Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Aug 1936, p. 5

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thursday auodst istb 1w the acton free press pao irvm muter bulse vincent bollthyln 7iml2t011 muter 7yf samorul holidaying in brampton thl week mr george boper of gait spent the weekend nt hla borne bere mr george blahop was borne for tew days from bhcgulanriah mr george jlgglxu of aurora la holl daylng at bis borne bere this week ml dorothy ellison of toronto is visiting the home of oripps mrs harvey west stratford was in town for the gordonlanu wedding miss marjory miller oakville was weekend visitor at mr lonus ma gladys huffman of toronto is holidaying at her home here this week mr and mrs howard allison of milton were visitors hi town on sunday miss agnes tovell of toronto was recent visitor with miss mamie mas lea miss dorothy vanpleet of boo ten block is holidaying at mrs scotts lako avenue mrs dr elliott visited mtss lm and other friends about town last week mr tom sutcllfle 0kvilto and mtis annls toronto spent sunday at mr last mrs etuarb lanu returned home aftor spending couple of weeks with friends in detroit mna ucwwtii bury are visiting with mr and mrs rumley mrs james luvlngstone of ouelph was visitor on sunday with mr and mrs george soper mr and mrs gamble kenmora nv are spending weeks holiday the old home mrs mason and dr and mrs kelson and marjorle and barbara are holidaying at sundridge mrs shorter jean and sonny or toronto are visiting with mr and mrs mcoeachle this week mr and mrs henderson and mr clarenoe henderson spent sunday with relatives in aurora mrs blanche brooks mrs lrudence oook and mtu kathleen cook visited acton friends on sunday mrs marshall of belmont manitoba is visiting at the homo of mr and mrs cecil maplesden mrs sc mana and kenneth are holidaying at the home of lier mother at owen sound this week mr and mrs clarrldge attended the wedding in brampton yesterday of their niece miss irene martin mr and mrs melvln soper and mast george of ouelph spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs geo soptr mrs cordon romsdeii and children of muncle indiana utxj spending months holiday wttii acton relatives george wallace clothes shop 123yongest toronto opposite ryriebirks expert optical service let us fit you with glasses satisfaction assured at lowest primb head registered optometrist 5s sl georcea sqtfare phone 1529 gublph certificates for high school exams continued from pace om gregory theatre fbii ay august ith sill mums bert wheeler and robert wool bey in tne howllnff adyentures of pair of quack dentlsta in the wud wild wot novelw deeert death miniature important news oartoon tho phantom ship chapter of rm and blnty saturday augus istb 13 hours by air thrllamlnulo drama starring fred macmurray joan bennett and zosu pitu comedy ticfccla please cartoon neptune noi aense oic kows monday august hui things to come sweeping across the screen 100 years ahead of lime it wells astonishing picture screen song its easy to remember minia ture wcatpolnt of the south coming magnif1cnt obses siont with robert tay and irene dunn messrs edward paamcre and gordon carter of rockaood vultod at tlie home of mv and mrs earl if vincent on sunday mr matthews of toronto and mv george blair of rochester nt visllcd ac6oh rutfviy and friends yesterday master hobby storey and donald and joan matthews of toronto are visiting with their grandparents jr andmra at mr and mrs robert mckecluue of jamestown spent the wckeiid at the ikoma of hw parents mr and mrs george oper miss grace lanu is vliltlng with friends in detroit little uiaa sliirloy sutcllnv who lias been vultlng at hr grandparents hre returned with her mrs maaales ulio was opcraud upon hi st joenhtj hospital ouelpli last welt for mnvat of tonslli wtnnr ed home wcdiicsduj and 4s fitting alon nicely mr and xlrs gordon mcdoutfuu bobby and ronald and phyllu mlnkr of voitwmnp ti vfta twinnrd tfr ptmtlnif bouall of rocluood vulttd crlppj and family mm pliyfir of clflvelond ohu and mm jliyior of trli pu have returned liomo after vlltltliiif uwr motlurr iiy win cutting and otho relatived for tuo audits is slutdcii years sine uwy tiltwl the home town and they noted many improvemtnu finance committee favor reduction continued from pago one ttrist on such county rati as were not paid on january 1st also interest at tua rate of be allowed to the toma on money duo on high schools accounts which were not paid on february 1st mov4id