Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Aug 1936, p. 2

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ohfr acton jfr reab fdbllaa ewcrr tfeuxadaj at actoo ontario baited states pc additional ad ahoold in advance single copies 5c bath old given when changa address can cilca caac lijlwir wqi aot bat carried in arrears offt an extea penad onlc we notified to cancel we assi tbe sbacxiber wiaaca the service continued cancexaations we find lhat moat of our sub achbtn prefer no to have their subscription interrupted case later bul to remit before expiration willie aab tended advertising rateson appljcatloa and sadinsa clita toe rm ait the itinrfio that will bo taken to avoid advertising in us columns will not be liable for any publuhed hereunder unlca proof ol tncs dwtienii irejueted in writing by sitttttt jnrncntatpe freetress bunne oce dnly aicned by the advcrliaer and with much errjr oc correciions plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case any error ao noted is not corected by the free pvrsa its liability shall not eaeed such proportion ol tbe entire coat ol such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whol apace occupied by atttof w1xs editor tklepiiones ttd and business os used and appreciated stroll about town in the evening down at the park past the picture show up at the tennis and bowling grounds and one readily realizes that the yp folk of acton havc tn frchtr for sum thb acton free press thursday auqust 13 1930 lazily national hiving almost next door to the canadian national exhibition and visiting frequently one sort of be comes accustomed to this annual event and conse quently may not full appreciate its magnitude this years fair which opens just two weeks from tpmox row is tho flftyeighth event back in 1870 when the first fair was held canada had population of 4000 000 in comparison with its present ll900000 and this great event has more than kept paco with the growth of thodominion in manyinstanccs has led in the growth and provided the incentive to greutcv expansion today its grounds take in 350 acres of land with nine and half miles of paved streets it has its own municipal services as any small city its hundred permanent buildings provide over 200000 square feet of space for exhibits tho agricultural prize list reaches 100000 and the staging of the event each year involves an expenditure of over million dollars the name is well chosen canadian national for truly the exhibition is national in its scope and docs give to its 2000000 visitors each year splendid presentation of canada just of how great importance it has been in developing canada will never be fully known but none will deny thut it has piayedwelpan important part mcrtime pleasures within their own town at very moderate cost and the young folks seem to realise and appreciate their opportunities for recreation and fun after business hours shortly the activities and badminton will replace the outdoor activities and sfcilllalerwc presume the arena will provide some considerable interest it is pleasure indeed to just sec how many of them use these faci lities to the fullest extent they all have their crowds every night and it is quite noticeable how those who arc away from home much of the year appreciate getting back occasionally and sharing with actoninns the facilities for recreation we have it will build better generation of young folk who have scope for play at home along with their tasks all work and no play makes jack dull boy courageous premier premier hepburn will be commended by the vast majority of ontario citizens for his prompt action in cancelling birthday picnic and celebration in his honor that had developed into racket by some over zcalous folks it is quite easy to allow enthusiasm and celebration to reach such stage that the event is not an honor to an individual but very much to their detriment unfortunately manybclieve that jexycelebxation drunken sctwiothtr would appear that this element were about to have hand in an event primarily intended to do honor to the first citizen of ontario premier hepburn has shown in his cancellation of the event his ability as leader the easy thing to have done would have been to wink at the preparations and when the affair was over to have profes ignorance of the circumstances or regretted it extremely and hope it would never happen again that has been political practise quite often on other occasions within easy recollection but ontarios premier hits out from the shoulder there will be disgruntled folks and those who will condemn him for thwarting their plans it took courage to cancel that picnic planned for yesterday and in times such as the presenr ontario is favored indeed to have lender who has the courage to do the right thing rather than the political thing employment makeg gain considerable improvemen was shown in he canadian employment situation on july first com pared with the previous month and the correspond ing date last year according to report issued by he io minion bureau of statistics almost 25000 additional persons obtained employment during the month of june and the average gain in employment between june first and july first was the largest in ihepasmbf teen years statements from 0744 em ployers reported 087955 persons at work compared with 963401 in the preceding month while on july first last year 9323 firms employed 9342g2 workers continued improvement was shown in manufactur ing with gains in the food lumber and pulp and paper groups mining except coal communications services transportation construction and mainten ance on the other han tltf wn enroll omen tin decline in logging and in the group of factory em ployment there were losses also seasonnl in char acter in leather textile and iron and steel plants no general change occurred in trade in each of the five economic areas of the dominion an upward trend was noted the largest increases being in ontario snd the maritime provinces the sunday school lesson fob sunday august 16th sowing and ukapxno temper ance lesson golden text bo not deceived ood la not mocked for whatsoever man aowoth that shall he also reap oax lesson text pal go 110 time ad 57 place macedonia exposition how to xeal wluti on erring