Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Aug 1936, p. 3

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thohsday auonaf eth ins the acton free press qjlje 3ttt press inrt tnnj the sign of siva by john archer thunderous roar crashed on the dawn followed by deeper ajlcflcp iyaaee starr sprang from bed and momentjaler was out aide staring about trfb camp tjie sun was just appeartnjr over the eastern bills jtar rfmit he could nee nothing amiss bear nothlnft new the little flmrf avl she buildings at the oreat eastern mtne were undisturbed here la the 1ddlft of the little valley guarded by hills on either side the very silence was strange how ever vbuowlng that explosion the natiye help should be swarming out of the buildings chattering excitedly nothing moved short dlaftanro up the valley then where the hills on either sldo pinched together to narrow gorge vance saw something slowhaettthig cloud of dust fbe stared for moment with narrowed eye fairsized stream flowed through the gorge and down the valley now the gorge itself appeared to be closed and glance at the stream bed close ai hand showed the water fast dropping away to mere trickle vance realized what had happened the operators had encourtered enmity opposition to thlrf work before here in the far frontiers of india with china somewhere beyond even though this rorlt was being done under the approval of the tmunn governmentv many of the natives resented it numerous petty annoyances had delayed the work of getting the mine to operating now that lb was at last beginning to produce those enemies led ot course by damon rafci pat who was oxford educated but bit terly opposed to progress none the less had struck using modern weapons charge of dynamite had been et off at the narrowest pint of the gorge and great outjulung pinnacle of the hill above had been brought crashing down choking the mouth completely affording dam for tile crtvlc tlie gorge narrow ut this point luul rock walls on cithtr aid vance hurrlod to ward it still uonderlng ut the absence of itfiy of the taarkmeil the slide of dirt he found filled uw gap nearly to uk top hundred feet plugging the opening completely up above the gorge widened again tlie creek was high now fed by melting snous hi the mountains to the north in ov4nil houm time the water would back up on itself forming lake half mlui long hundred feet deep ut the ior end and couple of hundred yards across at the widest point above when tiic imprisoned wutcr finally reached th top of the slide and started over 1u weight would swiftly eat away the new aoft earth taking it out as though giant hand had ptulted it away tile whole lake wall of water hundred feet high uould urge down sweeping the buildings uurj utterly destroying all that liad been accomplish ed through long months of toil vance hurried bock and bunt into the buildings whre the native help slept lie pauod dismayed uaiupat had done his work ucli secretly he had induced uui native uorkers to sllent lyaualaay notioubt soma fcort of warning probably sign of siva the mtinur nod luul ocen tnt to thtpi they uould ait and uatch if the mine and tverj thing uere destroyed they uould believe that siva liad con quered after uiat it uould be impos sible ver to bo ahead with tlic uork if siva failed tiny uould return that uould mean lctorj not alone wtory in material ua but victory otr thtue old heathen fiinerstltlnn xoklng in the country uould have come chance wliat chan uoa tliere how ever for siva or lor rumnat to fall lie had chcen his time uell tlic water uos hloli and dane the cuper mntonduit uaa aua for feu das leaving vance in chart with the ndtliexj tone vance uos alone jet he luul to do something vance considered briefly tliere uaj only one tiling to do he must ut more dynamite to blow out uiat barrkr be fore tjie water behind it rose high onouah to do uiiy great amount of damaj attain imfarmed by plea rom pat had chorea his time uell tliere uere left in camp shipment had bhii delayed unaccountably done liad gone to bee about it tiie nearest dynamite was in live louer camp dozen miles awaji vance did not llln mi lint hadhwan left hve minute later tie was in the saddle riding doun the little trull like road at the lowtr camp lie found the dynamite but licre again tlie uaivv help had dlappeared only chuiuur iltu clerk remained loyal and was keeping an ye an things he had to be left on uuord and vance rv turned alone he tav tluit it