by mrirvhig tooondtxl by mr plnney uiot bylaw be introduced to make levy on the revised assessnisnt for tlw counltf of slalton for eeneral purposes in addition to levy for road mfllntenance tlia bylaw after tho required tliree rtadtnfij uas passed ttw unance oomramittee provided tlio one high light of the day in that thetr rtcommcndatlon shoued reduction in the county rate of onequarter of mill it was moved by mr irving seconded by mr vinney tliat bylaw kb 0j7 be ainehded btdeetinglauserwo 17 and substituting in place thereof uiut prank mcniven and plemlng bo of tlie town of milton be caretakers of the county buildings and that tills by law be retroactive to the respective data on which the aforesaid appointees as sumed their duties and tliat byjaw be now read first time the byuw after thrue readings was paused moved by mr ttiorpe seconded by mr rail that the ontario government be asked to cluuige tho act governing tho penalties of municipalities to tlie position jlfflgush literature an dent history oeometry physics dorothy pibdclups english gompoaltsan 3rd english literature 2nd ancient history 2nd algebra 1st oeometry 3rd physics itln composition nd aertrtjdk robertson english composition ancient history an cient history algebra lflt oeom etry bella roszell english com position english literature margaret flmith english composition english literature ancient history algebra physlca bessie vickers engllsfc com position english literature geo metry hazel wilson english com position 2nd literature ancient his tory algebra 1st geometry 2nd chemistry mary young english composi tion english literature an cient history algebra 2nd geo metry chemistry prancis mullln english com position english literature oeometry james haggins algebra 1st chemistry roderick ryder ancient lib tory 1st plrst grade 76lod 2nd second grade 6574 3rd third grade 6065 credit 6050 failure reread lower school peptttt ejtamlnatflbns in which pupils passed robert allen jxritlsh history geography art botany vernotf agnew british history botany zoology iorothy barber british history geograply art botany norah barrett geograpliy art botany nino braida british isostory geo crupliy art botany r1no brauoa britlsli history geo graphy art botany isobel brims british history geography art botany jean evans british history geo graphy art botany rita pttzpatrick geography robert pootrrt geography art alexander prank british his tory geography art botany jerry gdthrie british history geography art botany jack holmes british history bot any zoology jame3 ramb british history 3co kraphy art botany fcjlmer lasby british history geo graphy art botany ultana mcdonald british history georgraphy botany jean mcmillan british history geography art botany helen mainprize botany zoo logy john noble british history geo graphy art prancis papellon british his tory geography art botany bruce pargeter british hlstorj oeography arlr botany myrtle pahnell british history oeography art botany norman price thitorj em more rnmming round in btmabont 2e0 is jusb about record for ply off game acton had 27 hits and in all 63 acton men came to bat the box score only gives 57 but walk docsnt officially count time at bat and acton had nine free passes tho boys all had late supper after that marathon norm marion had tho best batting average of the day with hits out of trips to bat matb tyler also did noblo days work with out of in cluding twobase hits pat walters took quite razzing from tho acton fans when he went to the mound in his days performance ho showed the results of his inactivity acton won tho series but they couldn bo termed as playing real good baseball last night dude lindsay was tho only one of the six players in the infield that didnt have an error perhaps it is jusb as well that they got them off thefn minds georgetown turned hi first class per formance after the first inning and play ed real snappy ball of tho nine games played with george town this year acton has won eight which id pretty good record the ball diamond got ajrealflood of water yesterday to it 51m0 acre csop rate be cliangtd from to carried moved by mr houon seconded bv mr bjcrs tliat tho following accounts be pasied io4s than nothing sambo wliat do you to school for nig kig iwijit to bclvool to improve my br alius sambo brains you alii got ud brains if your brains were dynamite and they doubled themselved every yer and then exploded on wmdy dy they wouldnt blow your hat off 10600 422 03 18lj7 350 cd