Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Jun 1936, p. 1

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fcfte jvttim sixtyfirst year no 49 acton ontario thursday june 4th l3 eight horribprint pages five cents acton trimmed georgetown saturday by score of 102 revenged their form of last week and play headsup baseball georgetown had some costly errors both pitchers were southpaws and both had seven strikeouts georgetowns two runs came in the fourth brampton to play in acton on saturday acton nine visited georgetown on saturday and beat up tho local boyj 103 acton aa tho better team all day and kept ttteodlly piling up the score while tthe local lads were having vc uttle luck in crossing the plate with runa mcmahon and morton two south paws were the opposing pitchers acton started in right in the flrat frame to pound mcmahona offerings and counted three runti georgetown were kept well in hand by the acton boys who were doing very good job of fielding two more nine lea and sacrifice sent another tally over the pan for tlie acton lads while georgetown were again given big goose egg for their efforts in the third doubles by anderson and morton sent in another tally to brln actons total to five while georgetown another zero norm waa zbelngloucned fj3rsamehllbnufwltlt men on base he bore down and aided by good fielding kept theocsj boy well in hand the fourth saw acton retired in order while georgetown finally broke the loo and shoved across two runs two singled double and sacrifice doing tho trick the georgetown fari were jubilant and ngured it was about time acton blew up but everybody was playing headsup ball and cut the locals off at two singles by morton anderson and waterhouse resulted in another coun ter for the walter ilea mcmahon having trouble in getting tho ball past them and his fielders were not giving him nrt class support the resc of the game saw nothing but goose eggs for the locals although uiey had several close chances in the sixth and seventh they had liicii as fur as second and third but they couldnt gt them acrottj the pan first trials for broadcast had nineteen entries second event tonight with finals next thursday beverly house being wrecked fine beardmore home will soon be dismantled many entertained here bigger entry for tonight twenty entries were in the llrst night amateur trials for tho broadcast over cfrb and judging by tho entries al ready received ut least another twenty will make up the program tonight in the ymc gym pinal selection of the broadcast group will bo made when the winners of these two evenings tome tsgwfrethrrlrleeslwatr group will be selected who will jo to toronto and appear on an acton com munity program over ofrb the broad cast will likely be held on monday evening mr hoy locxbley musical director of cfku will ie present in acton the night of tho finals to help delect those who will appear on the broad cast the entries on thunalay last were gordon olbbontiond bruce pargeter local duett eddie jameson tenor solo coles uncr nolo mrs cameron irish man contralto tola miss ruth gibson uaprano rolo miss nclllo webb elocu tionist mm hall mouth organ and auto harp b1u hall aocardeon betty gibson and bllllc vincent vocal duett george poulton accord con era archer baritone solo dorothy dunn lo edwin watson guitar norman bralda violin mioses anne hahnea ada elliott taylor and taylor double acton kept adding to their total with cliarles landsborough cornet one morr in the sixth uie seventh was vernon agnew violin olive kogenj blank but th7ejurcyirandirsbrje irlound frances chlsholmvocul in the eighth gave them three more to the auditnee were requested to choose bring their total to ten two men got from tnls ulc un whom uu con on base in the njnui but thoy could not sldervd beat for competluon in the finals get around and it finished 103 tor the the result of the vote was on follows acton boys nt albft wd billie vincent co the box score norman bralda sa charles lands borough 54 frances chisholm 52 ruui beverley jiousc uw beautdful tiotnu hero for years of mr and mrs gordon beardmore has been sold to tho wlckett wrecking oo and workers aro no de molishing thin splendid residence and re moving and selling the building and equipment by pieces this nplcndld