Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Aug 1936, p. 6

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baozsix theactonefteepbess tinmsdianauat iath iw srbaka da english enguih umy my la unguace most utod most ipokeh most written moat cruelly adtued tho plural of box we uknow lb boxes yet the plural of ox to oxen not oxee copse la goose but two ore called geese but why lant more than one mouse quot ed meeae mouse and his family ore mentioned mice but the plural of house is houses not nice tho plural of brother is brothers and brethren and yet we say mothers but never ay methren tho plural of man tho answer is men tho plural of pan whod dure to say pen7 if more than one tooth wo designate teeth but more than one booth la nover termed becth if one thing is that and three things are those then they do we swear at the cats and not cose cow in tho plural is somotlrrfks the xinc but whomever spolec about two vows as vino you con readily dnublo foot and have feet but try us you might you cant movi root rcct if this in my iand were two twould be these and yet the plural of itlas never called kesc we classify pronouns as he his and hni but never its certain as she shis and shim no wmidcrthen foreigners nearly gi mod and spealc our good english atrociously twul menu hints eripea far new sad naval daihm iltsitiih ideas aaj tauiirsm itvkiy mjttlk uhv barbara brooks no little girl can begin to entertain to early being charming hostess may be born in some of us but most people have to practice jo bltbeforethcyenter taln gracefully mothere shoujd start tho aoclal training of their girls by let ting them invito their friends in of lea for tea or light refreshments on the lawn during the long summer after noons it important uiat these affairs be iccpt informal children may so cosily become constrained if there are too many elders around or if every tiling is 100 partylsh they should learn to look on parties as time when tihey can be naturally gay with congenial people rather than as stlrf ecrcmonlal occa sions if her daughter is under ten probably mother should plan and servo the re freshments tills insures their succtisid but if the young lady in her teens ib will be fun for her to do her own plan ning with little help on the serving no tiling elaborate should ever be at lempted for that will take tho pleasu out of it for the young hostess she mustnt be made to feci uiat this is any thing more diflicult tlian uu many timer she and judy have eaten fresh rhubarb from the garden or borrowed apples from mothers kitchen to take on tlielr prlvao picnics in vacant lot the entire upuit of young girls entertaining should be one of impromptu hospitality if tills carries over into her grownup enter taining slie will be lucky girl and that rare person good hostess suitable menu for these afternoon net together is given here it is simple nrklver3rxiabityandreilectstlictcoolneis of terraced garden serve it bulfet or plate style radish uats ripe olives sandwlcluis of cream cheese on all bran apricot broad cucumber sandwiches chilled assorted melon balls with mint sprigs iced tea punch or orange juice all bran apricot bread cup chopped dried apricots ivh cups sour milk or buttermilk tablespoons shortening cup sugar tvu la cups ollbrun cupsflour teaspoon buklnir powder vj teaspoon soda lit teaspoon salt vi uasjiooii nutmeg teasioon chopped nut mials soak chopped apricola in milk about 15 minutes cream ahor toning and sunar thoroughly add rgjf beat until creamy add all bran aprlcotii and mjlk ltt uiak ujitll most of moisture li taken up sift flour with baking poudc koda salt and nutmeg combine uith nut meats add flrat mixture stirring only until hour dlsappeorii bake hi groaiied lou wltli waxed narwr in the bottom in moderate oven 3s0 degrees vt about hour and10 minutes lj vleid loafijiio inches tea punch cup iugar wliole clovva teaspoon cinnamon cuds water cup orange pekoe tea no can pineapple juice cupi orange juice cups umon juice cups wuter or jiinger ale simmer sugar plcts und cup water teether for minutes strain and add the tea chill and add fruit juice and water or ginger ale oarauh with tlilu dioe of orange and fresh or mjutu aahtiin cherry 12 live for bomethlnfl here oeorge soper first commenced busi ness lxl acton and later built and occupi ed tho new store an mill street it is now used only as double dwelling house when the salvation army was organ ised in acton its services were held in the congregational church on church street when the mortgagor foreclosed his mortgage and disposed of uuv build ing to tho congregation of st josephs church of iublln the salvation army after worshipping in various temporary quarters secured mr smiths building and held their services there until tho army finally disbanded in acton this tetlflatcy gave the premises tho name the barracks which still adheres to it during the command of the best army officer which vor presided over tho acton corps jock agnew fell in love with the captain it was real mutual lovo match and eventuated into happy marriage the wedding was held in the barracks one night and after