Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Sep 1936, p. 1

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sixtysecond year no 12 acton ontario thursday september 17th 1030 eight homeprint pages fivs cents highway through acton assumed by the province will clear snow sand and maintain twenty foot strip through acton additional width will be maintained on fiftyfit basis county rate is lower this year tax sale proceedings are started mr mills must remove shack from mill street grandstand repairs to be made no garbage collection for this year at the meeting of acton council oo monday evening councillors mason jas mcmillan mccutchcan and dr nelson were present and reeve harrison presided the fifteenth report of the plnancc committee recommended payment of fjho following accounts herbert fryer labor david elliott tabor thomas elliott labor john gibbons labor mrs mcdonald premium on miss speights bond mrs mcdonald premium on mcphersons bond acton public utilities commission street lighting ji5i34 town hall lighting 33 pump house lighting 76 arena lighting 87 power at spring 1025 178 the acton fno library hoard balance of grant 1030 treasiir township of esqucs 675 75 350 oo 1300 33333 lng refund re relief 12 00 treasurer township of esques lngrercuyfimw 3jl33 henderson labor and trucking 3400 ready to stage 1936fall fair grounds and buildings prepared for big event program all arranged even the grass in the park that dur ing the summer was part ot the burned out area has token on fresh appear ance and in splendid condition for acton fair next tuesday and wed nesday president murray and secretary wright and every officer are more enthusiastic than aver ovoi tin prospects for the biggest event over stag norton ixl as acton fair of course tlie hall and grounds are being fltud up wllh the pens and numerous fences necessary tlid fuirbuilding is newlypaintcd in bright red and the grandstand is undergoing the necessary repairs entries already acton lines for rural service permission ranted for their use at unual rental report re water submitted in and lnnulricspolnfc to splendid vx hlbltlon both for hall and rtelj the arena perfo anthe first now program veryono four eighteen arc 01030 the report was adopted mrs campbell was present to discuss with the council damage which hod been done to her property at mill dtid fellows streets mrs campbell felt the damage had been done by the water coming from fellows street and that the drain had been blocked during the spring the matter had been in abeyance for three or four years since it had been called to the attention of council the present drain as now laid was taking core of the drainage satisfactorily the damage complained of had been done over period ten years councillors mason and mcmillan agreed to view the property and report back to the council letter from beardmore co pointed outrthatl5evcrlyhousohad becrttorrt down and re adjustment of uixcs was requested in view of the ire urns tancc it was felt no change could be made in the assessment thp view taken by the council was that houses in course of construe tlan the first year were noti taxed and tills name practise should be follow ed when house war demolished during the year since assessment the adjust ment would of course be taken care of in the hext years assessment letter wan read from mr grenvllk davis solicitor for the hewetson co regarding the terms of the agreement committee of reeve harrison coun cillor mason oiid clerk ii fanner were appointed to confer with mr davis on thursday september 24th the account from guclph general hospital for an indigent patient was no pawul by tho council letter from the department of hlgh wajr enclosed copies in triplicate of th agreement wliereby the department noiv assumes responhllbllly for the highway passing through acton the department will uccordlng to this agreement main tain and keep in repair clear snow and apply sand when necessary for width of twenty feet through town service on any additional width will be borne fifty pet cent by the municipality the deportment asked llat of repairs that were deemed necdsary at tlie present time council agreed to sign the agreement fcellhgitwas in the bast lnterr8thof the municipality and requested that an engineer from the department vlalt acton tenders for eavetroughlng at the town hall wert received from mooney toonunuedon ivgf wre shoppers guide ttto following ar ihs hi which adveriuenlciiu afcpar hi thbt woekit free pred fag acton ktll ful khktf alio kruplrs kahaht tea fkvgo cuwills grocery kcjwf allkirn kagi harrw grocery kuehllti uoyu tlwalre capital thtvd lavoue ladlw llfcodyto woir churchill iwulvruiry tuul supper uuhop jfc sen luivti it jo tune uumlo iul luiilri khoe sum firecory tlma mad corg wulutv kov kuli tchpluiu cv 1l wruht ltirrmlmul crda of business mr il lage iluarruii lime tabled hiiloiv so to si 00 kter norton maup klllou tanuri ltvrll ton brwntpton jr cr dlntr evening again offers which should please clowns will provide fun in the ymca gymnastic team tiiat puts on two acts tumbling and pyramid george grant is slock wire artist and juggler and shorty campbell does his cowboy tricks with rope the carr bros are pair of musical acrobats with variety acts the bicycle and running faces will again provide the usual thrills and spills and it is expected uiat dr mcqulbbans rum string of jumping horses will be among the competitors on this fir it night the musical chairs and potato