Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Aug 1936, p. 7

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wv thursday auobst oth 13s the acton free press iaob emxn the reckless fool have you ever heard the rattle of dying mans laat breath or aeen the look of horror la the stare thb faces death have you ever heard person scream with sharp and sudden pain and looked down mangled arm that will not move again have you ever heard the moaning above the noise and din and aeen the gory bloody gap where onco ah eye had been when your car is doing auty have you ever felt the yen to let er have another notch do another ten when poky gus ahead of you have you ever had the thrill of swlngin out possln him upon dangerous hill jxave you ever heard the urea scream and felt the old bus swerve as you let cr have the limit while you took sudden curve have you had the keen sensation of fast car at your bid run up bo stop night slapped em onn skid did you ever pass schoolyard give horn slam drive close to gang of kids see cm jump scram did you ever take quart rye swallow four or five it take the old bus down the rood show em how to drive have ynu ever seen uttlu child all crumpled up still who tried to run across the street when car came down the hill morbid gruesome gory this im sorry but dont you ace this was not meant to be read by folks as tender as you an me it was meant for the thoughtless the careless who kill nmalm mar ille reckless fool wlio is to buuno uio man in the other car phil hranlff chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the aeteo free trtm gwkndolyne clarke twenty yeaks ago from the iiine of the ivee ttea thurftdjtf angtjsth j91t among the succeabfuicandidates of the middle school examinations were miss alice obrien and miss mary mc lean of acton high school miss mabel mckeown daughter of mrs david mckeown who lias been in poor heal til and suffered much weakness through the hot weather died sunday evening spark from oil engine in the xi yard lost wednesday set are to the hen housm of mr henry buuer youn street mr mcdonald rescued uuj poultry st considefahlc rlslc mrs facknlght ui opening business college to be known us halton commercial courses classed will mcci at jairvjcw jmaoe iu nornian stuckey who has been at the front for some montlui ifluj been wounded in the thluh by gcrmun bayonet and is in the 3rd scottish general hospital sergt jack sullivan who enlisted in acton with tlw second contingent ar rived home lost thursday ho was in tho strenuous engagement at hb idol and was bayoiietted in the left kg and was wounded in the hand and in ute region of the ho art by shrupnull under the command of scoutmaslor sergt coles acton boy scout corps jjjurched to blue spring park and camped over tlie weekend jrtytwo hpys were at camp uorm peahbn in ferin township on wed nesday august and 10ib to mr and mrs jh ienrtiu daughter tourist tuxfttc gains admissions of tourists ut all canadian borderpolut during may totalled 1224 6dl compsrod wltli lthjibflfl during may ayoarogoanlncrsase ofl62v75or is per cent tlie international boundary between the united states and canada is the most travelled over in the world and tho increasing volume of traffic luindled sreflecbj the ease with which tho border may be crossed automobiles may bs brought into canada under touristy permit by nonresidents for touring pur pases that is for purposes of health and uwasue oittytor perfottup to six jnuiuuiswluumit4iiopayiiiantofd tyor deposlt thereon no fees aro cluirtfcd for automobile entry permits and tho tourist may continue to drive ills auto mobile under his state licence for fietfi erous period persona visiting canada may bring with them such article of tourists outfits or sportsmens equip ment as thy may require while in canada for their own use and not for gain or hire upon reporting same to customs officer at port of entry gun rides except revolvers and plitols mili tary or converuid military rifles fishing tackle portable boots canoes outboard motors tents camp equipment yolf clubs unnls racquets radios phanograplis musical instruments cameras still and motion picture as well us reasonable quantity of film for use therein and typewriters previously used by the tourist would you believe it am beginning to think about the winter and not only to think about it but to look forward to it too and it isnt because am anxious for cold weather cither but lm ply that it gives me real heartache to see the dead and dying vegetation in the garden and in the winter it will at least bo covered hip honestly am ashamed to have people come to visit here one person said to me why bo ashamed conditions are tho some every where but think they ore not in the country perhaps ybut in the town people have been watering their flowers and lawns all summer and the effect of the drought not so notlcabh with them when they see garden such ours tlicy must think what neglected looking place surely someone could have taken time to water things onco in awhile perluips you will remember in the early days of uie drought said was afraid to use water for tho garden in case wo might need it more urgently later on and of course that is exactly what has liappcncd partner is drawing water again now and you can quite understand when farmer takes about two hours off to draw water every day or two it puts quite crimp in his har vesting activities