Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 29 Oct 1936, p. 7

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tsubbday octobkr mtb 1030 the acton free press paob fikvdv rioneeb wife each aprlng watched the wild birds northward flight each autumn heard with grief their jkhithwarri call and moons of frost and flowers waxed and waned before she loved this ailch land at all and then it was her children land they played contentedly beyond the homestead door they had not known the axylarltt hong al daun kor missed tht bound or iurf upon the shore this land was thtln and they vv rt of tho land its strength was in tin ir blood untl flesh and bomti its softness in their cc and so she locked her dreams away ajid nuidv th lalij her own constant duvie woodrou twenty ykahs aoo yotn the issue af tlic rao syes thursday november 2nd 1916 coal famine li on in acton und cltlsons ore entirely out of tho dusxy diamonds esquesintf toumaiip has wait in 408 as her contribution to the british hej cross fund mrs alice hcury of markham la re moving to acton lur girlhood home iitss muriel ls member of the teaching staff of acton public school mr and mrt smith mv re moviiuf to toronto their removal jregretted in many quartern pte kciiney of loronto form crly of fcrin wiu wounded hi action and died last vvetk in warely ho pltal iaig land svnjt harry haruood one of the ilrt men to lullt hi acton arrived horn chronicles of gingerfarm written specially for the acim free pratt gwendolvne clarke it ls almost with senie of guilt tlmv sit in warm room by ctisy lire to work at job io tity ai writinn and uf uiat darning pt rhuns or knit ting or fomt thing xjually comfortablu wliiki from thi wlndov ran wu partnt out in the ll id ploughing rho wlhd la cold and it rldhuf plough he working with vi nice in wurm unitlur eay on tin fert and all that but on told windy day it hit thu former beht imp nient for comfort purtinr know will coma in chilled to tin bout even though ho is wt ii protected with warm clothing and lcither windbitalecr to acc anyone che looking cold make rue reel shivery too then anything more miserable wonder than to be ko chilled you fel at if your blood ha ti topped pul lng through your vtiiu sometimes muni that furnun are able to land up to the weather well th do and other times think they cannot notlcu it very much at all why well you ju watch any farmer plough ing in held along idc the road be fore long down the road comes team and wuion another farmer going to town for chop lie pull up with hullo tlurc how re you living thi man behind tho plough hook the uric onto tho plough ualk over to the fence and then the fun bcfln the ulnd day fox several weeks partner syring ed and dressed the wound and prince just stood wee lamb now the wound is healing fine and prince la feeling pretty good two days ago partner left him out in the yard for exercise while he partner came in to dinner when ho went out again he found prlncvo hod tnado good use of his liberty having apparently spent his time chasing madly up and down the hack lane rolling in tho mud and grturuj hiuutlf into terrlbli nwtut uut llku child play tng in mud puddle was us dirty and happy aj could be now 11 go and maki cup of tea bt cause iartnor ht ing or tb hoeu might po1 ibly bv pi rounded to conn lit tt mlnutt lit khuot gllal crossings on furiouelt on monday ufurnoan he blow llt forty wilt un hour the was met by the member of the citizens umiierature drop to nearly freeing deception committer and in the even point but there they tand the two of ing reception was held in his honor at thun dlciuin liow their own and tho town hall he was presented wltn thtlr neighbor thrtnhing turned out or the price of cattle or it may be they ar prallng or ilangingthe government according to their political leanings like an not they get onto the subject of fall ploughing each one expressing the fear tliat he won get through