Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Jun 1936, p. 6

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paoksix the acton free press thursday june 4th 103a ake ale the cbixdken int the darkness falls the wind 1a high dense black clouds nil the western oky the storm win soon begin the thunders roar the lightnings flash hear the great round raindrops dash are all the children in theyre coming softly my side their forms within my arms hide no other arms are sure the storm may rue with fury wild with trusting faith each little child with mother feels secure but future days arc drawing near theyll go from this warm shelter hero out in the worlds wild djn the rain will all the cold wlnda blow ill kit alone and long to know are all the children in will they have shelter then secure where hearts are waiting strong and sure and love is true when tried or will they find broken reed when strength of heart they 50 much need to help them brave live tide god knowt hi all his will lr bctt ill shield them now and yield the rest in hk must righteous hand sometimes souls ho loves arc rlvrn hy tempests wild and thus are driven nearer the better land menu hints kectpea iw new and naval dishes llmisiihem irtms ul ilw lit gins at uilkakfast by barbara brooks sivc time by giving ms thirty hilnutea for eating breakfast was the startling contribution of one busy buri rta mun to jlicuaslon cf pet tlmu savers ifo ucnt on to explain that had not alwas ul lowed himself icl uf yuai nrrv and her daughters now reside there the rear lot was sold as the site of the shoe factory building about eightyfive years ago when th orand trunk unwao being comi true ted from toronto to sarnla tho stallou yards for acton were laid out in uujso early days uie convenience of the rail way its sidings and switches were evid ently carefully considered but any con sideration of tho comfort or convenience of the public woo manifestly never in liih rroodlea of he projectors of the roue tho station was planted about midway between mill and queen streets at the cant end were cattie yards and oil sheda and tool houiie and freight shed with 110 passageway to tho station except on the railway track itself at the went end there was the big woodshed with cap acity for three or four thousand cordl cf wood with woodrackij bcildo the truck and bclween them and the track line the scmaphoru luitl wen trctchod no plaoe but the truck on which to kt to tho station from mill ijtreet then to make mat tent mere inconvenient und dangurou tho water tank woj located near mill treut in winter time there uiu guihtr of ice for ten feet around it und in summer time caiuutnt drip of water to ipoll the spring millinery and delicate costumes of pussengors who inadvertently passed in or out to the station by that route later the link win moved in to the end of the station platform many 11 tumble took place there by unwary pii ucngcrs whs were unfamiliar with the slippery place where poor sinner uur supposed to stand mindly wlicii the present station iupplimted lie old ilmuk which had done duty for half century line new tank wmi constructed on metal frame on property outside the rall wal llmlli und hydrunti adopted for iup plying the engines but even water tank for railway enhlnta had their dny and couple yearn on thlt tnnk wni tor and coffee and fruit juice snabcher that was plenty of breakfast he argued he never felt hungry until lunch time the fact that he wad usually rustless and often found it impossible to concentrate on uie word at hand he attributed tlwr strain of modern living from time to timc this man took clock of his habits lie occasionally made few resolutions thingti were going to be different in the future he finally asked himself why am slow starter why does it take me most of uie morning to get into the stlrde of the days work was moresleep needed daily dozen half hour in tlie open what about brcakfaut there was an idea lie lik ed to eat breakfast when there was time ho enjoyed cereals eggs ham hot breads he would have to watch lifcj walstune ho supposed if lie began euting sood old fashioned breakfast but he remembered that ills luncheon was heavy meal that coukl well be cut the some bhhig for breakfast program began with the full cooperation of his wife she refrained from any ltold youso advice and furthered the plan with attractive varied menus day after day readytoeot cereal was the breakfast mainstay she kept several klndti on liand and served them with different kinds of fruit to give