home with its grounds occupies about half block on church and maria streets it ha been vacant ulnoe the removal five years ago oi mr and mrs beardmore to montreal it occupies tho site of tho old pyfc home which was partly demolished to make way for the beardmore residence mr bowcn who id in acton supervising the demolishing of tho building nays this tearing down of tho larger homes ta quite tho usual thing in cities and towns and replacing by smaller buildings during tho residence hero of mr and mrs gordon beardmore thlu watt an hospitable home tlie beautiful grcunds tax rate will be 47 mills relief expenditure and other increases make it impossible to retain rate same as two years ago council met in special ucsslon on monday evening to strike the tax rate mid it wut found necessary to return to the tame rutr of 103 of 47 mills reduction wjs mode last year to 45 milk but it uos found impossible to maintain thr rate at tho same figure this year the aifcttmmnt is lower tills year by over 23000 actual sales of property brought about thco figures and of courwr fixe destroyed two buildings ttjilch have net been replaced relief charged have during id35 and 103c been met out of tho general tax rule and thfcj expenditure required musical festival officers elected meeting held in milton last week mnt atkins bronte is president tilt annual meeting of the llalton muic pcstlval was held in tho public school milton may 27th wjicn uio fol lowing officers were elected honorary president mr dcnys milton ir sklent mrs atklni bronte vicepreldi nt mrs ckavo george town secretary mru hartley milton trc mirer mr lockliart ton few changes in school staff miss mortimer resigns ah of public school stait accept reengagement for another year principal macrac request is acceded to increased amount required for school purposes this year secretary mcdonald attended meeting in toronto sehools other items of business at school board meeting at the monthly meeting of the ijchool llourd on tuewluy evening trustcci dr pcuren graham it burllnir itvuscr dr uurhallali and mccleory were prescnt und cllulrnian mcdonald preulded letter from principal macliae executive mr winn stralhcona mb tlcnncu acton mr green nurllnuuui mr llaybiirn lironto mrl thao urn board reconsider hi handinoti oukvule mrs iaui oeorec ut lor the ijtlary increase aicd or town mr 11 brown muton mr itop ln hu ml jr bd klm wsherx corners mra miller acctptn reeiusjuement at uie nlary mill on the talced to meet an lnrnied onumh mvii agnow uelr scliool mr crcli mka mortimer apprcclaud the fuel bill at the school coupled with de umehouw mr cook oiur of the board but tendered her creased umnts tliere has made it lieous ullto un clark scotch uloclc mlna ration tram urn ttatf effective at sary for nnotlier amount nhnooti jual urown strauicona mrs cartwrujht tlu cnd llu yiilr to mill to be collected ln tlie tax rate ountaln union mrs ureckon lime lcttc the membeni of the and residence were the scene of many mora than uut year public school staff were received ex chuich garden party or commjmy some lljruros in ccnnectlon with uio iwl dcnyes reiwrted music bolna piwj1 appreciation offers of ren eathcrlrur and the place was always lfe expenditure may prove of encrsl in lakcn tlm new rural schools ln ka and stating uleu willingness yl given to sponsoring community atalnt tcrest recelpls at tills time amount to year in which mr beardmore wat deeply in 1054141 and total reclpu outside of teasosi jtaxca nrr ehmlfl fotuiaya wo rather think the urt clon s3 m82 along hockey lines had its nrst tncotlng on tlie expenditure side it ki utlm injuries to accept for unotlier year the council requested that the board unuu school purposes for the year in ordr that the tax rate mght bo struck by resolution the amount requested for the year was 0000 the additional amount in this home many utile gathering ll that jc07g3 0v will be ule amount jvy wniam gray 30 native of peel relauve to the pall pair was held here required or tlw year tills leaves township died in groves memorial hoe and on one occasion lieutcnanboilvcr s30273 18 to bt raised by taxation es pjj lia result of terrible head in fllrcd this year uus largely made up nor hoss wail entertained hero with tlmatcd expenditures arc 22m