Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 5

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thuhsdav ootobb 18th ibm the acton free press paob txrm mr george jlcgtzu vbs home from aurora for bbo holiday mr end fifra anderson spent tbmkalvln day in toronto miss doris mcdonald wms home from beamsvlllo cor thanksgiving mr campbell currle of chatham spent thanksgiving at his home here mr and mrs mcpherson spent tho weekend visiting toronto relatives mr george switxer of london normul school spent the holiday at his home hero mrs suycra and mbas olbbens visited tho past week with friends in toronto mrs jcnner of toronto visited at the home of mrs speight for thanksgiving mrs mcdonald of invorymay aask is visiting with her motir mrs mary mocarthur mr and mrs jos mcgoachie visited with frieyds and relatives tn toronto during tho holiday mrs nlcklln spent thanksgiving in quclph at the homo of her son mr nlcklln and family mr arthur gamble spent the tlianks alvlng weekend with ilev and mrs elvln gamble at calslorville mr and mrs mcdonald and family of croemorw spent tho holiday at tlie homo of mr and mrs thos watson mrtand mrarthamaa bailey returned onmonga evening after vultlng with lltlujuliijuiiiiimirtt7lmit miss mcdonald and mrs ifodglns of midland spent thanksgiving at tlie home of mr and mrs mainprise mr and mm bell of windsor spent the liollday at the home of her parents mr and mrs mcdonald mrs felmorc johnston and betty and mrs gordon johnston of hamilton spent tho wjtcnd with acton relatives mr and mrs laird mcdonald and bubo of dhrolt mich visited on ttic holiday with mr and mrs mc doiuud miss ttuby clarke and mr boyd clarke of toronto spent tlio tiuuticj glvlng wceknd al the home of mr and mrs wm gould mrs mcnubb mlses xi mcnubb and helen cook und messrs mckubb and mcnabb visited in detroit micil over tho weekend mr and mrs nelson lambert mr and mrs karl lambert and joyce miss dora lambert and mrs xvy oripps pent the holiday at wellwid mrs cliurlotte macdonald miss corhuiu macdonald and mr ottlo clark of hamilton were sunday visitors at tho home of mr and mrn ii vincent mrs xlumulcr mr lycd killmaj ter of imrt itowun mrs maddooj of toronto und mr dick taylor of neu llskcord bpent tlie liollday at the ivome of mr and mrs matuieus messrs mcdonald coop er blair mccutcheont cose and xi mac arthur attended re ception in kitchener to the grand mos iter of ute masonic lodge on tuesday evening tlio engafecment announced of marloii youngest daugliter of tlie late mr and mrs gltfcn georgetown to tliomau leslie only son of mr and mrs thomas lblle of streetsville the marriago to take place tlie latusr part of october mr wright leaved tonight to call by tlve athenla for england win re he will spend several weeks mrs wright who has been in tlie homeland during tlie summer is in rotluj poor health and all will hop lie soon re covert and able to return home to aoton george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite ryrieblrks stylish accurate glasses fitted at hodenta cot stlfcuoo guaranteed epheadro ejnlcht specialist 58 st georges squalte plume 1s29 qtjelpii newbooks number of the now books recently purchased by tlie committee of acton free library have arrived and are being catalogued preparatory to going on tile shelves for library readers tile ncv additions include many of tlie latcu olum and will add to the splendid group of books available injuries more severe mrs harry hluon who was injured and time moves on bishop sails dear purs puss how time flies thisi is octofccrtne 11th and year ago tonight victor and mrs coleman and with 0007 others were in tho forum montreal where what seemed like triumphal procession took place aa it it bennett premier was escorted up the aisle and ono the platform wlicro ho delivered states manlike address conveyed by loud speak cr attachment in few days thereafter mr bennetts premiership came to an end and ho reverted to ills tomi leadership of opposition and now but for the fickle nature of public opinion ho might have been at tho league of nations instead of mr ring about twentyfour hours thereafter tho same filial pair accompanied mo to windsor street depot and there farc wcned as ill train quietly slid out of tho train shed en route to this oreat west cordial welcome hero has been followed by year of rapid movements as now reviewed soon on thanksgiving day afternoon was taken through tho serleu of miniature villages clustered around various derricks and plants to one tower on tho brow of great hill from which magnificent view of onu of natures great wonders the itocklefl was visible for range of pcrllaps scores of miles away to the east