Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Sep 1936, p. 3

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iboabday abptbwbsr 17tb ibm the acton freepess mai smfp jffrsp prpaa lprt tnrg troubled waters john scott dououij hane jchosuy tied up his llulo twcntfooly motor boat to tlio dock at ketchlkut aa iiui coast wise steamer backed into the deeper main channel of the alaskan narrows linca of anxiety created his rugged bronzed face as he surveyed tno spum flccked breakers crashing against tho sides of the steamship when it left tlic landlocked harbor of tlio cannery tovi for the rouglttr uaters outside the to outjuttlng plu of land these tongues of land failed entirely to break the wlnd lashed waters before they reached the dock ills hubble careened violently lighting the hiwvt binding it to the dock ouess itll liold long enough for io be turned down uyiilnl muttered lane faint smile quirking his ttldi humorous mouth college education doesnt seem to be much of recom mendation tobno trying to find job up hcre in alaska he climbed up the ladder lonc roughhewn flgure of youth in uork clothes and high rubber boots hu twinkling blue eyes sobered suddenly when they met the cold green gaze of well dresscd youth the steamer had left the dock ufj ketchlkut hello sar gent greeted tatie 111 voice lie tried hard to make friendly what brings you up hero visiting the motflt family ughuycoiulusccudihtf smile flick ered briefly hugh sargents mouth tlve conj hwhuapfimm of tlio aloitlt cannery he said coolly any port in storm crosby oh was lanes only comment but his heart was not to light as ids ex clamation lane had coma seeking that same position completing his business ad ministration course at the university of washington lie had left seattle in his only material possession the bubbles jlavintf worked his way through collcjji by any menial tiujc which came to luind in tlio ajuilaui caiincrlerf lie hud count ed on his experience in feettlng him in executive position in the uork he knew best graduation hud left him almost pennl leis so had wt out for aiaiika in hh little boat tetking an executive position in every plant along the const fre quently lie hud uorked as cannery luind to iiay hla uuy word had come to htm that the manager of the molfit cannery company had died he had left hli jat job to conn farther north to apply for the position lme uu keeiily dlvippoinled to ihut that iluch sargent had preceded him and that sargent una confident the position wili hlii ruffus moiflt and hugh sargents father ere he knew the beit of friends mr sarcent the elder was influential lane himself lmd neither futher nor mother their hoat liad been found gapilyed after storm and they had never been found lane however hud been rescued half drowned tied toa little raft by the loving liands of mother he could not remem ber forced to make his bwn uay in the world he had left the foundling home which had helped him through child hood and liad uorked his way uirough college not however without tho slightly contemptuous slights of fellows like hugli sargent he and lane had kone ttt rough the sanio biuliui admin istration oourse and the lauera marks liad always been the best tills had not kept sargent from reminding lane by inference from time to time that lie uas bound to get nouhere he had no one pushing him no influence it allghtly galled lane now that sar gent uas to hae tlie position he hud counted on so jieauly for the past week lucky fellou he said by uay of con gratulation hut aluas thought you uere going to uork in jour fathers uhokuile groccrj ilrm in seattle sar gent uas aid the othur drlj tut while taking pleasure trip up here liad wired me thnt tin tlnn had nor into bankruptcy and to look fur won up here since builnc uli terribly prsd in seattle ulnd mr muff it and he told me hi mimacer hud died und he uould iue me an interview which the same uay us telling nv 11 get the jub ginss conceited iv ever thought lm ti lennkmate1 ttautvrl zh he looled at thf tuo expensive suit case which stood beside hugh sargent can help jon take uuhi up to mr mormiouknhotrr rjfflcattkbl was golnu to see him too dont bother said sargent lightly some tinei gone to llnd him hes not at the house hes someuhere around the cunnery hulf of the broad dock was occupied by the cannery the clatter or cutis and the humming of tlie roturle drowned out tlie touud of approaching footsuiw their nrpt intimation of another prcaeiiee cum when booming voloe mild hello tliere jlughl olad to ca you again sorry as anything to lumr your futher had such bad tlm of ttl laii turned sutucnt bhook hands slon tliat mr monies piercing gray eyes were deep wt if the cannery owner hud noticed lane at all it was to con clude that he was one of the cannery workers hugh sargent corrctcd ulj impress ton mr moftlt lam crosby he sld informal introduction