Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 3 Sep 1936, p. 2

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paob two the acton free press thursday september ard 193s slje artun jffrpf pflfi published every thursday at acton ontario sutscrirnon rates aoo pr yer in advance united state 50c additional single copies 50 both old and nw add res sea should bo jgtven when change ci address is reqaeated cancellations we find that most our sub scribers prefer not to hawe their subscription interrupted in case they tail to remit before expiration while sub scriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period yet unit we iiolihcd lv cjmrl we jiiune the subscriber wishes the service continued advertising kates on appllcathjai am as ulven in vriut lulumn heading although every precaution will he tavcn to avoid error the tree ircaa accepts ailvcrtisintf in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for iny error in any udvcrliarmcnt published hereunder unless proof uch advcrtisctuent rejtif in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free iress business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case jl any error so noted is tint corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire citt of such advertiaement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by audi advert ikcment akloi dills editor irr iyj telephones editorial and llusl kesidence paint up the mall box if farmers but realized how much it was to their advantage to keep their mail boxes plainly lettered with their name the movement in painting and put ting them in good condition would be moregcncral there fs scarcely motorist who drives along the roads who would not like to know the occupants of the farm personally there are lot of our friends in the country whose farm is not known to us in driving along wc would like to be better acquainted wo have heard the statement made that rural mail users pay well for the boxes and do not have to keep their names on the boxes unless they so desire thi is mistaken impression for the postal regulations specify that while the rural mail box once paid for becomes the property of the purchaser to be used lor mail purposes the department requires that if be properly erected kept in good repair and with the patrons name legibly lettered thereon failure to do this may result in the department discontinuing service to that box the sunday school lesson foe sunday september 6th edpcr big day tuesday was quite day for those of school ugc when the back to school movement was on in full force for the vast majority it was not new ex perience other than perhaps their class places were new and the surroundings different from the previous year their studies will of course be advanced but then there is that little group that starts out to school for the first time conditions are completely chang ed it is their first step in lifes long climb toward what nobody knows they have left the period oi all play and assumed their first duties in lifes course the first routine of lifes program comes to them tuesday was big day in their little lives without doubt most of the older folk can readily recall similar day it is one that is usually remembered ontario retiring ickbt the hepburn government on monday retired 57339000 in two and onehalf per cent coupon bearing debentures forming part of the first loan it floated after assuming office at queens park the retirement was effected out of ordinary revenue this loan was placed on august 30th 1931 and was for 37500000 of which i3gg2000 has already been retired with the 7000000 additional retirement the funded debt of ontario is lower treasury officials stated than it was at the close of yearly business oh october 31st 1934 the government has no more debentures maturing until november and december when amounts of 800000 and 700000 respectively have to dealt with it is quite evident the lffepbiirn administration is moving in the right direction in bringing the province into improved financial con dition and thus fulfilling another of its election promises an important industry some idea of the size and importance of the printirtghndubltshittbsitte3smaybettirtd the following recently released figures of industrial payrolls for ontario printingpublishing 9957035 printingbookbinding 0880805 16937810 automobiles i2662g6b pulp and paper 100 02 electrical apparatus 10830430 central electric stations 10502823 it will be noted that the printing business and the closely related pulp and paper business account for nearly 28000000 per year in salaries and wages in this one province in gross value of products however the standing is quite different ontarios leaders in this respect with their payrolls are as follows nonferroiiitinelul smelting h58 17 5309120 automobiles slaughtering meat packing flour and feed mills pulp and paper rubber goods central electric stations printing two