Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 2

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isb thfe agton free prfss thursday october loul ibm lilje arton jjrer prrea publuhtd every thorwuj actoo ontario sursouption ratest united state gac wldltloauo suuu copies jc both old and new addres abould cin when eboa addreas ia requested cancellations wa find that moat of our anb acxibcra order not to have their aubacsipuoa interrupted bt cim they tail to remit before expiration while sob ecriptlona will not be carried hi arrears over an rxtandrrl period yet unlcta are notified to cnoi we assume the aubacrlbcr wishes the service continued advertising rateson application and ei in various column heading although every precautioa will be taken to avoid error the free press accept adverualn in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable lor any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement im requested tn writino by the advertiser and returned to the free pre business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such or coriectiona plainly noted in writing thereon and in that caae il any error so ted is bot corrected by the free preaa ita liability shall nqt exceed such proportion ol the entire coat of such advertisement as the apace occupied by the noted error bear lo the whole space occupied by such advertisement arlof dills editor an urgent need cc have on several occasions recently drawn attention to the need in acton of several houses moderately priced for sale or more particulurly for lent there is still great need for number of these houses acton cannot progress without thini and the lack is serious impediment at the moment in this progress an opportunity for builders is available the need is urgent have modern conveniences youve got to make it hum business merchant said recently is just like shining new automobile it looks nice but it wont get you anywhora unless you make it hum the merhant was discussing advertising and speaking from the experience recent advertisement in the papqr at an inexpensive figure he had insert ed an appeal which noticeably accelerated his weeks business aiding him both in clearing bargain lines and offering new seasons goods to the public his experience is not unique newspaper that goes into practically every home in the district that is welcomed and read with interest by young and old offers the enterprising merchant who keeps himself and his busines before the public and tends regular invitation to all to come to his place of business is the man who moved forward newspaper advertising remains rhp most economical and most effective method of getting that invitation out to the most people evidence of improvement evidence of general impravcment is shown in the following extracts from ofhcial statistics for the year of the department of trade and commerce tor canada foreign trade has increased substantially exports 22 per cent and imports 110 per cent money has circulated more freely with financial transfers in the form of bonk debits 12 per cent greater employment particularly in manufacturing industries now exceeds the normal times figures of 192b with the bureau of statistics index for sep tember up per cealtrijilayear ago mumifuc the sunday school lesson fob sunday october lath the spoken and thk written word golden tyatt the word of god la living and active and sharper than any twoedged sward upb 13 lesson ttekt acts 17 11 rhess 712 time 52 place thcasalon loa and dcrea exposition model preacher paul when coming to new city al ways began his prsjachlng with the jews in their tegular place of meeting the synagogue vs 10 17 ch 20 13 14 18 10 tie trapu use of the sabbath day the regular jewish day of assembly god blessed his preach iiii in thcfioalomca some of them believed fcf rhessri ttds id the usual result wlicn the luro gospel preached in the power of the loly plrlt we get very charming pic ture of theno converts in tlio letter which lvial wrote tliem latur thess 10 but the gospel caused division uj well as union hi tlwsulonlca union of belie ven division bet wren belle vvrri uul the world ihiultf success aroused the envy of uu jewii every ucctajiful preaclur hiurt expect to be envied by umulw tiun there woj much truth in thu charm brought against xaul uiid 4ihe no otlur mail over chvd much to turn the uorld upside down or paul tliere lu greut need today of fpnachn wlw turn thlngj upside down and thai get tlwm rlht idi up they turing production up per cent with electric power which is closely allied to it likewise up him too of haying uuittlitru ocr curiniwhfi insurance nurchased flurum theja anolhtr ungnm htdli that and it need to be idd uguhl mid lurtbi to tha who no king but of 000 000 over lust year income tax payments wml gi this earth some day ill hrst eight months totalled 213420 000 an lnrciuj are 12 000 000 higher and customs and