plenty of variety cereal and fruit with rich whole milk and coffee made substantial breakfast incidentally it was an easy oiw to prepare egg ham bacon other meats ash wattles hot cakes muffins or tcjmffc were some of the surprise items which appeared one at time but at regular intervals perhaps it is the surprise element thab does it but says our buslnm man find mjwlf ulde awake when it ki time to get up wondering wliat we arc having for breakfast strangely enough dont get up much earlier now than before but have ample time for lei surely breakfast that seems to get the paceforthetnrlretlat tnrrrteadytr work uhen ret to the office and my mind stays on the jb until comeono fiuggestii knocklni olf for bite of lunch many of have learned the ulsdom of ittartlnt uie day ulth an enerfrj rvlntf brcjkfajt here are some uhole famlly menus which make good begin uliifl just to leave in hji dear hand little things all uo cannot understand all that stings just to let him take the care sorely pressing finding all we let him bear changed to blessing this all and yu the way marked by him who lovct thee best secret of happy day secret of hb promised rest when read uijf news lust week that the kfennoy boys had sold their uioc store and were retiring it brought back many memories thoy were the oldest business men en the stret und well de serve few years of leisure jack started out to be printer as lad but the roller making and all night work on the newspaper of those days proved too much for him he found the shoe business more to ha liking and uos quite successful and gocd cltlacn bui has stuck wjihhu last well and found time to devote to pall pairs church work and things about the town theyll both have bit more time now to gather ultli some more of us old chaps on the corners and hope they ii be spared many years of enjoyment in tlve town that hou known them so well was also interested in the nnnjversary arrangements at the unludclwlrch the ranks are getting pretty thin of tho who were at that opening of the new kirk nlxty years auo ill be of course interested in the lfctorlcal booklet thoy ore setting ready still have copy of the one of knox church back in 1005 when uielr new church uos completed ill have to plan leave of absence lo attend one or more of the services in th anniversary time tiia boul of mixed cereal corn flakes bran flake rice krlplc sliced hananaii oman sugar whole milk llacon bran bruits iiuhjt colfcc or cocoa fruit juice wliole wheat ueadjtoeat cereal whole milk or cream urfgi scrambled ulth dried lleef clniuiinon huns coffee or corou llerrle or other milt in su on corn makes wliole milk or cream ilran wuiiils or oriddle cake honey coffee or cocoa bacon bran biscuits cup ullbran cup bliuermllk cups flour tcutpoon baklna poutter teaspoon soda teasivwrn halt tableau oiw crup dried bacon tablespoons coouhi bacon fat soak ullbrun in buttermilk sift riour baking powder uuiu and salt to uether cut hi diced bacon und bacon fat until mixture like coarw corn inoal add 4ouked allbran stir until dough follows fork around bowl turn onto rloured board ktvead lightly few ecunds roll or pt to bich thlcknos oid cut with poured cutter baku oil lightly greased pall ul itob ovoll t4io degrees about lj mhiutc4 hut must act on ulth own histoij cf acton the lait block on the souti bide of mill street ut of the otr jjxds betueen guelph and fellou streets uiui in the early dajs of acton htitory after the siibdlvlton of thb cec tlon of the adam farm into loti uoodvard uhen itaiisom adam piled the wood he id nnnunll to the grand trunk ruiluuy for fuel for their locomo tives ior thlrt jears after the ro id uas built through acton all trains uer 11 dljr2ti itil hiul at ton the largcit source of tupplj of the plendld beich and maple umw1 betueen toronto and bt rat ford about sixty ilan ago mirs stafford und mdvln zliumrrnian dcrmd nt actons eirly iyttlers uho built the jlrat umnerj erecwd here built the hou now occupied by mn john olbbciu and mr hugh campbf 11 audher daughter tht lived then tor time but uere union thoaj uho uerc attracted bj the ikjoiii of the utstern touni and sold out and ucnl rut to portage prairie mun mr pml jurvji iul lumllj lived hi for lime after the marriage of thel daughter ti mr william shuu miller mr und mr jiirvls rcmoud from at um th nekt purchuer um mrii jenni ii cuineron tjhe en largest und improved the reldnce jihi by skillful arrangement of flower bed und shrubi und uell kept hiun made una cottage und ltj mirroiindlugt beauty spot uhlch