Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 6

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paoc sdc the acton free press thursday october 15th ia30 cbeed would bo tnjc pvar there arc those who trust im would bo duto pbr thcro wo those wtu care would bo btrontf por theo much to cutler would bo brave fist there la much to dan would bo fritnd to all tho foe tlo friendh would bo giving and forget tho sift would be hui ibl por km my akin would lk and inn md uid lift iluv ird whet eiiu hints kcctpe for new and novel dubci oovaehold idea the old man ofjhe oiapls tilt mfcnu barbara li urooki feu of nature gilts are so lov cly look at aiul few have yarned bo much praise in song and fitory as the grape poets have token pages to tell of tho beauties of the loaded vino and tho purplo fruit dripping and awect with juice aniono who lives bi grape country and call wc tlj arbors covered with luscious jewels will really appre ciate the poets words and anyone who does not live in the vineyard country can still appreciate tho flavor the fruit tlicr are many varieties of graphs which tho homemaker can use hi licr kitchen hothouse gropes aro available all tile jear around but there some thing about the outdoor blending of sun and wind which gives added sucetness it in rt with littu pi tho druid ji his make up no grapes cvtr taste quite bo good 4is that bunch which is plucked ott th heavily laden vlncs and eaten with tlw lcw of tlio vineyard cinpliasbtlnc tho violet or purple glorj of its coloring the cluldvn who are truly druid in their tastes think that wild trapes arc the perfect fruit and come home uftcr rtroygly trip through tlie autumn coun trywide covered with jukv stains many women liave found that no other variety of grnhet can quite comp ire in flavor and txrtnes to ulld crape and use them for jellk to itrve with meats if thej urc uble to tcet wild grapes from tlie uncr they ure fortun itc for many of ui hie where wild rap uould seem vu traiife unci rare il wild unlmul grape are hlj hlj perishable aim delicate molture on the fruit ulli ctiuc deterioration and jlnce they art apt to collect moltutfe while landlm place tluni when there is free circula tion of nir look the buuchti over fre quently and remove spoiled rupci ho lver do not handle the irult unnccc uirlli whin lou have mode lour jellj cerje it for bixakfiut with hot all bran muf fliui hi jelly roll to accomp my crown rib roast of lamb on sandy iclics in tarts rfhd or cour jou rune other favorite waju of ujng it too hero uc give jou the recipe for new pastry that toe with jelly in tarts to prfec tlon and recipe for muffins to cat with grape jl11 at breakfast this trope pie is kood with tlie bran pastry too orapt pie cups concord grapes tablespoons flour fables poon coanstarch teaspoon salt uaspoon grated lemon rind rclpe bran pastry wash and iata grapes cut in half remove seeds mix sugar flour corn starch salt and grated lemon rind to gether thoroughly combine with grapes cook slowly until uilck and clear stir occasionally bung careful not to crush urapc cool line pie pan with pastry xill pastry with cooled nlling cut ftu gashes in centre of top crust moisten edges of under crust with uater place top crust on lightly press odies of top and bottom crusts together and trim onehalf inch bojond pan using ucusors uluu by placing forefinger and thumb or left hand against outside edie and pressing pastry against forefinger of right hand hake in hot ovn 150 degrees fabout 30 mlnutei all iinan pastry cup all brlin lj cui flour teaspoon salt cup shortening lablnpooiu cold water more or le ji itoll all bran and combine with flour and rait cut in tlwiudaig mix unvh tlu coiulstenci of commtil add ennug water to form dough itoll out on flour et board to inch in thlckius vtcld crust pic ur inch putiy ht ii all ultan mufx ins tabl pooii lurunliu cup sugar egg cup all bran cup milk cup flour uavpoon tilt teaspoons baking poudcr cr im shorunlng and ugar ih if thoroughl add vui and but until etam add all bmn and milk 111 boak until the moisture tiekth up ift rlour with nalt and baking powder add to first mixture and stir only until rlour disappear vih grad inuffln pani twothld wltl ul bioderuu ovca 400 dearies about 30 mlnuus note when bouf milk or buttrrmdk la uaed lutead of aih milk ib teftpooa od and only bsuspoon bak lot powder tilt only taniuui who sluill judge man front maimer who shall know him by his drcs paupers may bo fit for princes prince tit for sonu thing lets crumpled slirt olid dirty jacket may bcclothe tlie olden ore of tho deepest thought and fueling satin veli could do no more there are iprlnri of crrtal nectar tier utllinf out of rtoiw there ar purple built and olden