Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Jun 1936, p. 3

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thursday junk 4th 1038 the pjt fcton free press household hints by hhs maby mouton menn iiln cold meat platter potato salad hot rolls olives nut 11 uiojfj sour cream chocolate iltu coffee luncheon buffet supper or picnic meal is suggested thi luit pork veal lamb or beef ni be utilized for the cold cula or you have an assortmon of hum md ea usages ofvarloui klndi ut jinj to your needs tho nut fij bruid may be served an chanji with thi hot rolls it makes nice andwic school lunchci fui too for picnics today recipe potato salad two pound pott xh two koher dill pickle ntn and cmfourth cup looked ilirl drvhiititi lioll potatoes in jlilkil iakiri cool and cut in hilfhtrh dice add diced picklci iind if di one small onion iritid mix lijmty with the uilad dressing sevi cold serve cljiht to ton nut fig uruad one nod onoi ilf cups white flour three tejlpooni baking ponder one teaspoon iall two cuprf lraltan flour onehalf cup brown fcucar oiielulf cupdilul filij onehalf cup nut meats one kli onu and onehalf cup milk sift white flour measure and mfl with baking powder dud sult miusurc graham flour and add to whitu with brown sugar mix lightly together add tin and nut meabj beat egg add mlllc and btir in dry ingredients beat well turn into greased loaf pan let stand 20 minutes bake in slow oven 323 degrcci about 50 minute sour cjrcam chocolate cake one cup sour heavy cream one cup uaar two eggs one teaspoon vanll irnct mr uhu cups pastry flour one teaspoon bak ing powder onefourth teaspoon soda threefourths teaspoon salt two squares unsweetened chocolate melted place sour cream sugar fggs and flavoring in mixing bowl beat well sift together dry ingre dients and add to first mixture miy well and bake in medium hot oven the cap of bottle will bot umacw easily wrap rubber band around it ewj tnnri you wid find lku wifl genetthy your fingeh enough grip to unscrew tbtf can not eiis boute an old negro was taking civil ser vice examination for the position of rural nuul carrier one of the questions asked was mow far is it from the moon to tho earth the old daxky exclaimed ef youall is winter put me on that route ie rculgnlng before begins every great mind oceks to labor for eternity all men arc captivated by lm mediate advantages sreat minds alone are excited by the prospect of distant jjood schiller dinner stories now what salesman was eloquent about tho merits of certain vacuum cleaner but tho woman of tho house wasnt impressed she suggested that he talk less and show her what the machine could do ho took off hw coat flttc up the cleaner thrust his arm into tho chimney of the open fireplace and brought out big handful of soot which he scattered over tho parlor ujljp 3ff jlrpss art tnrg after the fog by emtl iteed selveits carpet he then shoveled some hey from tho grate and sprinkled them over the rug adding bjg ianattimxtauitaaasi jwnba nj3darrdut tbetoooic thenar it yt liw then he smiled and rubbed his hands now ho said til show you what this vacuum cleaner coil da youll bo surprised madam where the electric switch switch echoed the surprised woman wo use gas and then kilk was silent well known woman who was asked to public function was as signed place between bishop and rabbi eager to bo the lady of the moment she said feel as if were leaf between the old and tho new testament to which the rabbi responded that page madam usually is blank as pope attended press conference here ii splendid picture of hli holiness pope plus xi mad recently at the vatican he visited the komun catholic press oxliioluott scotts scrapbook by scon patfienf ih bed wrftf ofepse sonfar ukg frequewrv mql of europe fwo xiaoh otd tmo uumxm 1cactl 4000 yxou lfcalt4aovenfcd bmj ifla lie dymxjfv li imtfct fcwhh uustlim heavy gray fog blanketed the campus wendell todd return ing to tlio dormitory after nundwlrh and coffee at downtown res taurant almost bumped into tho corner of tho old kinds building the fog was so thick uiat ho could hardly boo hfa hurd before his face as thick as am in altfebra ho reflected and chuck led wltliout amusement head down he followed tlie campus path to willtlx hull ulutr ocncfid cobb uiu night waulmuui uasstanding in tho lighted lobby xtood night wen dell said the latter wouldnt call it much of nighf declared the student not many people around suppose youre tho rut ftlloj ivo seen in nn hour just been down town for blto to