Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 8

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paqfexioht 1he acton pkee press thursday october 15th 1030 notice of births urruct and death art inserted in this column without dure uimorlib nottctv gtto and wo pr un additional or poetry born morton at at josephs hospital ouelph on monday october 12tb7 lmfl to mr and mrs norman morton boo mabjjeq pauliamcixxuaall at st johns united church winnipeg man on saturday 6eptember 30th 1030 by rev dr aliens donalda chris tine daughter of mr and mrs donald mcoougall to mr william falus aon of mr and mrs falus of portage la tlfio suddenly on tuesday october 13th i03fl alexander stewart mlno beloved son of andrew and ethel mint lot 34 conoeeslon etaqueslng town ship in his 30th year loree autrle hofne everton ontario on tuesday october 13th 1036 mary suntcr widow of the lato oeorgo loroc in her 73rd year tthe funeral wljl bo held on iniday with private service at the homo at 00 oclock followed by ecrvjeo in everton church at 30 interment at ever ton cemetery dbituorq iocals the values you read snout are given in the ads plowing matches ar now the popular form of assembly in the countryside the foliage is off most of the trees now and that bleak fall appearance is on the countryside half block of cement sidewalk on william buluvant william buluvanb ufejong resident of halton county died at his home in georgetown on monday after brief illness in his 82nd year he was son of the late william bulllvant and was born in the township of nassagaweya but had spent much of his ufe in georgetown where he followed the trade of stonemason mr bulllvant was conservative in politics and member of the church of england he is survived by brotihe jatncs in okctokes alto and two sis ters mrs john davidson of buffalo and mrs william thompson of haueybury mrs bulllvant and daughter pre deceased him the funeral took place yesterday with interment in greenwood cemetery in georgetown alex black wins at ploughing being retold this week the attention on thanksgiving day here was divided between erin pair and the ball game ba milton it can be recorded that the first snow fall in thia district of the fall of 1936 came on october 13th the temperature dropped to 3fl above zero on monday and finished nowen and other plants out of doors the moa boys who took part in the gymnastic team at acton fall pair enjoyed theatre party with lunch and good outing tuesday night the high wind on sunday night brpko largo maple tree on arthur street which in falling carried down number of telephone wires are at tlio residence of mr jos agnew on tuesday morning called tlio brigade out but was cxtingulslied with out tho need of using tlio cqulpmcnt miss ytuth gibsonwih belinardover station ckoc hamilton on saturday evening at 00 wlien slio will tho guest soloist on musical sllliouettcs new automatic stoker now in stalled on tlie lieating system at tlic government building which calculat ed to make consldorabk saving in fuel ule re por tho second successive year alex black of ouelph went homo with the international championship of the on tario plowmen association held at cornwall but he came close to losing the title to another western ontario man black winner of the jointer class in iho associations international meet took the ht hon bennett trophy and m0 for that event and clung to his title despite threats from hajv greavee of beachvlue und richard jarvls of mil liken both former champ ions judges said their work was so l4jm4iad41facu plnrlng ontario entrants carried off major honors in all classes of the meet making clean sweep of the special prizes offer ed for work during the last throe days when open competitions were held crowds varying from 00o to 40 000 watched the contests brought total at tendance to about 89 000 the tlnal day of tlio competition at tracted 25 000 spectators preservation of parm flncl posts new wing at foresters home in oakville the sound of the finishing hammer blows had hardly echoed into the dis tance monday at noon when foresters from all over the united states and canada gathered at the older home bond street oakrllle to open the new wing for girls and join in congratulat ing supreme chief ranger frank hand on the accomplishment of task which has been his ambition for yearn opulent to the point of magnificence the new wing containing nine bedrooms is decorated and furnished in modcrn llstlo styjo and reflects more the atmos phere of luxurious hotel than of an orphanage maple furniture in light toned natural finish contrasts with rich dark backgrounds in some of tho rooms while others gather charm from light settings with contrasting rich brown maple