stretched great prairie country of indefinite dis tance towards the sugarmaking region about midway stretched southerly tho counrty hi which tho kings ranch li located this liave never seen al tliough may if live as long an some try to assure me will buo there lit too much to eiigagothotliought and oaro of tlioso in wlioio care am placed tlu urylo gauicrud at tho liomo here is bishop fleming bishop of tho arctic photographed as ho sailed from montreal in tho alounts visit to england while there will pay his respects to tho arch bishop of canterbury bishop fleming narrowly escaped spend ing tho entlro winter in tho arctic after travelling 0470 miles this year in tho arctic ho renched herschcl island tho ship that wat to have brought him out of the north could not reach tho jsliind und after being mnrooned there for sixteen tkiyii the hudoni buy company commissioner arrived in ipeciiilly chartered aeroplane and tonic him out cutr vrein canadian photo mr and mrs roy mckeown honored lasl friday evening tho number of iiorsoarthomlrtoi moved to tlie hamilton general hospital last week where an xray showed that slu was buffering from broken collar bone three broken ribs and broken leg till bjugut things of ue it will help us in learning the uticu of cheerfulness if we persistently truln ourselves to the good thlngi tho bright things in our common life thero are ome people who seem to hnve eytji only for tlie unpllaiant tilings lliey find every bit of roughrwis and hardness in tlielr dally path but on the other liand they forget their blewilngu thay have no memory for the beautiful things uw things of gladnest miller nngixty luwose the pouer of mighty purpose to dear up cloudy misty life in toscnt ter tlie fogi and to open tho way wlien there seems to bo none la dolly mir acle we cee it illustrated everywhere bui it mutt be purpose not idle dreams or mere wishes jacobs vision slioaod hhn tho ladder leading heavenward but it did not offer him nn oasy way up it took long weary eari and many liard battle with rclf and sin to enable him to climb hlglitr cocoanuts vob vxoodlighis lvillowing the fttem of hoodlight lug ud 2000 ioiv ouu bj king aokii wlio llad his temple at budda gayu calcutta india btand out in tlw ruiu of light cast by cocoanut oil lampii the edifice be again lighted ceylenw uoiiun bj preparing to ilood light tlie umple ulth ttl000 cocoanut oil lamps the oil and lamps are to bo supplied by ceylon 1lu tlie lady re sponsible mrs fwrnondo cays lwr task uai brought about by tlie reading of ancient icrlptura concerning king aioka am humble devotee alie sold und possibly cannot emulate the boal example hut fwnuntly hope nuiy be rvboni again and again com pletely in the foauteps of asoka hi tills respocl ukal choice haslus and lua ure nutrrwl but liort thikj wlicii lie tame liouw with big washtub wasliboard and luuul jome tluwefoot mirror lua whuts all do truck you brung itotus yoall kbi utke yo pick yo kin take do tub an washboard on go to wurk or yo kin ak mirror oil at dowu olid watch youaelf starve about ticiiool lunches when mother are making up lunches for tlielr children to toko to school they sliould remember tliat diet adequate for growth and isjoolth must contain enough quantity of food and enough of those foods which ore used in growing and in maintaining our dally resistance against disease tlie materials tliat makp chlldrvji grow and tluit keep up tlielr resistance come chiefly from fresh milk butter eggs meat and fish vegetable and fresh fruit cereals tliat are lightly milled alu help drcad potatoes and sugar arc not as useful for growth and form protection against disease but they are tho great sources wo have for tlie criercy we use they are tlie fuel of the body wliat mothers ixck in the childrens school lunchbox will depend upon what the child li eating for breakfast and at other meals at liomo an ample and balanced breakfast and evening meal ill lesson the necessary site and permit uidir lection for the school lunch if the bcalcfiit is hurrlid and small 1th no fruit und perhaps highly milled cereal and ta and colfee lnitead of cocoa and milk the other mcaln must prov id tlw fuel and tlie growth foods und tlve protecting foods that acre mlsed at breakfast school lunch is an excellent oppor tunlty to include much of the milk iliat in so ii tl in the diet of child the mil must lc pa curled if the child is to line cfuupli prouctlon agaiiist dlseasi ulii tuoercululi whhh rutiy borne milk fresh fruit exuilly carried and hoitlt be pirt of every school lunch tliey provide vitamins muni cliool are providing small itoves where ehlldin may make hot drinks such as tocci und thocolate stoves