before froozoup funny creature men the time it would take to turn tuo or three furrows they watte in talking about it but of coure wo must always rem em bcr that ploughing straight furrow may at times become monotonous an other thing notice it lai tht fact that man ls cold that sends him back to his job it ls consideration for his hortei ik thinks they have stood long gold watch iiki graham at alpena mich on sun day octobtr 22nd ldlfl james frank graham formerly of fcin in hit 07th yvar chicago plans uugfc uvl stock kxhiiiit chicago ovtobcr 2ith america an nual continental congress of agriculture the international uve stock tjtpositlon wjll be held november 28th to iecembr 5tu in uio new international amphi theatre at the chicago stock yards it will be th 37th renewal of tliu lotbest annual eldbluon of purebred enouhuwr may set bhllkdand once farm animals and crops in the country and according to the management one of the biggest sliokn hi its history lleldv secreturymanuger of the txpoiltlon stated tliat plan arc now farmer gets concerned about his team the prime minuur and all his cabinet aw liable to be tiven the goby iliat ls one line thing about farmer closi their kindness to anlmalr under uay to houc over 13 000 anbnali horrcj hflve known men at uie 1030 show he reports that of thcni rou ih and entries are pouring in from leading manner have heard tlkm jelling it ttocitm and farmers in nearly every tilcr hqr ln tlll ncld until from the state in the union ahd province of fcrimd of mn onl miklu amtkt canada lltlng thur prlzl hercl and imm ine it to bev ca lfor the pc hocks for the compttltloru that will hin little tory with moral to it that ivtry motorlit hould rtud he bru ihd hli teeth twin day with it nationally advertld tooth bru hie doctor xamlm him twic ear he on rubbers uhm it raintd he lcp 1th tli window open he tuck to it with plenty of vegetable he llnmil lied hl ioil11 und truded ln bt veral wornout glands he golfed but never morv than 18 holrjj ho never mokfd drank or lot hlt ttmjkr he did hl dalk don dally he got it leat eight hourt ksp each night lie fuiurul will bv held next wed ne daj he mrvlvcd by 10 pocial ll four he tlth lntltut iht tymna ilumi und numerou manuractureru or health food und untl eplicr he had forgotten uhotit train ut rode croa ini hiummss good ikllo how iou ecttlng on iilt mm line tot two order ln tlic very fir oifice went into that na yei one war get out and the other wa stay out bund nefiro musician knows two thousand hymns whan the african methodist episco pal church held its fifty third congress in hanultm ln august the official pianist was professor clifford mocol lum of amherstburg ontario profcs for mccallum lias been blind for thirty mjvcji years jlo estimates that he knows two thousand hymn tunw ho ls yraduutc of tin halifax bcliool for tho mind he mu ic traciicr tujics piulio pluji ln wlndajf orchestra ant chain und makt rublm mal hi ha two children housi tltailn no no tin liore bneder pr lb wonldn dur nil ou tluit yi arllng for thou and dollar why my wife love tint little fellow out wt bud mourned buy turning to go hut udded tlic breeder sjoo and we 11 let her cry sin cny her tho prospective boost it out after three year lonely vigu bpfss ishai jsmsmsssmsmsm outnltlt ifttr three ytar lonely patrolling tho western alctlc din irict of the hoyul idi in moulded police art ltft to rijhu corp jimt uohln tort il lianct con mckcnzit cambrldje hiy ird sj mnckon en who ptrolhd the arctic con in the choontr si itoche tiy will hive two month kave and thin will return to ui iriinhu ji pot lit in for course before receiving taw details crown jewels for king edwards coronation old kvnougm tcaciitr have you lizard 6f jul catsar pupu yea sir teacher what do you think ha woild be doing now if he were alive pupil drawing the old ag pension fe itu moc than 30 dlifertnt breeds of draft and li ht hor beef cuttle uveep and wlne approxim