branches an unitjue congregation the following from the oihawa times tells of it congregation that is unique we pass it on to our readers it was the privilege and pleasure of the writer during recent vacation to met the rector of one of the anglican churches in brockville and to learn from him that for many years his church has met all its obligations without the aid of teas bazaars work sales and the many other schemes re sorted to today to make money for the church wc were interested in learning that whenever funds are required for any branch of the church work simple announcement from the pulpit is all that is neces rury this does not mean that the social life of the congregation is dead far from it for the church has its various organizations who have specific duties to crformbutasalrcadynotednobpcralnteans to ia money feaor toatxl nim ashvn charged to social gatherings under this system the church has carried on for over fifty years perhaps in these days of financial stress when money is hard to get for church as well as other purposes it might seem impossible forany church to carry on without the usual round of activities arranged for money making purposes but the church in brockville has demonstrated that it can be done no doubt its members realize that when they give turnings to the cjentiles golden text tmvo set thee or light of the gentiles thttt thou nhouldtyit bo for aalvutlon unto the uttermiwili parts of the earth acts 13 47 lejison text acts 14 013 10 20 itomuns 10 813 tlmi 411 place lyutru exixvluon turning the gen tiles man nettle hbt destiny ly what he doe with gods word the jews ad judged thenuelves unworthy of eternal lite by puulnit the word of clod from tliom ci 13 40 lull tile gojiuks klorllled tile word of clod wlilcji the jew deplied 411 the uliostles ro cotfiilxhia rrom tills the liuth tliey sliould follow broke with uio prejudice of their jewlili traditions and tralnlmr and with out lieulauon or reerve turned to the gentllej paul was not unprepared for this outcome the lord hud command ed him before he left jerusalem to to tile gelltlltll ch 22 1720 ii cripple from lllrth made whole 1110 it was ciul of real imneiievi the mull had never walked tilcr was no magnetic touch no treatment jujt look word and then perfect and instantaneous curul how unlike the caci of which the christian scientists boast where there is ull imaginary cure in your mind of an imalnnry disease in your mind mortal error illusion but for which real money is churned not in the mind but hi the hand of the prac titioner how unlike the practices of the pivlne ilealem who are kolntf up and dofeni the land robblntf poor people of their moncyrwithuirlr imaginary curcil tills was real ciireot real and riches aro at tho disposal of tho prnyar of faith how shall help myself by slmplo faith and earnest prayer that is all whosoever sllull call upon tho name of the lord shall bo saved could antlilntc tie plainer or more simple five things are lnvolvod da senso of need sincere desire for aulvauofi liellef that jesus can save turning to jctls throwing away confidence in other moans of salvation when this ll done you are saved hikkhwatku fikhkiuks unmistakable lameness and no money asked paul did not attempt to cure every lame man he met god directed his attention to thli man and gave him insight to see that tile man had the faith needed for hti heallnc how did he tot 11 by hcflrhlff paul speak romans 10 17 something of this kind waji needed to gain paul hearing in antloch ill the apostles worshipped as gods 1110 the eaple were now ready not only to elte paul heuriwr but also to wor through their envelopes each sunday the amount ii him men ure nluayi ready they should give they are not called uporrto make render to the instrument god uses the tp deficiencies or shortages through admission fees latitude that belong to him how many christians today bem to numerous events and perhaps the women of the lny tiiclr omrmis at the rt congregation realize too that systematic giving nun that god ucs as if the man through regular channels obviates for them the neces vu malilm the apoitu sity of baking sewing selling tickets and working their heads off as conveners or members of this and mistaken notion about themsehes tin that committee it seems to us that when made it clear that uu ere of the sam stun other men people have mind to give realizing that for them it is an important spiritual duty the money will come into the church treasury without the aid pf super ficial means cnnudau frrili water luiherlca yield twhityilvu specie of irmrkctablo flsii tho llit of floli ontalnublo from uxo com orchil llfthornmiii of canadas lakes and jlreuliui lncludem niowlvivi bans bluo pic kerel ciirp catlbth eli krayllntf hcr rhitf lintf miutldndiikt mullet ouaii anlchr ierch ilckirel pike luilmon itituijenl nhftd irnelui fcturooii flickers trout tulllbee and whltefbih tin value of freih vfutcr