provide the opp rtunltj to make soupj lxeanied ptit itoes or stewed tomatoe etc in schools where cafeteria is prac ticable it li hsi ntlil tliat the uachurs school nunllcal officers and dietitian cooperate in providing menus tluit will guorunu optimum growth and lioolth probably 50 ier xr nt of the school children wlio take lunclws to sclvool ulll be provldud with excellent wllplonned lunclierf our concern must be for tlie remaining group of children wlui be cause of limited hiconie at home or be cautto of ignorant or careles toothers need more and better foods at lunch if tliey are to urfcr no mahiutriuoa outside of present pastoral precincts but 4t lias been jear of great in terest great many friendships liave been formed far as tlilnk josh bllluig expressed it tliere is great deal 3f human nature in tlie world especially amongst folks slaving been greatly restricted in attempts at work liave done lot of reading liavlng done much dally survey of opinions sre mr aber luut his promises and purpoen and also been into grout many publications including dallj volume which of itself contains alxtyslx books besldeii have in addition to tho sixtyfour letters to tin pule pmkss or dundaii star paper of old home towns luive despatched about one hundred and eighty to vari ous rclatlvai and oilier frlendi am glad to have thla taste for and ink uitercourse although its bit too much onesided to cult but liave been frequently cheered by word which leads to tlilnk tliat the newspaper effu sions weak and faulty as they seem wliui itavtng are often appreciated so tliat if this is one of tlie wajo can di any good am pleased autumn is lingering in the lap of coming winter for signs are nmny oi tlie approach of tho snowy king there li linos sudden dlsapearanco of wild life in many forms but atrial and bur rowing tlie days arc surprisingly sliortor giving much less sunlight so time move on and one great evidence is in fuck pukss notloea of wed dings of youngsters on known jean ogo and even some of tliore chrtreaj children yours colcman tumor valley alta itussians buying bagpipes bagpipe factories of scotland are mak ing more instruments than in scvern years and the demand from foreign countries has taken jump glasgow factory has just finished an order for nussla hair of tho bagpipes produced in scotland are exported many of then go to scots in australia canada and other parts oj the world one firm his regular customers in bra1 china japan india australia and alaska among the firms regular customers arr the prince of wales and his piper alli tnir fletcher of the scots guards bag pipes of popular use cost from 35 to 150 those uitd in military bands usually cost about 75 each lloy mcjeceown on tlielr recent marriage with iniscellancoiui shower ilui program opened with tlie singing of the maple leaf jock stewart gavq recitation followed by musical num ber by lawrence lamb and jack smeth urt iho preidint howard webster inert called upon howard swltaer wlio read the following address acton october 9th 1030 mr and mrs iloy mckeown dear laura and roy we are luippy to be with you this evening to offer jou our sincere oon gratulationn and to wish you liealth liapplness and pood luck in your journey through life your marrligc has been of special interest to tho incmben of our club since jou were once president itoj and jou laura one of our most en thusiastic workers of recent years we arp glad that wc can look for ward to having ou with us in the future while we are wishing you the beit of joy anfl prosperity we know that there will be difficulties jou will have to face god liath not promised skies always blui flower strewn pathway all tlie day tlirough but god hath promised light for the day guidance and help oer all the way to convey to you in some meosuro our good wishes and affection we ask you to accept tlicse gifts may uicy be pleasant reminders of liappy times spent with jour friends of tho actondale utvpo fred anthony howard wcbster howard switzim knox church ohserves 90th anniversary continued from fge one been great slrmer they think that as tiio saying is one must sow his wild oats let us look at this from the view point of jesus was jesus christ groat prfcachor did ho stand up for what was right wc also must face up to life tlie incarnate christ is tho only solution of life jesus is the pattern wo must follow look at tlie tabernacle and see tliat all tilings ore well there were uireo courts in tlie tub mocle and tlicse re present three cliuswsj or peoplo tho outer court ropnscuts tlio selfmada man wlio simply lives to make moncv and what lie gets out of life but lie is jilit partial success tlie inner court represent