cxcisl revenues 13 000 000 over last liscnl year high prices for farm products particularly whxnt more than offset the reduction volume the time for calm consideration municipal nominations are about si weeks dis tant and while it maj seem too enrlv vet to give much thought to tins annual event there ire thing that might better be done now tlnn as the date itiu own ilr ldri hip ps f12 but while paul jild then wiu another ung lie oui ht to turn no min from hi dutj to ciear acl 2o rom 1j tlie persecution wa not ol lovd to po erj fa ict the cont uort oun god ull not uf ftr an of hl hiulren to be temntcd above tint ulilch uuj nre abk to bti cor 10 13 it ii modll elbk stud nl 10 11 tiil departure of pnul uid su is from thcwalonici wut no marl of covtard let but lmpl prudence imd in accord aiict ulth the iwclflc dlvctlon of improvement in great number of the oung people chrt ntt 10 the church du in town while its adoption not be nccessurv not lo llllc upon hi dparmn the nor did piul 1ol hl it would in number of instances work for in lnure ln tnt nmc hl kft behind improvement we are not greatly in favor of hiving him ii tin 19 jooi1 rn tlr il illi curfew we recently listened in on conference where the the houses must suggestion uis made that perhaps curfew ringing in acton requiring nil children under certnin age to be nt home before the hour set would work in lot of restrictive laws but one cannot help but notice that acton like many other towns his too er because he was an even greater door in the elerventh verao he des cribes his conduct among them more specifically he had dealt with them as father with bis own children not with an occasional one but each one of them not only in pubuo ad dresses bub in private interviews also cf acts 20 201 lie usedv xhortauon encouragement and solemn testimony to the truth the purpose of this fatherly dealing this exhorting encouraging and testifying was to the end thai they should walk worthljy of god cf col 10 romans 16 phil 27 eph the reason they should walk worthily of ood was because re had called them into ills own kingdom and glory goob razor uarbcr is the rotor all right sir client well if you had not men tioned it should liot have thought you were treating my face with razor uarbcr flattered oh thank you air client should have thought it was illc tli ats akx tiikm how long you in itool for moji two wck what am do charge nio charge everything am frci ail meal what hail you did done shot my wife vou shot our wife and only ln knol for two wctkr dutj all din utbi hung no nfcfcd ot it patlent doctor in there any danger of uh oratloii proving fatal surgeon iff lymyloodmla rtltriiig that ue art experimenting on ou frte or chnrg you idle curiajtj in hardly uotxi form atuftumuteatune salada scorrs scrapbook by scon uuytmj im ita4 fit sut rquihkdb ftckkfse apofili5cfictd wa5 ftmt wahv flekefe5 holrs it coowh ron fib irtxec humbuk of pjavtct niuti hifohy ortr wottlp uore ptoplt tlavt ptmi alu oriutlo qamm aud ma lp ae laglc olt fcmalt vlles rtiwrx oiut iawc plauf cibck tolxvttlem xaca audfiiru bit luttu dtap bopiti unt4tu faetdwitt ohm rvjc utcf rn action scene as yankees triumph in world series piuv and silt rticlud it once be lin pre tchlng muter to mi lit iw tre ued nt on jhn the tiwn th tiucl thl wtiu li to ich draws ne irer if you have in mind citizen whom children on the streets at late houis mil ou know will serve well the community in public argument be advuied tint this is result oi office it would be good plan to ipproach 1nm and neglected duty of the home rather tlnn ch irge of tv tell him of vour ruth in him word of praise to the municipality dut when these oungsters lx of ibint th th those wlio are serving and whom ou consider hive trouble the dut is then one of the municipaluv in served well would not be amiss either too bften pcrlinps the curfcu would hive heen preveii municipal service is rightly termed tlnnkleb titive mtisure and sred the subsequent iw enforce word job be just as free with your praise as you url of the municipality doubt the parents with your criticism both are verv necessary part cotilef do much in keeping tin children at home in the evenings certainly the streets are no pi ice tor them on late hours it is of no benefit in anv ol their present or future ictivitils ih the vv rd hey ct of public life and if given in sincerity are both ap predated it is however no benefit to yourself oi your friend if you urge him to public office merely for personal motive if he is unfitted for the posi tion because public office has tendency to expose human frailties and quite often magnify them tn municipal nominations can be viewed calmly in the next five weeks in the sixth week from now thev take on an entirely different aspect dangerous precedent proposal is being considered to have unemploy ed men engage in farm work during the winter and the plan it seems is that per