Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Nov 1936, p. 1

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cr sixtysecond year no 22 actonontario thursday november 20thl030 eight homeprint pages five cent first term exam results of high school standing ind average mark of the pupils at acton school following ore the acton continuation school results of first term examina tions the names arc arranged in order of merit the number following th name being the average mark form mario brunellc 74 tom watson 73 betty burkholder 72 oordon mocut cbflon 72dorothy arnold 70 margaret striven 60 irerw fryer 60 dorothy steele 00 delia vanwyck 68 beverly arnold donald ryder 84 douglas mceaohern 63 william turner 63 norman wright 61 doris buton sot kay glbbins 67 owen maaaleajr ivan vlckera robert footltt allan iteiahman 51 oordon buton 51 isabel crewaort 51 irma watson 49 audrey macaxthur 45 biule ecclcehall 45 jock oooney 44 murray bauer 44 not graded george 7ootm form ii jack vanoooaen 75 laobcl brims 76 alex prank 731 dirk vonooozen 63 luno broia 63 jerry authrie 87 nino braida 56 urona mcdonald 56 bruce pargetefss max storey 55 dorothy barber jamie lamb 54 ollbort rotnphf 54 douglas smith 52 jack blow 62 blllle robertoon 51 jack holmes 51 bill mainprise 49 beta plupatrick 49 francis papillon jean evans 49 bertie allen 43 oeorge williams 48 helen mainprise 46 mmr laaby 47 kot graded jean macmlllan form hx heads conciliation board thm department of labor at op tatsa has annom appointment of mr justice mclean above president thm exche quer court canada as chairman of thm board on con and investigation on ra nwgas thm boards duty is to inquire into thm dltputm battceen canadian roll mxiys and their employee in 17 unions unions arm smoking discon tinuance of thm present 10 per cent deduction front basic rates of pay and thm ralitcays favor continuance mr justice mclean hi hmad board of three member abomt 100000 raltteay writer are in volved cnuj preu canadian phot injured by hit and run driver esquesing sells parcel of land special meeting held on saturday meet again on december 15th special meeting of the esquesing council was held on saturday afternoon deputyreeve robinson council lor wilson jx may and edwin ilarrop were present moved by wilson seconded by edwin ilarrop that the deputyreeve be chairman in the absence of the reeve carried the minutes of the lost mooting were read and confirmed moved by may seconded by wilson that the treasurer pay jos hunter 5994 and harvey mcdowell 13033 respectively moneys paid town ship as redemption money they believ ing it to bepurchaae money carried during the meeting reeve currie ar rived moved by edwin horrop seconded by wilson that this council acll to leslie part of lot 11 concession 11 j5 acres being robert watson es tate for the sum of 5o000 it being agreed that mrs watson has the use of the houso as long as she remains tenant carried moved by wilson seconded by edwin ilarrop that this council do now adjourn to meet on december 15bh at 1000 am or at the call of the reeve carried do3 bite wd it when jones delivery none was bitten bleeding from head wounds that sent bone splinters into the bruin john mary levers 6a prances dills 61 waldron 32 negro orchestra leader of freds atkinson 60 betty woms 5fl was on monday night found by dog and ran away on monday nlgh jack holltager 5s beatrice taylor 58 ditch by no highway when number of accidents wre narrowly ethel pargoter 54 doris wilson truck driver saw his hat lying on the ovorto fortunately nothln worse helen mccalg 53 myrn hum ia roadside and rushed to general hospital results than some broken hama and jack dunn t6 lavemo smith 43 where he wo operated on toopt that damaged whwe tl horse was being rranoes mulllrl 42 walter lamb 41 fture confined to tic head unharnessed in lane jurf off mill doris blow 40 john drake 30 bella evidence seemed to indicate ulat waldron slrmt it charb down the lane and rossell james jones 25 hd been struck by motor car and tl strml jm at the supper hoj form iv hurled into ue dych whin traffic is usually heavy wo cr shlela brain 71 patricia