Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 4

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uiciwiito fxrwefffijn gwufxv flol pour the acton free press thursday october 15th ibm neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of oar readers are interest burlington siris bicycle was stolen from mr geo strouds home port nelson on sunday the theft was reported to the police who ore investigating the russell construction company of toronto has been awarded the contract for reconstruction work pnjfcbho south pier at the burlington canal atchc beach mrs flatt and mrs pettlt who have been staying at the chalfonie hodden hall atlantic city are spending week with dr and mrs white state college pcnn before returning home relief costs for the town for the month of september amounted 144421 this la record low month tor the year and is just half of what the augusl relief bill was it bf also 413514 lowerlhon september last xear mr wm chapman received cuu on his face and leg injuries on tuesday evening on brant street about 630 when ho was hit by car driven by vema watson iundas highway mr chapman was coming down brant street on his bicycle and wut just above the high school when struck at the regular monthly meeting of iho water commission held last night en gineer power advised the commission that the material to repair tile broken intvatthefilltallonplanthad arrived tmttrrit rfrf1 wropalrilie break at once he rcmpa letter from the russell construction company wlio will do the work in which they stated that the cost of the job would be 2400 working hour and 1900 oil hour far layup time gasettc georgetown mr sidney silver bsc lias left for hamilton where lie has accepted posi tion with uc steel company of cunadi umltetfc deputy chief of police george guthrie and inspector kat guthrlo of toronto were among our pah day visitors on saturday mrs antliony tiews and mr harry uuiitaw of boston lmve returned liome after spciuluig lovcral days with mr and mrs squired mr and mrs emt reynolds new toronto ontario announce tlie engage ment of uiclr elder daughter dorotliy verna to mr donald robert russell ptun youngest son of mrs rujell and the late mr wm russell norval ontario the wedding to take place an monday october 26th mr omar dlgglus was successful in pulsing lus final cxalnbiailons for admis sion to loicuar llall hi england but be fore there wa an opening for him in uiat institution lie was sent on active tervlce to palestine wiul the 2lwi bait worth sialfordihlixj hegu at uie meeting of the council mr john kclha clialmutu of tlie local relief cotahiiislon gave detailed state ment of relief expenditure amounting to 28612 for the month of septem ber herald milton moffat of ilradwcu soak lias been visiting his sinter miss morgorh moitot william hume martln street cele brated his 83rd birthday on friday last miss bertha cowan of cookstown sister of wm cowan of milton won 23 prizes for her exhibits of ncedlecraft at elm vale pair mr and mrs william snow milton heights celebrated uiclr oldcn wedding anniversary at tliclr homo on thursday of last week surrounded by their seven children and 20 grandchildren about 330 pm on friday last fire caused by an overheated stovepipe dam aged tho upstairs and roof of mrs root raspberrys house on martin reet the firemen had the blaze under control soon after tho alarm was sounded champion crewsons corners mr wm kichoi has returned homo after visiting for two weeks at gait thrnksgwlng visitors at the home of mrs burllngham were mrs smith and naaughter and mrs dean of milllkcn and mr chas tyler of aglncourt mv and mrs jack alrdrlo and chil dren wero sunday visitors with miss annio alrdrle of stewarttown sfltvlccs at the church on sunday sunday scliool at 1000 aervlco at 1100 capt everett of brampton will bo in charge of thoiiurvloes ballinafad mv and mrs george matthews toronto were visitors on saturday the liome of mm sopor mr duncan fcruson was taken guclph hospital on saturday and was operated upon latest reports are that he is doing or well as can be expected muji mckuy of georgetown visited durlngthctvcckat the homo ofmyr and mftiklrkwood mrs peter fergusons sister of tor onto is vbjtlng with her for few days mr joseph sopor attended tlie funeral of his friend mr ocar oetrandcr nt rockwood on thursday last mufl grace ricliartfcon or toronto la spending some time with her aunt and uncle mr and mrs wm wylic mm miuaues of acton was visitor en sunday at the homo of mrs so per eden mills rally day was observed in uve pres byterian church on sunday which had beeai postponed due to anniversary fccrvlcejj in tlie neighboring churcluts mr johnson preaelied very fine fartiuw on the race uiat is set before us special music was provided by th sunday school scholars duett was