race will provide the climax to the evenings show acton citizens band will provide the musical program and the liiill exhibits will be judged and the prize winning articles displayed on wednesday afternoon new fea ture lias been added to the parade first and second prizes ore offered for the best float or novelty outfit in the parade this la not confined to any class but open to fanners business places manu facturers or lndlvlduwls prizes arc also offerud for the best decorated doll car riage in the parade and the echool chil dren and band will combine to make this ocolorful event the trials of speed at the park include freeforall and 228 class this year prof chrltie president of the ontario agricultural cohcrc will offic ially open the fal other speakers it the opening ceremonies will be roc harrison and mr elliott morcs superintendent of the bidlan reserv all the usual and new attractions wll take place on the platform before the grandstand the baby nliow pony race high jump ing horses potato race and parade of prize winning stock will go to make it an afternoon with not dull moment not feature has been overlooked and entries are now being made ready for the olg pair in actons twentythree years of growing successes granted good weather the i03fl acton fair should attain new records in ex hibits uttendancc and general success at the monthly meeting of the public utilities coroatjssian on friday evening commissioner hansen and recvo harrison were present tile release for settlement of damages for collision with the truck was signed by the chairman and the matter settled mr hansen was appointed cluurman during the absence of chair man b7 arnold moved by if harrison seconded by hansen that this commission ex tvess their regret of the illness of the chairman mr arnold and it is their sincere wish that he soon recover and be enabled to attend the meetings and that copy of this resolution be forwarded to mv arnold by resolution the secretary woj authorized to pay the following ac counts hydro ikcpartmenl bel tuleplione co services for july 530 motors supplier for truck 15 highway garage trailer 25 do mcphersoti buslneiis tax 470 it and transports express 403 hepc of ontario power etc 2g20g0 ppp ww xsnik hon eahl howe prlncliwil siienker at the conservative picnic in georgetown last saturday roll of paper english electric co transform er sangamo company imi re building metres continental electric co cup nlim northern electric co supplied powerllte devices ud supplies canadian general electric co supplies jas kearney corporation supplies canadian line materials ltd fixture matthews postage mackenide son lumber for truck the canadian mill supply co motors aotcn fmke pjirsu printing 145 30000 7100 337 707 5731 70x0 4077 2020 1000 125 5300 073 conservative picnic saturday hon earl rowe addressed the audience race imd events had good competition esquesing council setjtai rate six bylaws are also punned ul meeting on monday in stewarttown hie eiitiuihig council held their regular monthly meeting on monday afternoon deputyheevo robin son councillors wilson may iaid edwin harrop were present moved by wilson seconded by ed wii harrop that robinson deputyrcevc act as chairman in the absence of rcevu currle carried the minute of lost meeting were read and confirmed during the meeting reeve currle ar rived moved by may seconded by edwin harrop that tlio treasurer pay board of health account sanford account to date 3140 carried moved by may seconded by robinson that the treasurer pay tha road shceli as presented by tlie road superintendent u1u2u carried moved by edwin harrop neconded by wilson that tho treasurer pay the relief accounts an presented by tile relief officer 10444 carried other nccountn pawetl for payment were jciikihs hrdyrre tax verifica tion notices mailed 1142 waterworks nepartment hydro department power at 8prinfil geo grant sz co grease hydro department july opera tions canadian brass co cupplles tlios and victor elliott labor hydro department august operations fire inspector here this morning inspector walker of the fire underwriters association visited acton to test tlie lire fighting apparatus pressure at various places was tested and hose lines laid the test continued through the morning and tlie water from the pond and through tlie chloruiatlan system was turned on during the test there was splendid attendance at tin first annual conservative picnic of hal ton held at georgetown on satur day afternoon sports nldiyiliows speeches and softhall games helped to make everyone happy there was plenty of competition for the prlfce going to the largest conserva tive family on the grounds henry shep herd and mrs william wiley tielng fo first place with families of eight wm glllmon 85 was the oldest conservative present mrs dan campbell b0 took the prbic for the oldest conservative lady but an elderly woman showed up some minutes later who claimed she wits 87 and gave her name as mary riddcll highland dancing featured dance in tlte armories attended by hon earl ro we and mrs howe sport prizes races boya under jack kentner tom wiley girls under pamela cousens eleanor cummlngs boys to 13 don basty girl to 13 ivyprewtohemargnretrrzisby boysl to 15 eccles hall wilfred frank girls 12 to 15 shirley rvckman mary cum nins ladies 10 and over florence rock magaret poynlz gents 1c and over jack duncan fred kentner wheelbar row race chapman and kentner threelegged race kentner and denny tie race ii