ilarrop 10 lu ortly after seven the vam parked across the street and ili5 dorothy phillips 05 alselna olbson 02 evening previous to give mimic lesson frightened animal unabkj to strata vn blyva morrow 03 donalda moplmll 5a out neur uu ontario lleform it co went etwoen the cars wheo mary young 57 kay chapman 54atory said mrs waldron about an lhe delivery cirt and the horse pariir haiel wlunn 53 martin hassard 50 lour ullr hcnrd ldunt when company tile liorso fell on tl sidewalk jean bennle 50 margaret kelly 48 telephoned the iidukc recovered itself and ran up the street wuma hansen 40 margaret smith 45 rl tourer vlio picked him up carried but was stopped within few blocks cres campbell 41 neville hoggins hlm lo plant of wellington runavny had crossed the miu street just week many of ttie boys and tfirls hnw mini in ihnlr letters tut fniri ilicus santa clous contest we rcmlrxd all that lottrra must tc iccelved on or beforu friday noon december 4th to be eligible for ttie contest all those whoso let tcrs are pu will receive it urlze read tlw particulars on 1age bix of this issue and write your letter now just drop it in ouj letter bo tjir skx isest oflice or out of town write banta claus care of pkcc pschs thank offering meeting last thursday evening jcno held thu autumn thank offering meet ing in the sunday school room the sunday school orchestra phxyed several eductions before the opening and during the program other musical numbers were male quartette consisting of messrs mann burton olbson and mils sclle and vocal solo by miss lois at ldnron mlas marjorle near read thr scripture lesson mid mlss stewart led in prayer the feature of the even ing wui tile illustrated aalk by imtss mary anderson on work omontf the koreans in japan miss anderson lias fine collectloil of lantern slides descrip tive of her work and also the beautiful scenery of japan and her description provides an interesting address the sunday school room wofl filled to capacity for this meeting mrs ennie was chairman and mrs muselle president of the moved vote of thanks for those taking part in the program the missionary societies of tlie other churches were invited to join the at this meeting and were well repiuficntcd meeting pttcers limited not ifraded margtuvt arnold mackae principal visit in scotland ttie ivgular weekly meeting of the correction jjiidewomc twice and dodcod whlclo tintilj the highway in an almost miracuuu manner without injuring anore tlic ivsld tlvelr regular meeting at the home of mr and mrs fied antliony on tualuy night or last week with the president mr mclvln meculloueli in tlw clialr busilnett maj trs were dlwusid after which the fol lowing program was given reading by will johnston mouth organ selection bv wllmer davidson wulur coulee and mclvln mccullough reading by hetty jr jim smith and harry jeans minstrel show was played to good crowd old and new favorite variety muflic good comedy make good presentation canadian mason sails of all popular forms of stage enter tainment none has developed and lm proved during the past few years more than tile art of mlnstselsy punda mentally the burnt cork entertainment of today is much the same as it was hi tlie loth ocntury the frame work re mains tlio same but the superstructure is wholly different fashions come and go in the entertainment world as in overytliing else the fashion in min strel shows are ho exception king cork has been gradually changing his goal year by year and with the coming of fred bonathan seriously hurt in car crash former acton resident injured when returning to home in georgetown pred bonathan ot georgetown in ouelph oeneral hospital with broken arm and head and neck injuries and three othur persons were less seriously huit after collision between two cars on highway ho at the silver creek hill on the seventh ilne mr bonathan and his son had been in acton and were returning to their home in georgetown when the accident occurred mr bonathan suffered broken elbow broken forearm and cots about the head and neck his son wm bonathan who was drivinar at the time shown here is williamson of has numerous cut and