furnishings in all rooms cur tains and other upointmenta are in per fect harmony with the mode tho new wing largely the product if mr hands vision was inspected by nearly 300 foresters on monday high officials of the order came from as tar as california for the event while the city of toronto was represented by act ing mayor robblrls uockalong womens institute ilia ttockolong womens institute licld their october meeting at tlic liome of mrs velt kramosa and erin town line with the president mrs mc kabb hi uio chair short business session was held during which the secretary gave financial report oflhfl booth at the school pair showing hugh wolkur and sou una of guelphs oldest busliu ilrms lum be oouw tho property of national grocers und will no longer be known by tliat ann name some person or persons with rather poor sense tore down uio boy scout apple daj posters immediately after they wan ported tins la an idea that wane chaps luive of using idle moments one of uie lauof tlio bridges of tlic old toronto to guelpu electric line over the slumber ttlver is being torn down tlie structure will bo shipped to tlie uockics to replace bridge ubtroyed there this yuu tile beordmore as co hide liouse ut uvo cnb station is being torn down and rebuilt ut tlie tannery for uorage liouse the building lias been used for otlur purpos for tlie pant few yars us hides are stored at the plant since tlu elding luis been installed workers in acton and district liad quite busy tlmu yeitcrday collecting the donations of goods to be sent to tlio wait to relievo suffering in the drought stricken areas it is expected to ship tuo or three carloads from halton and all chureht are co operat ing in tlie ttfort inuirestlng information with regard to tlio presurvatlon of fence posts luis oe crued from txpcriments carried out at the range experimental station of the dominion department of agriculture atj munyberrus alberta tliestr cxpcrlmenu lulve been conducted to determine uw relative merits of treated and untreated flnce posu in one experiment started in 1027 posh urc treated with coal tar or creosote while otlitr postrf were left untreated in 1030 all uie treated posts uero found to bo sound but all tho untreated anon were either completely rotted few indus below tlie ground or shoued euch advanced stages of rot that they alll have to be replaced within the next jcar as it uos several of the un treated ports lind to be replaced in 1031 and 1035 at the end of nineyear period comparison of the tuo treatments tar ring and crco onng failed to thow any definite advantage in favor of one or the other method however where cost and equipment are concerned there is decided advantage in the tarring treat ment tlie cort of tarring la from li to cenbi per post whereas creosotlng costs from to cents per post depend ing on the hix of tlie post moreover croofcoto dipping apporatui more elab orate in con and long time necessary to do the job thoroughly vnothcv experiment in progress is comparison of other treatments with varloui kinds of wood pressurecreo soted purchased commtrclally blue toned and charred posts are being tested along with tarred and creosote dipped posts charring has no apparent check on rotting as oil the charred posts uere as badly rotted as the untreated pre3urecreohotod pine posts show ex cellent durability but thty entail high initial cot for fencing large areas the blulstone treatment shows very b1 ruults erpcclally uith poplar po ls tlic cost of blu toning li urually le than cenu per pot the construction of the dipping tank and method of treatment being quite simple aawi uri report of the officers rally held in guclph and some social activities were discussed the roll call was answered by naming product of your farm and boosting 1l mrs wordlaw then took charge for the following program current events by laura tone paper on agriculture und canadian industries by mr wardlaw mrs mclean and miss baync demonstrated the making of kitchen gadget mrs pusmore put on contest tlio prize being won by miss masalct refreshments were served by the com mittee in charge st aliianh young peoputth officers at the opening meeting of st albana on turaday evening in the parish hall tlio following officers wcro elected honorary president mr lowttf mr ii rogers prealdcntmtas esther taylor vicepresident mrs alger secretary m1 anno holmes treftsurei mr alger scribe miss alice taylor oroup leaders mrs simpson miss barbara taylor mrs anderson miss ada elliott after uio election of officers coffee and doughnuta were served lit ty all around tlio study of the beautiful amid the magnificent system of material signs in which we reside giv us tlio mlghy key which can interpret them and