Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 3

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thursday october 15th 1030 the acton free pttess the yell6w mask may emeily hala 444 444 he liut of doctor lorriyta nurn ltf patlcnta wils just ljravinif hla oilioo lii tho nijliloiuiiy compouhtl as tho doctors 5011 honald ucconipanlpd by sidney liorden turned in 11l tht gauj sldjily was lonuldn irlnd on weeka visit from shanghai both young men npolco uw nutlva dialect with case having lived long enoughln that section of china to have mattercr iq it wna therefore in sun minga own tongud that ilonald called out to hlnij well how is tho infected hand gotllmr along suti ming is my fatlior still helping you7 tho keen intelligent face of sun wing lighted up with gratitude oh much very touch waa hid enthusiastic res ponse turning to sidney am plcuu od to mett kir uonald porryata honor able friend again ho added with formal politeness sidney acknowledged the deep bow of tlw young chinese with stiff nod kot word accompanied it to llonalds embarrassment and disappointment ho tried to make up for his friends inoc coun table coldness by throwing moro cordiality than usual into his yaodby youll bo around in the morning ay usual suppose sun ming youre not dlsmlsblytarc ou it is prl nncwcclctlvxplaltuxl ming that your honorabloraliior uie lor desires trim come to him well so long sun ming ttomtld had amused himself by teaching hit chines friend few american isms song long mr ronald porrcit re turned sun ming with unsmiling gravity tho compound gate cloed on tho yellowrobed figure immediately lion cid turned on sidney flush of annoy ance on his face why couldnt you have bten decent to him sid he ln qulrcdi sun ming is uood iorl since ho him been coming to father for treatment ho hua become groolly in terested in tho miction you think he has came tho cool commlnt from hut friend know it asserted ronald hotly why he would do anything to furtlier his outi intortitt ncwd sidney ojlckly uke all the yellow natives hereabouts dont let them taee you in lion what do you know about tills sun mint anyway oh lot yes but just what pursued sidney how did he get that wound of his for instance he didnt uiy replied ronald goitw vlmt moodily where docs he llve came sidney next question acxqls tho river temporarily wlth friend as to be near the clinic wheres his renl home went on sidney up tile rlvtr thats duhnltel came the sarcosllc rejoinder is lie poor welltodo or wlutt they say that sun miry is really possessed of considerable wetath proud ly declared ronald well that partr of tho story cap well believe hinted his friend sec here sid suddenly flared up ronald whats at the back of a11 this if youll excuse my saying so im dead tilde of your question nut re whats at the back of it echoed sidney you wont like it if tell 50a oh what it impatiently demand ed ronald speolc upl sidney looked cautiously about him before answering and when he apok lowered his voice your precious sun ming is bandit chief he announced slowly lair few minutes ronald merely star ed at hut friend in stupefied bewilder ment was sidney coing crazy oh oomc sid he bgan fm telling you tlie truth doggedly maintained sidney ive had inside in formation and know what im saying iiulde nothing rudely interrupted ronald do you really want to know how know went on sidney ronald sobered quickly no donil he exclaimed its too absurd charge to waste another word on uut if anything uvor liupwiui ron uamed sidney dont blomo me for not putting you on your guard nothing is going to happen came the assured answer at least us far as sun ming is concerned konw whats the matter youve cot sun ming mixed up with that rascally old river plrntu kuong loo whos due or another visit about now he tcrrlilcs the dlitrict periodically you know sidney remained adamant im not talking of kwong loo ho declared with division but of sun ming the two weilti lnd fdrjthwrh but there was coiuilrulned nllrnc between them ronald knew perfectly well he jihoum treat his guest with great courtesy but li coujd not quite forgive sidney for his unfounded iiulnuatioiu why they oven rurkctud on his fatlur mho according to sidney wus making utile ucrlrice of himself fo ungrule tu ttelfeekjllg lltttlvcal lly rtict on himself too for he hoped to follow ill hu fathers footsteps fw yea later had hw inotlur lived uonufd felt juri rhi would have dcirtd no bettor iihuro for her imii lli therefctre uft tlh ounversatloa iimtly to the otluru at table who were ihjldc doctor 1virrcst merle carroll mr carroll und cuy ohwr young irlueloii