given by tlie mlses wllda and marie gllbertson uuo by the muas eileen karly and georglna robertson mr and mrs howie wright ani family of toronto uere weekend guests hi the home of his mother mrs wrlcht tiie weekly meeting of the communuj youiig peoples league was lield in the lunw of mr and mrs bridle tlie devotional program wan in cliarge of campbellville miss beriuco beattie has returned to lier home after liolldaylng in the village for several days tlie anniversary services of sl davids preibjterlan church were sucecss every way there were splendid congre gations at both services on sunday when rev mr fleming of waterloo was the speaker and he delivered two stirring itddresses to an appreciative audience tlie special music rendered by tlie choir was well received at tlie evening ixrvlce mr elliot of cluitham sang solo in ills usual rood style tlui tea meeting on monday cvjjning was all tliat could be desired mis jean allen of milton is visiting at tlie homo of mr garret mr jack memory of toronto spent tw linliday iu town mr and mrs owen barteflux and betty visited at tlie home of mm carhcrt for tlia liollday mr and mrs uoyd crawford spent ui weekend in detroit miss gertrude currle nurse in train inff at hamilton hospital was home for thanksgiving mr and mrs ocorce stokes or belle ville wero tliikguesuj of miss mccurdy an saturday last mrs cowper and joyce liave re turned aitr visiting in preston mrs mary moore rn of toronto is liolldaylng at lier home hero mr geonje ingles and miss marlon markle visited mr and mrs iloy don uven on sunduy mr crawrord malum of kitchener war home over tlie liollday rocjc wooc tho presbyterian womona mlstdonary society met ut tho homo of mrs peter sim for uielr october once ting the pre aldent mrs mcnabb in the cluiir mbs fclva lvirl cluwj for umt iicripture lesson tho 143rd psalm arrangement were made for ulo meeting on tile second sunday in november which it to bo addreald by mus andcrion of japan mrs robert patterson report ed uuit tho bale liad been packed and shipped mrtj uoyd johnston have the interesting topic clocj tji of kabawa mrs jus gray told of tlwj mbuilonary llfo of dr jolm buclumaii and hbi lute wife of india meeting cloxd wltli liymn and the mlzph benediction niter wiiicli mm sim as sisted by mlvi campbell served tet tho united church voimg peoples society lield tliclr rvtfulur mooting on sunday eventng uith doris watri in clmrire tlie themo of tlie program was thanksylvlng tlie scripture lesson was actress stricken big shorthorn sale at moffat gertrude mlclioel above hollywood film actress is seriously ill in doctors hospital new york city mlsa mictuwil was stricken with toxemia on tho eve of lier intended milling for europe oakville early tuesday morning lire destroyed tlw biini und uuroge on the estuu of ijury balllle about three miles ucsit of oakville tlie blaye one of tlio worst in tnli dltrlct for itne time is tliought to luive been caud by lightning burliiikton ugaln carried off the honars in tho hal ton wen tworth high school athletic meeting held in burlington on taken by marlon powers mid reading afternoon with total of 22g weni given by elizabeth hutchins and doris watson poln island oakviliedlaccdmcoiklwlth 131 tiwnbtwaniga nf ii iuiiiii7 ujvn ospringe the new bus tervloe from guclph to grancevllle uldch calls here is greatly appreciated by tlie local residents priends of mrs ida tovell who haj been nursing at evertoiv will be sorry to learn she is confined to her bod her on sunday nlithl october lath ut 700 pm mr wm mcvlttle of hespeler will be the special kieaker previous to their removal to guelph last ivlday pnaauitatlon was held at tlie home of mr and miij bert howell und family when members of the nlte hawk lub met and presented mrs howell wltli diver cake plate and butter dlih iwiclal time wai spent lv all present some of tlie tlianksglvinr vlsltorji mr ernciit hamilton toronto mr clarence lynch toronto mr joe oakcs toronto mr and mm ross allan and daugh ter marie toronto muji eclyn pearen toronto miss dorls royco toronto mr patterson toronto mr ray day of the university of toronto mli irene peal hamilton mr fred day hamilton mr and mrs jas roberu hamilton mr alex clark st catharines mr and mrs charles harrl niagara falls out mls jean torrance slmcoc mm dr fred hosklng and babe of iiulaje la visiting her parents mr and mm geo pearen m1ji blanrlif milne of eden mills lt visiting mr and mm max mllnc and family mr wclllneton smith was home over the holiday on account of the scliool teachers convention last friday at guelph the public school scliolars enjoyed brief holiday till afer thanksgiving day rev and mrs watts have been liavlng improvements made at their residence on main street mr and mrs cliff meadows moved into their new residence