at tracted evto visitor to town iu they left the oth grounds und stopped on mill strict the resltlence uui ulway kept neatly and attractively painted and uus for years one of acumi show plucei among our pretty homes the rear lot on church street wun securtd by mrs camerons son mr john cameron now cf oloversvllle he intended to build hlnuelf home then in furt uent so fur aa to put in the fouiidatlojvs but his plans were chansed and in removed to oloversvilli win mrs cameron became mm wotui und went to ivslde in oualph mr john olbbotu bcughftluf property he ivslded in lyvse cottag for number of years until lu purchatkd farm in lqucilng win iv he passed uwuy mrs olbboiui acton utation and tliat old station what place it was und what memories cluster about it little low frame building severely rec uuigular in ita outlines painted dirty drub aboul once in every taore of yean and tmoke colored and dirty inside and out between tlmcu whut place it was there wore living quarters at the west end of very limited quarters for the agent and hlii family sevenbynlne waiting room for passengers baggasa room about big enough fcr couple of good sused saratoga trunks and pair of oldfashioned carpet bagu and access to it only through the passenger waiting room the agents office ticket room and ope ru torn quarters had room about 10x112 and behind this was the lamp and oil room the first agent remember was john nie ahern he retired finally and bought the royal exchange hotel which stood where the bank block and creamery now utantl johnnie was good atatlon agent but not marked raiccostj as landlord for johnnie had too many friends who patronized the bar he died here enjoying general esteem and was mourned by many frlcndi at the suitlon jolinnlc ahern had notable staff patrick kelly and uikc otzellly ran the iwltchcs the baggage the uood rackn and carried the mall john euard of montreal was for time also on the job at the operators tabli were tim ttue and jack lanceley tim uent urong ulth drink jack lanceley entered the methodist ministry and be came one of tile shining lights of tin church he dlod in march 1000 at the age of flftjtuo years greatly mourned by thousand to uhorn he had mlnliilei ed after preaching fr thirty years mr lanceley uas great favorite when in acton and come pretty nearly marrying one of our brightest maidens but theres many slip tulxt the cup and the lip mr ahern uas surceetlid by thoma gunn thorough bujlncj man and papulir allle ulth shippers and pussni gers when he left ikty ytar ago to take the ugtlicv of the gtr ul bf me vllle the liiad of tlmt division our citijns gave him afartuell banquet at agiu tel and pn ntt him line gold uuteh it uas during lps term is ucrnt thai yiinckviuudl i1l1 udvent in acton he uus suiteh mun and came heri from montreal prlghtly young llighthmiiu after mr ounn came little willie june tlnioi ous mun uno see mt umat afraid to lilitr an engine vvhlth and ho vltt believed the station uus huunted ultti 1hutti then tame robert rae and he was character his crcnles called him bob he appeared to have the notion that his time during business hours did not all belong to bho tr though uie official paymaster paid hki salary in rjll every month ho contracted for tclo graph poles had an interest in the munufucuiro and placing upon the market the accoustlc telephone and during tho old scott act campaign near ly sixty years ago conceived it to be hu duty to publish the scott act review an untltcmperunce journal calciilitod to combat tlto arguments put up by tue fcjcee iacs and public opcaken in favor continued on page seven enwailkincfl istomhrej cress corns bunion salves to ua if youd like to aleejyctitfuly try bow of crisp kellogga corn fluke tt und milk lieforo retiring light wholesome euhy lo digest arid thai niutcli le kellogg flavor maurf them bvrryhodyn fuvoritc at all gro cers served in hotels restau rants dumigcurs everywhere nothing taks the piatm of corn flakes manitobas burbank may change prairie diet from prunes to pears frank skinner wins wide renown as horticulturist ky jf wright central ire canadian writer dropmore manitoba may pears may oust prune rrom prairie farmhome tubli if krmk skin ner manitobas lutber dm bank ijcta hli way itanchcr farmer horllculluriit skinner ha experimented with plant breeding in manitoba ever kinte he came from northern scot land and lud hii firt tate of prune and rangcridini on the wctern ilopej of the itidmj moun tain here 41 year ujio kifhteen yean aco he brought the firt siberian