Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Jun 1936, p. 5

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rttobsday junk ul 1938 the acton free press pacdc fxvb jrenmmafa wis hazel bell visited at her home at harrlston last weekend mr rldffway of detroit mich visit ed friends here over the weekend mr and mrs oamble ken more visited acton relatives and friends nt clara gait and miss isabel lantx ouelph apent sunday at their heme here mrs lee attended the funeral of her sister mra taylor at moffat on thursday mr and mrs aubrey allan of detroit spent decoration day weekend with relatives here mr and mrs it sd wards oeorge town attended the funeral of mrs taylor atr moffat mr stan coy of gait and mr ray gordon toronto visited acton fijenda cfurlnjr the weekend mr and mrs laird mcdonald and son of detroit mich spent the week end holiday at his home here mrs elliott and mrs creasy of comber are visiting with messrs and elliot here mro smith and miss pearl smith left yesterday for visit in van couver and othe western points mr and mrs john kennedy betty and donald of detroit mich spent the weekend at the home of his mother rev dr milton morrow and mr jas reed are attending the sessions hftttilm contoranoe of th churcblntnimlwon this wjek mr and mrs mason left yesterday on motor trip to wooeoter kaass where they will visit with mrs masons mother mrs algle and her sister there mr and mrs sutcllffe and shirley and mr and mrs george iuh mann ellnore and prances anne of detroit sient the american holiday atr the home of mr and mrs lantx on wednesday mr and mrs hell attended the graduation exercises in convocation hall university of tcroa 10 where their niece miss florence allison was in the graduating clajd of dental miisea mrs wright and mrs peter mcxsaac leave tonight and sail to mar row on tin andanla for vbjlet in the old xjuid mrs wright spend the summer in england and mni mcxsaac uill visit in scotland the engagement ki announced of ella ma younger daughter of mrs knight and uu lute john knight ot ouulpli to jolui alvhi elder son of jjr and mrs ryder arkell the marriage to taker place late in june mrs robert macarthur of tnt psk pkicss taff underwent an operation on monday for appendicitis friends will be pleaded to leam that her progrcis has been satisfactory tit the ouelph general hcpluil and wish her peedy recovery mrs james reed and mm ukar who accompanied their sister mrs atlee llridges and ller daughter mjbj louise arrived at cranbrook after wonderful trip covering 3soo miles they called at st louis wayne ymvun city alio pikes peak colorado springs denver salt lake city yellowstone park mrs uccd and mw near will re turn by train mens clothing furnishings ezcujsivk but not exrnsitk george wallace 123 tongb st toronto bfcta kdh hjm announcement after this week we will be locat ed in the bright and commodious offices in the cooper block form erly occupied by the acton beauty parlors we will be pleased to meet our friends and cheats at our new quarters wright insurance boy scout news wessengfcft caimtured again ruiuil wcilnger 31 yearold fugitive from the ouelph reformatory was cap tured on saturday afternoon when he was mirprusd by bowmanvllle pollen officers tuo miles northeast of ponty jwtl hwl ttfnnrwl nt fnrm wiiere lie had been sleeping in an out building and was about to leave in stolen car hen police arrlvrd weimugir was driving maroon colored sedan which he told pcltce no liad stolen from avenue rood toronto it is ounsl by copeland of tor onto chief of police sydney vnton high way trarflc ortlcer ed purvis and reeve jonw of uoumonvllle acting on information from pvterboro police went in tctrch of wuniter they arrived at the farm uhere he was believed to be juit uhen wezencer woa maklruf plans leaio premium percheron stallions for iho season of 1038 the premium stallions by truck to any breedera saxxi by appointment terms to insure colt wltfc at time of ser vice balance payable february 1st parties breeding two or more mares will be allowed reduction these are pair of outstand ing staluoras anyone wishing to breed percherons should see these hozsea por further information phon or write william bkennen tt no milton una italian 15trtl gregory theatre fxudjly junk su spcll mlln kl is in old kentucky youi loxt oppariujtity to utf whjt rooeaa in future pic ture oomcdy slup tfclk chill ier 11 loift jungle satuujjay jcnk gul she couldnt take xt delightful oomedydrama star ring joan ucnnett aiwl oeorgo uafti comody hot monfcy science no vox new monday jjnt 8us rosb marie afagnlflornt outdoor musical romance coatarring joanette mc donald and kekon