Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 7

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thursday october 16th 1030 the acjon free press jaaos sbvklf botobek gave party october cave pvt the leaves by hundreds came the chestnuts oaks and maples and leaves or every name the sunshine spread carpet and everyttalns was grand mlsa weather led the dancing professor wind the band the chestnuts came in yellow the oaks in crimson dressed the lovely mlsees maple in scarlet looked their best all balanced to their partners and gaily fluttered by the bight was like rainbow new fallen from the sky then in the rustic hollow at hidearid seek they played the party closed at sundown and everybody stayed profcaaor wind played louder they flew along the ground and then tho party ended in hands across all round ooontt cooper twenty yeaks ago from the issue of the tree press of thursday october 19th 1916 dairy butter has been selling liero this week at 42c per pound mr nlcklln lias just brought in car of saskatchewan tyifaltxa they arw selling at 15 per bug mi john harvey lato municipal of rer lias been appointed llceiiu inspec tor for tho county of jlalton mr isaiah coon ojki family liavc re moved to ouelph aclon rctfrotd tho loss of such worthy citizens tho shot factory by law wus voted on by property owners on monday and was carrlod by iho spkiulld vote of 130 for to 19 against lown iliul for al nglngt apeigtit ql aga fl acton ranning co dry loft un4 uirlfl stock of leather wtro lislroyd by flro last wednesday tvtiiliig ilu lota estimated ut j0o 000 partially covered by insuanct rlui ilrv wiu lpoctaculur one tlw high building of four tioan 11ui and bajrfnunt uju fllhd from bow incut to attic with liiitho tmtl other oods and tho chunl al ncuon of the lire on melal tuid iratllr itnt fantastic ghirintr flame kywurd at uu mm tiuu the ruufluitlon of tlil cnormou la factor of luuiiiu rcrt by all at 11 nutting of uie all air dlr eotonf ixiiort of tlu secretary ohou tmalf balunci on the book the prljw moiuy pild out 000 05 iiki dtnny at hlr hoirn lot 22 fourth lint urfiiil luif on llmrdi ocub ith lold john tknni in ojrd jnr lamutm at crcu on coiur on mondn october kith 1910 willi im lunbtrt aitd 70 ji it chronicles ot ginger farm written specially far the acton free rresa owenimjlynk cxattke there was day this week when weht for motor drive trulte early in the morning at least soon after sun rise it was pouring with rain and when we started out thought what ever made me come on day like lhl the country will sure look dismal but do you know had tho surprise of tny life tiuj country was glorious tlirough the rain and mist tho lovely colors of tho autumn leaves stood out in bold relief just as one might suddenly realtne happiness with eyes tcardlmmed by recent sorrow lwo days later went for another drive again early in tlxo morning this unu it was beautiful day tho sun pocking over the horlzmi with smile of uarmth and gaiety looked forward to passing heavily wooded ravine which knew was on our way tho viow wan aire would be wonderful wt came to it ftfkl looked and was duuppolntcd vht nun uus shlnihg directly upon uio trees in thr ravine but it shorn brightly tliat ita radiance killed tlu color of tlu try later wlun tli sun wuri higluyr in tlu iky it lost il nrwt brilliance there wj now light and uluulo and uh country hide was onoe more iurposslngly lovely in ili multicolored autumn until tho contrast butueen the two morn lngs was ntriklng could not forgot it and wondered if pcrljapi arc motirttafcimriagxahrl wt vmous oid lorl tin ulj en torn port of yarinou li noiu til rtcmtlj celebrated 17oth unnue irv of it tujidlnt oup of lit lrrrdv ploin cr from cape ct ml ichu itt in 17dl th tnct cmintrj urr nmdinc mouth uil oriiimll nown cip pourcu tin mil bi tovcd cliam plain in nnl meihing forked or clon cape in 170 nftor tho cap ture of queue by wolfe number or nutt lril nu nilnruted north nnd grant of land on the intern tip of noui scotia uir made to praopectht lttlcri from yarmouth miu ichu tt uho named the nev site after their on tou duildunr opratloar got unt miy in june 1701 with the arrlvil of the actual colonlati from sandwich caic cod tho flrt famllleo to arruc tlic land eri the pcrrja and tlie uil cr cunc in fuhlng rhajiop laden ulth tlulr house