paoaxsaerr the acton free press thursday april 2nd 1mb matkm mi blrtfca kiriiiu a4 dmui an hiirtad bi this oolaaw wttborct dmim bb octal ntrtjca ul me um tmltliwcd tm born knott in acton on wednesday april 1st 1036 to mr and mrs knott daughter sylvia margaret nrrchdc in acton on sunday march 20th 11930 to mr and mrs ritchie daughter donna btobcuo mabjujed mcdonald donovon at knox manse acton ontario on wednes day march 25th 1036 by rov bennle violet donovon to donald modonald both of limb house died ijowry suddenly at toronto on thursday march 26th 1036 lowry son of the lat dr and mrs lowry in memouiam fryer in loving memory of dear wlfo and mother mary ann fryer who passed away march 31st 1931 no length of time no lapse of years oan dim our loved ones past for treasured memories hold her dear and will while memory lasts sadly missed by husband and family minstrel flashes was good show continued from pago one ocals now for the april showers good friday week from tomar row how the need of snow shovels still hung on march provided real variety of winter and spring weather its spring and ume for the usuul spring clean upe and now spring things well they havent electrocuted uauptman yet but thats not hewn any more for preeasler shopping youll find splendid offerings in acton stores read the ads for guidance never saw the snow and ice dis appear in such hurry why the dust was back on mill street again have anything to sellor want to buy trade in the easy market through the small ads in the far lsxss another card from the south tclb of temperatures of 80 and 88 it would help alot of oolda if they wero shlfud touth for while john frest who 1ms been on the hank of montreal staff here has been transferred to ouejpll he ut tuccooded by mr hall of morrlsburg norman braida has been chosen to play in the symphony orchestra spon sored by the ontario fcklueatlnal asso clutlon in toronto at mmuy hall on april 15th premier hepburn has given assur ance tliat lio will lead the liberal party until after the next election which will be good news to uune and not no good to others william spence georgetown em ployee of the provincial paper co buf fered painful burns uhen jar of acid with which he was working burst and ahaur him itl thi rn 1ult djmcaii campbell elected president of the canadian short horn association at the annual meeting in calgary on monday william waltlic of stratford was chosen tlnt vice president the regular business meeting of the lakeside chapter iode vion held at the home of mrs jumti cowle mill street last evening lunch uu served at the conclusion of the meeting by the four hoitcssiss in the report last ueek of the com mtttee in charge of arrange men is fo sary the name of cr mann and unr datultr lo tlll tftrl 10th centurj livestock furmluti tom the girl and tho boy in solo and duett tho chorus was of farmerettes and farmers and comprised mary robert son kay chapman frances kelly jean seattle doris blow betty watts lavemo smith malzio nlcal tina nlcol grace lantz charles klrkncss as tho announcer and joe hurst as tho pest put on skit that joe hurst won out in at any rate tho announcement wasnt completed syncopating slnncro was dance number with dorothy dunn in the lead lng role and her group of chorus of helen mooney mary young myraa rawson helen mccaig frances raw lings mans mogcachle margaret smith anne holmes its how you soy it was pres entation depleting little playlet in which in the first instance tho players mumbled their words and spoiled the presentation it watt then given in tho other extreme with the players shouting too loudly andjhittlng it on too thick we agree after seeing that its how you say it taking part in this were tho nephew james ross tho niece meryl orlndeu the nurse fanny hurst tlic doctor bert mason tho unci bill coleman number that nearly brought down the house was the poison ivy ballet it was put on by group of young men cave men and burlesque on tho high class ballet tho group comprised harry rogers james cowlo john young colin flbituorql mckabb ed fooltlt jim mcocochlr geo holloway and jim jones with herb woods as the leading lady it was scream the wedding day was another ona of the flashes and was burlesque on wedding ceremony its characters were the preacher cawthra mcolu the bride gordon cooper the groom joe mcgcachic the brldcsmoldd jome mogcachle james cowle george hol loway john young jack savage harry rogers the rand finale liad the entire company on the platform in their gooetbyc good luck closing song the whole presentation was so totally rllnvwnt from tho na run local events that it was received in variety of vays it had plenty of good comedy was jively and was well presented mwi fcilecn mccarthy was in cliargc of tho production for the band we enjoyed it immensely the guelw1 mai sheet new map of portion of old on tario lion just been published by tho department of national defenco in continuation cf iln uork of