Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Aug 1936, p. 6

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paok1 the acton erse press taubsday auoost stb ibm if had known if hd known what trouble yoa wen bertnff what grlefta were in the atlenoe of your race would hare been more gentle and more carlnv arid tried to give you gladneae for space would have brought more warmth into the place if had known if had known whit thoughts despair ing drew you why do we never try to understand would have lent little friendship to you and allpped my band within your band and made your stay more pleasant in tfce land if had known paging ries by barbara brooks disproving old truisms seems to be the chief joy of modern cookery experts many food ideas have been changed oy recent research and because of this tt have undergone startling trans formations the wellplanned meal now is vastly different from that of grand mothers daoi and pie holds prominent place upon the menu pie at one time was considered to be no fitting dessert with which to finish heavy meal many hardy souls ate it ab tireakfast and felt that this fortified them for day of hard labor but at night they ate scantily and ahunned pie ontheir dinner menu thy thought it su only for holiday fare then new feeling for pics began to be noticed apple pumpkin and cherry while still general favorites were modi fied and modernized obhcr pies unheard of twenw years ago came into being pies were in again and this time they were here to stay newer types fol lowed the airminded trend of our times and became fluffy light chiffon crea tions ir who ever heard of chiffon plo in prewar dayu7 an amailng and appetizing variety of pics now offered to us with this variety we cati udd sparkle to our menu and complete our dinner tattler than end it with uiat sinking feeling here are some distinctively new plo ideas for occasions great and small pecan pie allbran pastry tuiell egg white eggs tabltupoou sufcur tablespoons flour cups light corn syrup uaspoon vanilla extract teaspoon salt cup whole poacan nut meats lrepare allbran pastry shell brush lightly with beaten ugg white beat egtfi until light combine sugar and flour and add to egga mix well add syrup flavoring and salt sprinkle pecans in prepared potitry shell and odd lllllng feako in moderate oven 375 drea for about 5mlnute yieldtbiw 0inch pie aibhan pastftv cup allbran 1w tups flour v4 teaspoon salt ft oup shortening fi tablespoons cold water more or less jloll allbran until fine arid combine with hour and sail cut in shortening add wawr little at time until dough moist enough to hold togtlwr roll out on lightly floured board to about inch in thickness yar poutry shell place loosely in pan trim edge of pastry leaving about vi winch beyond rim of pan ftold extended edge under and hutu prick pastry shell witli fork and hake in hot oven 450 dtfraqji frm tnlfx mlmitft yield one 3crust pie or two 8lnch liastry shells p11k3u raspberry pie quart red raspberries cups water cup sugar vj tablespoons cornstarch tablespoon gelatin cup cold water labkupoon lemon juice teaspoon wilt 10lnch corn fluke crumb iilvsilieu wanli and pick over raspberries cook one cup of the berries with cups vuter until soft mix tugar and corn starch thoroughly dd strained hot liquid from coclcd berries stlning con stantly cook and litlr until thick and tiomt add gelatin which has been uoak in cup waur add lemon ulce and sall cook until mixture begins io tldclam then add remaining berries turn into corn flake crumb pie shell chill serve witli sweetened whipped trtanx if deslrbd yield did 10lnch pie crumb pik siieuj cup butter vi cup sugar cup fine torn flake or rice krlsplj oruiubs xselt butter hi pie pin add sugar ud crumbs mix thoroughly presii mixture evenly and rinnly around sulei and bottom of pan ciull before adding niiiiig yield one or 10hwh shell boll or grind curi corn flukes or cups rice krisnws yield cup line crumbs no the two kinds of peoplo on earth mean are tho peoplo who lift and the people who lean wherever you bo you will find tho worlds masses are always divided in just thfcsa two classes and oddly etiougldy you will find too wccil there is only one lifter to twenty who lean in which clasd are you are you casing the load of overtaxed jlfteru who toll down the road or are you leaner who lets others bear your portion of labor and worry and care as we proceed up main street wo climb over hw fence from tlie mtdgley store property and find liolf century ago that we are trespassing on lot owned by tho late alexander grant esquire commonly known in those days and before as squire grant ho was magistrate of the old school and useful member of the