Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Oct 1936, p. 1

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eht ft6 sixtysecond year no 16 acton ontario thursday october 15th 1936 eight homeprint pages five cents fall meeting of halton presbyterial held at burlington last week congratulations to nonfegenian are extended the fall meeting of the executive of the halton preabytcrial was held in tbr ladles portor of trinity united church burlington on tuesday october 6th tho president mrs 11 inglchart pro aided and mrs earl wilson 1st vlee prealdent aslsted with the devotional exercises active officers with one ex ception were present and presented reports eight auxiliary presidents accepted the invitation to attend mra jc leonard ofmuton was appointed secretary tentative plans were made for holding series of group meet ings this tall at ave of the larger centres at which miss ella harris would speak on the reoent toronto school for lead ers missionary reading courses in con nection with auxiliaries were approved the speaking itinerary of preabyterlil officers which had its beginning in halton has proved helpful venture and is being adopted in other presbyterials big entry features the erin fair cold weather however affected the usual big attendance uiggiil apyiaip fa in temperance in auxiliaries and sunday schools was made by the tem perance secretary the supply secretary reported 29 large cartons of cjothing sent away in june the auxiliaries are to cooperate with the churches in the national appeal for help for western canada the secre tary was asked to aend greetings to mrs chas coote of leduc alt charier member of oakville auxiliary who re reoenoy celebrated her ninetieth birth day the members of the presbyterlal met with the presbytery members for noon dinner served by the ladies of trinity church after which mr denyex gave short talk on the recent general council of the united church to which he was commissioner although the cold fall day affected the usual attendance at erin pair on thanksgiving day the 1036 show had oho of the largest entry lists on record tlio festivities were opened whh mammoth parade headed by the 48th lighlandcrs pipe hand cedarvalc school won the jack lloblo trophy for uie best float car which won lot of attention was the ono containing five of the oldest citizens of uie village whoso aggregate age totalled 410 years they were luther overland aged 86 archie san der aged 84 alfred ilurren aged 82 wilson busv aged 70 and prank hur rcn aged 70 the baby sliow attracted great deal of attention in the under six months elva sllva gavin of guelph was the winner in tlie six months to one year alarm corbctt of brampton took first money in the 13 to 18 months class william percy plnn of toronto was tlie winner in the twins class martin and my barry hayes trophy miss veins clark im knox church observes 90th anniversary large congregations hear rev dr mckerrou at services on sunday splendid congregations on sunday at tended the services commemorating ui ninetieth anniversary of knox presby terian church in acton rev dr mckerroll former moderator of the iresbyterlan church was the speaker and his sermons were scholarly and im pressive discourses which were enjoyed by all in opening the service dr mckerrou recalled that it was rev johnathan oo fortli who had in 1b94 laid uie corner stone of thepreeent church this godly man liad passed away during the week and the funeral had been held in tor onto on the day previous pitting tri bute to his life of devotion to the work wan paid by the speaker the scripture lesson was found in the uiirteenth chapter of corinthians and also the seventh chapter of mark the text was found in the uilriy fourth verse ofthelatterrcading and lo up to heaven he sighed and salth unto illmephj3hathathatbbc opened general secretary rev sisco elected to succeed rev albert moore who is retiring rev sisco of toronto becomes news general secretary of the united church in canada ho was elected at the council meeting at ottawa married fifty years on monday mr and mrs william it kenney observed their golden wedding anniversary at the home on church street there was no formal observance of the event but friends and relatives isom toronto called during the day and extended congratulations us well us friends in acton mr and mrs kennty were married in kilbride at double wedding wluti mr and mrs mat thews were also married