hold elfecu other fnmhien noon fol loted the first winter uar very re and to add to the discomfiture of uie pioneer the ship comniuslontd to brlnu their inter cupplleii failed to arrlv and the little settlement subjlted en fluh and cifti of vcnlon from friendly mlcmaca in the rprlng eleven of tlie leentccn flrht families returned to new lnflind ioaeer others ma tly fl liermen took their plact uiul eltlcmuit praipered in tlut jian time liu fir hip 1j launched and begun the industry tint uo1 ti muke yarmouth built shlpi famous on the wn soil md armoti 4i captains knoun tlu id oer her riiiv tllppu hip brouifht pr iwrl ind tlu huh li him illm tv into bu port beyond the troubles tluit come to mosl of us nt tlmt throui tit uiiri tlu jorrow my am to ltou we may rtnd beyond them color and boaul to gladden our uv again jil an vj ublu to ree the color anj rindi ur or the rivlne through tlie mi ti riln it nay 11l0 liappen that occe onallj the unhint of life may bo too briht for bright that ue are blinded to tho warm jlouing thinp tint rillj count like the luippj comrade hip of tru ted fri nd nthrr tluin the rlltt of ciuual acju untanco tlu love of little children rither th in coclal irt tite and the jmpal ij and under lmd iiil ulthln our family circle uhlch ro often oe hind in hind ulth adwr itj th are the olorful uorth uhlle thlnr in life to uhlch ue may be blind ed ulien ue lhe only for pi urt rliap mi oll to lillnk the thint peril ip uiiit find in niturv hr no peeiil nltic uici for but ij to think it hi wi am lad hid in outln thl el bee ill lni bu we he id of me ul to thri on in ly ir llirt hi intei th then mo ihml hint diy of 11 di bit pirtn ut ul not tr of it cm hi dl not 111 the idt lni ik bor to help him publl in rnly th it but tl ml im il bis bill limi will pr il ib bi on md ind uoildnt ur inl fellow vhn prenntrd ibi ir ft tine to witch uie fun would you belli cc it hue nev good grading an essential to successful potato marketing as another potato shipping season is commencing the producers and dealers should give some serious thought and consideration to tic marketing of uiu important product wbether intended jr feed or for table use every factor which tends toward tha production and the placing of well graded potato crqp on the market has the eriect of enhancing its value to pro ducer nnd consumer alike rnd the whols industry will benefit uccoriir fcly it goes wuhout saying that perfect pack of tubers will sell pioro readily than an unperfect one perfect pack in vqlves many factors chief among tliese may be ciud the following clean bright skinned tubers which ae reasonably free of diseases caused by scab scut blight rot soft rot also insect injures as well as other damage caused by cuts and brubcs during harvesting and gtod lng operations such tubers should fairly trun to type mature sound and without injury from either frost or sun burn cuts and btilics dcvjoped during th hondling of the crop at harvest time or durmg the grading and shipping opera tions callrf not only loss to produc und coiwunur alike but also iu small amomit of annoyance wlw11 such tubcrt um ubig prepared for aed or tabic iu among factors whlclv kiiould receive tllo careful utteiltlail of tlu produce or di uler ai tlu cas may be is that of hinall potatoei in uk pack all too frt outntly tlure are too many undenaize tubers in the grade the quality of tlu potato crop in tlw tait thb year will undoubtedly im paired due to uie action of tht lite blight dbwuie which lj prcvaleiit io many rectioiui tills mcaiu grow era deal rfl ajuiupjivjuc4ibiruifciniiiliail suilh tntifrprvcrycrrrurwhr tot for shipment to hv tluit no dkeajed tulx aw lncludi tlie create ponilbllity rest of cour with the otter iho uho hint pruyvd the crop thoroughly throuehnut the grow lw ne iron hould lne little to fear lierein tlioe uho hie nol lnrurcd their rop uill no doubt have troubl ir pridinr out the atfected tubcrn lir full information on potato du consult the neare laboatory of flint pitholipy or the dhllon of itot any ceiiir il nxprlmental finn ot taua slats diary by olivier wabiuw sunday jane ac blisters elay was at partlo lost evnlng oa the way back in the ford bustera ast rlsy wasn she never at pariie with uglier fellers than him she set still ac sed notben st blisters ast her agen then she