the selfmade man wlio bo sldea making money also beebmes use ful in tlie community and possibly goes to purl lament as tlib representative of tlio people but lie also is only partial suocesk tlie holy of liollca represents tlie man who besides making business kucccss and being useful in his commun ity ulso follows tlio pattern laid down by jcsui clirlst ho lios mode com plete success of thlt life to which class do wo belong chrlit does not judgo us by tlie amount of money wo liave or what position we hold hi life but he do judge mi by the rucsb we make of wluit we juivo we must follow the pat tern set before ui if we follow tlie star to jesuu tiluist then wo mn leave tlio ret to him dr mcjctxroll all eloquent bpoaker and uscj lllutratloiu very aptly to bring out the dcil points in hu discourse tlie congregation of knox church was joined nt thecvenlng nervlec by tlie other congregations of tlio community and tlie united church lwl hi uie opening prayer at thhl service tlve cliolr rendered two well executed nnuicmii mr win burton taking tlie j1o part tlio male quar tette messrs burton alex mann ived salt and george mussclle also sang an excellent numbor during the day special anniversary offering was received and mot with hearty response by tho congregation tho annual fowl supper in connection with the anniversary event ii being held week later on monday october 10th agriculture revenue up the total gross agricultural revenue of british columbia is estimated at 410092 for 1035 ion increase of 2503 851 or 61 per oent over 1035 in creases are shown in tho revenue from farm animals wool dairy products fruit and vegetables poultry and eggs fodder crops hops nursery stock and furfarm ing minor decreases arc shown in tho rovenuo from grains potatoes honey tobacco and seeds compared with the preceding year slightly higher average prices were recorded in most branches of tlio agricultural industry greater numbkr tourists exikcted visit mevco dowu in mexico the tourist trade booming and tlie mexicans are no slow at taking advantage of tlie opportunities which tourbim offers last tycar mexico valued her tourist trade at about 00 000 000 according to tho tourist bureau of tho canadian national hallways and with thu opening of the national higli way from laredo texas to mexico city much larger tourist traltlc is an ticipated tlio trade in native curios rugs pottery straw and wooden goods and mexican silver and jewellery has become rapidly commercialised and in creased sale of mexican goods are expect ed with tho growth in the tourist traffic gregory theatre fksday october 16 th speed thrilling drama of daredevil drivers with james stewart and wendy barrie crime doesnt pay perfect setup com edy punch and beauty novel ty dangerous jobs saturday october 17th florida special mystery farce starring sally eucrs and jack oakle musical kung of the islands cartoon little stranger novelty mas ter will shakes peare fox news monday october loui rhodes diamond master empire builder jiunxle conqueror starring walter huston com edy im much obliged car toon tlie old house coming monday and tuesday oct 26 27 san francisco killing time codex bible bestobed expensive set made by customer cost 1500 after two jears work tlie code slnaitlcus the ancient bible manuscript hich was bought by england from russia for 500000 has been restored when it arrived in enrland it was in quaint old tin box its pages were tai lored and crumpled some of them were loose it was wrapped in cotton now it has been beautifully bound in two volumes which wire shown for tho flr3t time recently to the truitee1 of the bri tish museum in london soft colored oik boards spe lally phoared encase tlie moil volumii which haw uhlte morocco the ilrm for not rememiu rld an old schoolmate of youn wished to be remembered to you aunt jennie short fat with grey hair hmin said aunt jennie pensive ly dont remember going to sehool with anyone who looked hko that tin dranh and covers cntontu1 should be will shaken bv fore being washed then steeped in cold water to which handful of salt has been add this sets the colors have good latlur of soap llukcs but do not have tlu water too hot when the cre tonnej are placed in it never rub wmp on to civ ton urn have plenty of clear rinsing waters as it is essential that the material and colors should look clear and bright alwujs have starch ready waiting lie uteeland hutur piece of cretonne as it is woslietl and starclied speed lh vital if the colort are to be kept fredhlooklng hong cre tonnes on the line with their backs to the sunlight pull each piece into shup carefully as thlt savm gtvat deal of ironing later cretonnes should be