however suppose wo shall get through anyway our trouble are small compared with those who live inthe forest ore ooe one morntngl wakened and the first thing noticed was the smell of flro llko wood smouldering my first thought was the ham liad the hay ignited jumped out of bed and looked out of uie door the barn apparently was all right and then away to uie north of us saw the blue liosu of smoke and then knew ibtish fire of course and the prevailing wind was plowing the smoke and smell thfei way suppose we must be several hunhred ml led away from uie nearest bush lire and jusl thought if we who are all this distance away can swe and smell the smoke what must it be like for those say fifty miles away far enough away to hope for tafety and yet not far enough to ik certain or it all things considered am quite cure we should be very uwnkful if the scorched gross around us is only the result of intense natural heat and not of fire yes we know we are perfectly wife from forest fires at any rate but yet uie smell of smoke always fives mc rather panicky feeling partner says am foolish to worry my head about someuiing tliat doesnt concern us at nil of course know it is foolish but somehow cant forget uiat dreadful waste of timber uiat goes on day after day especially when canadas crying need toduy is for trees and it more treea and only ood can make tree it is rulhcr dreadful isnt it the desr trucuon by fire mean our young soni nngcr is not healed yet and it is over three weeks since he hurt few days ago uie wound developed proud flesh so now imder doctors orders have uio pleasant job of touching it up with caustic every day llsh to belmprovlngall the time so hope before long it will be healed over properly in the meantime jusl to keep up uio excitement uie young man managed to skid off his bicycle and graced and bruised his shoulder on surfuce six inches long wlui all these atflicuons son finds his biggest punish ment in the fact that he cant go swim ming it is funny too because sometimes am tempted to wonder if he is afraid of wator toduy for instance war slats d1aby by oliver warren sunday jake was throwen rocks at another boy when old ladl sod he oil not do so jake rvpllde oed hese got the mump am keepln bjm away so wont ketch it monday mistress mister olucm was in spat one aed he deoeeved her when she marryed him he ncd yea lie did maybe thal ho deoeeved hls aclf ditto tuesday unkel hen sod he aeen in the nooecpaper that it costs offci lotta munney to telcfone to yurrup well oed pa you can ail ways getr line that alnt bizcy se thats some thing wednesday pa got on ma at supper she scd slie seen where ladle beet up on burgular at in the ojn si pa sed she problcy thotr it was her husbend just arlvlng in unkcl hen laft si will be in bad with ma scvral days thursday si jane got ingagcd agen recent si ust her ma did jane tell her we ore going to get marry ed no sed janes ma site never tells me about any of her lngagemcnu so thot mebby my fcausay dont mem lb ogen friday ma wan telling her better uiat mrs hicks has mind of her own si pa sed how tan alio when she 1ms given mister hicks peace of it limes day for yrs uiot ma did dent look ency plcescd at wliat pa replide saturday the qung ladle dept store clerk next door lias got her salary raxed tip yung man cum in ast tier to show him sura thing nice for yung ladhi when she licld mirror before his face he hot evry thing slie tride to sell him suiinxy out deacon pincbpenny yea sifh he got mad an called me demed old bare face ucoundrel colonel luegtas3 wclj hoa slightly mistaken suh youve got goatee an uoustache i1klp help im dreadfully nervous sister ive never hod an operation before dont worryl ncluicr has uie doc tor the cood kamattan traifk officers patrolling uebees 10i5o0 rnlles of paved and gravelled roodi are instructed to play the role of the good samaritan of the highway and render every possible service to motorists who may be in distress they ore not placed on uc highways to augment provincial revenues by uie imposition of fines hut are there as friends and pro tectors of uie public only few years ago uie traffic officer was looked upon as being uie terror of autolsts bobbing up when least expected and arresting driwns who vio lated the rules of uie road no matter how trivial tho offence hy acting in such manner uie traffic officer uas merely performing ills duty but the motorists did not think and when brought to task for their tratfic shii regarded themselves ad being persecuted little by little however public opinion regarding traffic officers has modified and the autolsts uiemseiven liave learn ed uiut uie ungrateful task of policing the highways woo not without its ad vantages today after numerous edu cjttonui campaigns carried out by the uuuiorltjfis and uie various safety as sociations the public knows uiat tlm role of traffic officers is not to brinn about embarrassment to travellers but rather to ensure the uafely of trallie and to render help to motorist who may need it wexx uatanctd margaret he sure is light on feet stella yes hes evenly balanced is also light in jii head iluuluam no ugh arethcpricesonheaeats young ladj at the county und told him to go and get cood woidi how far do nved to wash he inquir ed daughter has little friend from hamilton staying with her just now and really the childs love for the country quite pathetic there is nothing to do in