believe lane wanted we ou nboul somethhig too mr moitlt lira lined lain quest ionlngly as tliey shook hands lane smiled waliu to see you almiut getting the job as imuiager of tljis plant he said cheerfully hut ijucj sargent li one jump ahead of me mr mofflt studied tlie tall young man in work clothes but he said nothing at that moment lajieh ejes werj druwn to bunch of bobbing spelts on the foamdappled water outside the landlocked liarbor mountainous wavcj were crashing over tlie little mosquito fleet of ten small fishing boata which were struggling up tlie narrows why dont they come into the harbor manded lane they havent chance to beat their way up tlie narrows to ketchikan mr mofftfa gray eyest cooled uk they iiat lanes icrhups not ht aald gruifly but tliata axel sevensonji group of boats we nod fight about prices four yearn ago ketchikan can neries could pay more ulan we could now we pay about tlie some but axel seveiimintf sulihecked and wouldnt sell fish for love or money demanded lane mr moifft seemed to bristle havcjf but it didnt do any good axel uiought tried to cheat him four years ago and now he wont listen to me what lui couldnt understand was tliat ketchikan and our cannery had diiferent brokers they were paying more for fish because tlicy got more at that time well youd think hed come into the harbor until this storm blows over any wuy sure said mr moiflt making wry face ou ould but axeld rather drown first he feels tliat strongly lane snorted and the other fisher men mr moiflt grunted they follow axel like sheep hes their selfappointed leader its an insane attitude said lane ulth trace of irritation in hla voice and im coinc to tell them so he started toward the ladder leading down to the bubbles uast jour ttme moftfi pvrhap but can at least try motors lifted high above the water seeth ing flatly along their hulls the bubbles was creaking and groaning wlui the alternate hiss and boom of the oca striking the bow there mountainous waves crashed hurling sheets of water over the plldt house laie wad drenched by waves striking the sides water which swished along the bottom water which came high on his anklei could lj reach the little boats the teemed no nearer yet lie knew his motor was mora powerful iian theirs he must bo gaining imperceptibly he must be hundred times in the next hour lone felt that the hubbies would burst into shattered fragments from tlie blows of tlie crashing mountains of water which jmiured over it hundred times he felt hr lmd failed hl licart con trlcthig sharply ua lie expected to see uie boat he had built with nls own hands lly ul pieces mlrurulously however it held to gether and fought its way closer olid closer at out lane could see grhn fucd hum in one of the boubi starlni at him he raised his olco above ulo shrilling of the wind und tlie tumultuou1 thunder of swells breaking over his own prow are you axel sevellsollv the grlmfactd man nodded lib gri xled coutenunce why dont jou go into tbo harbor lane demanded seveilsous ryes were cald unfriendly why should liecause youre risking the lives nine boats by your stubbornness thats my business said scvcnson turning to the front lane called to him but received no further reply so lie continued stcerlm for the centre of the small bobbing boats lighting the jerking wheel until his hands were raw and bleeding axel turned ills liead few minbtes later und saw lane steering stralgnt for his own bout his facg grew appre hensive his 9vowk liarrowed keep jmaji hesnouled lynure feohuj to ram hie lano said tiotlilngeontlnulntoalm toward axej sevcnsons boat if he could not persuade tiwi stubborn swede to enter the liarbor he might do some thing else which would lesson tiie risk to the little hoods it was strategic move he had heard of an oil tanker making in stormy sea some years be fore axel sevenson juiw lane coming straight toward him paying no heed to his arning he tackrd jurlounly making way for the larger boat in less than ten minutes lane was in the centre of the mosquito licet with boats ori all sides of hlmstruckling up flic nurrout angry men shouting at him to keep clear lane grimly lashed his steering wheel and crawled down into his cabin he returned in moment with barrel of oil he crawled down second time bringing forth another barrel he fought for footing in the water which swirled about his rubber boots ulth eiory lurch of the boat oroping around in the bottom of the hugh sargent farced sardonic laugh boat he found big hammer and why risk your neck for some stixf hecked suede he demanded lane glared at him wondering how tno other could be so unfeeling then he turned climbed swiftly down tlie ladder and jumped onto the swaying deck tf his little boat he freed the hawser primed tlu engine swung the wheel the warm engine caught and tlie steady putput put of the motor vibrated the bubbles as he