lambert and evelyn ktntner one mile race dan crichton half mile race crichton two mile blcjcle race riddcll one mile bojt bicycle race bobby goldham lloyd dingle of burlington was chairman an uddress of welcome was given by mayor gibbons hon leapojd mccaulay thought lie wiw evidence of rvlce appreciation of the choice of leader s3003 400 7455 20 05 25 5120 203 j8 letter from thq ontario hjdro com mlmlon requested permission to use the jwlmary lines and make attachments to tin acton stem for supplying power ti lorne school mesn fred denny and murray by resolution this permission was granted lo make the necessary conntc tltmii standard rentaln for this were to apply lli1 indication of conservative tlie superintendent submitted de rovcrnment at the next election tailed report on the waterworks sy litem dr anderson introduced hon showing water pumped and revenue secured this was relative to making letter shop supply co sup plies 0250 acton public utilities commis sion crescent street lights 1500 george elliott account re brown 065 bell telephone co cervices 412 elmer thompson premium re dobble insurance 3103 emerson howley cutting weeds on cost half lot concewdon 550 carried moved by robinson seconded by ii may that this council recom mend to tlie 1037 council the building of tlie town line between esquesing andt chlnguacousy from lot to lot 10 as aalt stabilized road in tho early summer of 1037 providing the same meets the approval of chinguacousy township carried bylaw no 805 to distribute the in terest accruing from the railway bonus fund among the different school sections entitled thereto was read tho required five hundred take part in legion zone parade ktepresentativeh of thirteen branches and many visitors from other hrancheh hold fall parade and chuith service in knox church acton sermon by kcv jh bonnie assisted by minthterk of town mcdonald zone commander in charge of feathering two bands supply music for the parade with banners of tho various branches of zone 13 of the canadian legion flying and lorne rifles scottish band and the acton citizens bond piny big nvo hundred legionnaires from tlie tone and other centres paraded from the park in acton sunday afternoon and attend ed the service in knox church it was one of tlie lines parades held here hi some time at two oclock sergtmajor alger lined up the vurious groups in tho parade at the park the lome rifles bond headed the parade and acton citizens band and acton ileglon brought up tlie van of the assemblage by way of knox avenuu bower avenue frederick and mill streets the parade reached the sol diers monument on mill street where the marchers and bands formed up here while the colon were dipped last post and reveille were sounded by bandhan la ndsbo rough and wreath deposited at the boso of vh mmiumeiit by zone commander mcdonald tlie lorne rifles band play rfliinrvr nnrrwiiggzij town hall improvements with the repairs already dona at the town hull tills municipal building is very much mproved tlie old balcony at tho front no longer source of danger and the cement blocks used to finish off the supporting pillars are an improve ment the repairs to the steps pointing of tlie stonu work and repairing of this brick work have all added to tho safety and appearance of the building perhaps if this years council complete tho cavc troughlng sufficient can be budgeted next year to iiahit the exturior of tho build ing narn destroyed by lightning the parade re assent bled in front of thj government building tlie salute w3 taken by zone commander mcdonald and col brown and the parade continued to knox church comrade salt presided at the organ and rev ii benlne cliaplaln of acton legion conducted the service in the absence of reeve harrison tlie group were officially welcomed to acton by rev dr morrow the scripture lesson was the 131st psalm and was read by rev bril llnger and rev unxtcr led in prayer the announcements were mode by zone commander mcdonald when no expressed appreciation of tlie acton branch and himself on the splendid gatherlifg in opening tils address rev mr bennle gave welcome to the legion naires from the churches and tlie session his text was from tlie scripture reading the lord snail preserve thy going out andthv coming in fiftieth wedding anniversary number of timosandpauied and the seal of the corporation was kttachod the lord 1aa fltcql prcserva thereto tlvcn tnnt c0l ilot get along with bylaw no 000 to assess tlie several ollt te alwnys helping to preserve school sections and union school sec tne oncuty of human lire and yet it tlons of the township of esquesing for w0uld ac to long time in tlw the year 1030 won read an required ami compllshment his preservation of as pusied mner ceases we live in day and bylaw no 007 as ilvesfi the township kemtlon when we need to preserve of esquesing for the year 1030 was also our lvaltj paired our oyalty bylaw no 000 to impowcr the collec struck by lightning during storm on friday about four oclock burn on the farm of john akitt near ouprlnge war destroyed byj fire which lasted for some hours an entire seaisons crop and number tus uwj wlilcli swept tlirough the bam quickly after tlie bolt had started the lire no cbumute of tlie total loes lias yet been mode the liouse mjaa threatened by the leaping flames but members of the household and neighbors watched until the blaxe had subsided to point where there was no longer danger tlie storm during whichf tlie bolt struck was of short