the city she says nothing but walk through the streets and go to allows tho second day she was here wat several times quite surprised to liear her say how well she had slept uie night before dont you sleep well ut home asked oh some umes do slie answered but uie people acroi tlw street often stay up until three in uie morning and the noise uiey make keeps me awuk bcttralty mistpossrbmirfat fche tinw of his arrival in canada may bo admitted free of duty or deposit dog and ouier animab and blrdsbought in solely for hunting purposes or as peta may be tntered as part of tourists out fit without deposit birds of the parrot family are subjtct to special health cer tlilcutlon no passporui are required uonoflde tourists experience no trouble ami re ceive everv courtesy from the various orflcio7thry sunply report to the can udiun immlurauon and custonw officers ut uuj port of entry answec uie iifrcessaiy question and obtain tlu requulte pfmlt for admtaum uf car and outfit ciuzens of tin united states by naturalisation should be prepijvd to present ulelr oef tlflcates of naturalisation and rvkldetiu of tle united sutis who are not cuuwns uiervuf sliouw be prepared to prraeilt proof of ukih legal statu hi tllat count what inquired fair front seats half dollar rear seats quarter and programs nickel an nounced the ralekecper heres nickel tiald uie young lady ill cit on program the cars mako loti of noise too and there doesnt seem to be any air oil keulng to take lthcqitqilizuoltilujtlmthitittwitrthn cenerully concludes some children dontkrtow wliat coun trj life like but this child does be cause she at one time lived in the country which makes it all the more pluful what would like to do with uie poor little soul is to keep tier here let the country air putt color into uie pale pinched little face and try what heojuiy activity would do to bring fun and laugh ter back to uie too serious umpcrameiu of this notquitefourteenyearold girl who has apparenuy foigotten liow to jay as tfirl of her age should really um more uian ever convinced umt to live in uie city spells tragedy for any child particularly one belonging to workingclass family is delieions new locomotives poems in steel time tables nadian nationalhaitways at acton going east dally except sunday 610 am dally except sunday 1007 am daily except sunday jlspjn sunday only 7iq pm going west dally except sunday 859 turn dally except sunday 323 pm dally except sunday 704 pan sunday oniy nmpm standard time canadas no west railway looomouvc arc poems in stool graceful lightweight aemlbtreamlinod machines capable of 110 miles an hour radical departures in construction havo boon made in tho canadian pacific hallways flvo now 3000 engines tho first of which was takon over on monday july 27 utu brilliant coromony which wa broadcast on nationwide radio notwork through um facilities of tho cmnpuyn comniunlca tlons rkjparhiitmt and which included addrcjuies by sir edward boatty obe kc xslx chair man and president canadian iaclflc hallway jlte worship mayor camlllion houdo of montreal ulllhun tmcverman president ofho montrimrrcomotlvcomijanyrwhcro tomcwlocotnouvc was lullt and nrhurko canadian pacific vtoran 1aomwjublwlowmiiouvofi soaamed because ihey will kolnto operauon inthe jnblloo yoarof tho companyh transcontinental pansengor norvico will pull completely now typo of train llghtor than tho ordinary uomlhtreamllnccl and comfortable tho now coacheii uro under coiihtructlon arrow bus schedule eppeotive may 3rd 1036 leave westbolind mm 1z15 pjn 2xs pjn 41s pja 015 pm fl15 pr 11js tm standakd time leave eastbound 60 mjm 810 jn 110 seio lm 400 xm 600 jn 9m pm mverabjes planned to aix points in canada united states mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant tcenlral ontario bus linea tobonto 100 years of railway history commemorated the advance made in the 100 years of steam railways in canads is graphically illustrated in the above layout the oht timer is reproduction of the frt steam lo comotive in crni jperutcd in llofl deside hr inuaa the plfcamic streamlined 0400 of the canadian national tho largest streamlined locomotive fn the world both arc taking part in tho centennlul cele brations of the opening rttlit champloln jd st lavrircc way knjilncera shopter und jworan both of whom havo seen riiorc than 50 years service arc seen in tho 21foot full size model of cuniidas firat train they are mih bit crofis country tour cciitml rrtu cannilun fliutc ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop ilpuesentative gore district mutual norwich union canadian fire ttuonukce dmnpany the alliance aasoranee co the casaaliy of canada annriacw company the mere nan im caraaliy co thi rriarvbvrrbbie mnioal subscriptiotw for all magazines taken at the free ipress office if you expect to sell you must advertise whats the news news is changing con stantly events hap fast and ihihstb change over night only an alert newspaper can keep abreast of these happenings on many local fronts the acton free press offers its readers complete sericcinnowarepohjngand ixlitorinl features it unsworn the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with the times the acton free press ic acton ontario muggs andskeeter mows vi brortmca corrrrs wis trumpet plavlm by wallv bishop aud twevrg stlllltrvlwtti 5et his uip our of xhbyj tfaumpevt lil

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