slight eancus montreal grand secretary grand lodge um henry rsey no oeorge radio and the minstrel revue of thealr ap and am qr as he tea montreal town has scalp lacerations cuts on the people con sit at honw comfortably and edinburgh to attend the 200th onnl orms and elbow and strained neck enjoy the programs as they are brood vcrsary of tfcu grand lodgu of scotland and william chaplin georgetown has cast today the show presented last ap and am at tins meeting the duke cuts about the forehead of york brother of king edward will bo according to provincial traffic officer installed as grand master for tlie coming howell who irrvestlcated tile crash cars driven by bsey and william honathan were proceeding in the same direction about two miles west of georgetown laley stopped to pick up chaplin whom he knew chaplin had climbed into the cor and was just closing the door when bonaihans machine struck the back of the isley car the top was knocked off nicys machine and carried 7s feet down the rood both automobiles went into the ditch ali the left aide of the rood and next day cushion from xsleys auto was found in held on the right side of the rood both cars were very badly smashed laley had load of potato and tur runs in the back of his machine and it was believed that this was partially responsible for the fact that his car was not thrown further forward night is built of the modern idea and combining local ta and direction wnca decided success st albans mens club tlxio ilcvuc was typical mlnstrcl all the old favor ite southern melodies were there swantvr river mocking bird old kentucky home it had singing joker instrumental dancing banjos bones and what have you the end men did their sturf and the interlocutor kept things running along it ewn had elocution or perhaps it was electrocution because chas wilsons 6pch was written on the backs of general electric calendar and it took the whole twvlve months to cover his subject it quite evident acton audiences wxc minstrel sliows because the attutidaiicj last night was one of the best in the hll tills season the quartette were mrssrs blmpson mosaic clifford and spiel vogelr soloists wereb re her bob an derson and tho weaver sisters messrs smothurst cotton and albert loutltt tickled uio guitars and bob hall ap peared in mouth organ and guitar num ber tom hohson rattled tiio bonus of course tlie end men played big part they wens ernie coltaj cluurus wtlson jack mcgeoch bill coleman jack rebels in eramosa in 1837 township officials were arrested court lroceedine century ago editors note this is part of tlurd article in the series of early days in eramosa township we are indebt ed to mr day ofrockwood for this splendid historical urtlcle which readers appreciate as wellasoursclv4ut th feoond part will appear next week it is do years on december 13th tlnce suning scenes were wltnesiwi in the arrest of seven prominent men in tlie township of eramosa james outers pji englishman from lancoslilre was town rhlp ckrk at the time 1u2g purchased corporation pond property negotiations have been completed tills week whereby cjewardcn mason scrurits the property known locally as he luul settled corporation ivind from mr bell who at the ace of 25 on lot lum owned it for several y4ars the clanidge solo by jack smethurst ill megeachles specialty was dancing of meeting cltyird by singing the nationnl course and cliarlle wilson elcctrowu anthem aftur which lunch was served tlon and singing was tlie other boys and an enjoyable time spent in playing line minstrel shows jusfc cant cardi and dancing news item was published lntiii fihe putsa lest we2k that mcmillan of clwltttfihom luid been lodged in jail and knox was held on tuesday later releawhl on ball on it charge of evening tlie scripture wostvad by miss reckless driving such uus not uve case stewart and mm molnprhu led in as mr mcmillan was not lodged in jail prayer these iimt were followed by whlie tlie ball was being arranged we all slnghig tlw young peoples lrymn the meeting was under tlie direction of tha musical committee witli miss xf brown convener and miss laura hall in tlfj clialr