graduate ti1l1 was ouys lint mlvilunury ptml and ho brought ti it ull the rrfsh cnuiuslasm and ldcullum of youth pledged to service pity jou are not planning to one of usllio adurevied sidney luinald listened tense imty repeated sidney ilonald could see that ho was trifle nettled well really dont consider myself an objct of pity oh dont mean tluit exactly quy hastened to reply hut thu oricntt china iipeclally offers such wonderful podbllitles thats what dad thinks canio tho rejoinder lies never been sorry for minute that tho oil people transferred him from the nuw york otflca wasnt ipeaklng of business oppor tunities went on tho ountf mission ary but of the only thing that counts wltli you of course supplemented sidney but if vouuexcuscmysaidngsoi uilnlc ttlhhtomimtonaryogo peng your fathcrll surely be back by dinner time doctor forres however wan not bac by dinner time ronald became dis tinctly alarmed and he knew that sid ney shared his uneaalnes3 none ol ta the other mission workers however gave ym thought to the doctors absence liaving accustomed thcnisrlvcfl to the vlcldtudes of their dally program it uiui ahfiilesa night for iconuld tlie latlni hours drunced wearily on ihclt iiuhi with liorrors ronjurel up hi ivrvirought imagination at tlij reak he vnji up and roillug wall yeo take my boat and row urrow to sun ming he ordered ivll him milt him at once bring him balk wkti he had no harvc to flnlsli his sen tence and ronald was not sorry at that moment doctor itorrests servant approached uio table chong inng was the doctors righthand man valet laboratory assistant cook and boat man whenever professional calls neces sitated travel by water it was chong 1vng who did the rowing it looked now as though such trip were in prospect boy here announced chong lng 1th terse directness spooking in the limited knglbh of which ho was very proud much uck father doctor up right away mentioned ullage about five mile distant the doctor roc with ulacrltrnut dad object cfxt3rwici youre not tiirtmch in know san returned his father thii is hurry call und few min utes delay might make considerable tilf ferencc jut then ronald glanced at sidney he was sure that his friends lips formed word auspiciously like bunk pollou ing lunch ronald and sidney carefully avoided ull mention of the dis puted subject of missions thoy took long walk out in the country and upon returning to the compound around four oclock ronald suggested bite to allay their keen appetites until dinner the tuo boys stretched themselves out comfortably in bamboo chairs on the side porcliatter ronald had given in structions to wall yeo to serve them there bountiful tray was soon forth coming oh wah yeo called ronald an the kitchen boy was about to with draw ask dad if he can take tlie tlmj to join us doctor vorrest is not back yet ex plained wah yee in his native dialect what ronald frowned as he con sulted his watch why he should have been here over an hour ago wonder ronald was moro worried than he cored to admit there was always some degree of danger from river pirates es pecially when the old robber xcworuf loo was known to bo lurking in the neighborhood oh come now ron sidney ralllej his friend its much too early to do any worrying tlie potlent you remem ber was much sick according to chonar ou the kltchi boy in avy wlui sleep nodded obedience lie jchtine lionald had in mind lie had tint yet worked out in detail in general he meant to tuk sun mings tooperutlon hi locating his futlier impatiently ho ran down to thu shorr wuh uui ulrtaay on the way back was there only one hguro in tha boat yes lie was alone sun ming where is ho tailed out ronald before wall yeo had chance to land gone was the mnnosyjlable answer gone gone where up river yesterday but ho was not to leave for wv yet he told me so himself dont know replied the kitchen boy liirelusly as lie puttered buck to thr compound by ronalds side ronald studied his companion curious ly wuh yces carelessness was alto gether too apparent to be genuine he watt4iutung it on ronald assumed indlifercnco in turn ive been hearing some funny thlnir about sun ming lie said wah yces face became yellow mask have you heard them too wonder wahyec7wenfc on ronald about mtu hfthdlto thcyellow music twltclicd then they arc true said ronald slowly wah yee nodded dumbly why didnt you tell rue before ronald wad thoroughly angry wah yee imitated mr ronald and sun ming make friends lie finally replied ronalds uneasiness concerning his fathers whereabouts crjstalllxej in stantly into determination to seek his rent murmur or two of disapproval