cat have to study into the wee umiill iwurs xicneral wendell hurried uitairs to hti room on the second floor hung his raincoat in tlw closet ttnd rat down reluctantly at the mahogany desk in one corner textbook in advanced alglbro lay open on tluj top of the desk and he shook hkt flat at it youre ruining nvy cawjer he remarked aloud he rested ills chut hi hb cupped opened and richard jones came in he teas uio ranking honor student of the senior class and wendell regarded him enviously how about renting your brains for couple of days he asked name your price hick wish could onuwered the other still plugging on algebra todd yts wendell leaned back clamp ing his handa behind ills head richard knew the whole story but wendell felt that it uould be relief to tell it ovxr again advanced algebra is second term ivcshman subject he ttaid alowjy took it as freshman and failcd repeated as sophomore and failed and did the same thing as junior toow in ecnlor year im taking it again and liavent cluuice hi the world to pans do you think bntlsley will stick you again its au inevitable as the morning sun wtndcll spoke wltli bitterness knew the tituff last year ride but was flunkr od know it better now but 111 be flunked again thats hard luck richard sym patliljfud wlsli that could take uic exam for you brakley been ivere at college for thirty ycaru wendell coiitinuod he prides himself on hu honesty and con scicntlousncmfl in sophomore year ttawr me fiftynine wlun sixty would have passed me last year it woii fifty eight if you dont piss tomorrow you wont graduate will you no means anotlter car in collcfe doesnt it yes said wendell his voure hard ened brakley has had it in for mn ever lince ireiliman year hes old you know and he prejudices xl tlio gray haired professor uiat by failure to pass in freahman subject wtmdcll would bo deprived of tlio lionor of gradu ating with hu class brolsley was un movablu in his adherence to tlio faculty regulation which required sixty per cent passing mark hell titlck mo on wedneuday sure as fate reflected wen dell bitterly it isnt lair sense of injustice swelled within him uiul hli growing raxntment ugilnst the proftssor ilarod into soothing desire for reprisal tour years ho argued ivo played square now its up to me to jet passing mark in any way can he glared into tho fog which prvucd against the window remembering sud denly that srauiey was at tho loeture and wculd not retain for an hour or two the professor lived in cornw room on tlu ground floor of the fculy club wltli whidows lookhig dlroctly upon the campus wendell know that one of thott windows would be open even on foggy night for bralsley in campus par lance was freshair ilend it would bo an eauy matter to klip through the win dow and search uio open room for exam ination questions wendells eycti narrowed sometlilng strained and tuut gripped tlio young man and his lips becajxitf suddenly dry he xftmmutmhjithiolyriozihave become another person he wan not tlie captain of varsity team who was looked upon as tquarc player but ratlvcr scheming stranger ho liad iwvcr known bent oil vengeance upon an enemy who would offer no quarter he crossed the room and drew on hls sllcker wltli his felt liat drawn far aver hfcj eyes lie slipped from the room cloulng the door quietly suspecting uiat uie generul would bo in the lobby ho went down tlie back buuts and out cf uie side door of the dormitory the fog closed around him ears alert he shuffled down side path around tlie rear of uic old kings building he come eventually to the nondescript building wlilch housed the bachelor membera of tlie faculty light flickered over tlie front porch but lie glided past it like bhadow and turned left toward the window of professor brulslcyj room when he was few feeli away lie he saw that it was open few indies his face wa1 wet with thonuut and hfcj hands felt clammy wendell waited minute or liis eager eyes searching the room on the centre desk was stack of papcm held down by an ivory weight hie exam are tliere he de cided lie raised the window slowly and climbed into the room tapping to one side so that he was beyond the square of light calmly and deliberately he step ped to the table and ufud tlie paper weight as he had guced uie sheet beneath it uere mimeographed copies of tlie examination in advanced algebra he ploked cne from the centre of the pile folded it and jammed it into hii pdeket thk uar almat too easy he reflected tlie professor would never notleuie missing pper