juvt ttb 1m the acton free press fj qufc jffrpp pbb ljort tnrg the winding road by wallace oown through tho little jumbled hlils of 8ummlt township ran thft gray ribbon of tho rood past the wood jyldjta over elk creek and up the rise beyond it then seemed to leap with joy towards the world ct cities freedom and opportunities that fay beyond the tar circle of the horizons rim as she stood on tho top of the htll icatchlns the other girl swlnglnjr along tbb down tfftuallce nqahlt made up her mind that she alice ncsblb was travelling this road in tho wrong dlrec tionl she made wry face never had she thought of it like that before every road had two directions one led to auccesu the other in this case led to the giving up of cherished ambition like pointing and all chances of success why maurlno avcxy alice com panion had turned on her moment before her dark eyes blazing as though provoked with the stupidity of alice why do you stay your grandfather is as well able to take core of himself as ray father you could go ati wejl as this later alice realized was tnla perhaps that accounted for the warmth of maurlnes tone alice just shrugged she hod made her decision and she had no heart to go over the matter again maurlne the other tapped with her foot in the gray dirt of the road think she spoke slowly but her words strangely blazed forth you are crazy alice standing there seconded the words crazy she was if only it were for some big cause she was sacri ficing herself it was nob however it was just because thinking over the past remembering all that her grandfather had done for her and knowing ha wanttxl her to stay keep house for him alice had decided she would maurine turned well she sold im going ww utue later alice watched her go down the rood 1116 bitter kivou ledg came that maurlno was treading tho high road towards buccals while she she would plod bock her face set in the wrong direction her bitterness alice kept to llcrself in the days that followed liher tried to nil her life to overflowing with the htie routine tasks that made up existence in tho hills she fed the chickens she fetched tho wood for the early spring dayu were still little crip and cool she went to the mull box to get the lex letters advrthcmenu for farm machin ery mostly and the invariably fut dally paper and slic visited the neighbors slw rather marvelled at maurlnev leaving wlian mr aery was not well dont know he caid once tort of wanted maurlne to btay alice lor time tills spell slckneft kecpj me tied down but lgh she would ho she said alice interrupted you pet letto from her uhe asked abruptly there was no need to ask rave to make con versation for she had letter from maurlne in her oun im eater pocket letter which she read and reread wist fully maurlne wrote gloulngly of the opportunities that ejclmed in the city there were art lciiool good subjects to palnb and im going to craeli in on one of thee modern masters uhe wrote tiicytay that if ou can net to talbot and interest him well joure mode if you hae tulrnt and push whtntho da flrw lonuerag prlng advunctd to summer the drh to fill tlie mlnuu with routine uork failel his crooked walking stick with an abrupt jab at tho overhanging branch of an old gnarled twisted thorny tree he stood watching auco work for few mlnutcu then turned and tramped off ill bo back he said lie must have liked tho water beoauss ho always asked for glass when hu came always to he had uomo sugges tion sarcastic some times brusque alwayti he know how to paint though and lit knew markets too alice acknowledged that if it liadnt been for you she nald her eyes nparkllng with excitement id never have gotten mils imagine get ting check for canvas on which wai tile picture of gnarled applo limb blos som bedecked tho man lliruggod thank tho hills lie aald you have subjects and scensn indescribable innumerable and yon have ability sonic ho amended quickly as though too much prako might de harm eyes ho said ore all you heed seeing eyesi even alice understood that tho day slio canie in from doing some outdoor tatvk nnd saw her grandfather sitting in his clialr by tlie window the fresh green of the grass on the hills outside as fiovn through tho diamond shaped crystal panes contrasted with the aged lined placi face of her grandfather tramed alice laughed happily she was sfirangely nervous too maurlne looked at the canvas it looks she sold as 11 lilbov alice nodded do you know him too she asked maurlne said nothing know him she knew the flunkies and tho guards that busy painter hired to encure privacy whatever of bitterness there was in her eyes died however as she talked during the next hair hour clock struck the hour of one maurlne started alice she said im pulsively congratulate you be lieve mul she added 111 have to run but alice protested have so many things to talk about maurlno shook her heaa ill have to run outside she hailed laxlcab the bon ton store did hot like employed to be lata bcnldcs this afternoon there was that puge of smrt clothes to skotch iio the engravers could make plaits up in the hluu in summit township gray voad vinds in and out following tho little creeks that cut through the hills it uccms to say follow me it leads from tho hills down to tho plain and outi to the cities uhcro opportunities twalt