uoj imperative that the charge hhouhl 1m itt alt at once few more hours imd tlieie would be to much mote wit bockvd up that it would bet ihlli to let it till loi lat ojill as he dropiked to the bottom of tile slide however and prepare to ut id cliarge voice high above him came wamingiy do not try uiai uy friend ot ahall hve to kill you it wmj tlie voice of damon itmtnpat soft mocking in confirmation of tho warning rifle bullet whined close by varices car vuioe looked up high on the side of the gorge almost directly above tho yllde ram pat had taken up his position in llttlo cave in the rocky cuff it was an almost impregnable position will tell youmy plans rampat went on have charge of explosive toted at tho bottom of tho slide which can set off with plunger if wish can assure the destruction of your little mine down below you are help tess7 is mib one chance for you and what is that asked vance you are in charge here any pledge you make your company will honor pledge me ten thousand dollars and the water will be turned aside other wise everything will be destroyed vance retreated slowly thinking he knew that so far as rampat was con cerned tho bargain was honest enough the hindu was nob christian and treachery or trickery meant nothing bad to hun so long ad he accomplished his purpose ior money he was willing to forego this destruction of the mine for this time jlater he probably would find some other way to attack lb no the affair liad to be bottled once for all unwitting rampat had revealed some thing to vance since the money could not possibly be paid for few days and certainly would not be paid at all if tho mine were destroyed then ram pat must have oomo other outlet for the water there were to varices knowledge how ever no other possible outlets no inter secting coulees along the length of the gorge me stopped suddenly up nearly quarter of mile and to tho lefb he recalled was coulee whose mouth uould come ultlihi hundred yarcfet of tho gorge tunnel could have been run from the head of it to tile bottom of the gorsc leaving few feet of earth un touched before the tunnel was finished with touch of dynamite ready uiat few leet of tymel could tw blown quu and new way would be opened to drain the artificial lake without doing any nomage that must be wliat ram pat had con trived if so tliere mighb be way to slop him vance slipped in among the trevs and was off at run circling widely so that any cluuice watcher uould not fiee hbu vance came to tlie mouth of the other coulee and made his way warily up his pulses jumped as lie saw pile of raw earth it then lie saw tlie mouth of the tunnel that had been dag he luul gutejed right suddenly figure elipped up like shadow behind him tlie numbing blow of club caught him beside the head aiid vance pitched forward ludf stun ned when lie tat up moment later it uai to stare with horror at tlie youth above him young hindu of about hb own age it was not the expression of cold enmity uhich gloued in tagoras vc5 uhtch startled vance so much as the insignia rudely painted on his fore luvad the sig of slva the god murdet tajora had caued trouble at the mine before stirring up discontent among the native uo and vance had been forced to discharge him nbu uordie5 tagora bound vance hantfci behind him caught up torch and lighted it then forced hl prisoner to march into the black mouth of the newmade tunnel it ran oa vance had nected for little the ml vionarila cr ft at the far end tifty ntupjied feu xxt3 and btices liad been set up at interraks prevent the shaft from caving in at be far end brace across the top was held up but post at either side close bes4o it vance could see charge of dynamite placed to open up the tunnel even with the bottom of the waterailed gorge wire led from it down the tunnel probably to the place where rampat waited so that it could be set off with plunger swiftly using his sash for the purpose tagora tied vance already trussed handu to one of the posts he sold nothing bub vance knew what he was thinking even if rampat decided to let the dam be flooded away and tho mine destroyed this charge of dynamite hero would be set off little later destroying the tunnel if the mine wafe saved and tho tunnel opened it would also be ex ploded if any event vance left beside it stood to die tagora glared down at his helpless victim moment then turned and wait gone dun light filtered in from tho mouth of tlie tunnel and hid eyes now accus