acd she was just lryen to udnk diddent get the idee but xpect blisters did as he then kep still monday pa has hod me lighten dandy lions all summer ac they are still plenty of them pa ml tny advise about what to do next st repllde st sod maybe tte beturr try lcrn to love them tuesday they was peace in the paper about man who dlddent kiss his beter for ys shooting nother man who klst her lie was deuirmened site ottcnt to be klst that seams cleer to me wednesday the prascher was haven his luncheon with janes pa ae ha to day sed to jono lie scpectcd she was of grate liclp to ler ma as jane pulled boner by wayen yes she counts tlie hllver after all visters is gone rhunday unkcl hen still gctu oft good accoshcnelly we woffva talken about tho skutchmau acrost the st buy ing 2nd hokid furnlchcr unkel lien iud lie even maorryed widtjer imday klsy sed to jake why is it you are urn utrwt so manly ac sum times iut issy at jake rcplide he thot rnebby it are becof of his parrents ts men li wimmeii looks rerenabel to me saturday illut rs ulwuyil lus ancc if you ask llbn thing yesterday the teechcr ast him the plooral of man he umj men jl then hie hed baby hi ed lw thot it ure twins or mcbbv qulntooplels and etc jlanmnr oh ovy woh smilisl al hlhl jn till it hr tueen th iinlu and tlu tin li ml all hi uu lit ne 111 lit hf thkii in it in innu 11 1th tlu am lint wlncl if fitli md li plrj it unlit pi met uuuind in tlu pr ne 11 hio it th tin in lw 1111 thh hit mm phi 111 ut 111 it it ci iv chotuuui etti ibttetirtiiiie nl e5i ictli iacl of interest becuu un anxious unjone ab 11 til sco but don under tnd tlie rmii and therefore etj no fun out of uatchlnr it upjia im not properl cmidiiubed een yet but do like to uith hack the liffht nlnp penxl of the men on tlie ice un absolute faclnation to mi llope rnc inff too uirtll me tremendouilj bul not fuenclajl one time in enfliuid lued for one timmer ot neu market town famous far hor rice the uerc on while there but newr once ucnt iuu the tnick not becau dldn inc to but because anted to ro much uoa ajrild uould la my iiead sponkirtc of port brlnca me to tlie alljmportant qultion of open eason for pheamu wai asking partner how it ue heard ro 11 ttli aftiii phe int hinting in ciutlmd and he reminded mo that our thin open jason did not in tint tver turn diek md ii ir uho could handle gun could go out and hoot no mm could only tho on 111 own prop rtj ir lnltitlii from 11 friend luri md ni pt uiuli uho1 duty it uu tlu xh md bithiv uni in in uiki uhln ilthii ti hoot in ir ippln on propert hhh th iim im it il ble llua alrald uu to im of uuui keeper alien ttluld iinlnltliuokl in null inn ului be ik mil uomi stiiongi it tii1v mis gre it britiin hi ninre thin 001 ufiuen who uorl in tlie hi tr idt md uho dill ti would be beont minj of tin jounf bu lie men li iflce and ll 00m anion the nn nmirl ible ilrit uio mil 11 ft rt oli irl uho 11 mult in thnnt il fietori hr mim bi of tl il bi tut en ti nlj md tiintj 11 tin of cud rjti di olrl in mi ihnd br firj or id of ib uit 1u md hort if hundrnluil lit 11 vint md llii ird from to jim uiili onlj tr il udl he ith few milt un vtouerh unptnn eolonj of thin 000 inniou broid lilpped tnppini women with mu culi ar and uraiutoliard linul ucli im bliek mltlu know 11u aiv imploded 01 the bir ittel foclirie chain maker but instead of uorkinc in the fuctorif thu women fo chain in their own back hardens in man es the kit chen uorkrhop rh iilnr uith luntj hanimcrblowi and heatfelt curs uhen tliinl ro wroiifi some or thee women are in feet tall and tronff hus land creep about tlie houe like mi the fourteenpound hamim thc amannr urnl can pound white hot iron bars into nape with eoie mo of theu female chain maken tart uork or blaclmltlu uhen they are younc tjlrl and they continue to us tholr fourteen pound hammer uhn over tlie nee of fifty iron bars ar eried out from lie factorie4i and aie returned chainr to be lid for bv length uravi men walk irily in tin planes whe mrk fly all day lonir mu lbratlon often brhip down ornamci ij and plcturn from ikinc walli doctor uho htn txamimd the wonu 11 of wt im liampinn on behalf nt tin millltl if health dielin tin both pliy ic illy and ti hum rami il lay troiu id udlt thin 111 he uho every morning plans the trannactlonj of the do and folloui out hint pi cirle