production like tho taj of the total catch li not jo reut ili ihn vului of jcn ilnhoric it huii been ilj ilih tut 11500000 in jeur but in the jecuit yeuru of continue unjutt lenient u11 ilurci huvu been in evitably kiniiller fur tut tho unnuil valuo of production onturlo standi lint anion tf tho provlnn tho 1035 catch huvintf villus of hiorc than j800000 manitoba held tecond place followed by quebec albertu saskatchewan nuw uruwjwlck and the yukon fcla4ff is delicious tit at man george wojlnuton wiu creutr man he muiib hav been told mr dustin stax to trunjuict much bltf political bujineij with io few hrtxui bandji in 11ab shart culler ts mm piumonprltchard at hoinc iiiic ulnt in fit rtuu to ko unybody me nn mi just bin havlntf words ho use ho id hints uy mrs maitv moitlon refused their proifeied homaife with hor ror and corn they uould permit no editorial note with eight fatalities on the highways over the weekend there is still room for lot of courtesv practise just threa week the 103tb acton fair is just thrt weeks distant and indications point to its attractions being bigger nnd better than ever and on monday night before retiring dont forget to put the clock back an hour thats the night you catch up the hour you lost inst april wed like very much to write baseball editorial only these columns must be in type on tuesday ana wednesday may make quite difference in what should in that item the great canadian national exhibition opened its gates on friday judging by expression of the first visitor it promises to eclipse all former presen tations of this great annual show canadians are not running to the states for every purchase as wns predicted by those who opposed tin arrangement whereby entry of 100 worth of goods was pcrmissable the 50000000 estimate will more likely amount to about 6000000 in year governments too long in office always reach point when the people can be no longer hoodwinked witness the quebec landside brampton conser and oth examples closer nt igh he 75c10j29 t2i02igl 51513133 8i3513 50r5l30 2315183 172ilhtih 10 0721 m03720r 8597107 43iilh715 10502823 12557800 10 0378k mentioned such as the ontario landslide of couple of ears ago the number employed by the printing and pub lishing and printing and bookbinding industries ii 1031 uis 13171 the new highest industry in tin respect joeing hoslevy and knitted goods with 11102 ilid then electrical ipparitus with 10230 the auto mobile industry which ii31 unphncd nl hi would now make much greater showing in eni plovces pivrnll and output an ivclmnge points out very aptly that every business dim and professional man in commumt should be represented in everv issue of the local paper it onh hv small card the local newspaper serves among other functions as town directory not mi for the eoniiminit jolk hut ti sti angers old established minis our eschanre points out hv think tbev tan lie on past piestige aie leaning on doubtiul sijppoit the peisonnel even iinm iinal eommunitv thunges coiistantu these tune ityu mam tines di mi letogiue in the tlllt on busy sautidv night iv stoned bj men rulild by tin loid 1920 hou lllue dependence to be placed upon popular fuor it vonhlpr today btoius toniorrou it as fortunate for paul that he depending not upon manj favor but upon gods cor thi uils not the only experience of the kind that paul had i2 cor 11 2527 it the sort of experience those who are 03 nl to christ and ttla truth may exjiect in thl godhatlnc world tim 12 john 15 1020 dut there are abundant compenjatlona tim 12 romans 10 matt 1012 there are rome who think it was while in this condition of apparent death at lyntra that paul was caurht up to the third heaven and heard unnpcakable words cor 12 24 this treatment did not stop paul from preaching he got up nndueptjjuclc into an then on to derbo where he preached the gos pel and then back ngnln to lystra oh for men or such courage perslitcnce and unquenchable loe for christ and manl abundant uccem attended his preaching at derbe it is not enough to bring men to christ we must strengthen and build up the younc comcrls cv 22 tulni tlie point of fjillure in much mrwiern evangelistic work it la not enough thai men sart in the faith they must con tinue in the faith john 31 32 15 4c 10 col 22 23 rev 10 men need to be told tolay that must through much tribulation enter lnt the kingdom of clod our modern soft and selfindulgent piety is not thc re ligion of the bible tim 12 matt 10 21 22 10 24 luke 33 20 29 pauls christianity was much more hxrtly and noble iort it was not christianity of picnics ahd bazaars frolics and lnterchurch ball matches etc it wns christianity of endurance much tribulation and service that is the kind that sorelj needed today nutr it paid there uai to be munh tribulation but throuffh this tribulation they were to enter into the kingdom god 22 tin wav uf bawntlnuhmnan 10 il13 the word is rlthl ut 4uind in tin heart and mouth of