for re received on monday on farm nn increaid expenditure for fuel group from toronto who attended the lief s350al4 for salaries and allow near orton when lie accidentally fell the secretary was instructed to pur palrand started the first of the arena onces t71110 fcr interest oukude of tt manure spreader while it wis in lhe rate bar necessary for the performances debenturcs j33710 for prmung adver epemtion gray won driving team ot the school many community cnlerprko received tlslng and postage etc 800 for roads or wlicn uio accident occurred tnl noar accepted mks mortlmcrs tlio kindly encouragement of mr beard t2o0 for llospital and otlier cllarltlej tliiuglit tliat he sufftrod tenouon with regret as she has been more while realdlng here it is small wonder tliat acumlons view with tvgtet the demolition of the building ladies aid meet 0153 40 for general debentures 500 weak jjpjjj geore cox owner ol tlu vn member of tile itaff the for fire protection 1b10 os for areit fan saw his team running wildly about sectary instructed to advertke for lighting 23i3 for town hall 125 ulc fl nndi thav somctwng teacher to fill tlic vacancy in the usual for election expert 12125 fcr board wtatwr vrat out ctop horses of health 754 55 for park and arena oluy ilk thebadly mangled boay of mo3o03 for county rate t4073 57 grny caulllt lu mochlnary of tho debit amount from 1035 accounted for vehicle he was taken to orawi mem the regular bitbiess meeting of uie by taxes unpaid grant and mlscelun groves mem ladles aid of lhe united church waj msceinn oruu ncpltn 1rgus wlrc he died held in tlm vtry on tuesday ut three eous 750 tlie above summary ulu give tome gra ruiuuxl awav oclock mru jas symon presided juid ldcn or the general formation cf the tax the devotional period was in charge ut rale mrs barberry less tluin week ago his fatlior david orchestra organized plans are uell under way for tne jubilee evcntti and thoie who have flowers for the church were reduetted to lnllmate when they could supply tliese no tliat they could be looked after grup no uith the leader mlso haw thorne imd jubilee tea and each member of the croup donated unich was nftich appreciated first garden party ofseason tlie acton concert orclieutrn undtr tlie kuderihip of mason organ ised und appointed their officers on acton morton 3b terry if lindsay rf walters us mcrton waterlioufce 2b andntbon waterhouse cf wuterhoue hb holloway lb ab 11 ii po 43 10 14 21 gfciorcgetown gltaon 40 mrs cameron lclshman 47 mlssu anne hoi mesa hlllottb taylor and taylor 44 bruce parccter and gordon gibbcns 32 vernon ainiew 31 miti nellie webb 30 the program proved ery creditable one and had sufficient variety to mnkc it enjoyable the audience uere keenly interested in retfjterinir their auti ac companists uere mrs oowdy gray ml uuux olbi mjui peurl mcmillan tiicchttlrman forthc een ine uas mr dills president of ths acton during the evenlnff mr maclaren ab ft ii po i5 acneral secretary announced details yynhnm hh nilchte 2b ward litaumont lb hoore cf mcmahon cliavlln uiddall rf hi tclile he event twbrletiuwinbe lieldi 34 10 27 summaiiy two base hits marfan anderson uiddall earned runs acton george town struck cut by morton mcmahon wild pitches morton mcmahon stolen bas anderson wuurhouw chaplin rltehle taerl rlce hllu ijfollouity terrj hoore ben ham left on bows acton 10 georu toun 10 fere by innings it ii acton 311 011 030 10 14 georgetown 000 200 000 10 xuturltt morton and anderson mc mahon und ward umpire jjckum hamilton on monday eveninffln all probability betuicn the hours of elffht and nine oclock it will occupy nn hour ovr station cfrb tlie station will supply tlie announcer and arrange the program items concerruraj acton as town and it features will ako be elen on uie prffrnm mr xild tliat acton was the first to take up thlsfcature and now other centrea all of them largir tharl xctorti ri urraitminir enfiratrement committee cob parkin son ding rnnvdcn john nice car thieves provide chase cat abandoned at rackruood and bandits take to riwh 80 mileanhour choiw splendid protfram featured tlie first tnilrwlay may local burden party of uie season ln lhe preij nuy acneu park lost night when the victorians srctarykorraan gibson toel toronto were uie artlliu ln enjt