community in thoe days when nelghbotu quarrelled over the back tencc about tlio pranks or misde meanors of their children or the inroads of tlw chickens upon the newlyplanted sds in tho garden they had recourse to the peace making proclivities of squire grant squire hall or squire brown and if none of those pleased their fastidious taiites they lud squire campbell of ttcnouhead farm jikt over the town line of kaiisagaweya to whom to recount their grievances acton was well sup plied with justices of the peace in her liamlat days upon the appointment if tlw late ii storey however about sixty years ago most of the magisterial cases or the community were adjudicated before him ho was always popular as magistrate and made it matter of duty inform himself nu to the pro visions of all statutes and bylaws which properly came under his jurisdiction as justice of the peace duty ill majority of magistrates appointed ore leputeu to be very careless about obey ing trie memory of this faithful oervanb by coming to acton with the funeral and attending the obsequies hero squire grant always had liking for the acton boys especially those he knew hy seeing them in the ktrk on the sab bath he had particular love for and confidence in the lute ex reeve hynds and was largely responsible for bringing mr hynds into prominence in municipal affairs he was always at tho annual nominations whether the number of ratepayers was large or small he flnit nominated mr hyrids as school trus tee and year after year was present at the opening of the nominating meeting as soon as the dark announced that no was prepared to receive nominations squire orant would without delay rise and say nominate geordle hynds for trustee or for councillor nit tho casu might be his hist reoidenoo was on church street in one of the late john camerons houses and hero lie oil asleep full of years after squire orant and family left this house for their homo at tho comer of mill and john streets where joe held and his bride now reside mr jolui vin cent and family moved to tho vacated cottage mr vinccnti was somewhat of character about town ho wau known as yankee john having oomo hero from new york state he was an indus lriouo cithjerc was for years janitor of tho schools and nobody of the com munity enjoyed hshlng more than ho nor wore any more successful hi catching tho speckled beauties ncorly every favorbale day during the trouting season he might be found along the acton creek somewhere between the ottt culvert and rutherford farm now known as tho troui ponds and owned by thu estate of tho late near mv vincent died in this cottage over sixty years ago his grndson is now thoforomaiiat tiis frbspwkss office and understand puts into type my romblirigs and sees that bhqy go into tho paper next week ill try and tell what re member about aunt electa adams and her husband captain ebbagc who lived on the next lot where mrs coe resides and in tho bclfsome house which was built over eightyfive years ago tltuck dhxvkhs manners offcu kxamtile tolt all toronto maple leaps maing htiiong bio fok playoff berth night baseball is the order except for saturdays and holidays as tho toronto maple leafs battle their way out of the second division and into tho internation al loagus playoffs after oerlcs of injuries that all but crippled tho team during their second swing around the circuit tho boys under isaac morgan boom have rallied and right now are playing championship baseball presldenti clifford ookloy and general manager arthur lemon havu arranged the following program of games during tho month of august and the closuig first week hi september official list of international games to bo played ut the maple leuf stadium follows newark vs toronto thursday august oth and imdao august 7th night gomes ut 000 saturday august btli two after noon games and pm ualtlmoru vh toronto monday august 10th tuesday august 11th wed nesday august 13th thursday august lsth night games ut 000 pm albany vs toronto friday august 14th night gome at d0o pm saturday august 15th two afternoon gamea 300 and 400 pm montreal vs toronto tliursday august 27tli and lylday auguat 2ftth night games at 900 pm rochester vs toronto tuesday sep tember 1st wednesday september 2nd thursday september 3rd friday sep tember 4th night games ut 830 pm buffalo vs toronto saturday sep tember suv two afternoon games at 200 and 400 pm monday labor day september 7th two afternoon games at 200 and 400 pm and tium tho playoff gamtrit courtly on hurhwuyu turamount transport ufflclal declares if we arc to admit ano spoclivi intematiuual oivthaation bwutloii is lm poasiblc viscount cecil but you nuoit pardon uiki ttiinderlnj old noodle