tlie program as in tlie form of st andrews nlglit and includ ed tho fallowing numbers violin duett messrs holmes and splelvogel chorus by group of tlie young people mrs mclsauc tlvcji guve an cnjoyabh talk witli slides on her recent visit to scot land motion of thanks to mrs mc liastcn to correct tills erroneuus state ment and regret our wrong publication of tlie facts of the case repairs at arena required fair board to correct track cooks approved at meeting of tlie library board on monday evening it was agreed to loan tlvj bound volumes of the illustrated rebate on town hall rental granted for concert for charitable purpose hose for fire brigade not allowed for in the estimates shower rath equipment at arena has not been satisfactory final meeting of council before nominations be written up they have to be seen but we enjoyed tlie event last night along with the crowd mr lindsay uus interlocutor ard has had th staging of the event really in hand mr mason was director and chas landsborough planish light ing and costumes were hi charge of gibbons and savage the orchestra was under tlie direction of mr maon tlie show is playing again tonight and will undoubtedly draw another good crowd cmicesstoh now tlie home of cliarlcs water rights una of real importance to gordon and tells tlie story vividly of liow mr mason in the manufacture of under lie was arrested in bed before daylight wear and it is also essential that the dam by squire inglls of gulph witli gilt be properly maintained to avoid flooding eliuj drawn sword and company or his factory 32 men with ritles and bayonets six tliero is cnsidcrablo land adjoining teen of th men entered tile house tb tlu property which lias also been acqulr ijinainlng half of tlie company guarding ether prisoners in the early morning ed in tlve transaction mr mason plans to improve the properly but as yet ha not definitely decided on what form the improvement will take harrison would no longer be member of the board at the meeting of acton council on monday cwnlng councillors tit london news to tlie high school under nelson mccutclveon mcmillan the cire of the principal it was also ltl mason were prsent arid reevo isaac was moved by miss bruce and tluit tlie rewint wtln to harrlmn presided second by rev mr bennli mr bur ubrar lud pival committo3 bppolnujd re ton renewed solo tlie program closed thln llle lmt the drainage of section or uil with 11 singing auld lang syne and oi nourd for 103tl chairman rv luad met as ar brown ex regret hut itorve afc propwty ln qumtion matter had not ben settled deunltcly and tlio representative liad not assumed any responslbilhy for council in tlie former pastor ill drainage problem up jo the pmwnt mr coles was present ixiiardlns many friends in this district were the railing of fundi for charity case for the yefljipvatly dutmbud lost wie to learn tliat tlie concert in tlie hall hod not raised rev graluun jones was missing from tlie funds required and lu asked rebate mrs mccuicheott will be head of ius hl valley he luul last on uu town hall rental council agreed lakn seen in orungeville the following to this refund day he was found lu port erie lie was tlie twentieth report of tlu llnance jaurferlng from amnesia believed as commltle ivcom mended payment of the reaction of war injuries mr jones is following accounts now biding treatel in christie street acton public utlllllej commission hotpluu toronto und friends liere wish strot llghtlna 1313 for him prompt recowrj he was the ihmip houiie lighting 77 pahor of nasugawvya prtbytcrlan arena huh tin tf 1035 tie3le roy smith engineers fees mrs bennie led ln prayer theupwo elects officers organization for contii season the annual meeting the united farm womens club was livid at the home of mrs wesley murray on tues day november 10th tlie meeting opcjud with tlie singing zt church for number ytsars of the maple leaf followed by th iordb prayer ttie roll cll was un wtnd by our birthplace the miiitrs decided to give one of tlieir momlvn mrs mchachern pair of blankets in an rifirt to replace articles lost in tlu rvnt lle mrs ocorv tyler won the cant ttie