treasurerwellington hall tlon uitb acton citizens band tlie evening uas just bit cool and canse quently tlie croud vvas nt an extra large one tlie hot food uas moit in demand at the booth which offered splendid nriety and excellently served ball game between guelph yor road and uie unity men club team umi tlie opening feature and tnjtd in uln for the visitors by 100 tlie victorians uere introduced the audi ma nncr the board decided to meet on tuesday juile igui to consider the application received tlie bard gave earnest coiwld ration mfc micltacu request for salary increase of tloo tlie principals quali fication and success ln acton bchool were very favorably considered and by motion thirrcquestuas granted tile board ulo tok into connlderauon uio fact that there was nlready one change irr th staff and it uni not advisable to make any more changes and retain uie present splendid efficiency the sixth report of the finance com mittee recommended payment of the fol lowing accounts hasvrd supplies the geo hendry co supplies 4t juvenile ball club schedule ofliceru are elected and games arranged in meeting at oakville the annual meeting of uie hallon juvenile baseball league was held in oakville and acton mlltnn and oakvlue are tlie only clubs entering tearns to date tile election of the officer re sulted us follows honorary president ii hlllmcr oakville preuldent robert carney oakville ltvwfcr two appeals in eramosa ence by he dr morrow pastor ol the united church who also welcomed tlu chief mcpherson and guelph rollce audience tlie victoriana arc group had chase on tucsdiy evening for of live artists from toronto htaded oy thieve uhlch lias so far not been sue mr ted emenn resident of acton cessful it gtarted about 12 30 wed or some eight or ten years ago their nesday morning when jack kentner wiv personnell is edna held carroll soprano council confirms ssfcwment roll civil holiday proclaimed for rockuood highway gnrage 10 31 darllntr supplies 10 05 act public utilities commis sion serl ices 73 reeves sons supplies 33 rjcrson press tupplles 05 anderson co supplies 07 ml hunt re musical ivs tual 23 tlie council for the tounshty of eruniomi met as court of revision and for general business in the town kill rocliwbod on monday afternoon tlie report uas adopted secretary mcdonald at the request umitieurtjiompsonmuokenoontrralto rcev stoxeynreslded und counclllcrs albert lush john hind the chairman had attended meeting toronto when vocational training wiis up initdlh lomlruud ln ui schools there he gave detailed report of this visit to three schools in uio city he had been impressed uith the work being done there wlntael and rutherfords garage nicy jack nicolson baritone bruce jumle had broken the lock on the pump and wn accompanist and ted emtrwiu lcv orny and wm plnkney were uhen jack came around the corner naule tenor and announcer their program ulso quick gctauay he notified chief of high calibre in quartette duett there uere tuo nppeak against assess qnd ualnln mcpherson who communicated utn or solo every one uas un artist ment reducuon of j400 00 was ordered uli work the simmtarv nvc vail guelph police er it was opera or just popular melody case uhere the hou uas destroyed qj description uas given and the they uere masters of song and thetr zti nti zz tht if lo uere pos thlevctt were npottcd by guelph off vera who gae chase in their car arc und the city blocks they flew and back on varjety pleased ment ml confirmed eleven names uere ten of which were in alinll ir nu ttllgliuay tilt lhe ullevea hejuled events for acton the guelph police followed he also pointed out that it would be them and the tuo cars roared down the fine thing to havebanners for all the stretch to rockuood the jiace was too cam uhen the trip to the broadcasting fast and at the turn in rockwood lh station is made tlie second trial are thieves car left the read and crashed iveing held jonight and the flnala next into some tteti beside saunderti bsker thurulny uhen winners cf the tuo hie thieving pair left the maehlm ami grouns uill meet any funds realised headed for the busli chief mcpht rsoi above txpenses incidental to the event and jack kentner joined the gu lph are being given touard completion of the police ut rockuood but uere unabl