mrs matuiews was present on monday ut tlie anniver sary of the event hut mr matthews passed away about uilrtyclght years ago mr and mra spencer husband acton miss nro kenney rn guelph mr and mrs matthews and family mr and mi black and family mr and mrs hots anderson of toronto and mrs amcuurcliy and jean and donald of dresden were among thoe who called during the day mr and mrs kenney have resided in acton ever sine their marriage and mr kenney was actons oldestmerchant upon his retirement from business tills year host of acton friends and ouura wish for them many ttiore liappy years and join in congratulations on uiis memorable oecaslon five horses destroyed in guelph barns fire yiva lionu four lieavy draught animals and unlit driver were destroy ed in fire uiat damaged the horns or uie canadian cartage and storage com pany preston street ouelph early on fjunday tlie blase which ctoruxl in the mow wiiero five tons of liuy were stored gained considerable headway be fore an alarm was sent in farm stock seias well tlie auction tale of elw hall ui pllklngton township last week again allowed the upward trend in farm price tile slock way in good condition tnd brought satisfactory prices pair of percliarun colts oneyearold cold for 4223 wirly hogs were sold and all brought good prices it kerr was in charge of tills sale on one of dr george mcqulbbans sad die horses mrs munro of embro was first in lady driving mrs sam mckenxie won the ladys quick hitch winners hi other events were heavy horses general purpose howell st george re veil ouelph kenj embro brownrldgc georgetown agrlcuitural curtis belwood buckland rockwood stewart era mosa standing inglewood heavy draughtj duncan belwood curtis belwood bucklaiid rockwood stewart rockwood george burt hillsburg prod wilson caledon and mcalliston holsuln roadsters munroc lutowel harden hillsburg munroe lutowel car riage robert kerr barden graham half breed dr george mcqulbban ptaherty george scott cattle sliortlioms griffin sons mcklnnon george plet eicr george burt bowman aber deen angus george mack arnold mc klnnon hertford black bros cale don gardiner morrison mount vor est holsteins cation dol son gale ayrshire prank petch georgetown jerfeeys dolson lome ella gcrald gralvam buck saw ing contest bui guhdy for 4lnch stick minuteii and 30 seconds blahelock children injured kathleen sultered broken arma in auto accident in toronto on saturday tiireo children of mr blakc lock liberal member for this county in the ontario legislature were injured in collision between two outos and truck ut cherry and pront streets tor onto late satuixiay afternloon katlileen blakelock agl13 church street oakville had both arms broken and her sister julia aged ll luul two teeth knocked out and was severely bruised about the body ronald blake lock their 22yeorold brother wlio was driving one of uio aulos escaped with bruises all three were taken to st josephs hospital police say the auto driven by young blakelock was going north on cherry street when it collided with truck driven by albert faweett macdonnell avenue who was hlng weal on front slreet the auto and truck uwn swev nl into an auto driven by james sale 03 iiilundon avenue who had topped ut the northwest corner of tlw intenieo tlun the two uulos and truck were bdlytlmoiil frlciubi of mr und mm niakelock and family throughout tlie county will regret this accident und wlnh for the injured ajjperdy ivcovcry no fh the shelter shoimeks guide the following are uie paged ui wbieb kdvatuctiictilj atiuur la thu weeks kree rvcs irat kauda twi rxe 6rewu brukul oru syru corrouv fevlieery taxe ktoyd tbeatx lovell taroa nl hray caplui feasw at brown nortoa meioc grecvry thottre gwrt waluce tu uowl irr kml wricht tvm qnrnl cmnu otf hwlnr meo rvj mgastne oocrt fc luy rev time 1d4ca ulntaaa be to slm utom klltou ibea jic owdaw badminton officers elected the annual meeting of the actnn mca badminton club was lield on thursday night october 8th the fol lowing ure tile officers elected for the wason of 1q3u37 president mr ii hlnton vlcepresldeiiv lv peurvj secnttary miss cliahiurs snclal committee misses mcpher son chalmers meujm rfcli rumuy it was agreed uiat tlw club invite tlie guelph ymca uadtaiuiuwi club tn aetoii for frleiwijy games on tiiurtluy october until the acton club uocepted tlm invitation to eullngton avenue unit ed church torouto on tueaday no vember 17 th tw siory from wrucn uifci tea