on monday evening mr fred smiths coal and coke shells at the cnr and office onmain street are much improved with coat of paint mr albert maltby did the painting several of tho citizens liavo been ment road toronto was almost instant ly killed on monday evening when his bicycle which lie was riding cast on no highway aboqb three miles cast of oakville was struck by car believed to liavo been driven by duncan mcgug an of toronto record mrs lunau lias received word from her son dr lunau that he is taking post graduate counu in chil drens discos at the hospital for sick children great omiond street london er gland representatives or the wawanesa mutual insurance co interviewed tra falgar township council on monday in iegards to purchasing equipment for fire protection the three insurance iiffenta will investigate the situation further and report nt later date star the best shorthorn sale held in canada for considerable number of years took place when 12 bulls and 34 females selected from tho wellknown herds of james douglas and sons cale donia and duncan campbell and son moftot were sold at tho farm of tiho latter good representation of buyers from tlie united states helped tho solo materially and two bulls tuid 12 females including the hlghprloed bull and tlie highpriced female found new homes across tlie line tlie top price for bull was moo which was paid for tlie douglasbred bull browiidale plower king son of lnporud crugglotoii bugler and tho high prko for female was 850 for the douglasbred lielfer browndalo flower girl bth also by imported cruggloton bugler it is interesting to note that tliesc two animals ore full brotlier and sister tint 13 bulls hi tlio offering averaged j10 and the 34 females averaged 300 ttio general average for tho 40 lieod was slightly over 270 man writer his obituary so methodical was richard aspinall of blackburn england that lie wrote his own obituary ithas just been found after hls death ut hie age of b0 as plnall covered working career of co years in va hum 200 words some of the facts he mentioned were that of j5 years he was weaving mamiger for cotton firm for 10 yearn was choirmas ter of montague street congregational church had only one hobby ding ing and for go years was an oddfel low and for so years pastmoster of 4reemnsonjodgcthcdoumcnt iaeu titled dlonraphy of veteran black nan policemans tekth not his erin misa elsie coburn has returned homo from the guelph general hospital where she underwent on operation for appendicitis she is convalescing former erin citizen passedliway at st josephs hospital toronto on friday evening october 2nd 1030 in the person of james walker in his 74th year miss nellie miller hn has returned home and is convalescing following on operation for tonsils at the guelph general hospital erin and dlntrict is to be served by bus line running from guelph to or angevllle id be known as the royal city coach lines tlie liome of mr and mrs david knight was tlie scene of happy gauier ing tlie other evening when members of lol no 112 erin assembled to spend social evening with mr and mrs nelson before tliclr departure for tor onto mm glbsop who was apcom panld by master arthur barbour and miss ethel turner received quite fright and the two young folks were quite severely bruised when the car mm giij mrs lee consisting of readings by daughter vera of fart eric is ut pres mlv jan lowrle aiul matter george cut with her ire and duett bv mliaea eileen and mlrj jean klrkwootl of guelph spent evelyn wrlghl rev clark gave the holltuy with mr mid mrs very lielpful and lruplring talk on the brjdon dltferent iooii in lire community mr ind mm max sutcllftv of tor khuilng was enjoyed tliroughout the onto uere wtnkend guex with th meeting latuira jxhrr mr jolm the october meeting of tlu womens family miumari sociity of the prebytirun mr aiul mr thomas henderson luvye church was held at tlie home of mrs returiw from tliolr horujmnnn and george tluimas are tiklnziip nlttence oji the grooms the township councu of najigaweya mi in guelph township luis taken over the roads und streets mr david stewart has purchueii the securing quantities of hard cord wood son was driving was crowded off the lately and holmans wiwlng outfit has road by another car driven at high been busy cutting it up rate of speed on tlie guelph road last the largest funeral in years was wit thursday evening to avoid crash nessed last thursday when the late mrs gibon was obliged to drive her oscar oitrander was borne to lus last car into the ditch and in so doing renting place in rockwood cemetery crashed into telephone pole advo rcv taylor conducted the ser cate vice at the home followed by public serue at the united church and assist nova scotia ska monster ed by rev jolui little who led in pftoves