hldde cruhed and oi rgrou ood who counb by joul not dre cs loiei and pro pera ou and me whll he mlui throne the hh he but as pebble in the sea min uprabd nboft hh rellow oft far hi fellow then ters rule lord remember that jour meanest kind are men men bj honor nun bj feellnr men by thought and nun by fnmi claiminj equal rlfhl to runhlnt in man ennobling name there are foam emhrold red ocean here are little weed clnd rlll tlurc arc fteblv inch hlph iplinp there arl cedar on the hul god who counts bj oul not lilloni loiei and propen jou and me tor to him all famed dl tinctlon ae us bblei in tlie ca truth and justice are eternal born with loiellners and light secret wrong sluill never pro per while tliere ir sunny rlplit god whcva worldheard voice li inglng boundle loie to jou and me sinks oppression with its title at tlie pebblei in the jua ram the old scrap book tlio first preeentorxcailtlcalljnthe old church uaa charles milne the fatlier of tlio late mrs anthony steplienson and tlie late mrs jamct mclam he woj born musician and tlie way he led the old scotch presbyterians who asembled in old knox church in his day was great how the old psalms of david and the paraphrases and occasionally hymn would ring out afur his tuning forc gave tlie pitch he wanted how the psalms were loved in those dass tlie paraphrases had their innings occasion ally but it was rare tiling to sing hymn among these fw oh god or bethel was the favorite and it did im press the verities of god almighty power and omnlscence forgot last week to ivcord that in tlie earlier days it was requirement of the minister who was being called that he should be convenant with the cue lie language und agree to preach at least one sermon each sabbath in gaelic rev john mclacnlln ilev lachlan camer on hev cuintron were all eloquent not to aj long winded gaelic preachers and how the mcdonaldn and tlu mcnabbs and the mcgregors and tht mcicerrachem and the mclaacs and the mcbulns and tlu mcphersons and tlu mcdougalu and mie xlurnr and liw eons and campbell and waldlej and wurrtns and scotli and icenncdjb and uueroiu and maniei and ilai and ul ion of uu old settlers uha lidd come from the bonnl banks and buies of scotland did enjoy tlie word1 of the lord in tlu mntlu lmguue the leiri prourt ed tlvo ticniand for the gi lie rtw in tent the young ilk irned lngllsh only and nmly mle tlu gull por earo mr uiu mi ill tied uu congregation with tine git hi ennnn month and that illj af th mrnion in loighsh hnu tlmt luive chunked war rant tluit number of tlu sev ion or eien of tlu congregation eer inuj roauxl ibv ileimu uie priut mlnlur for lu hlductttl wlu tlier lu could spwik gaelic or not or wlutlicr lie had mer heard tlur wus such classic language ojuv in use per forei in the prijbiterlon pulpit acton wh mr mihw laid down the tuning fork think jhmnle wuiw of tlu fifth 11 iu vwaibd to su ved 1dm ofur much suasion mr sltuw good er for iiiusle but his volco ws wck his suoocahftor wud will oordon one of our own be son of liiu cemrtly john oordon of oordon hall uie homo whero mr clarrldgo and family havo lived liapplly for many years william filled tlie honored axjxukwi utll ho woo good nuislclau with rich barlumo voice and ik loied tho jib ijt filled it uith uunoit itlsf action until lu ml in lave with mi christie nltlrr of lute mr chri te und of mrjd henderson itev lachlan cameaion he se ond minister of knox church wlio came from miltoru to acton over sjxty ir att mi gordon and mus chtisuinweiebi irrkd and ihortly uur after moved from acton to gloncoe then we had hobcrt hief wluv wna freji from tho old land he wiu pre oentor for wome time and then decided bajuoveiarther wt to hl fortunn lu went to manitoba but young man of treat promise luul lxen in trulnhig sarvw jjfue callcd to the place of honor archie was uceuhs and the congregation followed him lovolly by tills time tlu prcsbyterlan book of praise had gotten rtrong foot hur in the musical part of divine worship and the hymns were ued as freely as the psalms while tho revered old para pliaci were seldom heard tlie kl whistle ulo beton to liave place hi every pretentiour home and people began to realise that tliey could praise god ju as reierentlj by the aid of the mu tc of the oran in leadership or by the human olce of tho pre cntor when hei ilae the minis ic archie orj anied choir in the meantime the sund iy scliool luul put in ai orpan for that erlce out of tlcfercnce to the feellnri of rome of the old folu it uu relipiouly coniej ed trom the church to clo room durinp tlu iiour of public wor hip thlr luted for reveral ean but finally it uoj decided to ill tho organ with the choir and archie was happy the im proved musical ervice wa