without conscious impulse lie uent it the vindou and dropped to the ground into tlie safety of the fog pausing to pull down the frame until it was open onlv feu inches kven if uomo cno should iour studki richard ualkcd to the door and hesitated mnj be you got bnililey wronj todd but anjwuj uood luck ib ncthllt mumbled wendell he picked up pencil and jotted doun wiiiil fufureu on large sheet or paper he found 1l almost lmpowible to tudj htmevt qnd lifter uboul iiruenuiiuuiw he dlclded that he uar simply uftuld ulth alnebra my minds in fog ne doeiint like me and nothing in the uifl uorld could persuade lilm to pass mf jones nodded thoughtfully iti ttrane though hes queer old codger but people ficem to respect him ia him going to the lecture at abbot hall mlct him now there would be no danger ionlght well id btltcr leavo jou to he could say that he had been dowi wn for cup of coffee there uar procure uiwn hli forehead and ht templu throbbed he ihulfled foruurd uutomitlcill unui he reached the sld tntrance of the dormltor then he hur ried upjitilr and into hli room he hung his co it and hat in tlie clarlt drew the examination paper from hl ull and totodlt thi dett fner downuard btutid at the he ached for th sjld aloud paper but his ejc drifted to tlu picture he glancld around the rwjm which uu virsity footbill team on the wall had been his home for the greater pi be fort him and rested there he ia ni the patt four years on the uall in him if in the centre of the croup hold front of him wan picture of the arity ng football upon the surface of widen football team with hlnvelf in the centre uere liuxrlbwi the flgurls riirltan 13 holding the ball bslde itva the steelten tech celebration had beui senior council of which he was mem hlld after the victory and uil dean jf her on the other lde the senlor chu nun speaking from the stejvt of wulett officers he uus vicepresident of hl hall had referred to wendell todd the and the other men liked hljn he team captiln as man who could be uas leader on athlete and ti good depended upon to play the game tudent except for algrfmi bnibley his eyi wldtned and thi prttur however professor charles ii bnusley iigulnt hls forehead relaxed though of the department inatheiuutlet would wn ne had removed tui invisible iiand flunk him and lie uouldnot graduate he felt on if he had just awakened from wendell stood up and walked over to vlild dream in which he had plajcd the window kneeling on the window part which was altogether dbh norable seat he rested hl elbows on the sill and after moment wendell picked give way to moody reflection his fopj the txuniinutfoii pnper and gnzed ut it ars ef college had been happy ones blunkly the typcwas uirneel downward with the ulnglc exception of algebra hi and he could not read the queetloiu hud mastend hliltlvons raiily algebra suddenly he knew thut even though hb wau his nemesis liowever lie hael no college degree depended uiion it lie could mind for mathematics and simply couu not jitoop to cluatlng milst have not cojw with uie intricate problems pro been all ui fog he thought sen ted with clearly functlcnlng mind lie btlll he had irled he hod almait drew on hlt imt and cout and left the made tlu grade us bophomoiv and room uguin in junior year man int ex was his plan tn blip through tlv uctlng tlun profeior bralsley would omii window and return the exumlna have paed htm after all wendell wai tion quastons but wli he readied the paper lie was obligated to return it to its owner with fantbealtmz heart ho entered the house and knocked lightly upon the door of the professors room the elderly man greeted him imper sonnlly showing no aurprtto the late ness of hlsvkilt yvluu can do for you todd7 he asked wendell reached into his pocket and drew out the rumpled sheet of paper want to give this back to you he said evenly it 1b copy of thc advanced algebra questions for the examination tlio professors fac was inscrutable where did you get it stole it from your room about half hour ago had intended to use the qucstloiirj so as io pass the exams but when got back to uie dormitory jusl couldnt do it why ive always played square said wendell want to graduate of course but not by cheating the professors faded cjeslooked down upon uic paper have jou read uie question toddt no sir the professor looked up and wendell found it hard to meet his eycs what do you think ought ia do about it dont know said wendell its mutter whlch requires tliought tlie elderly man tore the paper in hah