swung the prow toward tlie open ing in the breakwater straight toward tlio bottlenecked opening of the liarbor lane steered then he uas outside tlie protectod water tlie motor boat lifted and leaned tlie small craft shuddering witli faint driving vibration us it headed toward the little mosquito fleet struggling in nud channel making practical no headway at all against the choppy sea of white capj the little fishing boats were tacking sw inglng about craally at times their iridescent propellers operated by auxiliary knocked the tops olf tlie tao barrel he then pushed them into tlie plunging waters the elfect was almost instant aneous the oil spread quickly coloring the narrows with brilliant hues careen ing mildly around the little boats calm ing the waters as only oil can do it as strange to look beyond tlie iridescent patch of water over which the oil liad spread to see it still tumbling und foaming the water around tha little boats however was no quiet miraculously so tlie oil tanker had done the same thing when it had been threatened by storm on larger scale lane was glad he had remembered the story he turned to axel sevenson tmillng now you can push on to ketchikan enough oil will cling to the sides of jour boats to taite you most or the waj there in safety it will calm the water before it can do any damage to your boats axel sevenson stared at lanes smiling face for moment in sullen silence tlvin he said gruffly who said was going to ketcnlkan thought that was your destboauon said lane in surprise vouro mistaken growled sevenson were la take our fish in to tlio ketchlkut canneryl uut expostulated lane youre under no obligation to them nor to me savcnsons blue eyes lost tticlr cold loojrand were twinkling have jou any objections lunr laughed naturally hot their return trip was made easy by reason of tlie oil clinging to the sides of tlie boats smoothing the water iu they scudded ulong in less tliau an hour eleven boats including the bubbles were tied up to the wliarf at ketchlkut cannery men began unloading the ilih due to the unexpected inflow however tlie cannery was shorthanded ijuu uutched uie men for sevrral minute standing beldo mr moiflt and sargent then he removal hut mackinaw and went to work come on and help he shouted at surgent dont you theyre shorthanded im no laboring man returned sar gent angrily luno grinned im afraid ill have to lie one as long as the cannerys short handed unyuay he helped unload the fish for several hours until the last of the little boat was empty he chatted wl0i sevenson as he workrd and the fishermen thawed out considerably laughing und joklrttf with lane oji ifthtsy were old friend mindly he rejoined the plant owner and sargint on the dock sargent wrinkled his nose distastefully 13tow you smelt lane grinned again well tlie fish are unloaded thats tlie main thing mr moiflt broke long thoughtful silence did you say youve come here to seek the managers position lane smiled ruefully yes but gueui itj filled itntlt ill move ou in my bubbles uid look someu liere ithgrnlrtlisaiamf mnmnrmvr who isnt afraid to dirty his hands when hoo needed lanes eyes widened incredulously bub thought argent sargents eyes ffuslied it doesnt seem to mo to be managers place to unload fish when mr mofftt turned to sargent his eyes were quite cool under their shaggy brows think im tlie best judge or that he said frigidly need manuger wliuit willing to fit in any where hon needed any time lies need ed sargent deliberated slow painful smile quirking his lips guess youre right hi suld at length ive apprais ed myvelf little twi highly never got ten down to facts in my life wonder if theres some place in your plant for chap who has to itort at the bottom couilagti ok till hkaltt irutudc ii the sentinel und guardian virtue without it all other virtius are in peril daring js inborn and often born blind but fortitude implanted nurtured unfolded in the school of life pral thu murvchoil courage of th human heart enduring evlli fachq per plixitlei overcoming obtaclei rising after hundred falls building up what gravity pulb down toiling utiajks never fhiuhed relighting extinguished jlrei hoping all thliiifi van dyke scotts scrapbodit fev scorn shouu uk tiiankkol right hero too if you wanflhu poi ition vouvcbrouhhfcscvcnson and his boat back here at time wlicn were badly hi need of fish and ho likes you the men in the plant llkn you too could see tliat and need man constipation may lower resistance germs can be corrected by natural laxative food common comitipntion is duo largely to insufficient bulk in moult it iitu condition oiat aliould cyx rjjcirta teilc ua uully iong noglected it may contributo to ieneriil rundown condition vour body lacka the atronrrth it needi to fight oft infection you oro much more likely to pick upa seri oua illneaa guard against common constipa tion