large ccalc mapping of the older settled parts of the country and thu map is now avail able for btr ibution from the topo graphical and air survey bureau of tho department of tho interior ottawa the new map takes its name from the city or guelph situated ulthln the area it is on the scale of one mile to one inch and includes an area tventyflvc miles eaiit and west and seventeen miles north and south the area covered is situated in tho southern peninsula of ontario most of which has bcai mapped on thl same scale thlsrhofroiitarlolseuscntlally an of moffat7wtsr countryside dotted with cities and towns each distributing centre for the surrounding dutrlct and each contributing ili quota to the manu facturing production of the province the area shown in the map of vvhlcn the city of gullph is the centre com prise parts of the counties of welling ton fal ton and waterloo its topograpny rolling and tin re rood mxtu drainnue supplied by the grand arfd sjeed rivers and their tributary creeks the general lyjie or soil is loam and clay loam derived from lime tone drift and rich aiirlculturullj the area one of thr nlrifif fiirmln mrtnlni nf hit urn mrs john aonew follow ihg on illness of tho past five months mrs john agncw passed away on ttiefidpy of loot week at tho homo of her sititcr mrs hcmstrcct main street acton of cheerful and loving disposition mys agnew bore hor lengthy illness wltli patience and fori tude mrs agncw won before her mar riage in lood miss jennie eastcrbrouk daughter of the late james and jcsdo easterbrook her husband predeceased her in 1022 sho was born at camp bellvluc slie resided at milton where sho took an active interest in tro wont of church and community sho was member of knox presbyterian church and of tho women missionary and ladles aid societies of tho church sho was also member of mountain union wamcnfe institute and john mil ton chapter of her passing will he mourned by wide circle cf friends five bisters and two brothers remain they arc mrs john ston rochester minn mrs chjsholm milton mrs moore toronto mrs johnston edmon ton alta mm hemstreet acton william fcofctcrbrook of winnipeg man and john easterbrookr of ednion ton alta tlic funeral was held on friday after noon with service hi knox church milton conducted by rev mc faul assisted by rev canon nuftel und rev dr marrow interment watt made in tlvergreen cemetery milton edoaaid benes president of cteholovakia rachlin acton james johnson tlie funeral of the late james john son one of tho last men in ontario lo uuo oxen exclusively on his farm was held at st johns anglican church nassagawcya on saturday afternoon at two oclock the late mr johnson was bom at this homo lot guelph road where he died on wednesday although eightyeight years of age he was active until this month when he suffered utroke he married clarice decoursey of oak ville fa widow two daughters at home daughter in detroit and son in toronto survive mr johnson was kenerally well liked tile funeral was 4arglvatlcndel rev mr hil conduct ed the service interment was in the church cemetery mesirs duncan currle ajf borders win holm os george blacklock harry woods und ii johnson were pallbearers jumes jolmson la well remembered here on several occasions lie drove his team of oxon in parades wluptloats de pleting other days he used oxen in all his work on the farm at the celebra tion here last august mr johnson and hki oxen occupied central position in the parade he spent his entire llf on the farm in nansagaucya goodyear co shows sales increase quoruru showbig higher than years sayu partridge rev dr morrow were inndvertently omitted from tlic organ committee we regret the error georgetown the members of the canadian legion tnjoyod boxing entertainment in their rooms last friday night tills week saw the installation of time clock in georgetown new post office and customs house georgetown hydros 13th power bill gives credit or 3470 as soon as th bookw are audited next month full report 111 be publkhed number of penguin in uun who failed to have radio license were lialled into court oiw dny but week ami it cost them each following up tlielr firstround victory over ac ten team from giorgetown vldted milton last tuieday und vaji quitdied tlu repreiuiiutho of tile county town in uw annual debate sponsored by uie ucher associatlo1 of ontario uuvff gutlierlng of the mrinbers umi adhcrrilu of knox prnsbytcrhui church oeoofetown and llnujioustf ivrtjyterlun churcli were present lust thursday evening at knox gnunji whii rev davldaou ma wu inducuni pusw oi tho two above named churcjies herald predomtnauti simtui attention belnj given to the production of beef toct sheep hor sulne and poultry diliy inc is nlio important tlll part of ontario lt well served by highwa6 and niiluajs und telcgaih telephone and hydroi lectric liner tin map show the highway und roud vs tenu dliferentuitlng the varl us clusse of pived impnuml und dlrl muds