oon pener all admitted and the organ re oi nlxl iu concrated part of the divine wor ship of tlie sanctuary well here am apaln far pa my allotted space 11 have to leave the sunday school superlntcndentr and the voung preacher who went out from the conrregitlon and the old cemetery and uie cottape roofed cchool hou on the church lawn for nekt time stuc cavaiufan tjleti toit chuibtmasyldi till bllteoing 6f autumn wheat in recent jours tlio breeding of sup rrlor tyjx of autumn wheat has oc liipltd un uiitkirtant place among thu ucttvltus of tlu cereal dlvlition of tho cdilril lkprclmcnlul arm ottawa whiu ottiwu li nut located in what li li urdt ilt uu uiituiun wlu at dlstriet thi dltilrt nev rtlu 11 ippmii to in ry itlfutiry mu in whlrh divtl virietl iltoili th pur tl til utl imd in will ititumii wh cuplt prumlm nt pi it pt ill ihi ju ird th pi iti in of vl pint wlut rij typ ln ul 11 which will titvlv tl rli of wlnt und irly iprini ut ottiwu it ir in and ir out ur likely prut lurdy in th vyi le il fall wh it lowlng jiimii inu mcfttf lail autumn wl at iu ontiri dm mi gohlen chilf un fortunately thl not iu hardy iui mlitht in and iu rtiult uiurt oever damage ilurlnt ee liln luwrn in 10j4 tlu cen il dlvli ion itiluuttd program dl igiud to dt vi lop variety combining lhii hit yu idinir ublllty and df lrablu quality of diw on with the griter hariilm of our mat winu hardy tiix vli kharkov out of large numbi of typts re ultlng from croej made betwet the two varieties thirty winter hardy hlte grained type have beui mid roin critical ylild te ili ih owing of tlie in lectloni for thli autumn liai ju hi completed at ot uiwu sewn of tho above typui are ul in eluded in co operative ttt being con duett at the branch xpcrlmuital station nt harrow foiith we tern on tario and at the provincial arm at ridgetwn ontario the teed being tup piled from tl central larm out or ihit material it is hojcd abk very noon to decide upon one which may oc uwful fnrdh where dawt on go as new lieutenantgovernor sworn in the enmen cntcheif he cene aj sai itchevuan new lieutenant ov vernor arehle mcn ib worn in rcpri ent ilivc of the kinj the vvhent province hi hovvn to the li while chief ju lc sir iredcrick hault iln of the si itchewnn court of iippc il re idj hie pro clnmiition mnkhn the one time miniiur of public uorkj ucce or to lion ii munroe trnl pie canail an pi ot in addition to supplying her own needs canada is on important sourco of chrutmas trees for tlie united states and as usual at this time of tlie jear representatives of established christmas tree dealers from south of the interna tional uoundarj lmvo visited canada particularly eastern canada to contract for supplies to be delivered slvortly be fore clirltmos notwithstanding the increased sale of potted tres and rathr costly artificial plants in ukj labtern unlteel states the regtilar seasonal demand tor tree cut in the provinces of nova scotia new brunswick and quebec has de lded increase during the past two season over former jcars in 1035 shipments totalled 573 g42 tree valued at 3g4 135 in 1032 the flgurei were 020 443 tiven with value of 175 000 chrttmas tress from la tern canada find market in most of the large cities of uie eastern united states that may readied without prohibitive freight rhartftii the trcei in deihond rnnge in held hi down from 12 feet the mat common kzt being from to 10 fet one new york chain store luu ilited lla requirements ni heirtjf triu from to fett in he ikht packed in buudlf or three tuid to feet in hught parked in bundlij of four the treet to be fulli biunchihl doubh ecriie bul im in udoitl to tlu regular flrmi hil produce brokers who are willing act ncitnl mi conmil ion for any llrm or shipper irlng jl on conhu nt thli latter practice litti the can idlan lnuk coinml loner in new york is not jinan lull oumi one from il piiers iwlnt of view because of tho llmttid mar ki ting piriml which encour au pric cmtlng by the agent in ogl to am his commujtoii ulo uu uhlp per hili to pay tlu freight chargt in uthanct hahits ulrlalnhl tailor wou have ently inherited uie lump of money from your uncle why doit you pay mt cusuuiu luite all outward itliow don wayi it to be said ttau my newly kcqulrvd wealth hus caucd departure from my former slmpus habits en chuff eafi vdviw la uum upon to urvlvs tlio winters year in unci year out among tlu dl eae which frequently exact hcav toll both in yield and radc of autumn wheat ln bunt or stinking mut unfortunately daw ronr golden chaff in highly aucepttblc to tills di vo und so an attempt being made to develop variety or tlio dnw ron pe hlch 111 be capable of re ting bunt to thi end era cs iiivl been mad between daw on and sucn variolic ua rldit