is tax en the one in which jesus restored the hearing and cocrected the lmpedlrnent of speech in the one brought to him from this story we learn three things the basis of friendship his wonderful love and the liberating powerpf christianity before we can make friends of man we must make him think we are linked to god tt we would fulfil lifes des tiny we must get down beside the other fellow wc must take him by the liand and impress upon him the fact of as sociation with god jesus did this all tlirough his ministry wc must set on the level with our fellow man the love of christ is shown for humanity in the text he sighed und uus moved to compassion for the omicl ed if there was no need in the world there would be no necessity for dnd ness if we are going to maintain the trttdltiora upon which tills church was founded we must show love for those in need and if one goes with the love of christ in their heart to lielp the needy one canot fall everyone could help hi practical way no matter what the trouble or bond age was the liberating power of chris tianity will make all free there is no difficulty which cannot be overcome or any situation in which christ cannat free us if wo but take it to him but we must take him at his word th sermon was strong appeal for brothcr llness and following of the example of clirist in meeting all on the level and being practical hi christianity the anniversary music was in cliarge of clioirmaster and organist slak it was very appropriate and well ren dered in the antliem at the morning service the solo parts were taken by mr wm burton and miss lois atkinson at the evening uervlce dr mckerroll took for his discourse hebrews see tliat thou make ajj tilings according to the pattern sliewed to thee in the mount when moses went up into mount sinni lie took with him part way 70 elders but completed the journey alone and when lie reuirned he brought with him tlia idea of the tabernacle of the living god many people today feel that cliris tlanity la trying kind of llfeand many go otherwise they feel that the pattern is too exacting to follow and go along otherwise tills is not so however all uuny3 must be done according to pat tern back 41 years ago when the corner stone of tills church was laid there was pattern and that pattern was followed strictly the people buck then made good bund tit lorr and we today must also build according to pat tern if we ore going to make success or life we must follow pattern jesus christ is tlie only perfect paturn and we must follow ills ckotnplo wemutv remember tliat the church toduy is simply band of people tryjfeg to follow the example of their leader jesus christ the people may swerve and vary but tlll that luttern is kept in sight religion is ones own attitude to jesus chrtit we can pretty well tell what kind of christian man is by the kind of rellgou lie lives religion is wliat we tire doing and living according to cliruit there are many today who try to make their own pattern but they make great tntyts of things we cannot get away from qod and ills laws if we do and break uiose laws we ure tile ones wlio mlfer religion la tumie tiling that cannot be ecaped we must face it if we do as god telli us he will never ujt us down in our workaday world we sltouw not let ouraelw do wliat em ployers order if it is contrary to gods law if we stand in with gods order ho will uphold us ttierc are people today wu say tiuu to bo great preaclter one muat lutve continued on page plve 110 children under care of the childrens aid society the semiannual report of tlie hal tonpeel chlldrens aid societies gjves many interesting facts concerning tills work while uiere are at present 110 children under the care of the society there are nd children at pre sent hi the gordon home other interesting figures in this re port by uie superintendent mr thompson are cldld protection cases open on april 1st 1036 so new complaints 40 re opened cases 10 cases closed 37 cases open at september 30th i93c 73 unmarried parents cases open on april 1st 103c 5c pew case 21 re opened cases cases closed 19 cases opsn at september 30th 1936 63 children under care shelter nil boarding homes 30 adoption probation wage homes 14 free homes 33 other institutions nonwards 25 tctal clill dren under care 110 it will be noted by this report tliat there are no wards of the society now being cared for in the shelter during the rummer all of the wards