tactful good svnse too in his plea for cnudmuit paul appeals to two touch ing fucto ajout hlmcslf hjs advancvd aje and hu lmprlbonment iu does not ji it to auaken sviupufhy for himself but to mcure leniency for ontslmus he pllts his own rights to tlu account of on luuu jiut an our lord jifiiu applies 111 ojii rluhts und claim to our ac count tm th god ulmn we hav uronk cor 21 oul 10 13 hcmuni 10 lhn 14 141 oicit uu puula love for thlft runiui avt uui hud en luirn ug iln ihroui hli pr aching he sptuks of him ui lhlld uhum haw en uotttn in und ilni lit 4i in iconehided on page new beauty new economy newlowprice you ii find the new 1037 ford car again the quality car in the low pnco held when you own ind operate one you find it outstanding in economical transportation come in and ask usabout it htrc arc tin new 1937 prices on the jpular models window coupe door sedan door sedan with trunk door sedan door sedan with trunk s7s1 792 821 sfi77 904 delivered in acton with 1937 license complete norton motors giw mill street giuiu foul 1arin lhonc 69 counter check books any style any quantity ii ib lowest ikices obtainable tje artnn 3frf irraa

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