to uoclal room in the locate the pair tlie car lud been stolen at the conclusion lunch uns unt1 to from toronto the competitors the ladle asvu iat at boird the ampllfying slvtcm provided grat to ro lmtiroied the fnrllwie fnr fnt ivlnir connection with tllc catllollc farm cct improved the facimit for enjrylng fpllglll tn llin fjllnnl lien irmvi rnnnniii nn slblc visit cf teachers to the iceele street school aould give some splendd ttcfon tti7eruf rmnrf llt 4krrrosnrm acfon icttlteruf hcre rcnresentntue mthirin paraded to the grounds and provided tjztl mllt program of numbers tlie event nkuood appealed for partial cxemp uis under the auspices of ore up no tlon of frtrm innda from village taxation of the united church lades aid of iwcd by 103g amendments to tlie uhich mrs mauilea is the conener asessnunl act and mrs tliotford tlve secretary reioluuoo uas passed on mcuon of mci rs hind ley and gray providing for rate iquul to uij township rate on so of the farm und lutseinient within the village uie remaining land value und all building assessment to be taxed uie full police village rate hereto fore the neceiary byluu uill be pre in ted utthe july meeting of council an tlwr blau arrang for nt the quest of tlie police vllave trustees appeals heard in nassagaweya diccprtylde mr0 allow ay miltoji secretary treasurer hamsey oak ville thedciegauii on bclialf of uielr clubd expressed their upprcciauon to mr hill nwf for his interest ln uie boys and gen erosity in paying tlie ob affiliation fees for uie ltague the visiting team will supply uie plate umpire and tlie home team the impbe for bascti pbr uie playoffs uie presid ent will select the umplrcu any point at variance is to be left to the presid ent tlie schedule was drawn up as follows june 4th oakville at acton june oui muton at oakville june 11th acton at milton juno ifith acton at oakville june isih milton at acton june 23rd oakvllieit milton june 25ui milton at acton june joth acton at oakville july 2nd oakville ut muton july 7th milton ulr oukviue july 0th oakville at acton july 14th acton at milton july lgth oakville at milton july 21st acton at oakville july 23rd milton at acton in the event of fourth team enter ing uie xhedulc will be rearranged jhetuo hlghet team meet in best tuo out of three series to be mutually irrunged for uie right to enter th playdouns the first came is in acton tonight at seven uith oakville ni the oppol tjon presentation of jewel and ring ance at the visit it was houcver fell that modified plan uould be all that could be aimed at for acton the board uas appreciative of the tua report ulven and moved uiat the secre tarys expenes be paid mr mcdonald houcver deellnfd to accept any remun eration an he hod gone in cltucnfihlp rele heurtyflou of thanks was ten dered him for hu visit and nport at the regular montldy meeting of maple leaf ledge no 300 past sister lappin wlul few well chosen uords pnuented sister jirauneulthlwjrp mjewelr4cfwhlch siiiter brounc responded very ably just before the close of lodge sister gambit oalled on sliter lappji to come forward and short oddrres uoti rea3by sifter wllderipin uhen sister gamble on bo na of the members cf no 390 presenud sister lappin with an emblem ring in appreciation of her work done as ddo during the past tuo years siter lappin uas biken by surprise iintrrropoti ardmnlr ilsual cheery won ner dainty lunch uui strved and happy time had by all at the close of the meeting by the court of revision ilylav poxkcd enlarjji no 10 kkakkyan pc 1tmj0 500 milton acton oeorgelouii 500 ntiiihiton jh10 gamis nvxt uhk saturday brumpum ut at ton georgt un at muton wediusduv acton at muton oturu tnun at brampton rgetoun lost evening cur uiu being repaired in itarage there itisjilcioiui looking pair and chief ax 4jialliriiiiitiileledwh ttvrt to jrh amhutiiwed atthe irtetinif nttrtinipchnt trnmrjir yortaylalrutt and found tlmt the car luid been ttolen nu jigiucja uncll on monti iv uirt to be civic holiday in the fcllaae in mlmico having secured the inform belief ji77 5j reolutlon jjonred ay messn item he uent back tu the garage but municipal world lush and plnknev nstrucud uie clerk hob rt beutt ae 23 xif milon dlej the pair had left ulthout ualtlng fur ikf for mimorial plot uo to prtpare