of tile scclety have been placed in pay care in private homes while tills is new undertaking to date it is felt by the society that it will be entirely satlsfac tory stewart mino killed in an auto collision struck automobile parked on roadside near ballinafad and finned beneath the wheel the eramosa plowing match held yesterday albert dickie won sweepstakes of field other winneru are announced meaford wins sjecond game front milton capture it intermediate championship iii crowd attend game wtuai retuniink irom erlii oil monday nlgtit stewart mliu wau kllki in ait auu accident wlicii uio cur ut was lriv collided w1ui car parked on tlio u7tch7 md t7rda7ujrr auiljce wltiia greater number of competitors tlian usuu1 uiit oimual rcramosa plowing side of tlie rood just north of ralllua fad itiddell anotiier occupant of of tlie krajnosa branch ontario plow hums ajuclutioii on the farm of chat tn cor reclved lud injur but ruxr qn fqurlh rlilimsion ai riously hurt mlno was killed almost instantly alexander stewart mliio ts son of mr and mrs andrew mlno wlio reside at lot 24oii the sixth lbw in febucsmg towilsliip he was returning early tuesday morning from the fair night dance bl rln anotiier rnaclilne going in llic solnu direction luul run out of gasoline and it ls sold was parked on tlio side of tlie rood without lights while tlut driver walked to ballinafad for gasoline the parked machine was just over viio hi tlie rood and mino failed to ce it hi time to avoid collision tlie mlno car swung completely around on uie rood and jttomeniallhcr the driver was pinned beneath the wheel t1ptrwry by tlie impact and almost completely wrecked coroner dr stuart of guelph has opened an inquest into the death which will be held in gudph on oc tober 22nd the uiwral is being held this after noon with interment hi greenwood cemetery georgetown teramosa towiihlp provided the keencstt comietltion in the organ ixatlons history fcuture of tlie match was the boys class under 17 years which was won by kd tliatchcr of ftockuood it was only by narrow margin tiuit the sweepstakes of tile field failed to go to tlie junior competitors dickie of jcrseyville captured the highest honors winning ilrit in uie class open to the province us well as tlie best crown and best flnlsli in tlie same class dickie also won tlie ileld sweepstakes revolts announced soil conditions were exceptionally good ttie results class open to province albert dickr mflsa helpful son your father looks very distinguished with his cnowwhite hair yes he has me to thank for that att accident on second une ratlier serlou automobile accident occurred on sunday afternoon when heavy fruit truck owned and driven by restivo of milton and motor car owned and drhen by cralne of terra cotta craslied hito each other at the corner or no suleroad and second line esqueslng township restivo was driving north to acton and cralne wat galngeaat cralne stated lie did not see tlie stop sign at the second line restivo escaped with cuts on the hand and an injured leg but his son charles badly cut about tlie face and ikad of the five occupants in the cralne ar mr crnlnc and george duncan nf best crowft ohd belt llnlfin luexie class for titttsc who have won nrt prize in mens class harvey baync lcn gardiner robertson best crown len gardiner best finish harvey baync class open to residents who have never won first prlxe in mens class bert robertson cordon nelson mcdougall best crown and best finish bert robertson class open to residents of eramosa and erin under 21 years of age charles mcnabb tliomas maude harold allan best rrown and best finish charles mcnabb class open to residents of eramosa and erin boys in stubble under 17 years of age edward tiiatcher ross harper edward gray dernier boles kenneth mcmillan and william maude best crown edward gray best flnlsli ed tiiatcher special competitions sweepstake of field albert dickie best hlowed land in any class by resld va ents of eramosa or erin charts mc kabh rockwood special prices by eramosa junior farmeii for best plowing foe their mem in bplleof the cold fall day uiero was big crowd on liand for tlie final game of the intermediate obaa scrica at milton on monday meaford knlghuv won tlie rome by 43 and the cham pionjilpiil two straight games as in tlie prccteus tatne milton took tlio lead and meaford trailed until the seventh innings when tlirecrun rally put them in tlie lead the wcatlier was too