Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Aug 1936, p. 3

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thursday ap lath 1b30 the acton free press tttffftftttttttfttttttttttttftttffttttf ttjjjp 3fref frpaa ftijnrt tnru the highway of 6ur lord oeoitoe etielbeht walsh ur duty la first to our own countro and people kurt alton reynolds repeated with emphasis bo long as good doctors are needed at home can ace why ft prom ising young medic like you should waste his talents in china kurt wcstflcld smiled would you call them wasted ho asked helping the oleic anywhere should bo noble work whether they ro hcatluii clihmnicn or americans shouldn have sold that amended alton quickly of course doctor work is never wasted in any field but your use of the word heathen reminds me of something you be work ing among the heathen or at least ln thqv need you as christian leader as well as doctor you could do splendid work there kurt and set an example to bootleggers law breakers and undigested aliens its the opportunity of lifetime kurt westfleld was impressed and tempted as never before alton reyn olds his frie and president of the rockdale smelting company sensed it and smiled knowingly jhln ltqvent he finished time enough you had hot planned to go to china until fall that will give you several months for 4eci84on his third year ht the medical school xutttliemdetf co prcparhelmelf as medical missionary long woo of china town in the heart of the metro polis who as an importer of chinese products hod become wealthy and res pected among his people had taught tulrttho iflntfuage lrthcountry and had been instrumental in choosing the mission field for the young man when kurt first announced that he had deckled to become medical mis sionary in china long woo convert to christianity himself had embraced him you mako old long woo heart beat with gladness he had sold my poor wartorn country heeds american doctors and missionaries may god be praised long woo would liave gladly financed kurt in his studies but small income from his dead father blade him inde pendent and hi brefcrred to pay ills own way long woos friendship liowover was worth more thau money the man gave kurt an buught ititochlnpc char acter that was more prucucal than any course of studies he could have taken kurts enthusiasm for his chosen career continued on the eve of his graduation from the medicul school houcver alton reynolds ate old friend of his fathers came with flaturln offer rockdale smeluirs employed thousand men mot of them of foreign birth tim company tlirough its pre sident offered kurt good salary and hou to look after the health of its workers rllglou man hlmcll reynolds wanted to bend company doctor to rockdale what christian ln llucnce would be felt kurt shook his head and turned doun the offer but thi persistence that had made alton reynolds president of rich and powerful company was not easily thuurtcd lie duelt at great length upon the young mans opportunity to do good doctor there is big man my boy lie pleaded youd soon become the leader hi the place outside of your professional sphere isn that so thelina iw added appealing to his daughter the girl nodded but made no com ment kurt luul great respect for her opinion he had uorkd by her ride in church during lils rnnrs mrurii as the time approached when kurt had to make final decision ho appealed to thelma what should do thelma he asked anxiously shall go to china as medical missionary or to rockdale sort of medical homo missionary have you asked for divine guidance kurt sho asked almply yea but get no answer was the moody reply file girl smiled then if tile question ins so big that qod can answer it how can you expect me to do lb alio asked demurely kurt was little abashed by the an swer for it raised in his mind the ques tion of he tlier or not he had asked earnestly in way ho had but he realized suddenly that the pros and cons of the question had been considered chiefly from selfish point of view ue was eager to go to china for the great opportunities offer ed for physician interested in certain forms ofrtiseasc and the application of uptodate methods in checking bhem or experimental medical work china offered the enthusiast the greatest chance in the world rockdale lacked this incentive but it had other attractions tor physician lie could do an 1itii amount of in vt achool and hud found her studious thoughtful and devoted to helping others her beauty uas nomewlmt exceptional and kurt was not blind to it thelmj reynolds would makl ipundid ulfc for some lucky und of late kurt had beon tecretlj hoping hi mlnht be tlu olll what do jou think tralim he asked now should po to chlm or rockdale tlitlma mii tied und hook he head fc like to unsuirthat qiietl in kurt flhe uid gently no onr living and making their