and tossed it into waotebusket you 111 report for examlnauon tomor row he mild sliall make known my decision uien wendell nodded im sorry sir he suld tlie gray fog enfolded him hi its wet embrace as he made his way to the dormitory once hi his room lie closed the algebra book wlui gesture of final ity undressed and tumbled into bed he eupt fitfully and the next morn ing reportenl for tlie examinations jpvjg still hung over uie campus but it had llscold dampness yet wendell weloom ed uie comparauve warmui of uie class room he sat down at one of uie front desks devoid of pc but grimly resolved to ice uie affair tlirough at tlu stroke eight uie grayhaired professor advanc ed to the front of the platform small notebook in his iiand as is my usual custom he announced tonelcudy sliall read the names of uiose who be cause they have attained honor marks are excused from taking the examina tion he paused and murmur or expectancy arose from uie waiting students tliere are four men this year he continued joluiran iishbeln miller and wendell todd the tnen arose happily and stalked from the room but wendell remained in his place tliere must be some mistake lie tcld hlniielf he looked up and found uu instruc tors eyes upon him you may be ex cused tod said professor braiajey wendell nodded uncertainly replaced his pencil in his pocket and btumbled from the room he uas man hi duu but wlien he readied uie campus he noticed uiat uie fog was clearing and uiat the sun was breaking uurough the shadowing trees salada orange pekoe blend has by far the finest flavour salada free gilson furnace amazing robot heat control with everuj for immediate acceptance onlv will give free with order for gilon furnace robot autoanauc heat control regular price 20m the robot never forgets it regulates drafts better than you can do it yourself saves fuel tust set it to the heat you want no electricity needed no upkeep cost the robot works on any hand operated furnace optional free gift automatic humidifier gilson furnaces keep you warmer wjb now for wtiomf boos gllsoa purai vlll uo you toor hmt knd uv fuel bill sturdily built to fvi ol service wann houio ftf 73 bolow zero wtetj it dtt below no iroquou v1i ii wile froni vel gtnr our bol qtiiw comftwubly bti with tb jxmoth sued 1oui sicoulo vl cjfm ont easy fo own gilson low tum small bow eiy trwmd kbuii down drnea end nonthly jmymtou may you will ttvr tnits them will put gummi punuice in your born by turln now you wl feobot llekt control or auloeuue iuoii4lficr poat kolui thi wtiodghul opportunity vufice oflmaambpttdd air coodltlonlnjr coal xllowcr telectxlc wuherd klectrle tttrlcntoc commercial bcr iceratlort counter xci cream preeact mooney acton canadians and their industries and tiibxr bank fruit growing through with nmthtiiiatica for life wits tultliiif unoure in joumaliiui whitn iwilllred little uclmlcttl knowledae of thi tiring ruuhy however luul uncompromu liiitly iwui hliii to dcilnltc uu durd aiuucntly it uicuul nouihiif to faculty club ji eitw to bin diitiiiuy that the profeiihot had conu buck from tilt lecture wclltiell ittood uiiocruhily hi the fctf tetlhig liiniiwlf tliut uil lu licd x1 to do wilit tu ttcntioy tlu paper more tlun unit liownver jir doclovd wixn iubtxj of him having tolcil tlu aitll grower iiciio pcicr hows the grape business grape growik pretty fair jonaihan how arc apples apple grower lilewisc nf young trees arc growing hle weeds and the old outs are in fine condition an btjnng well again and my financial side is good too ive paid ot my loan for seedling at the ilinl of montreal jnd the ilinl lias agreed to help me marlet my crop grapi guowik io youre another cus tomer of that bank im not surprised though the way it talcs are of us dont have to worry about credir the bank knows always keep my agreements with them you will remember jonathan tliat enlarged my vineyard last year utid the bank financed oiy new posts and wire some of the bnls services used by fvuie growers business chequing accounts sav nigs accounts trade and credit information domestic and foreign closest rates on araer ton and all classes of foreign excliatige special wire facilities to speed transactions safekeeping of securities safety deposit boxes money orders letter of credit traveller cheques banking by mail bank of montreal lstaul1s11ld 1817 itu ad ofuct montutial actort branch phaser mmuger uoiiun vthcltnt uamking sul vcth outcom of vials iucciui ohtioh

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