duration but of un usual severity decision on tlie policy to be adopted regarding metres tlie report was tabled for the present the lint of arrears was checked by tne commission and instructions issued for their disposition georgetown officers members of orion lodge georgetown appointed the following of ficers at their annual meeting noble orund ii wood vtceorand mccormack recording secretary parr financial secretary joe hall treasurer sam walker junior noble qrand juck lucas trustee watkins earl roue provincial leader in the address of mr rowe conaer jvatlve leaner he criticized the financial policy of the hepburn government and analyzed the public accounts very thor oughly the lome rifles scottish band and the highland pipe band of george town supplied music during the after noon scout mothers meet the opening meeting of tlie scout mdthcra auxiliary was held on tuesday in the parish hall plans for the winter work were discussed which included lucky draw for quilt and euclure tor of rate 10 collect statutory penalties for nonpayment of tfixes after december 31st 1930 was also passed after receiving the required readings by council bylaw no 009 to grant permission to tlie reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meet the current expenditure of the township with the blanks filled in with the sum of 11000 was passed concluded on page eight bridge worker killed at oakville johnston of hamilton was in stantly killed at 10 00 yesterday when he plunged 50 feeti from scaf fold on the new middle road bridge being erected over slxteenmue creek north of oakvllle johnston was employed by the vernon construction company as stripper and was working at the top of form work surrounding pier on tlie west bank of the creek cecil taylor fellowem ployee who was standing ontlie bank said johnston appeared to lose his hold he swajed outward and then plunged to tlie ground coroner dr stead has ordered an inquest we must stand to preserve we must stand to preserve memory we need the fal ui trut and common seilse he urged tlmt all unlc to preserve tin simple things of our days preservation has always been gods work christ gave lib life that we might beypreserved the singing of hymn tlie benedic tion and the national anthem concluded the service tlie parade formed up and marched 10 the park after the service where zone commander mcdonald expressed ap preciation to his comrades for attending to the bands and all who had assisted in making the cvent such an outstand ing success he also tendered congratu lations to the lqrnc rifles band on their achievement in winning again at uic jn with the banner lloating in the breeze and tlie late afternoon sun peeping from behind the clouds tlie scene was indeed colorful one the legionnaires were served light luncheon before leaving for their homes many branches outside of tlie thirteen comprising the 27one wero represented in the parade tile celebration of the golden wed ding of mr and mrs lepage tor onto on tuesday of this week recalls to some of tlie older acton folk romance of tlie eighties wlien brisk young prince edward islander visiting guclph to buy agricultural implements from the gowdy company for his cliarlottetown warehouse fell violently in love with an actongirr guest of the gowdys proceeded to pay energetic court and was successful year later in carrying her as bride back to the island with him after three years in cliarlottetown the family ynoved to toronto where mr lepage has been engaged manufacturing and lias built up tlie lepage individual commun ion cup company of which at age 03 lie is still in active management reception marking the happy event was held at tlie home of the second son harry at grenadier gardens when the six children and twelve grandchil dren were present with other relatives und friends mrs lepage received in black velvet frock and was assisted by her daughters mrs norman collett mrs douglas crlghton mrs walter twlgg and also by miss elsie lunhon the sons are and morley lepage assisting in tlie tea room were mrs joseph peters gloveraville ny mya dorsey moncton mrs and mrs ii moore mrs car dickie mls june wood mm vernon moore misses norma dorothy lillian lois and mar jorie moore every gift of god lit an invitation to claim greater grace for grace godet coming events announcement of uallngi cod cert or other eveuu und thu heading are char 10 cctiti tr hue witli tiiinltiiutii charge lot rfy auaonnrruiciit at euclirc at parish hall on friday even ing good prbces when at the fair call at knox church booth for homemade baking and lunclics limehouifchrveathome tiervieeorr sunday morning october 4th enter tainment monduvroctober 6th by tor onto artists refreshment etc scene at acton fall fair this years fair is next tuesday and wednesday harvest festival service of st jolinv church nossaguweya will be held on sunday september 30th with service at 1100 preacher rev allen hill and service at 730 pm preacher rev brllllnger of acton special music at both services jim huntert radio editor will be the mastur of ceremonies ut the concert tl acton town hall on saturday at 015 assisting the acton concert or cheiitra in thin muhiral presentation are ted denver cornet virtuoso irving and miss spires xplophonlsts mr john jktuotriiuir cowboy tingar trick yodeler ueuura black and frank oldtime lid dlers will also feature jjumbeis of the orrhestru the plu now upon at lircwns drug store

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