bylau changing the tlpnw the guelph gcnerul hoipltal irom uielr car be upaind tlie tar am liirlv trip to lmpital 4g nrnounts of dt rnnnt nml pnplty shoppers guide the following are uta paftr in nfeixnrimaruttaisnake point in dl usinjurlist hie riult full covired but the thii ve are still at lare from clltf mar milton be utfivd it uould seem that it is btsi to leei fraci ird leg and cuts about tlu head ears ui 11 lo up ai the pilr are 11 an b4l in hi 11 he fell and roll hi uie dtrlet tunc of four hundred and heventv whkukv jejj us wj1khk and landed on the rookverei nf the cut jleattle uus on ilgh ing trip with hu bollvtrs mmrlcr and hugh ut itattusnau int lie miaelxo john tlahliian of acton wtui imndlng on the edge of thn rltn uriitile canton of huiilsvllle herman uhen uie clay tairface beneath hu ftvt cole formerly of ge ygtoun und ivjj ue wuy he bounded oif rok jutting klrkne of lort sydney asrd out earli from uie cllrf arui ucnt tumbling down tn uw uhiriilng of may 2ittl and landing on lure bush at the bottom turned iionie bi uie eveiibig with tlien rolling on pile of rocks hu ithers hud to make missionary on tlrlolgh bl uie speckled trout ranging betwei and tnehe in tde mr jrulimn inteiuli to of several mucs toreucji him itu oojy tnke returit trip fcooil uaa taken to muton lit night for burial iu nelji anturm uho ti niarly slm year mlnjilonarv to tht mm wujii lioeuns in japan arrtvid home from icotv on furlough morula tvenlng miss anderon uas fornur teaclu on uie public school staff bfore jolng ta jaian tvlemli are hid ed glul to uel und ibout nt ilume ftlr lt tn atton uith her suurj mrs huns and mus iibtl alifirrwm iltiidi and uritlges 010 itoatl und bridges lief uoik joij coun11 organized as court of he vllon und hoird uppeab against th ismiienl of their prjwrtle albert anderin ri wlngrove it chllcou and kuctitc railuuv the rihtofuu of cnr electric rail on conci sson uxs transferred id ml the others dlsink tlie tvlau enlaging no given the rirst reading at last meeting council uus rad we nd and third tjxis discount sj uill be alloued on 10ji tixt wid on or before august path bv siptumtut 15th bv octobtr 15th und of by novcm frum bir 15th on dcember kith pemily of ii be hdded to be folloued by the stututori mmialty of of pir month eommtnclng junuary ut 1037 the matter of the pol ire vubge lire tqulpnint bing iued ut tifitout ide the ullage llmtu uiui dlausud wlul the tru tees affuli ui coniuctlon with relief votd uhlcli auvrthetibu apjiear lu uiu wwki tre ihrv page carrollii groeery iaei junk or manfred dumn urnarr wrfelryu giilii salatu ta times and pa ed transferring eaut lulf mabitenance and collection of arrears lot and jiart of vau lialf lot concj taxea ivcilved atlenu accounts sion from sji so to ii no 10 passed uinounudto 01im and ud puge ivaiuj iuriri croc er lmttctfmil page tip top tailoo wicjtrtt lvrtfldtu co uoodu groery bray clilek hatchery greury tlieatre ii graluuu hurrsjp wrljflit e4krge uallaee william ilremiaii pj im urijeht crm lalmr attle kelloggy cv ttdtew ivo fiwidailal crdn tu luiabumi mrn pag tauuwti storl irojiutm krljy jl alikeii liig keitnoy shoe hix lvell ul oltulbwlcut ubcrlci wffvkllvrt ajmauoii lavocua lid coming events crn ur ollic liajinir are lillr will in uniioiitice nrnt cut of ucetnib kvenls umur cliargd to cent inimtuu charur fur of coumil oeuourul to jiieei 041 july jourumoit km madj to july etlt ab jo ay kretar1 unuiujelee 1iu1 at one eclock dit uw1 vki fii kyl tber graluuii tonliiutiseeond trial for aclon ju tlrnnilrtif in vixt gym another bin entry ilt aduik 2sc llll dren 15c the ulsurn sjctlonil itolly of tl llultiui iw of thj unlled ctnrelt wointtts llvloiu socle tv vlll held at melvlllt unlled church on iiulay june nth mornhur and afternoon jtlnni mui 3lrrelice dlrd of vancouwr hill be the uuitt mvauer tin re alll be ba leit lunelieon uniilioilu church annherury olui oardin party arraiiued for kunlay and mondj june 1411i and litli luv if klliolt of toronto uill be tlu in ilk un tundjy on mneiay lirund oardn party uill be held tiu program complle uith ieven orm fiom tin iloyul clly lucluilluif nlc anteuielll und hid juano aceordeon th coiilceluill thou uimlfeou la ilk one the evnta li ui bummer lrun

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