tho cere mony tho soldiers and audience expressed tholr appreciation and congratulations by firing ulllcr quarters and half dollars at tile bride the platform was well loaded with them und this wedding portion went long way in providing kitchen furnishings for tho now home when the army disbanded mrs agnew and her husband cast in their lot with the methodist church until their re moval to ilortney man about thirty five years ago she was an earnest worker and teacher in tho sunday school tho building is now owned by mr au drcw aldus of erin the comfortable frame dwelling on the comer of main street and west bower avenue noxt to the barracks is owned by mr nelson lambert ic was built by bhc late james logic ft was here that tho late or bell spent several years of his practice in acton icre the late john harvey and miaharvyand their jamlly resided for nuipberbfwriaay garden lad his first home here after live for something be not idle look about thee for employ sit not down to useless dreaming labor is the sweetest joy folded hands arc ever weary selfish hearts are never gay life for thee hath munydutlcst active be then while you may scatter blessings in thy pathway gentle words and cheering smiles better are than gold and silver with their griefdispelling wiles as the pleasant sunshine falletih ever on the grateful earth so let sympathy and kindness gladden well the darkened hearth hearts there aro oppressed and weary drop the tear of sympathy whisper words of hope and comfort give and thy reward shall be joy unto thy soul reluming prom this perfect fountainhead prcely as thou freely glvest shall the grateful light be shed the neat looking comfortable resid encc where mrs coxe and hisr family reside on main street and where late dr coxe liudhls veterinary office for several years was erected by the adamses tho founders of acton eightyfive years ago or more it was the home of aunt electa adams who was uilnk clter of the three brothers lizra zenus and rufus adaimj she was maiden lady of some what advanced years when capt ebbagj the father of tho late thomas ebbage came to acton from the eant and it was not lone before tliey found their two heart beat as one and they called in the parson and were made man and wlfo they lived in this house for time and tlie capt who was an experienced lea captain conducted store in the old adams block which stood about where tlie presbyterian church is now located afterail ii teieetaahdtheo ftp tn in pawl ed from the scene of action tills well built home was tlie residence of number of our early settlcrc especially newly married pairs think at one time there were three pairs of young people who called this their home dr and mrs drake liad the two front rooms and bedrooom upstairs my and mrs jolin holt had two or three rooms and mr and mrs thomas ebbage jr occupied hie remainder sowntyat smith came into possession of this property and resided there with ills family until ills death mr smith was brother of the late sydney smith sr who built palrvlew place where mrs sidney smith jr resided until the homo war swept by lire he und his family were held in high esteem mrs smith wan sampson sister of mrs ben jiuntn nlcklln and of mrs jonathan kelly whose husband was for tlilrty years chief of police in guolph two daughters blessed this home misses carrie and mary miss carrl uiui an sptrt nilllliut and for years was the manager of tile louvc one of tlie mt hlghchuns millinery establishments on king street toronto sinr died in tor onto number of years ugo miss mary is now resident of toronto but delights to vhl frequently in the home town mr smith was saddler in the days when unit trade was one of the most import at in an tlxtyilve yearn ago he decided tlilib actn needed mrstcluss furniture auire and itected the roughcast building next to mrs coxes lane which hat since been convrrtwi into double tenement house mr smith fitted up the second floor as lodge room for acton ijidtfeir0 between nftyflve and sixty years ign mast of the okldr oddfullouln town rtmle the goaf hi this hall on hot summer night in july it wus sweltering place uiwin completion of ids store mr snuth put hi hue stock of furniture und liousehuul furnishings lvir time bushwrss nourished but with advuucuig yeiud mr smith found business too ureat ux and muilly dupopcd of it vurious tucfxuiulo bualrwmu followed itt ws his marriage it is now occupied by excouncillor john nicol and his family of six boys and girls ncxtf week will start my ruminations on the other side of str at the corner of mill und will endeavor to recall some of hiir incidents of interest on that side of this interesting uiproughfare ff9 ct2 slats diary by oliver warren sunday this is day that alnt meant much to jake 8e blisters for sevral months but the time is near whan it will agen have tender slgnincants skool4 close nun to start us worryen monday ma ast fa la it fact that wlmmtn live longer than men 6l pa cplldo bed he nodobum wldders that docs then pa loft tike he thot it was funny but dlddcnt see no oak about it tuesday suzy smlthers are nabor glrf w0ji koln to manic yung feller