uel s100000 will bo paid in cash premiums to uinnlni exhibitor in the arlou dhl of the polllon naj hclde kntrw for the live lock cl ulh clo on november lot with the tctp tinn of the cirloid contest for comme cial jock that arc dlplayed in stock ard open peiij ivedes have until november 21t to re ervv pict for hblu in this event all of tht pure bred turds hteer wetlurs and plgi 1l ted for individual competitions and dbplajs of farm croiis hi the intlrnationaf grain and hiy but foil uch mnn to th tublt itch him amont hi hor tt with ulut care he feodi and bids tlilin ml uhat hour he pen in troonilni ho lt ovtr tlierv sh mt the tin mntj over hu rifdlj if cirtd but ielurelv md uithojjt lift tin lur id froin tlu minrer htr mi ir pui tht letl ihlnint bid of tlu huuitlftil crtfttftre he contentedly munclu at tier ha not ont hit disturbed the truft voice for doe nt it tulnf to lur ma ter dot lie fed he oat and look fur her comfort ind if he die nt want to drink very much nt the troutli ln it he who brlni htr uatir in pill ju much will drink and dldnt ho it up nlahl with tier pool into it yt lie may ound rougli at times but what that tween friends after all it likely jut habit because man cant talk ln whlpera if he is boric that una hitched up with mt at tunes why charlie uould prttty near be offered in 05 dltfcrent cla khou will fill to capacity wsevtn acre of exhibit urea in uie huge new building tructed tier two years ago or permanent home for the live tock show growers from 30 states and five can adian provinces exhibited last year in toinb t0 muke him cord above th the international grain and hay show raltic of ft mouer or blnder or tne no1 largest comiuutlve farm crops show ln ro and ul chnrlil uio world entries will be accvpttd until november 20th for this department in which over thou and cali priztj will tl bl lvlen the tracesit took lome houtlng to keep him uwakel thus one can alma lmiiglut hor uould think of tht ma ter uho owni lur and while wt art on the snbj ct or hor xi am reminded tint fir rix ueiks we hive had an injured hone to loo after and haw uctu illy forgitun tu mention it it uiii prince our bay who maingtd to itt hlnutlf hurt whllt runnuu io in the pasture he ti an mt joking wound running fr tattmcnt incht into tin lit hv irt of hia li 11k hetond ly ifti hi wil hurl wi had tlu vtlerlnar sin con glw him tnun privmit bl jod pilnnluit ivlce ot ho wing old we were charting tile olhtp ij ului farirtr from up tlu river he mil kindly rt ap who dot nt hue much to si wt poke or friind of hlj who hid cilc luulv he rcmurled that he cldl limif about the onlv nut now left of is old chool boy crowd wo were nirprl td it the becuu we hid put him down about flfti llvt jear of agv no ht lid lxty elaht and hive worked hard all liri an old neighbor of ours used to wurn nu will if jtu kt on worklm llki do till be un oil man at irty as matter of fart hi 111 vounn ut slxljeltht and hi nip ml mi irt gone we wonder what is th rif 11 he ilirtid lift with cm ttitutlon ik in in umiurutc in all tilings hu hai talun fun out uf wo if dldnt hue rk hi ld would uork thluu rillur thin u1l as mittirif ficl ir or nothing have sil mv if but have helpid tight nt ighb nil th and hop may ik able to kit helping tlu in for ling him it itkt bad wt huwnt mon nun if thi breed throughout our dominion tiny hi mary journal giu his iloline pope pius xi un rts tht ip il bit inj for ptuct io tht world bt re ituvnu cjsttl dolf his tountry holidiy rt itlt tt to turn to lit mt shortly ufu hi ip hill the po cotilr id ivtrt told vvhilh in it of li lit ltd vs mi lo ir fi his hft up trovvn jewels which il ut td in the coron ition core nt of edw ird vlll next may hen tt ill foru ully be proclaim ec dw iiti viii kim of all brit tun fmdtr of the nth and kjn lt uf indi in pictures it li 1i in ovi liyout is the royal tj irt ihi is jold rulily stud tl uith jevvelb the hrj ol ij duin id one of tlu foi ro of