brother 15 if man bo caught in tho very act of transgression so there can be absolutely no doubt of hla guilt those who ore spiritual guided and governed by tho spirit cf en 1623 should provo that they are reauy spiritual not by tramping him down or casting him off but by restoring him tho word trans later restore is used for reducing dislocated limb or member to its place each believer is member of the body of chrla cor 13 14 37 and one who falls into sin is dislocated mem ber and the strong member should rc stortr toitspbwtthyshoulddo this with meekness gentleness and ten dcmcss not with grurfness and severity cf tim 2436 tho reason given for tills should lay the pride of each ona of us in tho dust cf matt 35 jas 13 when we sec others fall into uwful sin wo arc tempted to say could never commit such on uct as thatl that is not the spiritual way of looking at it tho oiie who is the surest ho would not is uio ono who is most in danger cor 10 12 the burdens or weights to bear are not tliose of the unnecessary ordinances of uicwosalo au ik 1dhiil one anothers burdens of temptation weakness failure and sin in bearing these we fulfill thelaw of christ cf eh 5h john 13 34 15 13 romans 15 it is called the law of christ not merely because ijfo gave it but still more because he perfectly exemplified it phil 58 it is seifconcclt or spiritual pride which most stands in the way of gephp fo in diuny wuhng ed1t0kial notes in season with so many days without rain the garden parties have not been over numerous the canadian national exhibition and the local fairs which follow will be the next big attractions for cities towns and countryside social credit still continues to be problem of mr aberharts wonder why he doesnt forget it like some other political promises friend inquired recently if the garbage pro posal plan for acton had gone on summer vacation and if it were expected back in the fall theweekends continue to have variety of unr feasant endings for many who hnd planned them otherwise accidental deaths are still too numerous prominently on roadside stands in the united states doesnt drive nway more business than it attracts last week in police court here chap who for got all about the new try courtesy campaign of the highways paid 485 for his lesson before the magistrate coutesy would have paid him better fenders if man uiiiiketh hhniiolf to be something wlien in reality ho la nothing he deceives himself but nobody else cf ch 12 cor are you deceiving yourself in this way instead of deceiving ourself we should put our work not merely our opinion of ourselves but our actual doing to tho tcsfr and our own work not that of some one else then we should lutve our glory in our own accomplishment and not because of our neighbors failure moiit of our glorying us not over some thing that we ourselves have actually done but over something our neighbor hjui fulled to do thllle attiie root of oiir criticism of one another there is nothing we ourselves have really done to glory in so we dwell on uie faulu of others the only thing to really glory in ls the cross of christ the season why we should prove our own work rather than that of others is that each man siiall bear his own burden or load we siiall each face our own responsibulty we are not to be held responsible for the failure of othera but for our own romans 14 13 the word translated burden in is en tirely different from that so translated in we ore to iielp our brotlier bear his burden of temptation weokncs and failure and sin but we are each to bear our own load of responsibility before god and so should have our eyes upon our ownwork what to gow and wliat we reap 10 while each is to bear his own burden the one who is taught should help uo teacher to bear his burden by contribut ing unto ills need in all good tilings cf romans 15 27 cor 11 14 paul warns those who are not will ing to thus contribute to the support of their teachers against lining dtfyeff into french venemt used in making aircraft in the manufacture of aircraft in great britain use is mode of birch veneer this veneer is in class by itself and only tho highest quality of wood is accepted according to the industrial department of the canadaln national railways the veneers ore made in threeply under high pressure and heat with special waterproof cement this gives ply wood as thick as lightweight cardboard and is often relnforccd by stitching each aeroplane requires on on average of 3000 square feet of threeply or total of approximately 10000 square feet of veneer of all kinds how to make iced tea una dx hawks tampoont of salad black taa la pint ol fratb boulaf after afx ailaato atrala lloatd lata twomart en dbaolrad tucom salada shop girls aid spanish government when the government of spain decided to issue arms to loyal citi zens it was the youth of the land who responded shop girls and young workers rushed to the defence of the peoples government against receivod arms from military author the fascist rebellion the above pic ties they joined tho government turc shows shop gjrls who rallied to army which attacked rebel troops their government icavinn montana hi the mountain passes north of the barracks in madrid otter they had capital cimr pre cannnihn thola strawberry farm in near arctic proves goldmine for farmer poush univettsity graduate wins bout with frost meeting other conditions to those outside of toronto the reports on the baueamcof the cltybalv teams in kincardine were io say the least amusing just listen to this played on an improvised diamond that had far from smooth clay infield the game was sand lot sort of rtrfsir in wnnfhpr ptirp th iji uoyyithegqtrra5rwet of malcolm macbeth of milver ton rarely was there convention of weekly news paper editors that was not enriched by his presence juthaughhelfud disposedof his interest in the atip verton sun he continued his column sunbeams bus driver hiking ball team to kincardine almost landed in hamilton and went 22 mile of his way apparently one of those chaps whose knowledge ofontario was the city limits of tororvto maiiy were the newspaper friends who mourned wcine bruised and banged up after the game weve hech waiting long time to hear how the profes sionul team would stack up on the sort of