pear tree into manitoba in manitobas cljmate it felt at home from tho bejdnninu bih the frhlt wui the iirne as in si lerla too tough and thorny for tl table grafted on branch skinner scratched his head and wondered how he could jtt his siberian pear tree to have eatable pearu on it then he heard of alex younu and his pear tree nem brook alberta alex young farmer while in town one day lomo years uio bought himself lome pean alex ate the pears and plintrwl thnciuwht mlj iirowln tclfuekrl1ooiiedo rtcfoi fruit so skinner jiot branch from otic of youngs pear treeq and grafted it on to his own best si berian pear tree at dropmore the irraft came through the severe winter in fine shape and this nnnu it looks as if it will bear fruit in the fall if so it may mean the bcjinninii specie of pear hurdy in manitob1 and the pralrlo provinces cchcrally pears occupy only part of frank skinners lime goacre tract of his two sections of farmland is de voted entirely to horticulture lie crows lilies on larger scale than met manitoba farmers grown corn this year he has four acres of lilies scores of different varieties few years nifo hwas thought unlikely hint nnytmwtrofiier than tho native tiger lily would thrive outside hothouse in manitoba but skin ner has produced mnny luxuriant and hardy lilies with his max will lily produced by crossinj he won the cory cup awarded by the hoya horticultural society in london for the best hardy hybrid shown in 1031 it was the first time for the cory cup to come to can ada hit fnrmhomc and nursery more tlian 1500 miles north of either southern california or florida but his hardy hybrid roses look like pasadena and tampa se frank skinner founder of kc manitoba hardy punl nur sery and wrl in tor of many hew varlell amiable to ln western canu duki prnfrir he it bow aiiove will hut iuilful tf uly and with lite siberian per tree with vbleh lit now cxnerimentlnjr lections he bred them erosslnc orary diploma and his planui ore the native pralrlo rase with lux sought by growers from tho great uriant varieties from england lakes to the itock mountains europe and asia and his rose hobby which began at five age in scouand when his it ever since days of the indians exchanges seed with soviet below zero winters to bloom in ntovhcr found hjmlransplmiung cummer just as if theyd been doing her geraniums expanded in mani toba until he was forced lo turn it occ iv into business to defray the col because of climatic condluons now he gm tt bta uimilar to the canadian prairies ho imports many cceds and plants from northern asia lie exchanged seeds and bulbs with the soviet horticultural department in len incrnd the university of manitoba pre only one miss and this lad is an orphan business directory mkd1gax dr meniven physician and office and residence corner avenue and x3gln street dr nelson physician and svifaaa electro therapy phono dr wm cullen phyaielan and borgean office ilouro 14 and corner frederick and mill totephon 12s leoal phone ho 33 bed su harold nash farmer barrister solicitor notary pubba canrejanoes eto kufx bttteet aotom out houro 30 to la 00 noon 00 to 800 saturdaya 12 00 oclock kenneth langdon ttarrlster solleltor notary pal mi offices acton oeorfeetown over seynucks cx6 main street bl for appointments phono acton c6 oootsctown bfl office hoyrs acton tuesday thursday lltt mtcr4 80 tnga on request iv denial sargaun office in lelahman block houns until by appointment oas for extractions closed wednesday afternoon phon lif pearen dnial barfeasi moved to our new quarters in the symon hlock fhons 39 uiu street veterinary dr bruyns veichnary bargecn kione 135 acton ontario ohioo um blnet mi8ceulaneocs francis nunan bookbinder account books of ail kinds knadtf order ferlodlcals of rery daacxtpitea carefully bound hulln naauy and promptly done wyndhm street oualph oot general in wk btc1al1k in life fire health aud accident automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity bond annuities and all general lines 6f insurance also ocean steamship tickets leading comtaniks uxceixent taciotiks lion of ciuuula tot mbxsiu only fred lr wright acton ales sales km am fmhtnl tday fallow trolud by pilaud kaatiar are lowest hi eot with unerring aim robert footer icrcn years old of sheldon 111 picks off bulb which outltn his fathers figure againat target th youngutera accuracy with rifu de spite the fact ihat he hat wiily five motitha experi ence undr ki father guidance anuaee exprti

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