thread that will uide him tli cuth th libyrinth of uie mo uu jlfe tin orderly orrunue ment of hi turn lit ray or ufh which dartr thrrinh all hl oc upitlonr nut where no plan is laid wh re the dlpaal of time cunviwered ne elj to the chance of incident till hlni ue huddhd topeth in one cliao ihlcii ulm ts of iitith dl tribution nor view hub luxury for lady youth and age the mature of each generation run grave risk of putting their efforts in futile direction in blind alley as it wcie unless they keep in touch with the youth of their own day and know at least tha ucnd in which such dreams are drlvirur them those dreams which fairly buffet our faces as we walk uie city streets jane addams veky sucoesful did your daughter enjoy the wlnt sports well she jot ensaqd to three of them before came home distant rfiattves junior what ore dlstanl relatives faukr they re the kind of people who call on you after making long trip and wish to dvold paying hotri bills trkat mln oreat men sluid like solitary towers in uie city of clod and secret passages running deep beneath external nature give their thoughts intercourse with higher intelligences which strengthens and curusol thorn and of which the labort rs on the surface do not dream longfe how the free press says wtifctt dffek an 111 nt imiutinr hi liruwn luli it und lii ilu jil lilit nn rhlldnn tht nr dl hi el 11111 lli 111 think what this won derful offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year for yourself and your fam ily magazines of your own choice and this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful departments ana color ful illustrations now is your chance croup croup selbct one magazine select one macazne liberty mafc52lssues1 yr judge yr pafenlsmagine yr true story yr scfcenland yr house garden brno time tables at acton gvta cast daily except sifoday doily except bunday dally except sunday sunday only oeins west dally except sunday daily exeep sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday sunday only stamdaiid tq4e 05 am lojtiajn aulpjn 7jbpm biajn lmdm wpon iatoajn 11 33pjn arrow js schedule tffective fept aitll id30 leave westbound dally am dully lkcciit iuturday 11 45 hi dilly silurduy only dullj dully djlly ut sun llolldiiyi 15 tun 15 in 15 pin 11 15 in 05 um leave eastbound dully cuccpt sunduy 00 dully 10 ajn djlly 1215 pin dally 30 in dully 45 dully 00 pm marians 24lssues lyr national home monthly yr canadian magazine lyr lyr fidotial review iy qi silver screen lyr american boy lyr parenlsmmsjane gma can horticulture and home magazine lyr this offer fully guat anteecuail renewals wmjbejextcnded take your offer no choice 0ne ma grollj one magazine from group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group land this newspaper il rs ire iia luxuriou anita nm blomk cam ir th in itntly si luxury fir ui ly uly is uu tuiiniui li iij th fui ip il it ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop rfeprfcsfcntative gore ttlsirfct mutual norwich tlnlaa canidait klre liuaraace coxnfcuuiy tho ulu akburane co tlu casualty ot caiada afcurawe the lmerehuiu cakuully co tuh mutual whafs the news ncus chjiikiiifi con timuj evnui happen fait and things clunu over night only an alert newspaper can keep abreui1 of these happenings on many local fronts the acton free presa offers iti readers complete strvice in tievth reporting and editorial features it aiiswera the question whacs the news regularly every thursday suucribe now ami keep up with the times thl acton free press acton ontario subscriptions for ah mugaziiteif taken it the ivee vrtua ouice muggs and skeeteft ill ss ol ii 111 irl ik niniiliuii il iiuil li ik 11 iii uu pi li mp fi 11 11 111 up hi ill lu in li will li ii li ll in if ntlw tiuii ti hii iii 111 li in of il ittui 11 ll mill li 111 ii ll ii ll ii iii 111 ik urn in tlili ami li ip ii in mill it ilrtu hi 11 uk iii in il li it in but tlul luiv mu ti il li in th li uui uiul uni iik rl ml 11 vou oomrbcicx 1wi llaul ul ulmg unc ukt1c iick llakb amd unlock tcow3 aud m1 rc golu ikld cot wllo it ic how fcu krrp jour vu od ir iat xul icvc arcoijd atfe tsctjj rcmcmbcr ciom tk1 x30r chc ojr of has awvqodv oqmcc tt sfta bywally bishop cr mi mayec t0 riantfii mavec wc bcsnu bemr stav rksut ncrc

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