cold for tlie best baseball but both teams put up good bottle for tlie honors and while milloil was defeated they were game until tile last lcity laliib on uie mound for the winners hurled spectacular boll allowing four hits and scoring eleven strikeouts ho practically won ills own game when lie connected with two damaging hits smltlison butchet and robinson at first base fielded sensationally milton got away to flying start scor ing two runs oil two hits in the first innings in the seventh they made lireatening rally loading the base with only one out but speedy fielding by tho visitors lnffridhcldthcot the losers errors proved cosily clement and john brush played the best game for milton the teams were as follows meaford croft cf bailies if robin son lb chappie 3b ilindson rf but chct 2b smlthson ss spiers lamb milton clement rf tolctaka ss clement ib brush lb naylor if anderson 3b gilbert cf brush clemciiu umpires jackson and whlumalit hamilton terra cotta and mis hollingshead over 21 ycar3 of abe iiarvey bayne of 285 lauder avenue toronto escaped rrl roberun gordon nelson with slight injuries whue mrs cralne spccia membrr uiu 21 years or of terra cotta und miss cairns of cliarlca mcnabb maude ed 2b5 lauder avenue toronto were badly war gray injured abut the face and head ml cairns back being severely wrenched dr krstevenson or milton attended the injured tlie truck and motor car were badly wrecked provincial constable george cook man of milton investigat ed best plowman of school section no wluam maude judge grcnzahack woodstoet mrs cooper appointed to vacancy on welfare board council to improve street drainage in several places about town no action taken on sterilization of mentally defective town hall requires additional repairs before eavc trough itur new street light to be installed on main street toronto globe has been sold george mcculiagh will be the new president of 92year old paper at tlie regular meeting of tlie council on tuesday evening councillors mason jas mcmillan and dr nelson were present in uie absence of reeve harrison councillor mason was acting reeve the committee reported following an inspection of the property of mrs camp bell on mill street which it was claimed was diunuged front street drainage council however felt tluy luul no lia bility in conttctum with the proiierty tiil eventeenth reiiortf of the finance commiltie recommended that uie fal lowing ulcountn be paid iceimedy refund of taxes re correction 233 ontario gazette for lax sale notice 707 acton public utilities commission street lighting 1513 town hall lighting 204 pump house lighting 75 aritiu water and light 2211 power 1025 10021 hitchle jfaunr coul for pump houa biub oco cowie repairs etc 100 uussard bupplles for town hall 301 muckciude son tupplies 22g2 mcdonald for direct relief 0000 highway garage gasoline and and oil g050 473 511 ttie report was adopted letter from secretary mc donald or tlie welfare board pointed out tliut uicie was vacancy an the board owing to tlie imoval from towi of mrs harrison it was also pal tiled out that owing to changes in tlio gov ernment regulations tliewbrk was more oneroui and the council might wish to rearrange the personnel of the board by motion mrs wm cooper was ap pointed by council to till tile vacancy on tliu welfare board to succeed mrs harrison pvr mission was granted uie acton boy scouts to hold uie annual apple day on october 17h letter fixmi the eugenics society of canada regoriing sterilization of lr tesimullble defecuve parenli was re ceived by uie council and it was ro quested uiat the council by motion endorse this movement tlie letter was lied letter from mooney aililgned paynynt of any monies due ldin jar work to the gllson compaiiy of ouelpli letter from uie canadian perform ing rights society was lield over unul further meeting of the council mr mcmillan clialrman of uie town hall reported uuit new faro board was required on uie town hall before tin eavetroughlng could bo done it was decided to liavo the boards replaced and luilntod atid mesrs mcmuloti aiu mc phenmi were appointed to arrange for thbjwork to be done mr howard swlheeneiieiud tliat additional iitret light be placed tiear tlie gate of uielr property ii mahi street it was decided uuiti uiis light was requited and was ordered to be hi slulled tile clerk was llltttructed to write mr juy smlui county engineer to becure his uuldalum hi making better