other ipfonnatlon given includes the toumhlxi the concision and lot num ber woodotl urel builtup urban areas and nil building in rural ureiu in addition the map is con ured show inn ileiatloiu above sea level nt each twen tjlle fool interval the lowest uleva tlcn of the mapwl area jilst under 1000 feet in along the onind and speed rueiv while the hlijhest milnt oier fsou ftet is ut the northuit txrnop of the urea covered by the map othr euvutuin of about m50 teet are shown near the nortlwait corner surrounding map sheet include uoltoi to tl tttly toronto april lgt in letter to the shareholders of goodyear tire and rub ber company of canada limited ac companying dividend cheques for the first quarter of 1030 the president partridge btatcs while figures will not be available fcr few days it is estimated that the first quarter of tno current yearwllishowan increase in dollar volume of profitover the carrea ponding period of year ago tire pro ductlcn has been moderately increased to meet prospective increase in replace ment sales and in sales to car monu facturcrs for equipment purposes your company lt adequately propared to mnintnln its full tjiare of the bustncci and again request our crltlclsma ugglstloiu and assistance towards fur thering the sale of goodjear prducl the lttter li tlie first to be limed to shareholder by mr partridge since his election to the presideency of tlic com pany in succession to ii carlisle now chairman of tlie executive and finance contmiut th rt ut writing to shareholders periodical giving tin briefly the latest informa tinn available regarding business condi tions and their company position practle followed frr many jeurj by mr carlisle will be continued by the tie prisldtnt iajs mr partridge flowers for easter downtown store bishops flowcm will be on sale downtown on weekends ths store of orrle lambs at mill and main strectfi will have complete display of cut flowers potted plants and easter lules it will bo open thk week and every weekend until further notice weve appreciated tlie patronage at the greenhouses we will gladly welcome you to visit cither tlie store or greenliouseo wtihrvp qimllry p1ftbfie nvn nvttll able at eltiier place darwin tulips per dosuin coo da1tfs per dozen 40c easter lilleti per bloom 20o cinerarias special 25c bishop sons qualily flowers phone acton ont jiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiihiiiiiiniiii iitititiiiiii iininiiniiii south ai rica ghtting ready or television south africa is getting ready for tel vllon the government li about to tn over radio broadcasting fnni private hand und place it under commlsslan creatml by statute which will be known probably as the african broadcasting corporation the new corporation it lj ir iuhi will have full poui rs to tik whatevtr action deemeii neccjary to jiopului ratlio ijroadcnjitlng in south afrla unci exploit tejevlslon commer cially when it tolues according to th industralnl department of the cutuullun national rullwujs subsidlury broad lustlng station are to be set up for commercial advertising in the form if nortjuast lira in ton llng tlu spoiuamd program but the profit motive ut haiilltoii irfiuuut gltls to be eliminated any profits ucciulny south and stratford tnuthwt the to the orioalion are to be uuvl for lho sheets the north und uest are development or radio within the union it is tin intention to have cummltteei course of preparation application for uny of these map should ik made to thf purveyor ofcii eral department of tlw inurlor ottawa the price ls twentyfive crnu per copy one copy will be rorhlshrd irefor th us of wiy liotj witliln th urea nmp lcd wlkrii upplloatloji iiiadd by uu teuchef or sclvool board in the larger centres whose duties it 111 bi to advise the boutd of gtivornori on local tustrl radio broadcasting hu made rapid strides in south africa since iu brglnnlug twelve yeurs uuo in 1033 it vstlmated lure were eu 0o0 iwiuntt witjhn the union wlk toly the ilutn ber hat increased to m000 how many please clarks spaghetti tins small marmalade jar 1uc clnrks large tins pork benns ci tins 11c tip top 32 oz jc red plum jam jnr zijc smiths yr pure ketchup for zoc clarks 1q chili sauce tin lijc medal lli oz crabapple jelly for for 17c silvcrwoods evaporated milk for 1jc club hduse plnhi ollw rcit 10c ijc dc eclipse yeast cakes ubok ioc coffee ls rideau hall or red rose rcr 25c 21c in stock bl0x0c0al 10c package garden seeds 5c lines 10c lines lsc lines fi for 2fa for 2sc for barrs whos afraid of the big bod wolf that is what uio bears suy but the wolves dont mind they jjst won tho patrol competition by comfortable score of 10 to 84 aho twig alpluibet turned in by ulc wolf patrol was particularly goad ttoop leader jack viuioooz was in charge of tho gumu at monday meet ing first aid instruction was given by the scoutmaster martin hasbord completed his 2nd class teat signalling teams practised for milton jornboroo canada