tomed to fflw gloom tho prisoner haw tlie wire leading from tlie dynmlte now desperately vance wrenched at bonds they did not give but some thing else did the bottom of the post holding the brace was merely set on the ground and it slid lltue with re newed hope nehtchcd forward pulled again this time the post sho out and tlie brace above dropped down few moments of patient work and vance managed to slip the rope off the bottom of the post swiftly he ran down the tunnel near tlie far end where tho light wot stronger lie stopped tagora would probably still be on guard outside steeling himself to patience despltj the racing minutes and tho knowledge that rampat might weaken in hia pur pose and press tho plunger wlilch would release solid wall of water uuifc would trap him helplessly vnncc searched until he found on outputfing rock only pari of which had been broken away in dig ging the tunnel rubbing his bonds against its sharp edges was effective if slow and finally he was tree cautious survej showed tiq sign of tagora his heart leaped as vance oaw the end of tho wire just outside the plunger conveniently at hand with hu hand on it however lie hesitated if he were to set it olf now the explojon uould instantly warn rampat of all that had liappened he fearful of being clieaud of vengeance and money alike would promptly set off tlie blast under the slide as well sending the wall cf uaur down to ruin the mine before itn force liad been louered by the tunnel no that uould not do the immedi ate danger of being blown to bits him oelf was post tho fight between him self and thoie who followed the cult of siva remained liad to be won he must first get hold of rampat the leader to make sure tliat he could cause no more trouble after uiat it would be safe to blast open the tunnel allowing little path vance found that it led precariously down tho ledge above til gorge to tlie little cave where rampat waited au lie canio within sight or rampat vance saw tliat tagora ha1 joined him inspiration came to vance he could in football tackle hlsahouldcr thud ded against rampat legs knocking them from under him the rifle fell from his hands and slid down the sloping rock on even terms they were closely matched rampat quick to discover it realizing that time was working in hxi favor and that few more minutes would send the swiftlymounting water over the dam to carry out bis original scheme of vengeance set himself merely to hold vance from getting loose by now thoyi were on the edge of the path at the brink of tho cliff exerting all his strength rampat strove to throw his enemy over vance appeared to weaken suddenly then as rampat sought profit by this and obtain better hold vance had twisted about was himself on top ho struck desper abcly and tho hindu went limp under him few moments later vance press ed tlie plunger itc turning he found both rampat and tagora regaining consciousness the water whirling down the opened tunnel was gradually beginning to sink below tho danger line vance hod retrieved tagorad rifle and was in command of tho situation rampat watched him apathetically well he ud youvo won what next vance gestured to tho troll and the hills beyond rampat stored hicrcdulouuly you dont mean youre gobig to let us go he demanded dont want you sold vance shortly this fight is won and ended hope youll be satisfied to let it go ab that too rampat still stared in bewilderment we have treated you far otherwise lie eald slowly didnt think there wok anything to this christianity you talk about except talk nothing real dot it looks as though was mistaken he turned to tagora oo wash the sign of siva off your face 1m sold then find the mine wortters and tell them to return to their duties eskimos do not live in snow if uts inttillrkt music in colorkd lights new 50 000 nj tt ilandmheu will introduce harmonic in slrht and sound tlie campoiutlons of both have btrik lng quality of color and contrast music allyspeaking and tlie two soon became brett tly interested in tlic possibilities of combining suitable color projection which in harmonufltlon would intensify tlie appeal to the senses of the llstencm return into the tunnel get one stick ul tlie fint practical step toward tnt djnamite and with tliat duttroy both of his enemies totjether in perfect safety to hlmscir he dismissed tlie idea murder to them was part of the religion of tlic terrible god they worship ped thej saw no sin in so treating alt enemy