diamond the amateurs out in the smaller centres play on every game weve watched frequently the car wiih which the grounds are prepared before pro fessional game but weve seen more often ball times played where the grounds may or may net get bit of attention in the early season and have no more attention until the close ofthe season we did not se the kincardine game but its quite possible t0 pedestrians little sympathy is shown the nutoist that grounds were in better condition for the game und ne damages are meted out to offenders ihan when the kincardine team plays their games another point to consider is that car owners aic when criticizing an amateur game it is well to makj sponsible for all damages never mind who drijs allowances tor the condition that the professionals cars thc po is lh intoxication is used as an alibi now we would like to hear of how tnc cause of most of our accidents therefore he some of the xmhl town teams would play on the ware ot the driver who drinlcs quebec chrwclc wcll kept grounds at the maple leaf stadium telegraph until his death and through this column one received each week the bright beams of sunlight from ketn and cultured mind with the automobile season at its height car own ers should understand that in the event of accidents thinking that the will gain anything by their celfujuieils god rules the world and through it all has established law that man will reap just what he sous men may try to mock sneer at god and fancy they will escape thc oiuratlon of ills laws but tliey will find in the lfiiiue that they mack themselves not gad in spite of all their con tempt of hjm his lawn will work and they will reap what tlicy sow the jwimnry application of this principle suggested by the context li its application to giving cf cor gjut the principle hail fur wider application than this in all our actions we shall reap just what wo sow if we sow honor we sluill reap honor if we sow truth we shall reap truthrlf weowdecllpweslialtreap deceltf yp sa 1w we ghnll rnai love tlu pinclpla is as tu of nntloni as of individuals tjie notion tliat grossly wronqs another will in turn be grostly wrong every net therefore every act necessltata reaping if we act with tlu gratification of our nppetltcfi und ambitions in view we are sowing to our own flesh und of the litis which bt corrupt we shall reap corruption cf phil 10 the lois we autfer is not as arlbtrary punishment but the natural fruit of carnulmhujwl iieu if we act undr the leading of the spirit cf ch 10 25 we ure fcowjng to til spirit and of hie spirit wlio is nitnseir ufd cf john 63 cor tdwe shall reap life eternal in one path in corruption moral spiritual itertuil decay und destruction 111 lilt other pjth is life rternul life inda in duruuon and divine in ilt quality llu rluri of mowing atwi rrup lllg ufuvorlte one in the lllblc ljd wov 11 iu a2 ho contlndcd on mgr sevctl by central tra canadian edmuiituii aug 0o william zay chulc william puuellishjookliik university edticutcd polander is busy ticre pushing back canadas agricultural front line to few miles south of the mth parallel ho forming ive tiered of large onj luscious strawberries and north ern albcrla fruit houses which in the pas have had tu import straw berries from the intish columbia frtu valleys and the warm wet vales of washington nave signrd him up to supply 200 cases per day operator of western cq only rrrtttt linn whin agricultural officials tnlcf him was impossible crow ber ries in canadas near north of size nt id quality favorably comparable with thc production of thc pacific cuast ambled every dolur to riiif money fur his agricultural pioneering znychuk labored for einht months in the southern beet fulds and spent his wacs 3m on strawberry plants imported from the united statcs graduate of the univeraily of warsaiy and poltsfh agricultural college he is an expert at maktng things crow lac fall he thrust snop young und tender struwherry plants into his five acres covered them with straw to resist the 52 below xero cold snap which the winter brought and then nursed them eiiiulythroueh thtattf spring frosts rnfbkfn plunls in the long cold siege but enough survived to allow the packing of iio crates per day since the crop matured early this month yehukwillharvetftmnhirber nes throughout the summer as eurh ft hit 25 varieties ripens at different imes patents on the imported berries prevents sale of the plants but allows crossbreeding from which zuychuk hopes to develop strain that can luke anything that arctic blizzards can dish out taking prlda in the knowledge tint his pioneer struwherry farm dawn of another new agrlrul urui day on the northern prairies irrymun zuychuk studies the wca hir and can feel froats coming on amazing sight according to zay iik neighbors ts when the fruit wirier feels frost in the offing work arnrflcally those mad moments th tiy uk doors tuv darkened us thd fruit man his wife and inluws htunipede out to the straw pile und heuve hay with frenzied haste ovvf the precious plant nerva it lakes mr ukii mra wm zayebtik andslratwbcrrlca coitral rreu canadian kboio dust to settle after the iflychuks have gone on one of their profrost straw benders prairie drought is another worry for the strawberry farmer and while blistering sun beat down from the wests coppery sky zaychuk and his wife each take 200 pails of water daily from the well to their 5000 plants zuyehuk and his young wife are umuzlugly industrious well educat ed speak rine knells and display surprisingly polished manners for central knropeans why didnt they try strawberries lays they any for the chaff and where cold is less intense und trusts less frequent tu bc or washing tour market explains fruit man zaychuk hero hav no freight to pay enjoy market that may never be able to satisfy to tho point where priced disappear posses veri ties that cuo live through lntens uubzero cold not content as strawberry farm pioneer zestful uychuk is coaxing ulong grope vines plum and cherry trees and believes that he has very good chance ol doing the im poaulblo muklnrf as big com mercial success of these frosttender frults in northern alberta as he mude of strawberries mt tyi mliilltiijieini

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