agriculture hospitals finance county buildings mr harrison rulted tho question as to who could be done with the buljdliu which has ben known for good many yturs as the ilalton and peel children shelter he sugueted it mlgtit be uwil as lioslptal for indigent patients but tlie cleric pointed out tlurt probably about nfty jwr oent of county liosplul accounts were paid out for tubercular and incuruble cass wlilch could not be looked ufter in an ordinary hospital and so fevcii country hopllal vojld not materially reduce lioapltal cliarges mr irvbig stated tlw building would be unoccupied after ulo 1st of september council nnsjiy agreed that the matter be left in abeoiancd for uie present council adjourned to meet at the cal of tlie warden geography art botany william robertson british history geography art botany gilbert romphf british history geography art batanj donald ryder geography arb helen simpson british history geography art botany douglas smith british history geography art botany maxwell storey british history geography art botany wrrryatlf ttrrmvt af dhuc vongoozen british history geography art botany jack vangoosoen british history geography art bouino george williams british his tory geography art 1reda atkinson english gram mar physlograpliy arithmetic zoology doris blow english aromnisr physlograpliy arltlimetle zoology jack blow english gronmiuj pliyslogruphy aritlimetlc zoology prances dills english grammir physiography arithmetic zoolngy john drake english grammar pliislography arhminietlc zoology jack dunn engllsli grammar physlograpliy arithmetic zoology margaret harrison lngllsh jlfn pkjwingraphil arlthhwl zoology john rollinoer english qram mur pliyslography aritlimetlc zoelog mary it vutarkn glials arainuiar physiography aritlintlc zoology maroaret kujjy arlthmtlc walter lamb engllsli grammar phjslograpliy aritlimetlc zoology helen mocaig engluli qrammut plijmlography aritlimetlc zoology pranoe3 mcdowell english grammar vera mceacheltn arltluntuc william main prize botany zoo logy helen mooney english grammar lliylogrupliy aritlimetlc zoologyj prances mullln english arum mar physiography arlthluctlt eniel palioeter physiography piiancis uawlings engllsli orommar piiylograpliy avithmetla zoology myhna itawsow engllsli rali kept the dust down benefitting both the plsocrs and ions ritchie who had his ankle hurt earlier in tho season was back in the game again but it is still too weak to run on and runner iiud to be put in his place the llrst game will bo plajed with milton in tho park there on saturday of tt moan and the second game in acton on wednesday august 10 tit this scriis is the best out of live lots have big crowd out and help tho boya beat oat milton the wednesday night gamo is billed for 00 oclock sltarp and it ulll neo to be sliarp to get in the nine inning city visitor watching the local game lost night mode tlie comment tho boys played nice snappy boll tfkfl as if georgetown lias slipped bad in sport tills year tlie ball team used to do fairly well down there those perfect bunts laid down by acton batters in tlie first innings xre poison to walters with seven runs in third of on lii ningif walters looked pretty bad the gaiuo might liave never got past tlid flnt frame if lie liad been left hi the box the boys will have to play better onll in the field to beat milton but they can do it itshould bo real eorlos we won handicap them with any predictions saturday in milton wednesday in acton ita for the beat tlireo out of five games tlie juveniles went out of the rac but tlioy put up some snappy games and for developing new players for tlie intermediates this organization is doing ival job pasture is most important agricul tural crop in canada occupying the largest area of any single crop and its caro and culture ore engaging the at tention of all the various agricultural authorities and of the farmers them selves according to the dominion census of 1931 nearly 6000000 acres of natural pasturage in eastern canada provided summer feed for thousands of livestock in addition about 7000 000 acres of lm proved pastures were being grazed thus 24 per cent of all farm land in eastern canada during the summer months of 1031 supplied tho feed which produced mutton wool beef milk and other pro ducts of the livestock industry although the throe proirlo provlnoce manitoba saskatchewan and alberta have becomo one of tho greatest wheat producing areas of the world they still have about 37 000 000 aarcs of range