at tho breakfast table failed to move him im uith ou old boy unexpectedly announced sidney may bo along too guy oliver aked his superior merle carroll gae lukewarm con sent if ou can spare wah yoe ronald uddreued mr carroll id like him for fourth hell be worth more than the three us pul together knowing as he does how to reach that treacherous sun mings home in the hills second consent reluctant like the tlrst was given within 11 short time the youthful quar tette was rowing swiftly up stream soon little cluster of native houses near tlm waters edge revealed their ob jective close at hand few moments later the light boat was easily and quick ly beached ronald eagerly sprang to shore flrse he looked about him and tlmt which he saw only deepened his sensa of vague alarm if ever there was deserted village tl one that lay before lilm was it not soul was in sight the young man turned to take coun sel with his companions but the mystery only deepened their bocks to him the other threo appeared to be listening in tense silence he listened too and presently from some nearby woods heard an unmistakable and stealthy rustle before he could cvenv formulate any guess as to the cause of it band of chinese dashed into tlie open there were only eight of tliom but that meant two to onel ronald felt an iron grip on ills wrist sidney uy and wah yee were similarly seined let mo go desperately ronald attempted to wrench himself free from his captors wo have dono nothing no notice was taken of his outburst beyond tighter pressure on his wjlsi tho chinese who appeared to bo the leader of tlie gang guvo tho order to march further outcry ronald rvulued uai futile silent acquiescence was the nl policy thai they tteru at the mercy of bold buullt hlrf who had ient his wuuu to ipy out the untl wiui next to certain 11 xplalmd the desert village ratiinm uu of coiirsr hi objiit could that bandit hlrf be iun ming up and up the narrow rough ravln moved the young prloners ami their guards slipping tjidlni hack lriiugun for new foothold panting with rxe ra tion would thpy never reach the nd of the trail at length camo clear ing beyond it strangely out of plate in such wild setting appeared pre tentious house roomy and comortabl loovlng through it wide guteway tho captors led tin four youths thui ucrot couit yard to fclio main entrance of the hoiisr tlie door opened revealing sun ming hurried forward sharply ordering the band to release their captives amazed consternation was written in hu face tllbl gave way to friendly millie of greeting sun ming will explain it will take some explaining to square jourulf at that sun ming drew himself up with hurt pride sun ming has said he will explain he rcltoruted with dig nity if mr ronald vorrest will honor him by entering his humble dwelling ronald motioned sun ming to lead tlie way although still thoroughly dis trusting him into large hall ho and his conipan lons followed sun ming it was empty except for single ilgurcut tho farthest robe and turban no it was not turbm but bandage tlie man thus swathed turned ratherj in an agony of relief and joy ronald rushed to him exclama tions breathless questions followed but jou aiv hurt dad cried ron ald not so badly as you think son returned doctor p0rrc1t had it not been for sun ming though do we swe him anything inquired itonald darkly perhaps my life but how sun ming is bandit doctor forrest shook hli head not since he has been in touch with the mission he explained and before that his banditry was of variety as nearly excusable ai banditry can be excusable bandltrj came ronaldj astonished echo didnt say exactly that remon strated his rather but can under stand his halfhearted looting for fear af being looted hlmiclf but what happened jestcrdny it was decoy message that brougit me up river resumed the doctor when chong feng and had about reached our destination we were surrounded and overpowered by that rascally rlcr pirate kwong loo and his men unwisely put up fight and for my pains receiv ed stinging blow from an oar which knookod mo unconscious sun mlnglt seems had got word of the plot to cap ture and hold me for ransom sum monlng his former band he luunclwd plucky counterattack and well hero am chong feng is busy with prcpara lions for the return journey sun ming lias provided special escort not those rumians who tackled us hope exclaimed ronald the very same imagine smiled back the dootor at their chiefs orders they were patrollinu the neighborhood and rather too literally overinterpreted his instructions but sun ming by probably saving my life at risk of his own