it tiiukr us look upon the universe which we inhabit not as tho abode only of human cares or human joys but as the temple of tho living god in which prak is due and wlicro service is to be performed allison patterson r0 specialist in eye orthoptic treatment reaertptiea 108 wjndbam sl nest to ltlai ouelhl puonk 2108 qnallty aoeoraey tj more rambling round in runabout watches arent for warham elcin genu waiche mars and montrose wrist watches we will clean watch once free of chore of any watch we have sold and also replace broken mainspring if it breaks inside of one year after sale gardiner clock and watch repairing orchestra program ilia following tho sunday evuilng program to be presented by aolon coji ctrt orclatra lu the iouti hull at 15 on sunday october 10th the orclustru will tw under tlu direction or mr mason canada and rule britannia march spuds seleotion wood sprius overture ocoan ivarln saxopliono solo parklnon morel auietlcan llle saexehi old hymns xyloplwme solo and duettomr and mlu splriti walu prbnrond conut sole lel denver mulch rlag staff king kkhus list ofr kallh saturday october 11th mrs jaiues anderson acton houaeliold fcffectrt tuesday october 20th cecil early ouelph road parm stock implements bay and gram unnli with uhat mu leal instrument could you catch luh ca tanet enst ma whut the different between ball and prlncv one ls thrown in the ulr and the other la heir to throne which drefiic ittt ladlea longe louse dri ie cuit they are never luim out why li coal strange thing to buy because ultt its bought ij goej strallhr to the wller louiir which side of cat has the most fur the outside why horse tlu must unliable of creaturtj ui cause lw can stand any uniount of chuh which of your relatives are alwuy deptnduiit on you your uncus aunts and cousins for without they could not exist wliat lues one hcud 010 foot and four les bed hintons 5c to store featuring mens and boys fall wear our mens wear department has built its hijrh reputation by offerinj you only first ouulity serviteable and dependable mcrchandii at new low coftj compariym of our qualilj and price will convince vou menti wool work soteks 15c 25c 3oc pair mens horselude work gloves pair mens fancy dress i1 tkf gloves per pair mens cotton gloves per pair mens combina tion underwear boys combinations gst 79e 89c boys leather mitts of per pair udi boys print blouses for youths shirts pj sizes 12j2 to 14i kc boys pure wool pullover sweaters with zipper ah front sizes 21 to 32 7jc boys polo shirts ftl sizes 21 to 32 for idc mens flannel work shirts sizes to ny coc 8k mens dolskm shirts eiich mciih fancy dresij rocks new tall shades let 20c 25c 39c 50c 69c 10 15c 100 ic 39c 139 98c mens overalls sizes 34 to 44 x19susa mens moleskin pants per pair boys braces per pair 15t mens heavy police irj braces per pair tijc mens tweed ot pants full size jleid boys tweed shorts jff sizes 23 to 28 pair boys tweed breeches pair vllu boys long tweed oq pants per pair mens tweed caps da fine quality oafc boys tweed caps liic mens toncy broadcloth shirts llijely tailored plain or stripes sizes 14 d1 to iy 50 valuemull cltildrcnh wr1 mitts assorted colors 19c 25c mens ties assorted yf patterns each zijc boys tirs 19c boys leather belts 20c mens leather belts 25c of rail and winter underwear will wool and pleece lined combina his week end our stock he complete including pure tions shirts and drawers we carry complete lme of ladies keadytoweait at very attractive prtes wallpaper sale clearing 15 room lots of sunworthy wallpaper for bed rooms kitchens parlors und dmiiij rooms sacrificed to clear brine in the measurements of your rooms to insure sunlcient quantity available to complete your rooms et your winter iujijus now paper white tulips for 10r narcissi for hyacinths each 10c thetu ure very hili tirade selection ot itulby hintons 5c to store well baseball fn this section dwln stop with tho world scries but thanks giving day did put finish to it the finals are delayed altogether too long tliey just missed being snowed in tills year today was the last day for hockey players to move joe raybould of last years durham uain is iruing to play with tlmmlns tills year if thoao northern teams come down south to play it ulll be like ai old boyu ro union tlio caimdlon lekion urolicli in sur lbujton will enter an intermediate oil team this jetu and give assurance tliat rurllngton will lialc rood team tills year wouldn be urprbicd eltlier now tlia boeball is over uiat milton atcobi be comes liockey ooilsclouji with team hi tho runnhig this year mlglit even sec halton county group battling it out for ojtla honors on the loo this winter locally tlicrc are no more clianscs from tliose already reported