of mine for till digression im no iui pood or uic preachers in kipping to my text unyhow never went to school tp learn logic tir literary coiuitrurtlon or such just talk and tell what comes to my old head jwell squire runt had small house on the lot where mr john dunns fine brick residence now stand it was small clapboard frame cottage in the front room of which mr grunt nuulc and mended shoes for the community out of the best leather available mr grant and his estimable family had ielded in more stately residence on main street before coming to fills pro perty he owned the line stone house ul education lane jyjijrh has for num be of years been the home or charlie wltuin or the electrical plant ilut mtiforiute deprived him of thk jind with his family cheerfully made the lit lie cottage their home mm grant was daughter of tlie late duncan ken nedy fir of tho first llnu at kennedys crxiilshig hlstor ofllobert duncan alex ander and lachlaif kennly ami their family of two sons and six daughters were joy to the liome and have made tlulr mark in tlu world su of thein were teachers tliey taught in the honw sruool and tlioy taught abroad tnoy all hot succit and commoriiial tlw beit salariejt available at tlu time squirt grants eldest daughter annk married squire browns son william tiuy liad liappy hotue in acton for years and then movd to jiifonto where mr ilrouii dud number of years ugowlicu he held tlu important position of luud or th mull ordvr uvpartiiient of llw liaton co jus body ru witli frteiids of hu youth in rmlrvlew otmo tery tho isle timothy tcuton honored to say that motorist hno the man ners of truck driver is no longer an cxpreuilon cf oofimptr but is actually desirable compllmeift becaifaic the manners of transport drivers in ontario at leosu have reached point wheri they offer profitable example to the average motorist according to george parki of st catharines who recently was elected president for the ensuing year at the annual meeting of the auto motive transport association of ontario hi the king edward hotel toronto he declared that the ontario minister ot iiighwaju hon mcquestcn had put his finger on the crux of the wholo problem of highway safety when lio launched his current educational cam paign to promote courtesy and consid eration between drivers tivo safety of life and property ln volvtu much more than the mere effort or the individual motorist to avoid mls liaps to himself mr parkes said itmust spring from dcflnlto desire of motorists to make driving plcasanter and easier for each other and heartily recommend to every driver mr mcques tens profound ulogon try courtesy in presenting diplomas to 175 trans port drivers who had fulfilled pledge to have no accidents between march 1035 and march 1930 mr parkeu ob served that courtesy meant much more to transjwrj drivers than mere cere innnluufi etiquette it was real prac llud thing which oxpruxed luelf in helping hand extended to the stranded driver wherever he might be met it had earned for transport drivers the reputation as the modern prototype of the original good samaritan only motorists who had been utranded on some lonely stretch of highway and had been passed by dozeivi or uncon cerned fellow inotorl finally to be rescued by an overallcd truck driver realized the spirit of hclpfuliiuis that trunsport drivers generally manifested oii the road under the scuta of all trucloi there were flnrw tow chains lire ex tinguishers and tools which were always at the disposal of one who might be in need the 175 driven with the clean record were among 200 who had voluntarily enrolled for ye test and who had travelled li3u7uooliitfes averaging more than 30000 miles per driver without serious nifajhop mr purkes announced there had been no fatal accidents what ever only two in which people had been injured and even then not seriously and but co property damage mlslulpi almost all of which had amounted to uss than 1000 canadian honey industrv canada may well be called land of honey having wealth of tioctar and pollonproduclng plants apiculture is carried on hi ull provinces and honey production during 1035 amounld to 24 2b4400 pounds ullght gain over tlie output in 1034 during wie last five years canadas lioney production haej in creased by more than 30 per cent pro duction in 1930 amounted to 18450972 pounds canadaa honey industry enjoyed its greatest growth during tho tenyear period 1920 to 1930 tlie number of hives increasing from 185530 to 279453 and production from fl 370300 pounds to 18 459072 pounds in 1020 tho averngo yield per hive was about 34 pounds and by 1930 it had risen to go pounds per hive the most notable development in the decade was