or pasturage land supporting many herds of cattle in british columbia over 1250000 acres are devoted to pasture making for all canada total of over 51000 000 acres or 31 per cent of the area of all occupied lands in the dominion joearly six times ao much land is devoted to pasture an to hay and mora than twice as many acres are used for posture as for the growing of wheat ancient steamers vanish after 04 years of passenger service from the rhine at cbblcnoe up and down the famous moselle the old river steam ers yield to the march of progress and the modem luxurious motor ships recently the last three oldtimers were brought to cologne to bo wrocked two modern ships from now on will take core of the mosolu passenger traffic in fjlfrlon high nttttrt rail mad ogioiaja decreed that the section coblcnce to trier be motorized so 15 new diesel caifi five of which will be capable ofat tainlng 100 miles an hour were installed this improvement is in keeping with tho program of the gcrmarf railroads to bpeed up transportation in general in germany which will bo especially ap preciated by tlie tourist who has but limited time witliln which to do tho plcturtjue rlilneland fourth blakelock picnic will be held at trafalgar park oakville saturyaug 15 00 sports 00 baby show two classes under months and under ono year 00 amateur contest 00 concert high class entertainers 900 hon mitch hepburn ontarios premier blakelock hughes cleaver harrop chairman t5fr supplied and milk for children bigger better brighter than ever everybody welcome god save the kino tlie georgetown herald says plenty in tlie soprts column concerning tliuo 2fl0 trimming arid certainly looked for no alibis for tho home um the sports column concludes with tlie following poem in tlie herald tills week gtougbtowns vumcksfc the sun was shining clear oer head the birds in tho treta were gay liie papers had been carefully read vor to day acton and georgetown woull play the diamond was in al shape lhoplaiji wjifullofpi hut liow the opponents hung the crvji and put an end to goorgetouns rtp tudor woods and ward of course and dnn iorgtt the ajnlabk tat iried their biit to stun the worse put artnn innnf ut fhi frnf and wlien the hiiuio of battle clean our brokln druims ue could not llx and though for georgetown we chetrwd and chtcrd yut thomo altollltts lklt us 281 apologies to moaner mcqruiflj mar phjiioflraphy arithmetic zoologj uilla rojfexlr arithmetic iaivbllnk sm11ii iinglull arammar physiography arithmetic zoology hfelaiaick taylor kngllui gram mar pliyslogruphy arithmetic iiooloy hfcjjuy taylor fcjilh arammar phiilotfraphy arluimoud zoology utoiltb vicicialis zoology mauy wanh toigluh granimur phjalegrttpliy arltluileud zoology douui wilson fcjiglkh arammar pliyalogruphy arithmetic zoology mary uarlcfcti zoology irkntf tricek zoology nhvlllfi uaoatnh phyal grapny fmmsmmmmmpmmmmmmmmmmm omma our obligations to our community as your editor we have assumed certain obligations and responsibilities which we are striving faithfully to discharge we are in perfect accord with the code given below which another editor has penned to his readers the first obligation as conceive it said this editor is to give the news of the legitimate territory in which the newspaper is circulated tlie second obligation is that of cleanliness it should be morally clean suited and appealing to the young as well as tothe old the third obligation is that of courage it should be fearless in the expression of righteousiess in the espousal of justice in the defense of the weak the fourth obligation is the obligation of consistency knowing the position of newspaper today ono ought in he ablo to tell its position of yesterday and where it will stand tomorrow the fifth obligation is to furnish intelligent tomment on the items of news which have an important bearing on public opinion or public morals the sixth obligation is to help protect the community from imposition from fraud from danger the slventh obligation is leadership the eighth obligation is service it serves as com munity advisor tlie source of first aid the benevolent philan thropist the uplifter the civic booster the big brother of tho neighborhood would things we ate striving to give this community homer town paper which wlft measure up to high standard when subjected to the tests of each of these obligations your country weekly is of by antjforyotrrhome community he acton free press

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