but backed out when lie ned he dont bcjncvu there is no ticll oo olicad susys ma sod ju you will soon show him heso nng tfot the joak that time wednesday tho 1st pelltikel pcrad of the acsou past urc house tills iuhi to the hlrde girl wheres ma ups talis waving her luiir sd tho hlrde girl wluits she think tliat ncw flags for fwd rsum wlmmcii are suredum thiurilay unkel ilenweht ridolng as driving hi tlut ford tr feot areted for sjicedlng in tile blzileiis ii4c have writ poem on it witch says 30 days hath sept apr june as nov ac urikcl hon witch is the trooth poetry allso flday june k1 when ait for kiss dlddent no they are jerms in kks ju sed girky when kiss cm kins em tliey slay kfst am no ruif it kllbt ul jerms so june sed all riglit then at so my munishtuas win vlctrcy saturday the vditor told pa to go rite up some fake tnhid rceders witch pa started to do of them ast pa what was he goan to say ac pa rcpilde just xamen my mind yule no but bet you buy paper to make sure uim tlie forchen telwr just laft klnda childish like spiugbmf kills cow plciures and to most people of africa scan to be very demure animals have tlielr likes and dislikes this was de monstrated by one during stock sale in nigel south africa recently as soon as it sighted pr cow tiki springbok broke away from its owner and drove its horns into the side of the bossy until tlie domestic animal was deudi chinese and javanese noted vol small xian1 tlie average chinese and japanese man or woman wears smaller glove than tlie average european or american in china the principal demand for gloves is among the foreign population and tills trade which is for the better quality article is catered to mainly by oreat britain according to the indui trial department of the canadian na tional hallways prance along wltn other continental countries shores supplying the limited demand for hlgh grudo kid and puede ladles gloves about 70 per cent of the total imports are absorbed by siianghai japan supplies practically the whole of the native de mand which is of an inferior quality z2r22 children like kdlogffa rice kriflpxes for supper theyre oo crisp they crackle in inilk or cream nourishing easy to digest promote sleep kclloggs rice krispica are sold hy grocers cvery where ready to serve mother goose story on the back of every package made by kellogg in london ontario quality guaranteed so crisp tbey actually crackle in milk or cream 4s king unveiled vimy memorial tough on daddy betty heaven sends us our daily bread doesnt he mummy mother yes dear and santa claus brines the pre sents mother yes dear and the stork brines the babies yes dear then whats the use of having daddy around business directory mbdmlsx dr mcniven rbydurfaa and bar oftloa and rosmenoe corner avenue and elgin street dr nelson fhjdbtui and shtvmb electro therapy phona dr wm cullen pfaymialan tatd scjgusa oftlce houfbl4 and corner frederick and mih telephone 128 ueoai phone no 23 box su harold nash farmer btttcr soueuor nvouy pnmk czittuoer etc uux street acton owt hours 050 to 1300 noon 00 dl to b00 baturdaya 1300 oclock kenneth langdon burtaitf seueuor ntry mb offices acton oouifeuioirl orertseynuokacafe itttobtrtbtb for appointment ftwoe acton oeorcetovn office hotan acton ttmaday mod ttmxwlmy 11s to 4jm bl kmn lnc on request uaj jgmpnan office in tlihrrf xxoura tn until by appointment ou tor extraction cloaedwednesdayattemooxi ptxxwliv peatten moved to our new quartern in the syrnon block uu1 street acton phone 39 mlbcelxaneotis francis nunan bookbinder account books of all fcindi nuda to order periodicals of terery dakrtptlon carefully bound ruling beatty nd promptly done wyndham btreet ouelph oat when it gordon hclsby above manafiinn editor of the london daily herald told new york reporters that lie was tihncked at the lack mother country sentiment in he routed regular hornets nest of buzzing patriotic and native son orjanizalionsinali parts of can ada answered that he must have been travelling in bad company that he was misinformed rynrdinc the true sentiment of the niton and that he jumped to conclusions onirm pr cnrilbn ptinrr kinu edward is cliown here with hon ernes lapointe minister of justice just after his majesty had unveiled canadas magnificent me morial at vimy itidkc the ceremony was witnessed by nesrly5ooo0 people 0000 of whom were canadian war veterans on pilcriniae to vimy cntral pre canadian pdnlc quints in their playpool attract thousanas general we bpbcialtzk in life fire health and accident automobile windslomi plate glass boiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lines of insurance aubo ocean steamship ticket imamna comtamies txclxllkmt cujtikj uon cftludx for vair only fredl wright octlce cooper block oalce 95 mono kldl 10sj if rly ulway playtlnw lor the whoa joy nu mk mud pie in their imle paddlliit pool thduund ol vutor crow cm pk lerfl out uu tl immou round the at the dlo hop1 caunder wa clls sss cana vvo an want to sell something t7 sold rmm pucas bnudl ad la the fluclmt ohoapoat way to and buyer only cent woe ir rdttjlu

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