has certainly retrived himself do you not agree with nw sai so much so dad reiipondcdronald soberly tliati hesitate to ask ills for giveness for my rash judgment of him if you misjudged him ron impul slvply jjrokc in sidney whero do you think come in both young men looked qucatlonlngly at sun ming whoso face was eloquent ulth uoodwill and undr rata tiding ive made rofttplulo turnabout on tho subjiwl of mbsmoiui confessed sid ney euess there art other tilings that count in the lut as ull iu tradu safeijauiin lmjltlty ol taitm wfcl1 next in imixirunci to the loeiuon of tho firrm wi 11 which ihould in far kukuihi from likely imiri eonuim iniuon iio tho piohctiw melsiiri which mii it taken to if guard tn purit of the watir the ilrst step aft digging or drilling the well to prouet it from the entrance of tlu turfucj water tlut wll must hsv ti good cover of concreu itone or uwwi if tu well ilivp it should im tilted with gal vanlzed iron plje reaching ui the bottom uir being takni that the lower end of the pipe il efficiently nled to the rock also that the top of the pipe li iealod to the cover otherwise surface water limy trickle down ouulde the pipe into the well if the well is shallow und wide tile walls of tho well sliould bo nuido imper vious to an adequate depth ten or tuvlvo feet hi the usual depth recom mended for tlio impervious wall which may be of concrete puddled clay or cemented tllp the wall ijiouid be con tinued upwards one foot ubove the sur face of the ground by this moani surface water mujit filter through depth of ten or twelve feet of earth before can entxr the well und if tho earth is in reasonably clean condition the waer thus becomes purified further safeguards are tho turfing of tlie area immediately surrounding the well fencing to prevent the approach of animals and regaining from using fer uliwwilhlii unr vicinity thk jltomisk oi skcitecy keeper of secrets hi bearer of trouble when you promised one friend secrecy you did not foresee tluit your duty to another friend might require the utterance or that very secret secrejj are like nest full of complications and conflict or duty all ready to hatch if man is cntruited with money and he finds that its administration clouds his honor or threatens other duties he can usually return it but he cannot re turn entrusted information and bo free of it there may be occasions when it is sacred duty to receive secret and then to guard it but it is not duty bo lightly assumed or even sought for curiositys sake be as conscientious about entrusted information as about trusted money and at least as slow to receive it 52 the great energy food with the delicious flavor edwardsburc corn syrup product of tho canada starch company limited listen to syrup symphonies every monday night from to sjo est wtoifcit tiki ill disiiiini discipline like tin bridle in the hand of good rider should ex rcfce its in fluence without appearing to do so should be ever active both as support and as restraint mcm to uo easily in hand it must always be ready to check or to pull up as occasion may require and only when tlie horse is runaway should tho action of thu curb be perceptible now tommy said llic teacher can jou tell me what quack doctor is oh jis hes wt that cures duckjfc allt bkal yesterday got it parrot for my wife uml wouldnt mind an exchange like that leave on world hitch hike donald cameron and mix kklhy with 25 apiece in their pocket donald cameron lfl and mil selby 20 of sts anns ont near st catharines linvo set out on wiiat they plan to be hitchhike tluit will like them around tlie ld tliey plan to visit south africi china asia ruid also to be in england for tho coronation svvw if bananas golden yellow firm ripe per dozen iwt sweet potatoes finest southern ws for 1uc cabbage 1rm large green heads each oc cranberries finest quality per lb ctlc 27c celery dulicioubly crisp lurt stnlks per hunch jc onions sound and dry iu lbs for jc squash tukniis grapefruit oranges etc carrc4ls imported grapes 2deliciousiy sweet jcrf lbs for cioc potatoes no ontario per peck carrolls muaa pouj curfj muo cwh jellies patties tj 23c weg jw 29c foods tea 19e 25e totnalo or vegetable aylmer soup 7c aylmer delicious pork and beans v4h li 5c petersons worcestershire sauce iwioc crossed fish norwegun sardines 13c fianulotd tender peas noi 10c gren vjilley new tomatoes 21c aylmer choice wax golden beans 10c limited sunlight 5c lux soap cllowiptj icluj mints lb 19c cl he pepper klb 10c mill street sixdre closes saturday night 100 free delivery phone 158

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