homes more sanitary ignorance and prejudice would have to be overcome to make the work more alluring thelma reynolds would be there to applaud his efforts h41 go toilockdalel kurt exclaimed one day thais wy call im sure now thab con do better work tliero than in china having vacillated for so long he was eager to pettier tile question beyond recall long woo uas the first to be informed he decided and tlicu the missionary board who luul hts name down tenta tively as medical mlssionany to go out hi the full alter that ho would tell thelma and her father who would be pleased by ids decision long woo was the first to bo inform ed after stating his decision kurt united for the old chinamans reactions long woo was quiet moment his dis uppolntment showing in his face if god wills it you wll go to china he said finally in cnruwan resign uoo shall not urge you my son to change your mind but shall pray tlie old chinaman simple faith made kurt little ashamed of his own lie luid not looked at the matter in tills uay uu decision had boen based upon logic he told himself both colls had been carefully weighed he couid ac complish good in el tlier field and if one offered him greater chances for hoppl ne wh was he not jit it fled in choos ing that he uould not change his mind again he would uccpt the call to rockdale and throw ills hole lumrt and soul in the uork there would be others to go to china perhaps better men than himself the medical missionary work there uould not suffer materially be cause one person dropped out kurt uis eager to see thelma to in form her of his decision if as he sus pected she returned some of his love for her she uould be glad that lie had chosen rockdale as his field of work instead of china great as uas his desire to inform her however lie felt tliat sense of honor demanded that ne should go flrt to the missionary board to tell them he ltad uithdrawn from the china field they would be disapnolnt but uft anticipating no trouble or unpleasant ness kurt west to missionary headquar ters he found the officers in air in formal session listening to the reports of returned missionary doctor roe berts who had charge of the selection of missionaries greeted the young doctor with warm handclasp come inside kurt he doctor fusion one of our oldest missionaries in china is here giving some firsthand information from his field youll enjoy listening him kurt acquiesced with nod and took seat doctor puston he knew by name and reputation he was toll gaunt whitehaired man of sixty but his eyes were those of an enthusiast kurt came under hts spell after few minutes of talkand when tihe man explained briefly the conditions existing in china lie fol lowed him closely wartorn china was in dreadful state famine disease and suffering followed the warring chiefs china is going through terrible timctf tlic elderly missionary concluded old ways and standards are being swept aside ialuis arc being shattered but out of all the welter and seemingly un calledfor chaos ew spiritual life is dawning what will take the place of the present confusion he paused second and then pro ceeded even more solemnly if asked what is chinas greatest need today would unhesitatingly say medical mis sionaries disease is rampant the number of doctors in china is woefully inadequate following every revolution there are wounded and kick to be cared for many of them have no medical aid at all and they die like files if could only get this mlssage over to the young iinr yoins turning out of yo medical schools believe many would volunteer you have surplus of doctors in this country why not send few of to china iy prayer is and nhw be ct qod please send us medical mil he agkkultu ca an achievement of thi1 recovery it nati on al exhibition toronto au 015 to ie ill visit the worlds largest show building ar the worlds largest annual exhibition and mar vel at the magnificent presentation of agri cultural progress new ideas new features new developments prize products of field and orchard in beautiful array jyational ed but after all ie matter uith them uas an lniperumal sionarles kurb sat as though stupefied bis whole soul aroused by the impassioned plea ho felt that uc linger of god wat pointing to him it suddenly came to him that he had faltered and wavered because of personal ease and ambitions god had now spoken and lie must accept the call ho called at tlic reynolds home uiat evening and gave his decision alton reynolds uas disappointed but no was fair christian man at licart wan say im not disappointed lie said unit but in sense im pleased you liave made the right decision if you feel as you soy may god help youl kurt turned to thelma and said with whimsical smile on his lips won it jou congratulate me thelma or or yes kurt she replied do con gratulate youl ive wonted you to