drainage oil several of the btreebj about towh cycust injured jolinny emmerson georgetown re ceived nasty cut over uie right eye wlien lie was uirown from his bicycle on saturday afternoon emmcrsoil rid dall and kean members of uie georgetown winged wlieelers club were trulnbig for uie racefi on tiianksglvhig ay and planned to rkle to acton and back as uley were rid nig west along young street acton sluiruy after uiroi ocicck liorse left standing and facing tlu riders bolted turning around an uie highway rlddall slackened peed to avoid running into uie horse emmerson was riding directly behhid in trying to clear his front wlieel iitruck mw rear wheel of rlddalls blcyclo and em merson uirown utrlklng his head on the edge of uie cement curb lie was taken to uie office of dr culleii tlie cut was deep and required uiree sutcliea tlie ivorae atid wagon belonged to mr weadge wlio was making his round in collecting garbage the wagon was upset during uie runaway brief session of eramosa council tlie toronto globe lias ben sulij ownerslup or uie 02yearold news paper officially passed yesurday into uie hands or william wriglit mullonaire mining man wlio is entrusting uuj pre sidency and publishing end of tlie journal to george mocullagh 31yearold brok erage house osiweiate wluhnly 15 years ago sold rrom street corner to ctreet comer copies of uie paper whose policy he now expected to direct tlie transfer of ownerslup the second only in tlie globe near century of exis tence was effected at 300 oclock yes terday at directors mceung at wldch mr mcciulagh wluise meteoric rij in the mining brokerage business over uu past four years rcadj like some alger udventure was formally installed as pre sltlent negotiations lead hit up to tlie sale began on october gui tlie deal was completed lost siturday the pur chase price was not disclosed tliere ure no strings attached it war stated today mr mccullaglis nonie instead of uie longfamiliar jaffruy appears at uie musuieud or uie toronto puiier last night uie new publisher for all his youulful vigor nervously con ijcloui of uie demand of uie new obliga tion which lie lias assumed cmpliatlcally denied uiat the liberal party was behind the killers sale neither uu globe nor are ued to single party or single soul with the exception or mr wright wlio is financ ing the project said lie questioned directly as to tlia future pollucs of uio jiaper he answered just as dlrecuy in deiieiident liberiiu7aiid you may also say uiat tlio paiwr will be definite and fearless eximnent of british principles tlu council for uie township of era mosa held uielr regular meeung hi uiq town hall rockwood on saturday even ing october loui reeve storey presided over full attendance of uieni bers tiuj medical officer of lualth mode request for jiayment for medical attention to patients who were unable to pay but wjr not on relief tlie matter was laid over fox xvnsideratian ab uie firttt meeting hi 1037 vhen salaried in general would be fixed for uw year ac counts passed amounted to 103067 and council adjourned to november 14th ut 700 pm coming events aiimiiimnurntii of meetings con cern tir other kvents uiulr tliiu licailini aro charged lo eruts tier linr with luiniiimiii charu nr any aniiouiuctncnt 15c and loyal urlllsli traditions weaw go big to give more stioce aivl nuire proiiilivcnee to iiews said mr mc culugh ui brief discuscuon of his plans for rejuveiiaung his ptient we liavo got ttumlgh capital to build uie globe into gieat paper again appreciate fully lny limitation as president aiid puhllslier and uueikl to surround my elf wlul uw beat execuuves available do good turn for yourself uie iloy scouts and uie canadian apple growers buy scout apple saturday october 17ui knox ladles aid aiuilveraary powl supper and concert will be lield on monday october loui supper terved from 530 to 800 pm splendid con cert to follow admlslon 35c and 2iic tlie liberal conservauve association of pw county of halton are itokllng an informal at homa hi uie txiwn hall milton on thursday evening octousr aind at 800 pm evrrribody weloome hie local ploy the rugged trutii be big presented in aoton tvwu hall on november 4ui and 5th hi now under ikreparuuon tile ctutt euniprues jack reid joe hurst oirdoih cook clkarlea klrknen1 jack mooeachie mm chaa kirkltead and mines pruji huxst marguerite ryder flora bayers and laura mcmullen

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