but their way was not for him he uos christian he wai almost upon them before they discovered him look of bewilderment crosiadtacoras face tlie native reach ed for his rifle but vance uos qulcke he caught up stone from the path and threw lb in the same tuoplnj motion tlic rock sped true catching tugora on the painted repre ntatl nf thcmurdirgod lie dropped iu again the advantaie woj ul vjuu he could have snatched up hu 111 rifle and used it on itanuut so he uould have bceti frt for rampat wo already ii toronto july 28th symphonies of tlie canadinn national exliibltion here thbj aear and muslciovcrs are already showing keen interest in the proposed experlmtntr uhich will combine tlie kaleidoscopic changing of floods of colored light in conjunction with tlie mut ical movements tills intriguing blend of tarondee effects will be car ried out within tlie new 50 000 band shell hlch is now in the course of construction tlie idea of sound andvolor liarmonle1 lias attracted tlie attention of many compaseru during the past halfcentury the two most noteworthy experimenters being rimskikorsakov and scriabin unification of music and color was taken by scrlbian when hd composed prome theus or tlie poem of mre tills elabor ate work for orcliestra and pianoforte culled for an entirely new instrument devlied by the compaor called key board of light and resembling tlano in appearance thu as to casb tho concert hall into symphony of vario lated colore in association with tlie muicn tlie thuiry held considerable poilbuuuui but in practice it proved fullur cumiil te deulu of tlie use of the irpr jet lu tu in biudshul at on cuiidiiii stloiul vhlbltlon aio umuritood that tl board on il ii ajle to buf this ui tlu pluud to brll pvur french eclentlstn on an expedi tion in greenland have shattered two more illusions about eskimos they declare that the esklmtprcfcra broccoli to blubber and docs not live in snow hut they asm found that tho overage eskimo reputed to be man of few words has larger vocabulary tlian tho average business man and that he laughs more in month than ordinary people do in year moot of the eskimos they found live hi homes constmictcd of stone bone and imported wood and then cover them over with turf the sclentis estimate that of the 14 000 eklmos lfi orecnland only few hun dred have ever soon snow huts and still fewer have ever lived hi them although blubber is still the mainstay of polar diet ebklmas in summer cultivate greens including broccoli of which thoy are very fond tough and to uc hut fleet it tough when you have to pay forty cents pound for meat lultehcr yes but ltd be sight tougher lfopu paid only ten on vtabm summer days bowlful of kcjioggs rico krispica provides real nourihnient delicious coobng form so crisp they crackle jin milk or cream eaay to serve easy to di gest at euppcr or ixidtirno they promote restful sleep at grocers everywhere in tho mother goose story package made by kellogg ui london ontario quality guaranteed so crisp tbey actually crackle in milk or cream vv ks own weapon iiuuud vuiu intervenini spac at rj iujt at lll cuu atermelon potatoes no is zjc onions sound and dry ivc ban 4sc oranges swiff lllld itny nlco anas lemons 19c new mtssinu nicu site for golden vtjiow doen tomatoks awus and othku ktturrs splal 1rlclw carrolls limited bitcuil tea bisk pkg 33c bjifotd onuno peaches no tm 5c caje jnd sinborn dated pineapple jlurrll iibpl j5c no 0c weslons icy uk ei wa rs 19e 16 btl 24c curac dry ginger kii039 oulc bottles cornflakes 7c kclloggt allbran plus deposit 48c mjpla ldjl pure lard lb 13c 99 blinj powder 01 tin 10c bull cocoa lb 10c gtidn pktck corn 801 tm ac hueol of the kitcheh mclarens powdered ijellies 14c hemi tomato ketchup 35c wagstaffes jam with pectin strawberry 27c ib teffii xk2i caefcr cankkig mclarens pectin or kkovah jelly spaghetti irr maker 14c sealtite jai rubbers 9c 99c 16 oi tin 9c sdv si sealtite jai flour 7lb 21c bvi ckctn guaranteed glass hadde carrolls limited blu ciou red salmon 25c tl oik taj only sauce btl 27c wgiue gbpplc jelly 16ox jr 13c hli gmgr or root beer btl 29c patctloh cfcrtp coffee sin btl 27c ctuitiui ckte ritz sviioolk wooden clothes pegs 40 for 5c fly go fly spray 8oz btl 29c slkky fly coils for 5c fotfi brasso tn13c52c slnll soap br 5c for dttli oxydol is pl3 19c soap bar 17c cly soap 14c mux siuket stork closics sathuday nujht 10l0 free delivery ihonk 158

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