go to china all along but we won see each other often lie replied she interrupted him with light laugh her eyes twinkling oftcner tlian you think kurt she said im going to china too in ihe fall you to china lie gasped oh jou mean on visit no pomiancntly as missionary too liave felt the call and liave been studying and preparing mjtlf kurt was so amazed that lie could only stare in dumbfounded surprise wj soil about tlic same time don we she added fimillng its on the sixth ol october go why that the date sail on tlve fessaba is that jour steamer of course it is youic knoun that all along oh thelma ir if dared hope look hero interrupted mr reynolds if you joung people have any secrets to exclmnge 111 gt out it looks ns if was going to loee tooth of jou the only way for me to see jou in tlie future is to go to china and establish medical mission ii endow it and name it he glanced from one to tlic other lilt cjes tu inkling ii name it tlie west iuldrojnolds mission kurt uas too confuwi to nmuer and horse show sept to 12 poultryj pigeon and pet stock show ept to 11 dog show scpc and st cat showlsepc enjoy also the gorgeous display of hrlirarr hl pl aimjahra iatl horticultural building anda thousand orhc cngrossingly interesting educational and recreational attractions utled rogers fitwood hughes uk gkt well where have jou been for tlie uut four years at college taking medicine and did you finally get well wouldnt stand it iouryearald joe had juab come in from his playmate girl about year older ills troubled features ahouod he had serious problem on ills mind and ho volunteered tlie explanation of the situation dont want to get in tlu habit he said of ruth spancer hitting me bome dancek1 why dont you like dancing with george oh george la all right but he wont let his right foot know what hid left one la dolngl soa tootfaim victim uulr my uateb isnt good one its value is only sentimental koipad tiiat doesnt matter guvnor im sentimental you answer daddy exclaimed the little boy one more question then sighed thij tired futlier only one how far is ltr inquired thcjtot be tueen to and fro husky well johnny said the uncle who luulnt eee him for tome time vou are getting to be quite big boy now arcnt jou yep replied tlie kid pop says ini growing lifc tlie public debt good advice mend this run ip bay how sliall stocking iiy folloulng the usual rule of suo cess what do you mean begin at tlw bottom of tho ladder how could he know diner wuiter una steak tastes just like an old boot smeared with onion waiter hut sir what strange mesas jou liave luul helma prettily merely nodded and flushed alx the year round you can en joy this delicious combination crisp golden kclloggy corn fl ttkca si iced iwmamas and millc or crearaj the ovenfresh good ness of kellogga brings out tlie flavor and adds wholesome nourishment fnsit on kel loggs for quality and value nothing takes the pldcit off corn amuer it bub jourelf alton riynoldi loukld from one to tlie other und sintkd it won lx lonely there as think kurt he tud ilitmiaimtrtpriotvvkxl purltbpuu iiir in t7wlltl kurt mulled lightly that should be grat inducement he declared the joung man iuou found hlmsuf waviring imiih jnlsaiona are just import nit as foreign he reason ed to hlnimlf medic il mlssionarks are tueded for both ft ids of touri it he uim china ho uould have to aacrlllco more friends congi nla1 ucqualntiuiws uuuy the luxuritj of life und wmu of tht com forts he uould be blated union if strungerd und uw of uuich uvllh the wsleni world tlun too the climate und tlie un sanitary conditions of life had to ue considered he recalled mliiimuiytiji ulu lued returned brokm in lualth it not kplrll levery fourth or fifth year iiujoiuury hiusi return to hu luttlvu land to rocupernie he had heard out man declare rat meet big at tlie board rooms nice golden large ydlow sua dozen potatoes lemons 712 good cookers tbs for 25 nick liirc size oni ons sound und dr 10 rull of jllllc 19c oranges nicer size sweet and juicy doze 21c tomajtoes aipijks and othkk mju11s at sial price carrous limited cwrolls ttande tea 39c camut emmy coffee 21c mcurans gre punch 19c imperial parowax hm 11c zinc jar rings 10c for firmer jelly certo 27c biscuits peach booms corned rfff pl9 kraft velvu cheese clover leaf red sockeye salmon kraft mitaclt whip boiu carrolli peanut butter new clover honey 27c 17c 19c 25 ket5til 39 lb ouf own old cheese pound christies soas wafers orange or lkcnon candy slices 21c 11c 10c easihrst short em or domestic comfoit foi the aged ovaltine cowans perfection cocoa liptons red label tea evaporaralrd mil ki6ox t9sr the popular laundry soap surprise fo quick sudi chipso pure soap ivory carrous limited store closes saturday night 1030 free delivery md bart phonk 158

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