inrttlntf anthum uftt nekjhhorly exchange lambttt watctimah cjls wutchman murray smith wattjiman uiiduycvenlin qeo and ik tw co u00 200 200 on acten tjniud ciiurctut urroiiued un ex chanitj of pastors and choirs that was unique rev dr morrow and the acton tlisld with the national chclr were in georgetown for this ser whloh mry murray and vt in aclan he kc ovvriid vih tier luerii srvt dainty lunch tlw following are hi oiflcrii eltctd for 107 honorary iviildiiit mrs story piiidnt mrs mecutcheon isl vlinprmclentrmrs sanurvtlu 2nd vicelrldmu mn ilisluip tucitturytivjiurrr mrs davuuan idlrtvtors mfiilanns klilotti ixnny meorigir uvii clarrldniv vulllng coitimiue medanns llrurk eii mtlvielutii sayvrs und mlauyliun sikui commute mrs mcoror an mrv murray ihaiust miii jlr metlivgtir the otvrjiuiwn chlr uvrc in thari lliet wre tu en ty seven in uu ctior vlitlng acln and their rendering of the apthfiii sun of my soul way appre ciated mb mame mcpmald ww and itvi ma isle aid maude ud4iam reiiivd tltiitt lislibrook fcuppluvi ii williamson wood for town hall irvd ctkjjwr dumping right wi laiin hfcs milk license fee artow ivi piitis printing and advrlslng raiilhiw division court clerk und ilallltf fi che mviuln jt stin trucking onell grawl it walliee numln jnd etc 1035 30 may be three at guelph delegation headed by president murray of the aoton fill pair were aid taylor former chairman preunt to dlscius with the council thej of tlie public works committee and filling in of section or tlie track at member of tlie city council for several the park tlie farmers of tlie district years announced he would be candi had agreed to urnuli teams fop tlie work date for the mayoralty in tlie december slid tlie relief commit tw were also to uhctlons cooperate it was proposed to use pine while aid tuylor is uio jlrst to an stumps and cedar bough to hold the nounce his candidature it is understood tluro is possibility tliat uiere will be threecornered ujht for tlie post of clilcf magistrate wltti aid kennedy chairman of financu 1111 mayor harry mahoney also in tlio flold filling material council went on record as being willing to render all assistance porsible in doing tills work of improve ment by motion taxes which wv uncollect aale were written off tlw amount in volved was 5110 it liad been found that tlvjsc amounta could not be recov raising funds ir pok huilding tlie clerk gave information regarding the purciiasc of fire hose in view ot tlie euchre party arranged by tlie the fact that no provision luul been duie of devonshlru cliapter of tlu io made for tills expenditure it was felt at tlie ymca on monday tuul coming events aunouitcenieiit of mccliis coo ttttm or otlier kvent under thl heading ar dtsrimj cnt mae wlilt ulnimum chrs for any announce ta rut of 1ours mr peters was lilgjily indignant at tlie manner of tils arrest claiming that on englishmans liome was his castle and that ttie queens business re quired sucli haste that he was liardly given tune to dress before bejig bundled uto tli waiting slelgli wlui oilier prl irers tlis oldest of tlie men arrested was tolin butcliard who resided en lot 13 concession now tlie liome of the jtee storey he was later commissioner for the towruoiip an other prominent prisoner was jamis eentiam an knijlishman from london for many years township official and the fatlvr of benham also councillor james benliams grandsin diaries served as councillor and bo id superintendent eramosa for mauy years whll another grandson joseph was reeve of lrui and still hoii superintendent that towulrn ptn acvl 3c bulcham iyd and ivnliam aged 43 were cpoved ti be the ringleaders of tlie giiig of rebels who weij planning to march to guelph to bum the town humor was strong ln ririis that capt peters clerk of eramosa with ciurclu women association will 50 tnen an4 bupporud by township llflw ft ofommode baking and officials was planning to destroy ue an tb tu november mth grrenock school will liold chrutmas concert or wednesday december jth lome school mcert will belield on tuesday december 22nd lomu jmrmers hockey club will hoi dance at lome scliool on friday december 4th