iddy car toon sheep itun shcp oomkno thb ghost goes west the second annual display is over from on entertainment viewpoint it was quite uuccess but as money making venture it was complete flop num ber of the audience proclaimed it the best shdw of the season but this is dull satis faction when it also drew the poorest crowd party of scouts from the 3rd ouelph troop under scoutmaster broth ers took part in the knotting and signal ling competitions and put on fire by friction demonstration the agony hour under the anli direction of mr charles klrkness proved to be an amateur contest for the cubs and scouts the prise wan eeaionij ticket to the local ball games and was won by blllle vincent mr james algle turned in his usual star performance on his comet and tho applause of even so timall an audience demanded two encores the hit of the evening was mr herbert king the magician whose performance was breathtaking among variety of other feats of magic he produced rabbits from rolled up newspaper and pigeons from flaming gasoline mr george elliott of milton halloa representative to the provincial scout council attended the concert and upoke briefly the scouts appreciate very much the assistance of the acton concert orches shower foh rr1detore on yiday evening group of friends gathered at the home of xlr and mrs jam3 miorv creuons comers to lioiior their daughter mha lauretta and mr norman velt prior to ihelr marriage after short proaram consisting of puno uolo by norman wright vocjl ho by mr jori whiuuim hktrumental numbers group mls jabvphliu mckeoun on bthalf or the frltndj in feu uell cltojn uorb pre nted the oung ctwple with bjs kets of lovel aiuirunrful giu alurr tlie gifts had bwii oiictuyj the bride tobe th uuh taken by burpru bruny thankfd her iiiuiiy friends for uielr ktndncu atrr all hlngiig tic ttlrv are jolly oood wlloit the remainder of uic evening was tpent in kan4 atid munw miter which dcllglitful lunch was enjoyed by all cockerel lbs or over at weeks mrs st01u5y tl simcoe out started 11 bray chicks new llamp uiirw this spring slie kilsed 507 tlw day tliey were weka old there uant cockerel lcs than lbs in tlio flock many werj over ibn some up to 3i most of uu pulltls were ibi winie up to the even lbfl and ull ere wonderfully well feith erid thli ia the kind of growthlneju and vitality you want hi your junehatclwd chlckn it brings the pullcti into nroducllon while can prices axe huw ub the high leveb and ylves your dckeriu the kind of tlnbth uiat oinmaudi top nurket prlcu ilray fcliicki ofwother birecu are ihoultig the joiiui of thrlftl ncis tti ryulu hie tua that ai mil rg uruy chleka litreu inuly pular our end tl jajjin iirlct are very attractive fred bray limited chick hatchery geo brown ajrent noaval otn tra company under tho direction or mr charles mason which presented rome very tine musical selections the scouts are particularly appreciative to mr ict hmii tclng th ma mtj algle the ouel oeorge klhott who came from out of town at their own expense and gave bhelr serviced free of charge the poor attendance was disappointing to the boys and discouraging to their leaders it was hoped that the rcoclptd of the concert would help provide funds for the summer camp but unions some thing unexpected turns up the propechl of holding troop camp are very re mote softball league for the district organized and schedule drawn up for season has six teams in group acton district softball league has been formed with dr buchanan as president norman klulck secretary and the captains of each team forming the executive the nrot games schedul ed were rained out but third is ar ranged for friday night the follow ing is the complete schedule monday june 1st dublin vs unity club postponed rain tuesday june 2nd tannery vs lown postponed rain jriday june sill llmehouac vo lirnc rifles monday juno 8th unity club vs tannery tuesday juno 0th town vs x4mo house imday juno 113 th clorne 111 flea vs jduhlin monday juno 15th dublin vs luno hoose tucuday june 16th unity club vs town 5rlday juno loth lome llifle1 vs tannery monday june 22nd tannery vs unwhouse tuesday juno 23rd town vo dublin alday june 26th unity club vs lome stifles monday june 29th torne itlfles vs town tuobday june 30th lamchouse vs unity club ividay july srd dublin vs tanitry monday july gth unity club vs dublin tuesday july 7th town vs taiuery july iflth ymr tu tilrnrr more rambling round in runabout iturc looked like different ball team out there on saturday than played against milton tho mortons bus and norm had three hits apiece with anderson and waterhouse two each acton capitalised well on their hits scoring