the great increase in both the number of hives and the production of honey in weutcrn canada during 1920 the province of ontario and quebec produced nearly 05 per cent of canadas honey whllo the prairie provinces manitoba saskatchewan and alberta accounted for only two per cent ten years later the prairie provinces produc ed 16 per cent of tlio dominion total honey in one of natures best foodi and lias always stood for superlative sweetnetis before the introduction of cane sugar honey woo apparently the only sweet available for human use in ancient days tho bee was looked upon as npcclnr creation ofthe godsahd honey as being endowed with wondrous vlruics while canadians do not hold to such beliefs tlio food value of honey is gen erally recognbied and tlie greater part of the honey output in consumed within the country otts scrapbook by scott cocjcalc a4 srrw saw amt amd tvtu opmue mkiourj foumd am imotam snajfsl cjxmlwj por aho bowl cvrimansd ohmtmorafimo bit 1000 yeai old momrterjasfba ottic bordat of mqurtajm wjfw off coakio cavoj arixoua welcome first train dinner stories tio cowcatchor of old enclno 371 makoa flttinr platform for theno coatumoa of tho soit ndoralnt bolloit of 1880 vho took part in tlio pajoant at port moody july colobrathic tuo flftlotli anniversary of tlio first train from montreal to tlio pacific tho old oiiflne driven by tho original oiiklnoer hauled into port moody hiring of nix oldatylowooden cam liandled by um oriclnol conductor or tlio flrnt train hi colorful roonactmont of tho event moro thangooo vlsltora includlnc ecoros of rail vctoranu in acrvleo in 8c flocked to tort moody for tho colouration canada keeps watch at vimy business directojry dr mcniven office and bealdenea ooraer avenua and beta street dr nelson ffcyle as electro therapy dr wm cullen nonrielaa rand 8nfmb offlco hours 14 and corner frederick and msi streets tetephone 13 leoal phone no 33 box ss harold nash farmer butter souottar kary rmw mux 8tkeet aotow ojtt houra jo to lajoo bood 100 in to 500 oaturdara 130o oetoek kenneth langdon bi sueitor ivho offices acton oeorfcbtoi over seynuclca cafe id war arjpolntmenta pbcoe acton oeorcetowzx 9m offloe hours acton tomday and thnxaday us hi to 4j0 ta kwaa mca on request dental aj ruch anaw sr of71e tn yhwn houra tn until by frppifr oas for extractlona cloaed wednesday afternoon 14 1pearen benial brtfvda uoved to our new quarters in the symou hlock phons 30 mill street aetoo miscekxaneous francis nunan hoohbrndar account book of all kinds knade to order periodicals of tovery dexbption carefully bound ituunf neatiy and promptly dono wyndhta street ouebph out rjciciciritfnkixfi college student arose from his table in fnshionnblc dinini room nnd wiillccd toward tlie dour he was paiini the houae detec tive ot the enhance when sjlvcr iiaim ioiinokutanh whuvr your new uttle brothers nanu hetty we dont know yet no one can understand word he jays hlillth auk tukvt dad ure there lloim in africa yen son huv thuy got wiov no tlwy have no itoo then whut do tlwy lo wlih lions 8uilarbowi dropped from his bull inn coat tito cuest iflnnced calmly at tho officer then turned with nn expres sion of polite nnnoynnco towuid thy occupants of the room ruf fians he uaid who threw that mid walked out jkjkt the same wide youve been to the ovn thit see doea it matter on which side you chew your food general insurance we srcnuzi in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate gimb boiler ridelity bond annuities and all general lines of insurance ajlso ocean steamship tickets keadino companies uoa at cxaij for uimi only fredl wright office caojxr tliock kubby no my love it tastes juiit aitbad on unu ulduus04 tho other poor owbobbhih ho tinent iiix inntitlm wrltini libi iilleicd draiuu ml tlieii wui tunud duwii by in producwld all work und ho lly vm ilils impoalni heroic miutonnalllte fiiuro portruya canada brood oiiji ouor liur doadtlioiiwuralaudaimidlemntilory on thi treat inemtirinl to cnnndua hero dead at vlmy illdile that was unveiled by kinr kdward viii on july 211 ii wntchoa thu plaina vhere canada won world renown it was at vimy itldie that ihe wildiera the dominion laied their immortal demonstration of heroism aealnsl superior loreea ot the enemy in 1011 thousands of the stalwart yuiuil canadians died on vimy nili the monument will keep their memory ever reen and ill imi mil to smredim itencralloini of the youth of all lands shiniirj xiiuc ol ielflesa heroism born of patriotism ccitml 1iui caubiiibi ri if you want to sell advertise want to sell something sold 1kkss uttuth ad is quickest clieaixsot wuy to flud buyer ohtly cknt wobi

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