to uk swordf1sh pnijer during the services selections were given by the quartette consisting of it must be in the blood down in meni frank day little fred nova srotla of late there have been lead several tori elliott and sung by tile congrclb the edgeood purk suney mr and mm john ranuey and mr clarence wnt suiuiay in tlie liome of mr uml mrs poou or burford the many friends or mra ii taylor will be fcorry to learn or her tulmu blnaa through severe lieart uttack it and mm george 0wln of tor milofctiiij tlw wwkend in tlie liome of mr and mrs wllk wlwui mr and mnt gordon stevcauain and infant jam wlu liave kpeiit uie tauimur tat oabdcii ontario lute returned tile tiers lioiie here mr steveiwm hag resumed lib uudird at tlie ouclph mr and mrs jecph abuujalvd family of toronto wvrfe liolldwy visitors in tile home erf mr mxyi mr cowrie all are plnrrl to klkow uut mrs itobt is reoovcrlng from lwa kecent farm ftock und implements from mr jolm alcitt nurtli of the vulage wo understand mr and mm akltt intend moving to acton in tlio near future mrs all cook and son hugh of guelph pent the wokeiul wltli mv and mn robertson mr and mm alf webb and daughter winnie or hagimvtlle visited over tile utkiiid with mr and mm webb and romlly itie iiuinurs are busy on tlie interior of mm altkeuu new liome which ulll be rvady for occupancy in sliort time sympatliy estundod to mr tuid mm id suntcr hi tlie passing of the formers hibur mrs mary loree at evortoil number from itcre bravod tlie eold of tltauiksvivbig dy mnd attended erin pair of sea monsteni it cant heat for there aint no such lhcruuboul lujmmmer pos sibly its reverberation from auld scot jus loch nev mounter anyway iieople aroupd pnwpoct bay on the south shire of noia suiu ccporud scling huge sraicrpcnt callvantink around the buy the iiea serpent how ever turiud out to be big suordlbh estimated at iwtwten 3f0 to 400 pound chasing small ehkl of llh the fpjd ut which the saordilh travelled amayed the onloolarm but any deepea anir who has tackled suordtlsh woukv not be fellows lodge york road community at all surprised by the stretch or water club rockuood club village anl covered by tlue streaks or greawd country neighbors and numerbunfrlends lightning in the matter or sputiuscnd tliue utundtug the funeral from slates the fbh and game department distance came from toronto niagara of the canadian national rallwayn falls st catharines kitchener ptrolli sportinuii wlio liave pitted their wits and guelph ivrgus georgetown tlu pall streuglh ugalnst tlie swordflsh take their mcarthur and kindly light gallon at the church the casket was banked with beautiful floral tribute which bon silent testimony to the high teem in which deceased we held immediately arter rev taylor and rev little conohided mriice at the ceme tery the oddfellows conducted an lni rewie mrvlre for their late brother some of the flmil ottering contributed were from canada parkem toronto junior farmers guelph creamery pefolta creamery masonic and odd policemens teeth have just been put under government control in south africa according to new order issued from headquarters in pre tor ja appli cants for enrollment in the state force are not merely to be examined but the number of natural teeth upper and lower and their condition arc to be staled mystery surrounds the taboo against the giving of dental advice to policemen examiners must on no ac count instruct applicants to have un sound teeth removed filled or replaced by artificial teeth one theory is that the south arrlcan police has no desire to antagonize the dental proresslon but against this it is pointed out that recommendation to have treatment nuans more work ror the practitioners heart and head there ore persons who in supposed compliance with the precept lean not on thine own understanding regard it as duty to suppress all exercise of the intellectual powers in every cose whero tho feelings ore at variance with the conclusions of reason they deem it right to consult the heart more than tho head thab is to surrender themselves advisedly to tlie bias pf any prejudice that may happen to bo present thus deliberately and on principle burying in tiie earth tlio talent entrusted to them and hiding under bushel the candle that god luis lighted up in tile soul it ltf not intended to recommend presump tuous inquiries into tilings beyond tlio reach or our faculties attempts to bo wise above what is written or ground levi confidence in the certainty of our conclusions but unless reason bo em ployed in ascertaining what doctrines are revealed humility cannot be exercised in acquiescing in them archbishop wlmtely cause fob delay rustic if you please zur janet an ud like to put oft our wedding for week or two vicar dear dear what has happen ed is miss janet rustic