month is to be pud from public funds and the employing farmer is ako to be paid per month from the same source an crrangement was also entered into this year by the dominion government whereby the railways ngreej to employ large number of men the govern editorial notes british columbia dairy production had value of iif67 804 in 1035 the highest recorded sine 030 baseball games and tall airs leave their dates dangerously near to the commencement of winter for the enjoyment of spectators ment to pay urge shire of the wages of the men so employed we readilv agree to the jeiieril pint of having men put at gunful emplovnient rather thin the handing out of relief but it seems rither uign ous precedent to subsidize two industries md eon tmue to tux other lines of employment to meet the funusrtquireiproi sueh purvchy shoudn the building and other industries hive the same tie it ment governments may do these things if the provided the funds fur sueh puipose but liter ul governments only mike levies upon the utue ind lands buildings md equipment emit lined in tlr country lo met their expendituie we ree ill th it in town not in distant spleii did home us ree ted during the im km business mm it is tid th it eonsidei ible portion of the labor done erecting the house is by nun driwing low mu him snj mtnnn il comfortahle home and cosy fireside were omethmg for which to be tlwnkful on monday and lei pleul oiu nnirhf plrisuri iwiv from these cls bet er pile uu their th in th with all re ulliit huii for the cf jc 10 ch 11 in itpl recehe the trut ulen compt the to but rid low the truth ire hunt fo ihlis re ehul it ilw bril ih itlnn ind bit lnr 21 inter woe to one will doe re ehe tlie 10 12 tlui earch lminln the script dailj whether the thlnr were so thcj wanted to be ure th it thej ind the mind of god about it ulel tlie scrip tu were the unit nuthoritj thej sludrlx tlie scripture tluy examln ed them otvmutlcally and ivtiularlj diul there uie no uperflclal curr lnr oer them thij tudied with unite purpo to find out the truth about je ui the did not uate their lime in the cvaminitlon of curious thcorle about the hum autlior jilp of the irloil book of the old ivftament no the studied whit the script irt had to teach about the chrl uo it reco ded thcrefohe mini of them be lieved iii model mini tr tin 10 eomforts for slot tchiues in cnnjevilte the license fe is been set it fcsuo year ii lie hv iw is ss0 md costs or ul sentene in th in months he lit action of our kn rtl of it lu written puil from vtlien to the gfu il ml coinerl til rd to lorn ctrtiln il idi nbuit th ni tomln of ch it it till pi tire if in uli minis atttr in ib ut rt iln mint unit it idur md ewmih lu im out fine foi viollting tha lit ml lit nip ml ul hero of the bombinhni new orlc yanl ee who trod over the giants to world merles victor clc pouliiillft outfielder cro es the plate in george sel kirk smile in the econd inning of the fourth lame at yankee stadium powell reached firt on un error by the gnnt thirtl bt min ii im icl on ind cored to stirt th defeat of irl hubbell inc th giants bv core of fvnirnl cn ndlnn spectacular forest fire raging in oregon no united st ites seientist lys thefe no truth the stilement that an ipple iy keej the etoi iw iy well til ci 110 ii ill iii ulel is 11 pies lie globe ii id nme in it irl hit unj ei tl wlui her th nt ih ui in liu uu tin in to thllcl ttw tnnu tnt it rd trm impl nu rh mill mbl nth it tl mil amount of relief they were receiving irom the mun leipality in other word th it house is subsidied by the governments if evervoiie ill indust did likewise we wonder ii how lonj the gtivernnieni pockttbook wuuld st md the trim but if ulwnx and uliieultuie aie to be issisted bv help in paying wuges win not siniil ir help for other in dubtry or perhaps relief from some ol the tion would be just us weleonie 01 iv el id tile see olid lllle is he ii ul uu tnied in good eondition but with the letuulding in wiluuii il bndjes it isno be hoped the dn lied link ttt it ii tth ted wile till ill tile lllljl uiiieli ti iv wlllell lids tt tt uiltt nd rlul iil ht ml in hi il li ir il nlun il ill in nt uiiu hi in in ml nl but il hi inn 111 il is tu 11 ur jj hum hi hi gprr it ii ii till it ih rill lit il ii uilil ultl 121 iuiiiinil uitks in mull in hi dmilid inir ui inn uul it il mil in jjss nisi ts of liiits toun ilhijl uul subuibin lllllll li lllltlc uiuil tlll sllihul ll 1ss llulm is loiintil rtlril iihuuli ihtifs uul ill net ii ii ml ii ht nip uk llllll 111 il il llllllll ill lit in iii ih it lull un uu in ull rt mum hl hi tin by hiril lilxir th cl mul ill ih it ill in uii it ut it im itlnr hum uf ii or in tin iirv oi in i1dv1 tin uu hit lull rt ii mir ii in ul in hi in tinrli il id uri hi ii hhl until itul lu iii till 11 ill ih nl il 111 xul in hi ii uh ih in mi ii inn iii ii ll 111 ih ll llu mil ii ill llbi

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