the latter belnf high ly re tint about ninety tralnn ro lultlnp from thl particular work have ju been udd at the central inn in compiratlve te plots nu in autumn whoat ha not occa loiild the depree of concern it hai in the cu of tlu prlnp tjpes thbi dis co ncvlrlhele periodical reduce tile ihltl und rade appreciably as it did in parts or ontario in 1035 attempt therefore are belnp made by the cereal dlvllon to combliii ru reihtance with the inter hardy qunlitlei of one of tho bet or the hybrids referred to above the division ha been fortunate in being ible to cure from tho united states certain hjbrid material which it is hop id may prove valuable in thli partlcul ir program in brecdinp work with autumn wlieat in the cao of other cereal grain the grecuhoucs wltli which the divlion har been well provided are of inestimable value uj the permit th work to pro ceed during the winter montlu thereby caving agrjil d0oloftlmo blind years boy regains sight dtep hum a1ti no one is happy who has not deep firm faith in some ideal far bcyqnd this world in name law of majesty beauty roodncsr harmony superior to tho ap parent meanness ugliness evil discord of tlie present dispensation how dif ficult it is to live the life of uie spirit thoroughly to be permanently interested in tlie eternal thlngi the durable rela tions that is why many of us are nob happv tlie noul needs refuge from things that pass like show to some reality about them and beneath them this feel with all the force haw john addington symonds vry bad tourist having looked over historic ca tie to butler we vo made il titupld ir talc tipped hlj lordihlp instead of jou butler that awkward 111 never get it now as result of on operation performed buffalo nine year old billy brohman of kitchener oot hnu had hii night rectorcd billy sa his mother for the first time niter the operation the yountf lad iwn above with trntic the don ho used as lead in the days of his mess central pru canadln ptiota lost fliers take duties again readvcooked iiuhis no work or bother wlit you nerve rvillomtt corn lakls lioruiijhly cookt mid touhlctl theio dchcioiih ilukch rearli your table ready to eat with imllc or crtain fhiits another reauon wliy kelloga art so gnomical uch big uluo for your money nothing fakts he plot of corn flakes silt bon coikman diet of squirrel would iree iv meet the gastronomic diinind of mi eplcirre but to two flit wh hive ju couil back to clvtlizithn it pretty ood ttlff especially if it li the only food uv uluble when vou are lo in the de olnte barren ind of the tub aretic hi ht lieut sheldon coleman nnd aireraf tjmiui joeph orley kcal who were found at point ike nwt 1150 miles north of dmmitun after being lo for jo josiph lonnv irt ife in wiiuupii and both ippi ir to be in exe llent ph it condition lor thru wet ki after ihey wire lost thty exiltd on jiort ritloiis uid then for tiiother week then tntire tllet eon tt of two squlrreu which they sii ired and few wizen td bcrrie how do you like squirrel hij ht it ut column wi uiked llieyic ok iil rule in fact thoy tjsttd pretty ood to ui acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance business directory medical dr mcniven phytlcljui knd kurroon onlco and ilesldcnco corner sonne avcnuo and klftn street uk nelson hymlrbui and burtton 11 ctro tlierapy phone wm cuiili ihytdclin and surrcoo orrlm hour und irn itidcrlck and mul etrcots plume 120 ifoal lboni no 33 boat su harold nash farmer barruter solicitor notary rnbue convetanocx etc mux stuff aotom owt houn 30 to 12 00 boon loop to oo saturdays 12 00 clock kenneth langdon itajxtstftr solicitor notrr ipablk onlcc acton aeorketown overt seynucltn cafe mito street por appolntmenu ihono acton as ir georgetown b8 office hours acton toesdy aat rhunlay lisp to 30 5m krea ingrt on requftst bpchanan office in irishman block iiouw tn until fl kwnlnca by appointment oas for extractions cloacd wednesday afternoon pbooa li pearen dental 8ttrxoil moved to our new quarters in the symon block phone 20 mul street acton hflscujlan otis francis nunan uookblndcr account book of cell kinds buule to order periodicals of tvery description carefully bound uullntf neatly knd promptly done wyndliamgtyeet aulph onl general in we bllxtauzk im life firo health and accident automobile winaslotm plato gla boiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lined of insurance albo ocean steamship ticked fading companies kxcfcixfcnt paciuxik bpnwezliauv kr4eeuv ihoefal tloa ni cmhaju for mmwrt osly fred wright onlco cooper wock ohk u5 phouca taesul 10ut want to sell something sold fin fibi small ad la tho 4ulokait uh nf to flixl bujrrl oioj cknt womjdl

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