oh no sair but tlie wedding presents aint ucomln in up to expec tations capitol guelph thuhs vrt satuk1ay ockixo15lgll dick powell joan blondell yacht cisoa uoys ukvivaii friday ukid saturday only caft 99 ultli fred macm1jhray ann sheridan monday tuesday oolowi 19 olid 20 by popular dcmantl wul jt in iliu oroaiit picture state fair added feature star for night with clains trvcr jmifl dalruell starkstriickjl fintteb bljurrli nt sunaiui acton pastor rer hinw icjl wd parsanago bower avcntm sunday october 18th 1936 hj00 the minister 1200 noon sunday school and bible classes 700 the minister thureday 730 bible study hour everybody welcomk jlrrflbijtrrian knox cuurca otom rev ii bennle mlnltt manse willow btreet sunday october lbtli 1d3c 11 am tlio service of ordination and luductlon of tlie elders elect 230 tlio sabbuth school pjn an infallible tect note tlio ladies aid tea meeting and concert on monday night always welcome baptist flljurclj acton rev baxter pastor sunday october ibth 1930 1000 sunday school 1100 morning wonuilp rev bennett missionary to india will preach welcome to all 3c 1c insertion five insertion fof jijjo if paid caah oc ltd dlt local charged where item have booked uqg shifting saturday call 97r3 for prices frank holmes for rent stucco house on bower avenue all conveniences apply to holmes wanted room and board for refined men must be conveniences in home apply box 150 fr1ck press office wanted houses to rent must liave canvn ences apply box 435 free press office foil kent comfortiible bungalow every conven ience good situation apply mrs russell royal theatre guelph now playing in color ramona loretta young don ameche saturday monday tuesday be early the sensational 3hour show the great ziegf eld william powell myrna l0y etc complete continuous showing saturday pm 50 8j0 monday and tuesday phu 528 930 be early be early prices for this engagement only matinee adulu 35c children i5c evening adului children 15c 20c lvjexl weonksuay to friday piccadilly jim roukrt montgomery ix st logcing clialn 10 feet long grab liook arid small hook pleou return to wm frank no acton for sale two heaters one circulator for vale apply ayxteit artliur street acton uoo oms for rent three or four comfortablo rooms for nt apply to mrs oeo edwards 153 church street rent for rent poorroomed apartment with water and lights good location moderate rent starkman acton wanted men in tlie vicinity of acton whs are musically inclined in playlntf banjo guitar saw or boned able to attend training meetings write giving full particulars to box 473l free prese liali oil to him when it cnnierf to cover ing ground and as ror his fighting abili ties well they say if you want to feel what it is like to have load of quiver ing dynamite on tiie end of your ibie beaivrrt weie ike brotliers william ohliwllllams george brampton noel and andrew huttonvllle august georgetown und nephew el win of huttojwule iwo blstera ami two broth ers predeceased him tlie sympathy ohj just hook on to swordflsh large number of frleiwbi and acquaint anetvi gots mt to mm 0lrunar hi lwr loss and bravement holy communion was obervl at st jfohnd church sunday bvariuni tlie eruliuktui plowing match utok puce on tlie farm of chad mcdougoll fiddling t7ibt violin of mine secuut to be out of tune kupiuiae somebody has been fiddling wltli ltf again meiat specials choice quality bologna lbs 25c selectbreakf astbacon 30c shoulder uoasts bee per lb blnde koiihts per lb 15c 14c fresh sausagf lbs sweet pickled cottiiku rolls per lb 25c 22c fresh trimmed butts pork per lb 22c auction kale cecil early lot 13 cmcliih road narjjiiraucya will lvolil an extensive clearing auction sale of farm stock o4 implemenui hay and grain on tuesday onobcr 20th terms canh rt kkttn auctioneer auction sale clearing sale of tlie ilouaehold effects of mm jus anderson will be held on saturday october nth at two oclock on willow street at rear of fjovemment ilulldliuju 152 it keflr auctioneer good kluces vavo for horses injured cattle or anythlniz iultablo for fon meat with lftjuml anlmali phono veiiy promitly and wo will pay the phono clunked as raet mmit uo becured linmedlately to bo ot uie horses positively never resold under any condition vannatter pox parm 40tf phono 05 rlnn 31 aeoriiotown phone 178 lovell bros iuality and cleanlinest our molto pkomit delivery brays service bulletin now ready ouh 103fl fidl service uulletui iji just off tlie prvttsand malud to our regular cus tomers we have few extra which we wil be fclod to mail tma to anyone uiio nuty be interested practleal information on um hotu big and feedhlg of layers fat unlng cockrrclate f4nioome tlmt irved while our supply lasu write to red bray limited chick hatchery oaiwla

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