al lowed to dry thoroughly tlien they should be dumped down all over and rolled up tightly till next day bucki in ndd letters upotv tlwin tlio codex ls ii crlbed us brltlsh museum additional ms 13 725 experts declare tin codlx will now liut for at letuc 500 yt ars more scorn and contlmlt man by indulging in the habit of corn and conumpt for others ls sue to descend to the level of what he doa plui he opposite liublt of admira tion and inthuslantlc reverence for cx eilleno impirls to onrjlwn portion of the qualities we admire here is in every thing ele humility the surel path to exaltation dr arnold spirit of kindness icludni ji couugioiii tho spirit of harmony trickles down by tjunisaiul wcret channcbi into the inmost recesses of the household life one truly aifo tiouate soul in it family will exert hwvlninfand harmnnlxing tnnuence upoiluull its members it ls hard to be angry in the presence of imirarturablo goodnature it ls wellnigh lmpottme to tie mdrose in faeo of clieerful and uenertais helphssness beginning with the highest the olthmuit drops even uikin tliotn wlio ure uneoilsclous or caro utut of it uud the whole house pre sently tllud with its fragrance van dyke people partial to tills crime of killing time mlclit pardoneel if theyll only kill their own but they murder yours and mine kill our moments as they shine butcher minutes which are right ly ours alone which ls why say in rhyme that tlie men who kill our tlnu should be binlshed to on lsland in tin sea wliere among the leafy bow they can kill string of hours and not have chance to bother you and me walt mowoti household haunts uy mrs mary morton menu hint luncheon crenm of tomato soup crackers wallfles syrup milk dinner ttonot chicken with cerealcora stuffinu baked sweet potntoci moulded vegetable siilad hot bisculta scalloped tomntoej lemon nut cake coffee ever try ccrcalcorn stuffing for roast chicken its unusual but youll like it the coke may bo iced with chocolate if you like that best it is iood recipe to matto eake to send to the boy or girl away from home todays recipes plain waffles two cups flour four tablespoons baking pow der one teaspoon salt two table spoons sugar three eins one and threefourths cups milk onethird cup melted shortening sift tho dry ingredients be it the can yolks shortening and milk combine and fold in the stiffly beaten eilll whites cerealcorn stutring four to five cups crisp cereal one iiitiiie cup drained corn one fourth teaspoon alt onefourth teipoon celery salt if corn li eut from the cub it need not be fhained heat tlie ejic nnd ndel to the corn with the sensoninjsi add noufjii cereal to make fairly moist masa lemon nut cake onehalf cup shorteninc one and onehalf cup sugar four egg grated rind of one lemon one tup chopped nuts three cups cake flour four teaspoons blilclng powder one ji ilf teaspoon salt one cup milk cilnm iho shortening add half of the sugar beat the egg yolk und beat in remaining sugar beat the two mixtures together add lemon rind and tlie dry ingrlclienk sifted together alternately with the milk bnke in two gieascd loaf pans nt degrees about one hour in drag sundries we sure itedufcinjr stock want lo dis pose of kkx1 goods you like hence an opportunity for you look at these isices they are typical there are scores of others we havent room to list wi 10c bath soap tnblets each for lc toilet soap 10 cakes for 25c safety razors special each 2c 25c after shnve lotion for lie 50c face powders for 29c 25c talcum powder tor 9c 25c tooth brushes for 9c 50c and c0c papetries for 29c also perfumes face ckeams soaps comijs hair brushes purses and tooth paste etc eoc surprise package here is real gift offer to everyone huyinjj 50c worth of roods during this special sale will he riven surprise pack age you will be pleased sale begins tomorrow friday at am brown phm acton chemist and stationer ontario cn 31 to the color bill tohen you washing initent of that color for th tlivt time uw oil cup vinegar iff cil ki lorlof wur jack frost its losing proposition trying to beat the weather man at his own game remember you can kia yourself that no harm is done by waiting until your gears are stiff from frozen grease or your oil takes several minutes to flow freely or your radiator spurts forth those telltaie streams of steam but kidding yourself certainly wont save your pocket from repair bills later so be prepared lets put your car in shape now for cold weather driving while our special combination fall rates are in effect ask now about our free fall checkup if norton motors ford v8 sales and service lunlop tires 1sa as phone 69 acton good oils

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