lo runs on 14 hltn while george town got but runs on lo hits the georgetown diamond is skinned now and makce it twice as easy to play ikirry but we jut havent tike heart to rub it into uic neighbors agout that 102 trimming noted canadian artist dead sick brown told my wife the needed new lutt yesterday green you told her that good gracious what did she nay brown she ald you sit down quietly dear while phono for the doctor notice to creditors ttie creditors of william held multln late of acton itetlrcd farmer who died on the eighteenth day of may 1933 are required to end to the undersigned solicitor their full names address and description full particulars of their clalnw and the nature of the securities if any held by them and ufltrtotlee being given pursuant to section 51 of the trustees act iim 1027 chapter 150 notice is hercoy given tliat on and after the fourth day of july 19 the exccutoni will proceed to distribute the asscte of tlwr said william held mullln among the parties legally entitled thereto and they will not be responsible for any claims of which they have not then rocclvcd notice dated thls fourth day of june ad 1u35 thomas uailtlirrt muultn and xxmtne alonzo mulun ex ocu torn by farmea acton ontario their solicitor 493 jnsuranmj fire car accident sickness etc harrop hflextfcstftatrve gre ubtrlot mutual norwich untoa cakiadliu it insajraued cunljiaiiy tha auiaim aicurtum od vhs caaualiy el cmlnula aterarauee the merehakiu caaaauy th kwtagelawmirid mutoaj auction sale 30 head hokiteiti ayrshire anil durhiim frctih cowu and sprinjjjerw tliu pniittj of ii clrulkim uill bi sold ut oilmans tail 111 i0u kmiuc11 north of glen williniiw tues june at 00 it hi cow covirfd by dominion gov rmment ujt cluut and have boin lu rutrlutcd ara sliice lirii monday july 13th tannery vs tfnlty club tueodfly july 14th xjmehoiise vs town friday july lvth thiblln ulrtus ftines mondiiy july 20tli iimehoa dublin tuesday july trlst town vs unity crub friday july 34th tannery vs lbriu luflcs monday july aith jumoliouso tannery tuesday july sstii dublin vs t6wn friday july 31st lome rifles vs unity club tuesday august 4th town vs kmc rifles thursday august fith unity club tjmchou friday august 7th tannery vs dub jin final meeting of season held the duke of devonshire chapter of the iode me on tuesday evening with mro dryden at the home ol mr and mrs ii holmes this was the last meeting until the fall items of business transacted included tlw appoint ment of repnsenuiilves of the order to tile ymca womens associate board tlw appointees were mbs beunetv prudent mrs poaren and mrs madtae congratulatlonii were tendered tl teachers and pupils on the successful empire day concert and tiw balance of funds for this event were given for music purposes at the wliool donation uas nuuie to tho childrens ad society items ontlie prcgrain in cludeu piano duett by mrs diydiia and miss grsy and readings by mru wi pearen and mro mosaics the regent mrs niow frrailded lurtehrmrtd the concluding features legion church parade leflionnalrvii front acton and all the branches in zone 13 assembled in mlmlcj last sunday afternoon for the annual church parade thirteen xipglnn hrancjicj from nco toronto long branch prt crelit nrampton and towns of hnlton and duf ferln counties were represented over tluee hundred veteram drcrcd in berets and decoration led by the toronto sa cadets bund the salvation army band cf toronto and the milton band puraded from tho legion clubhouse to the high school grounds uliere drum head yrvtce uas held ilev rinnis marsh of mlmlco offered prajer and rev canon major ii woodcock cr toronto delher ed the nermon tiic route of march to the service led via the mlmlco cenotaph uhere ureath uai placm in memory of fallen romrndes zone commander mcdonald traclon look th salute as the eteraiui marched back lo the cliibhoil or post 217 for dbimbsi tlicre uas fine npntntatlon from the acton branch ivmolw tlirouglicut tho world us painter of landscapes homer wataon died on saturday at hu homo in doon foe years travellers have been attract ed to his home and studio and lus work is represented in galleries throughout the world hum do gorge the kut guthorers tho flood gate and waning winter represent his work in the national gallery at ottawa when boy working in local brick yard mr watson received his start as an artkt when perlne fellow villager bought him box of pojnui with no artistic education at the urn iorrnrattgttiinuyrjuintprt vrtmigv as painter his first large landscape the pioneer mill painted when tie was 18 uiui bought by the morquio of lome then governorgeneral and now luuigs in