acton will have team alright but lb will show tt few changes th year watch that cold when that archenemy of humanity the common cold staru its yearly at tack on uie frail defenses of human vitality tlicrc just one wise thing to do go to bed colds take more money out of iork em pockets than do any other sick nesses colds are responsible for greater loss of time from ccliool and work than any other single cause theseratanjt are sufficient for nation wide effort to kvep physically fit to tliat colds will be avoided at tlie fint signs of cold aoreuki or dryness in tlie throat eneesdng or running no people should act the bust method of curing cold is by nd very few colds uould dlvtlop into ri oils illness if tlie person who luu cold ere uke enough to take proper care of hlms if tlie nnt day or tuo in ortlicr uojxbi if lie ucnt to bed take laxative if necorary drink plenty of cold uater and eat lightly of umplc holcriome food breaching steam if tlie doctor advbx it may re lieve that ktoppedup feeling at night take footbath as as you have rubbed joureelf dry cover up in bed uith extra blankets so that sou can cucat the cold out of our ejstem hot drink such as hot lemonade will help sou penplre coldi influenza and pneumonia are dlitlnct tlleaua and different gcrrm pla part in each but uie early signs of cold ore often uie jimc as the early tlgns of influenza and of other contagi ous diieasti such as measles scarlet fever and uliooplng cough so it is very important to take core of uhjlt at first seems to be just cold to avoid coldr one should keep physically fit stay auay from people uho liave colds wear arm dry clothing if you ore unlucky cnouoh to contract cold stiy auay from other people go to bed and stay uiere until tlie cold is better elliott bros quality always higher than price large assortment of new fall goods are here carlton crepes smart patterns 35c vard ladies pullovers kill btrle 100 to girls skirts 100 125 plannelctt pyjama cloth ww ratunui 20c to 35c buttons new fall aaaortment large range of styles card 15c iadies skiitts several bljle 195 mttl 295 girls pullovers several btyles 59c to 150 silk hose all shade 29c to 100 cotton tweeds and plaids ne pmllonu 39c to 45c yj fall gloves 39c to 79c childrens hose cotton bilk and wool wool 25c 55c underwear tor ladies and irl slut coiton wool lotbc assortment popular pliool underwear larco range to choose from combination ot rflnprntnfiriirnynifl cotton fleece lined wool at popular prices sec our well assorted stock before buying purses 79c 125 hats by tultmore lvdl shade vat lelt 295 and i2it nuti3 by took new paiiem and coloring 100 150 200 ties by toolu the keweat coloring 50c 75c 100 socks new raiiern iatcc ilxnte ot qualities 25fc to 200 pair sweaters pullovenl or cout stylril stk ttlrsh l95 to 395 suits or overcoats miuletomeawuie all the new patterns ond slryled it plearuro to show you tlie samples ileosomble prices phone as acton ont du and 1aptu iduitity coiujderlng onlj tlie manutacturl asiiect the pulp and paper industry in canada produced products with groj value of slfisfm 2hj in 1035 an in creax of per cent over 1934 ui 3j per cent ovtr 193j ahen prueluc tlon reached iu lou kvel dei pi till lnckore tlie value of or uie 10i production formed only twothird of tlu pi il production of 10j9 ntu print pa pi made up 04 ptr cent of tin total rt ported ton nunc of iwper niaiiu fu tured in 1035 amounting to 7u5 444 torn valued ut 01 7g3 301 an cre ue uf cint in toiiuaue and bt iwr cut in value ovir 1034 with iignrd to in value of prodjt tion the pulp uiul paju liidu try canada li secund onl to central lie trtc ftatlnnn heading the 1li of purelj manufactulnr indu trlt rlnct 10j1 alun replurid the avvmllw nlnetv hie mill uire in op ration throun mil the dimlniim during 1035 and tlu tu ber of tmpluyiu louhid j7 b30 to ulnii kibirles and vvauif anunmtlnu to t5 u93j13 win paid hi total cap liuc in th nianufacturlng iirl in the pulp und papir tmliutry in iojj was j545 572 038 lyports of pap and pixr ijood from can ida during 10j5 win valued ut t04 041 t01 comiiuud with ssujjl in 1134 lports of newsprint lia amoutilhl to 574 187 toiik vuluod ut ib 024 jil of whlh 01 b3s toiiii valued ut imuvmuo went to uu vtud buxcd ciuiadtts exports of ucwsolirt are now second only to licr cxportrf oj wlietit und are renter tlimn the lievt pr nt exporu uf tiie test of uie world parable certain man had furnace and his house greu cold said he to his furnace 113 not another lump of coal do you get till you give more heat the poor nut froze and so did the merchant who cut down his advertis ing budget to save ex pense if you want to sell advertise

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