mke aure the meals you cat contain plenty of bulk kcllouca allbran ia coneroua cource of eitcctivo bulk witliin the body tlie bulk in allmilan aborbi moiature forma soft musa and ixontly cleanuea the ayateni thiu delicious coreal also furnhihea vitamin and con taina iron two tableapoonfula daily with milk or cream arc uaually iiufll cient stubborn cases may require aixbhan oftener if not relieved thia way consult your doctor servo axxbhan in some form eacli day either oa cereal or cooked into mufllna breads etc eat it regularly for regular hubita jguarantced by the kellogg com pany sold by all jrrocera made by kellonir inxondoii ontario coubfijam du to insufficient bulk lluod with wrinkle which not bvbu hu ohjmdjy white mutche could idew mtmvy white vjwlbcomt mvj the impro bananas sweet potatoes delicious flavor lbs for 1jc golden yellow laru size hard ripe ons isc dry cabbage wy hurd green heads 1uc vj carrots per bunch oiri sound ibb for potatoes vz lbs 2il 19c peaches plums caitltots 1jkbts uac salk carrolls limited lie wua proud df the fine wnli ho nou htmiasi but found their eduuctlon expen ilve mid till with other financial troublt had put him into bad temper hut he manaaed to aiuwer farmer civilly when naked to udmlrc fine ulter of puy wlicn he wow told how cxpcnilve it was to keep them he nuln iojt ida tem per ktimp therrtf hs roared jikwplhnm be thankful you havent jot to educate what nonsense liriemy at manoeuvreu you are my prisoner iienct ulnlc konsenael how did you tet here knemj over the bridge scrjjt binkb then my dear fellow you are drowned we blew up tliat brldye eterdny made his ownjljak the banker uas questlonlnff the ncgio uppllcant for cliuuffeuri job are ou married the banker asked naumih barji replied the applicant iliusah ah make mah own llvln hauiltu at co lomtal rmt wrol vuwcotuy made toud htcauvua mutvcur tlruqur tt liimilt pklt tit hcu mil klf wofril uawlullbrtjl ilmout it auichowi cticrahhttc cft hm cljfcaa tjj no oveuchaltgt victim leaving bnrberu chair fifty cent hurc nay thatj bit uulf for have especially when youve cut hie live or idx times rtiizorwleldlnjf belnner fifty cenu in rltfht lr forty cenlj for ahavlntf und dime for the atcklngpuutcr knew ws folks teacher now jamtji if your father can tlo nice piece of work in one nour fuulsour motbcrrcfti7dcriv kx tmhour how lontr will it take them to do it to james it incjuduiff the time they wasted artfuui about it axx oveit thbi rejiort was found by doctor in india who had left native assistant in charce of serious cone 11 00 patient in low degree 1130 am patient in the sink 1200 patient on the flit 12 05 pm patient flut sorhy to ixreiuiukt wife ifeilrv you uere talking in your ileep lait nlht ilenryj was sorry to hnc inter rupted you opinions it ti our bililneii to have pagean try of ihice that oj uttrjtctlve as thu pageantry of war to nee that tlie devil ha not till the ood tlmej prlmtley it ha become clear that treaties count for nothing in thu face of national ambition and of what the ruling atatej men regard au national security nicholas murray butler by 203s erime will longer iw cuiuldured iuf iiuiiilfeitutfou of per and treated us form of disease irendrlkrwillcm vuu toon the objective of american life muse be to up ulld and protect tlie family and the home whether farmer worker or business man tliat the unit american life herbert hoover any government whlcn is orgardzed as uell as any business wlilch is organ ized must plan in relation to uie now conditions regardless ofliow much mo may prefer the old etluard fuene until uc recognize that each country ouei duty to tlie others in just the iimc way as each man oues duty to iil neighbor uar must be recurring incident in international life lord cecil of chcluood zv06 mtatuttt metoe aewf wten you wnt juy in mad day out cooooy thutp mt caitoiib uor buying jtoocrle t9 cam lob ak fof otf tlkttton wken you bkvvat 1im to fco ftbopptkujc putmve uj hj wu delivctf you tortle fr cfajvf caihdjtf umtluj westons peacock cream sandwiches it 27c new silver ribbon tomato juice 10c made from western wheat five roses flour it 89c easifirst shortening or domestic ib pu 25c klat 9cjuu14c soap 5ca17c fix oukl suj chipso 21 35c avolj uut ubjul sy witl rimso isj 2fc fix gu1 stov zebra 15c otmd flsli sardines nanihbamdat tin 25c wboumind pidota spice tb 17c wm ib uptons te pw 27c ovaltine toftic food 0vfaga muiaj moil 58c 98c aaj tin 31 certo botil 27c matuungt celery thins pka 10c singapore sliced pineapple spaghetti or readycui macaroni no tin 9c aylmer choice tokhatoest aylmer choice peas sieve 21c no tin 11c bnmswkfc sardines sndlchl jj tins 14c rnsbmuwd roltd rcrarrr ib 23c wmmmammmmmmm iglllettsi fluked lvc carrolls lu limited nuwmaa stoke cl mill steeet closes fre satdrjftay night 1030 ree delivery hone 158

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