afrili wtij ihiij olg cir dv ird will hold the cep tie in his ru lit innd dunni the tt ron ition tereinony lowtlt the kint ttptre with the vt il of old and rithlv jew el lht white dove typific the holy ghod who by tndi ion con olb the tctions of lnjb toi rigin the serjeant nt arms mice cirried by crj mt it irnij and other officnls dunnc tht coron itioi ctrtmony lower right hire jevvtltd swords that will pi iy an import mt part in tht ctrernony tn centrf is the word of tatt the wo btautiful and valuable sword in the world the roe or nj land the thistle of scotland and thn shamrock of irtland art rcpt itrd thrtt timej jewels on tlu slib bard at his coronation the knif pijclh ibis sword ifiufyine his military power nt the trvice of the church at right is the state sword whicr will be carritd by the kuif on itnlt octasions and at ll1t curt ma or the sword of mercy ont of cci of three the other two btuif un swords of justice spintu il and temporal of the four pictures in clniju of iijout at top lit tht kini orb which hiw will imlj in his ltft hand after hi bttn crowned the cro hit lobe id to signify tht diminution chrt nuty over tht world lowli1 li it tlu itniliial tit trovvn which will be wtrp by the moniuth on tie ou imoii mu lib tht 0eniri of irlum nt litre an joij prttu lib ih nt in thi crown aoi itlghi st idwnds trowu or tin ruwn or in mcj it ide ir ch irli ii 10 tint is the iimui vvhnh tht in hi hop td uttib iry pmiti on lilt id kinj ow ut to rent wcii ht it is removed almost immediately and replaced with the imperial it itt crown at loweh right the imperial crown of india win wi madt for gtoric and which wa utd to crown him cm ptror of india in 19ij it wil bt td for tht imt reki on by td vv ird viii on the cttion at right at to the br ice let on which arc on bl ioncd tlu symbols of pni lurid siotlind il nnd ireland ant the spurs of st george the cpur of eolld iold aro emblems of knijdithood and chivalry btlo clntitl the ampulla or golden luplc contninini the holy oil vviin which the nionnrch will be anoint ed by the archbl hop of cinttr bury it tht olde piece of pi id the ollecliiii diitui bid to 101 ad rinnl ing tlic ampull two view of tlu nnointliii id in conjunction with tht for ihi tbm tables at aoton nadian nationalhailways oolnc kaat tially except sunday 05 ajn dally except sunday lojoflxn dally except sunday 13 pm ijunday only 7j9 goinc west da ly except sunday 59 ban dally exeep sunday 323 pan duilj ixotjit sunday 05 pan lly jlo pi ijuiuiay 12 40am imdiy only 11 33 pm ianiaitr rrnafc arrow bus lppkci ivf eii 27th 193b leave westbound daily am daily except juturdiy 1145 am dully j15 pm sulurdiy only 15 pm lily 15 in duly 15 tlly li 15 sit sun holldiyi iuj leave eastbound dilly di ly dilly duly duly daily tcept sundiy oo 10 12 in 30 45 tu 00 pm ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop lu2pltl3sentatrve cora bbirict fednioal korwich voian crdrn iftre company tho allianea tb cvnudty tif caxmbx aaranc tjms merehmnu casualty tiw artagebpralrle msdnsj whats the news news is clianrmk con htnnlly cvtnuf lilin fast and tiling cliingc over niklic only an alert newspaper can kctp abrejiit of twe liappcnni on many local frontn the aclon fve prrag offers ilit teiullrs coniplelf service in nen rcportlni and editorial feature it tuihwera the question whats the ncus regularly eveiy thurwlay subfcriid now aiui ketp up with the tuned the acton free press acton ontario subscriplioikj for am muoiino taken at ttie lrs pntw ouice muggs and skeeter isupl only ihun ut un utruitlv suu nt thinu ultuully lin lux war when tho lutve ileum tlky ilu not vulu ii ij ii wlcatley aovc aijdut tcixls 14 oducctc ell it jugt llowto act watntto av wow crrupi ocrr 3o vtorrltx mkc makh1 ifpk ouiurvv sit up tr ctyvhtcji c1nmai knl fcluciaho vjook cit up ctvaigwt uookx aud wucklttlcysk domt ocm ol amviulho vtpt tywally bishop

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