succout can be found however even if you do not tratcl tho outward trail to tome success comes in ths hlllt explorer found ukwallk of this ticek flu re mire hours alice found unett aiuy had nothing todo sluitaok da jj her paints and her neglected can wise klie had to do tumclhlng ulth her cl even if all her daj ihe would be mere puttering umuviir she ulud slie onlj had grand ubccm she jihed in earnest tlun if oh said to old black le the hen cluclina and culling lur brood of tlulfy ehul if you would only hold mill uucuul buvcltle would not what ul jrt compared to worm alice laid that ramus aside she would drop that ruljlct until blaclli uuit back to that unn corner of tm burn she nan uollng on cm she had starud park venue on ji sunny daj she did not luur the grayhilrni btraugir approach uhorlmd was chi hi hor uork but she did hear his cxplo alvf snort and turned kit ur tied to face him ialnt do jou atf asking for ati and miaff uig tlie cool drink the mm stood lmiking the iark avenue cene without lilt alice ntulded slie wjj ratlur proud of lurk aviiue on sunny daj of aoune if he could me park aenue aullty it would better but thin lotogruplis from nuigxdnei lulptd tlio man had turnetl lo haw wliei his eye caught sight of ihi otht cam ut agln he grunhd whath that alice sighed of coif he had to see that idiotic tiling that she said und then iense of humor nuule her eyes tuhikle thats bliuku1 oh tho wan looked at the hal ftatohed picture ouckiutf ld lud thu way and that rd think youd put tlmt wild plum branch in he aakl pokd toythc window whytcwajpaplcturor alice droa hi her breath sharply grandfather sha atjyxl iraay paint your picture pawblue eyes lighted up with lnter tut you can sit right there alice went on as at times between tending to the thousands of tasks that liud to be done alice pointed she learned tlilngij about tho hills things she had never really htaxrd before when was young man that hill was coverod with timber this man had cleared it alice thought remember when your mother used to play in that brook back or thebarni no onder and alice understanding grew no wonder grandfather did not want to leave tlie hlllt tho study was good alice had come to that conclusion herself even before the stranger spoke of course lie won not stranger anv more but she always thought of hun as tiuit in place of utung lik name mr talbot lie inspected the portrait closely and suggested minor cluuigcs he then in suted that it be sent to the exhibit alice knew it wiu good but of course it was not good enough to place xj might sell though and the day the long officiallooking envelope came alice opened it thinking it would enclose check for the painting contentment what it did contain caused her face to blanch placed and awarded shi was wild with excitement grand father die called that plc jou know that picture painted of yy it took second prize and they want to go dow7i for few days to the ex hlblt she thought of maurlne avery on she sjied south on the train maurlnes letters had become lcs nnd less frequent then topped altogether hunting up tlie lost qne months old alice was disap point in that it said maurlne was netting ready to moe and did not give the new oddnt she thought of maurlne even amid the excitement of the exhibit and the prate that she was ghen the second dy then alce iv her maurlne he cried von eyi werj on th more poisonous thai tho 111 reputed poison ivy or han tho dreaded poison wood of horlda is beautiful tree grow in swamps from quebec to minnesota as far south as texas this virulent tree which is certain poison to anyone touching it is known by various names iis poison ash cider and dogwood but is in reality sumach tfvom six to thirty feet tall and grow na nlwnv in aafltnpy land um hojaqa sumachisdllferen tinted fromanyotlier sumach in that it bears hanging clusters of dullgrey berries otlur sumaclis have red fruit on erect brunches tlie leaves of the poison sumach are long with many smooth and glossy leaflets borne on vtl stems without teeth wlille ltd stalk is leaf scarred and has faint but pungent odor as of sulphur when iecn such trees should be rigorously avoided ieaird for tlie safety of her ex plorerhusbnnd were expressed in new york by lndy hubert wllklns afur eight dnys had passed without word from the wntt earp on its way to norway sir hubert took with him crew of ten including radio operntor bat no messago was heard from them tho famous ex plorer vvaj to deliver the boat to norway it is the boat utd by lincoln kikworlh in his recent ant algic voyage sir hubert wuklnj shown tihovc will you provide bolidatt high tan1a1u at the height of his career claude monet the famed lytnch painter des troyed twelve pictures of wheet of waur the fruit of three years work because they did not rle to ills standard if our ttitej of what is good in conduct were oj high and sensitive as that of tills arut we would be dlssaushed with many of the choice that wc make of public health no not all are ail men fools asked the wife after slight dwagreement with her husband no dear replied her husband some men are bachelors atwo worda shouldnt be written when one li enough abbe ernest dlmnct simply because we have no utandurd excellence when we are too easily in ilutmced by tho crowd wo stop short of the best our decisions