good music everybody welcome admission 25c tlie rgular monthly meeting of the womens institute will be held on thursday december 3rd ut mrs wm halls llrock avenue at 330 pan bridge over tlu grand river special guards were on duty in jvrgus un in gujph otlier men arrested were william annstrong 20 son of tlios arnl at tlis iwiiie of mrs caldwou kno tlie annual military daiice will be ji feature in acton town hall on sriday strong oiejlrtdtstrlct councillor 4tilm mil 1md gj piece hand will funysh tlie music eramosa calvin lyinfln and train the party of 32 soldlem under squire inglis urow into the jard of jcseplil iarklnson native of lancashire eng land tlie local justice of tlie peace and tliat this could not be included tills splendid attendance and provided year the clerk was instructed write fine social ewiing tlie event was iteld the pin nrijttde kqumtlrur uul in to urn ymnlum of tlu pri will umer future tiulr rvqulrcnumts imulo in ira wefe mte hesar mrs wlittar rn moveltt mul juod pdjm juiu to that provlsloir could uc nuide miss ilcatty mr keturow mr jolui lu tlu tax kvy for any purcllascs if wood ojid mua riuiuiluiw lunch was juliunenl tlic concluding feature procecda uur letter fron krunk llolloway ivqucsl aui tlle rali early tkaurcr of uic iviwmhlp id that he lx blvtn the pojlton of taal ln tlu the iruidl urvawttl uul fj for tlic horss tills was provided and ttie parkinsons were rewarded by the arreat of their son james agvd 23 be dealt with along with olhr services to ile recognised at guelph messrs parkinson dowlan 3400 upjillcuuonn in th usual way lyman and anustrong were examined the municipal otflcvr riwrted that iirmal recognition of tlu splendid and released ou bait ufur bebig bled hi rjiiitcdhuxch tllmvolufcd seruiary of tlie arena tlu clerk was 3aenient of the building instructed to advertise in tim ukk cj 03 or applications when this matter the lodleii of acton are txirduiiy in vited to silver tve at the home of mrs george truery youn street on ttriday noviuber 27th fixxrt three to ab pro ci far unmed cburril mission band ttii vuit of toll brouys and ihelr fctory of hlfchiiiking bound tlie world wilt bo the bur attrocuon of tlie season oti december loth ln the capac ity crowds and return engagements rom eivry centre it is takhig tlie country kovtky dad do find it ivminy turie lias ui know shuiiu tut tall what briili liap tant mcancy town hall hemlrsui mlppllts of montrval biarl not avetrouithlng luiiibir anil mi cehvjury 2jrotl uu rif tui tile curling rink was in hoed work that mr wldtelock halton tur lwket as mr peters say of rvpalrw and uie shower bath at the count agricultural iupamjntative mtssrs benham butcliard ondivtrrs ihu iwckey room was also broken thu luul ding ill lie mad at eoiiiplimenury ut liken to hamilton jail by sleigh hllrlm 371 vi tn satisfactory since lnstilu banquet bing undrtyl him by halton umu being tcuivd from mr allan la 40 tv ijt wuidecldd that iuw valve 6otiity ploaiiunu aiicftlm tlie tin guelph mills th drhvr hobert 2fi da irirli4 installed und councillor neloi eurt is plaiuud lobe luld in the town wharton agd 25 laur ittlid on lot aiul tin munlipal officer uvi to lutve hall hi mlton oji wihinisday december ccnceislon tlie men held in 4000 pairs made as uutlliud the mr whitvhcks siurullu work lumlkru jail for nearly six weks ly itstti was in thr war at every drainage pipe had ulwuya fron und was amng tlie junior farmers and in all fore being released mi bail they suf plosion he tied lo et to tiieresr un ill jc not ull euougti prueitwl it wasal ihs of aruutural uaiuus in the ei urrialy by being left in the plonk hijnt ilasuu ld ikilntd out that radiator tlumld be county luws en apiireluud by all uu with no blankvu or beds about cu whmt if yu die heave 30000 hiauud in tlu room st tliat surpliu many from ull stetlons of tlu county ttie coldest night lu dxmiibtr nvst luul from the waur hater mutit be uiil iln in tills rtxm ill tlon til liis ser nwirnhitf uuy were given three kuves of ah koowa but mjni tn tlu utilbud sot iiomksuk vhvi concluded oil page i3ght tioiiuslk

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