windsor castle years of btudy in toronto and european cities followed for the joung artist who never lost tho influence exerted by tlie brilliant can adian landscape with ltu great trees ere an dtk ere baruwcll alta uotu thin ycara record for tho first official report on work on the land according to meiiitajfo rocelvod march 19 by tho agricultural department or tho canadian pacific hallway at witfnjpok tho carlleiu lat year woji from tabor alto which iian held the record for five years on march 21 woods grocery ttwu phone 37 specials for friday and saturday beehive syrup 2lb tin 5ib tin starches pkts durham corn j9c lb bulk so vanhxa extitact smaii bottti jar is peanut butter 12ms bottle 15o ol bottle 37c lb seedless jtajblns zso lbo pitted dates sic lb sunoityd oopttee 4ac lb vaopao ooffee 4so tin fancy pink salmon lc v4 tin fancy lied salmon lo botucs boaulall bleaoil uo lb wlttte beans so islb poclc potatoes sta 10 lbs 11edpath sugar hie ins ooldcn ycllou sugar zc beverly house beardmore residence now being tokn bown bv wickett wrecking coy tobonto lowest prices brickh plumbinff radiators doors sash flooring trim lumber cupboards laundry complete electric etc agent on site day and evenings arzei all tendkks wickett wrecking coy acton ontahio alfred mckay recently circled pronldent of tho southern alberta ploncem and oldtimorn aluoclatlou in one of tho two iturvlvink member of the nurvoy party which charted tho rouin of tho canadian paciric hallway acrovi pralrloi and mountulnn in 38801885 interviewed at victoria re cently neal vlcoproul dont ot woiitcru llnoi canadian pacific tlullway ntatod that ho anticipated one of tho blckent travel yearn in recont canadian hitfory there liad been ho ftnld subntantiat improvement in paiiieurccr travel buninehit iqju yoar which in oxpocted to con tinue thin yoar change in hotol manapomont in wptlern canada are announ ced by ii malhcwn reneral manager canadian jaclfc hdtel nyntem at follows lioa ter muiktttr noltt vancouver appointed asiiliitnnt koneral man aiter of tho companyn hotolit in wohtcrn canada mcceedlnc itohertion reiilimod colin pratt lnunaker palllner iiolol calrarv becnmcit monatjor hotel vancouver with js mylett mrceedinc lite pratt an manager of tho palliier not to ml shi one ulun murk luln uas very busy arltinir in hl itudj hl little datiuhter uked uhere tluddy uu and uu told she must quiet and not dl tnrb daddy btcauce lu ijililrti urlthist an ailecdnle nut long ufur the diuirbell ruuc mid the little girl ran to ansaer it the calli uskd if mr clemen uai in uhlch the little nilj proudly repjld yij dr he in but jou cant him ciuu hevi uuutr riding imnny kt donif kwh1 the only crtunly huppy uctlmi muni jtf iir philip ijld ne vuncouver inland known at thn historical cridlo of the paci fic xortlrwoiit it to he featured thl iiunimor hv ipecfil crulie nf he princes noruh of tho canadian pacific ii iiervlce which will malcn complete cir cuit of tho inland leavinfc van couver at pm july 13 for iieven day trip in the pathn of the early exploron during tlio winter iieaaon junt clo ted there wa wltneusetl tho creatimt step forward in nkmnf travel over recorded over gl 000 mora than fifth creator than laiit year mado jmirnoya over tho weekenil from montreal to ikl territory in the ijuiren tianii the innuntaln paradise to the north of montreal thoroughly covered by canadian pacific itailuay man came from cltloa in thii kaiteni rnuci statos to enjoy tho nport nine weeks have been named and urruiud for uncouvei colden jubilee celebration pro per this iiuniiner but the feitlvl tlei will cover the whnlu iteiutnn and are oxperted to ittiact vlilt iini from all over the world one of the hljli llihth ull he the enictlnir of the anlval of the first canadian pieirie train half imitury ajo thirteen short kuiopean crul tie from ih it lull porci will be made between mav and oatobur by tho canadian pucirie ilnern mon ichiro und montcalm thih ear tho llaltlc ami the muli lerruneiu will he luvtjred olou iuhv in tlunie voyajieri mr hudgin stylus aujipful nfrrtiiituttv tf tip top tailors limited will be here friday june 12th on the above data man vill have an opportunity inapactingr an outstanding collection of british woolens for the new season tho tip top representative will also interpret london and new yorks latest style trends for men and women unrostrictedchoice of those superior fabrics hnd cutting and tailoring to your indi vidual measure emphasize tip top tailors more for your money policy feel free to consult with tho tip top representative pall ants clothingstork acton

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