are made in ac cordance with poor human ideals instead of in obedience to tho will of god mattdwokttung cow ajpade holstcln cow owned by hemming of shubenacadle nova scotia liuu just recently completed her years work and at the same time created record for milk production in tlie pro vince in tho 305 days the cow produc ed 25393 pounda of milk and 830 pounds of fat she is mill giving over fifty pounds of milk dally and is due to freshen again hi august tills record wjs mide under the nupervislon or tu provincial dairy herd improvement pro ject and special attention was taken as to the checking of milk weighty and tesu quarv of unu thin your nd her voice win wire all youngsters love to hear kclloggs rice krispicfl crackle in milk or cream they love their delicious flavor too and tlie mother goose stories on the hackw of rice kriapica packages buy rice kriapica today sold by grocers every where made hy kellogg london ontario quality guaranteed so crisp they actually crackle in milk or the neighborhood workers associa tion 32 weliesley street toronto ore worried already they have over 500 applications from troubled parents who desire their children to get brief holi day hi tho country but so far only 200 lnvttauons have wen received from hobtesocs who arc willing to accommo date one or perhaps two little ones in their home for two weeks each day more applications pour hi last year nearly do0 kiddles were taken care of but even then tliere were 190 left over who hud no holiday at all after anxious weeks of waiting it fci expected that over 1000 application will come hi uiu ear and the annual campaign to locnto liostesses hi on in earnest there lire ldddlus of all ago ranging from tiny three year olds to lath of 14 wlio are simply dying to get glimpse of real farm ptrliaps fort ilui nrst tlnw li their lives hundreds of children are being sent to the nelghborhofis workers fresh air camp at bolton but there urj so muiiy cases where camp is not pos sible for instance all fl tojlyoaroldi must be accompanied by their mother and in many limtonccs tiuther li unubli togo because of otlier strenuous tlej at home hostrjjirji who have entertained chil dren hi punt yearn write in aguln and aguln oiferlng to take other children or in rjlaliy cases unking if the same children can be relumed to tlieni coursj there jj no remuneration to tlie hastcu unless hj be the happy laughter and rosy cheeks of little child who for lornc weary montlis haii been living cooped up in crowded bare surround ings in olio of the poor sectloni of toronto transportation li supplied by the neighborhood workers asioaclation all children arerecommtuded by an lnte ested ageiioy and each case is lnvevtl ifityjl are medically exam be wuh the idea or giving children who need it and have no other means ot getting vacation in normal country home it ki tlie earnest hope of the neighborhood workers association that many good friends will send letter oiferlng to be hoctess to one or tw children for two week with the invitation should be enclosed letter from the local mlnlnter or come other wellknown citizen of the district stapleford general secretary the neighborhood workers association 22 weliesley street toronto is directly in charge of this project how to make 4m ifam lo of bda bbdk kllmol frvfc boflha muk wwi hot it net iced mar alterib wfc trf llojim hlo braqmrt tam vt oo ofjnwutad aad tm laic of iiio 9b dbmhrad ucoahbmrwmicaldimlwdbaalalnrtmtocmll am ominar otb uqmu ui imoom doady sn wl cmpimd uz salada between weekends it cannot be too often repeated uiat tliere is no single caure of unr julian huxley jim thonipbou never icts loneliness get him down witli tlio family away for tlie summer ho ridges tlio gap hetween week ends hy telephone twice week at set hour ho has reassuring and cheering chat with wife and youngsters there nothing like long xdistauce to take the edgo off bep oration its speedy cleat depend uhle and invaluable in emergency oil hoik anyone and perwoto perton calls low night rates apply uher anj all day sunday cream ftttttvttttttty watermelon deliciuilsly icih 47 oranges potatoes medium liiii lt bskt ac sujei ind juicy uocn 0jc ii bb ionic nrown tijt bananas lemons larjc golden yellow tlj per doen tiijc oi jiiill 17c cabbage lettuce larjje green heuu home grown each icibikc per head sc carrolts limited lmccormici butter bars lb 25c good bulk cocoa lb 25c carrolls dandee tea pound 39 souattf deal ltederpeas 17qi tim cfhf garden patcr golden corn 7ci tin clover leaf pink salmon 1lb tl 11 heinz tomato ketchup i4o biii 35 silver star pastry flour 24lb dg 53 maple leaf pure lard 1lb ptstoc economy blend coffee pound 21 carrolls pure baking powder 16oi tin i7c icing or fruit sugar pound ft eagle brand blueberries no tin 19c pitted sair dates lb 19c shelled broken walnuts pound 31 laings peppermint patties pound 19c crisp ginger snaps lb 25c de luxe powdered jellies puj 25c quaker crisp corn flakes pdug any brand of evaiorayed milk 6oi tin 25c aylmer tomato juice 10oi tin 5c plain or iodized 5wakerisali pla 5c liquid white shoe polish bohu 14c flaked soap chipso pi 35c soap powder oxydol lars ptclthya 19c powdered ammonia pclia 5c pearl naphtha white soap 16c carrolls limited mux stkeet stoke tlosks satiikday night 10s0 free delivery 1iionk 158