the brlirvrr if man iwlleve with his luut ithoujhl will litre lion that gml has raised chrlit nun the ifiid the reult is rthtt ulsnest ijustmcillon 01 eept 1111 befon god and if he umfis jv us lord the eslilt tllvalloi idfllirraiue fium the iulll and powi ind pt semitlon untu the iloi that is to bi iwaudi note the ah oltit iuilj nt lontt jlon uiih the mouth wf mitt 10 12 ji itile ii 311 cons ai nil ii iidilitlonal luiuimnu 11 tin luivlt ihle nutrutm of fiith if von arc in onf in jrui juur inrd ind it iumi be mm th it ihim uioii ulth join faith tlui an illu ill cm mid llu menu hint cbilli melon ham loaf ii ud pnutuc suminci scioih shed toituii izldilbeii pn cnfi 1111 lie 11 tilv lohiiiu nd ins muit in it ueipi it dehu his it is as nd iikl not and is 111 iclh 11 illu fin afdichc dun th 11 mp thioali oil fir tti kiiipr ham ioa1oih uii lush 111 iii oir lii it pi rii sniulid liini in if cup uirib iuu tt it nl pp to ume tbe ruuitls cup mtlk muliill ip tuniao jin pui oli the if uimh it is nn ind put mil luit cl pan ii jit in modi rie jvtn fn in and onehalf hinri rci and rancics riru pcaihcs tw tablespoons butter four inre fn lone pjaclks onetlrrd up siujar onehalf cup water lnt butler in fr inj pan when mchid put in pachti washed and hakid but not peekd iind brown on bi in sidis sprinkle with sucnr and nod watlr cover until peaches an tender about 10 mmutes and scrv hot seivis four side dish iu cuddle take ilreadamlhutter picktcs eiht quarts cucumbers cut slices two quarts onion two cups bait two quails cider vinegar two and oikhalf pouttdsbrowneiisnir7 onefourth pound stick cuinamu two and onlialf tablespoons white mustard seed one tablespoon whole allspice two teaspoons celery seed onehalf teaspoon cayenne pepper cut cucumbers in slices and nlto slice onions put into separate vessels with sprinkling of salt between each layer let stand overnight in the morning drain ftndtttisewehhneoldwtitei dt solve sugar in vinegar and boil with the spices tied loosely in bag remove spices when vinecar 13 well seasoned odd vegetables which have been drained from cold water scald them in the vinegar but do not boil turn into earthen ware or glass jars and seal hot lied plum coiujsrve two pounds red plums one poundt almonds three oranges rind and pulp two lemons sugar halve plums and discard pits blnnh almonds and cut in strlpi foice oranges and lemoni through tho food chopper add to plums weigh and add an equal portion of sugar let stand an hour heat slowly to boiling boil until almost thick add almonds and cook until thick turn into sterile glasses and eal decorative cool builtin bookcases in the corner nfn tmalrnpnrtment topppdwlth wide panels of mirrors accomplish three purposes they arc decora tive tlny add to the apparent af the 00m and the class look alx youngblcrb love to hear kdloggs kicc krihpicfl crackle in knilk or cream they love their delicious flavor too and the mother cooho storied on the hackw of rice kjispicfl package buy rice krispiea today sold by grocers every where made by kellogg in london ontario quality guaranteed so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream to those whouse the highways at night for either driving or walking appeal tothe motorists of ontario to make night driving and night walking ns safe and cnjoynble as driving or walking by day believe it can be done by the simple expedient of applying the principles of courtesy lctusmakeit aninfalliblerule to dipfir dim our lights when meeting other cars it will soon become almost automatic for us to do so oncoming drivers will respond within very short time this deliber ate gesture of courtesyas it now is will become fixed habit do not crowd the other fellow when meeting of passing if he is inclined to be nervous driver he may tfasily misjudge distance at night we dontknow and it costs us nothing to give ium clearance let us give pedestrians more than ample space for walking we have all the advantage when we are driving and the other fellow is afoot let us not use that advantage in bullying way on the other hand when we are walking let us show truecourtesy to those who are driving when we walk with traffic we place all the responsibility upon the motorist always walk facing oncoming traffic and wear or carry something light thnt the lights of oncoming cars will pick up even if you carry only partly opened newspaper these are few instances only to demonstrate the spirit of courtesy which am suggesting and recommending to the people of ontario practise and preach the golden rule of the road show to others the same courtesy that you would like to hnve shown to you sinclrry yours tt faluidw ministe highways province or ontario to vi ii lour boiiy uilir 00 ik nil imliip nmuicl mil 111 111 lt it ujlr iy willi lulli uinl ii irn liil ill 1i1 mi in luujjtly diy lu tojc liny iiiilnl uirny try courtesy youll enjoy it ssb triil

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