xntemailonal soout troeps the international aspect of scouting hi our larger centres was illustrated by tho number of scouts of foreign parent age who took part in torontos third annual scout collection of used clothing for tho neighborhood workers associa tion they included cldncbe polish russian and czcchoslovaklan scout troops tho troop of tho church of alt nutions of boytj of various other na tionalities and tho sinart troop of color ed scouts of grant african methodist epfacopul churcli in marble halls while in ottawa continued from page onto nothing or undue excitement wan an ticipated mr bennett was seaud opposite where mr king was supposed to be only mr king wasnt there mr gardiners dtsk uos jutt little behind tlmt of mr king and mv dunnlngs desk adjoined one of her local admhxrs requested uiat wc sec miss mcplmll while on tlie ubdt we saw her from tho gallery she was very btkiy on assuming iuv scat in tlie house she immediately sum moned page to bring her flic of papers she perused the latest faslilois in these we presume and then waved them back to their place via page her mall was brought to her desk tills matter was attended to while tlie west ern farmers wheat question was being dlscusxud with these activities com pleted one of canadas ladles of tlic house left her desk for tho evening misa mcphaus claim to distinction is now divided because mrs black now represents the yukon in the house of ccmmons mr bennett seemed the biggest part of the opposition we dont know wherether he was peeved nt mr klngb absence or not but he seemed sulflclejit ly critical of everything and perusal of hansard lcemj to bear out tills view paint hon harry stevens also took part in the debate on the bill of mr dunning regarding need groin in saskatchewan mr stcvem siti over on the conserva tive side along with mr woodsworth the social credit members and others then mr douglas ccf western member we believe seemed to bo in terested in most everything hes quite young ith nice wavy lialr almost pompadour honuard records lot of his words we failed to grasp his con trlbutionto uu debate back and forth went the debate until the bill had its first reading bill to ass lit in supplying seed wheat to the farmers in saskatchewan then came on the second reading of bill no 17 respecting the national harbor board we llstcntd for short time and then went fr walk the air had everv ijmptom of spring there wac no novv on tht streets it wuu almost spring we wondered how many more hours or de bute would be required ullore these uutern farmers uld get their need wneat would lt be hi time lor plant ing hulls of marble the nccoustlc pro at splendid they all seenud so removed from the subjects under debate hah of marble uccoustlcs listening gallerie debius wliit have they to do with eed wheat and fertile solls und spring apparently quite bit theres lot of tradition about thu halls of marble mr cleaver ucconi pmied the editor to the utatlon we made inquiry en several matters of in terest to our member culd glv us the information we dalred but somehow his active type just seemed to be liuvmk difficulty in adjusting to the nithei low progress that seemed to be possible hal tons meniser lint going to be adjusted to tiils speed we predict hes junior in this usiton but its his fltt few more with lib active spirit would get that sed wheat to western flupier in time for eding but we dont want thiu article to be polltlml jiupreions art und to bi made even in lutlu of marble dinner stories rilev know hes1 cub reporter id lilto some ad ie leje on now to run ticwi kdltoi youve come to the wn 11 son ron ask oiiu of my ilberi ims own way old indy wouldnt ry like uv little man boy cry uu you dung plo his is my way safety first then you wont have garden wed ding no ill take no cluuices of having my wedding called on account of rain haugaln he im going lo kiss you she it toko two to make bar gain he ok ill give you two kiuses wt patterson ro 8peculit id ere rrtnitntfcm orihoptlo treatments li iialtrtlfm 108 wrndjuun nexft leheiw ouelpii fhone 3108 qtulltr acouricj serrtoe royal guelph klondike annie mae west batur mon tue8 robert donat jean parker the ghost goes west next wed friday dick powell ruby keeler jack oakie in colleen brightaccessories for pofjipp lludlcolt silk hosiery service weight chif fon crepe 75c to 100 childrens hotie slwyi to 10 several shadfj and up 25c junior mififica hose sunbrown slzcn 0j lo ouj silk jaitcd 55c blouses new 100 up gloves silk chunoutltc kid new styles and colors 29c lo 150 scarfs and chin chuckertr new styled arid ilarjje array of colors 29c dnd up silk undies large range of styles and qualities to choo from vests bloojnera iantleu 29c 79c velvasuede slips pluifl and trilll gi and up scleral stjleii pluu skirts tueedu and strfctu 195 and uo girls dresses silk or vuc tt years 89c ana 100 superior stores rinso large package 21 clavef leaf salmon soclceye for iyc brutujwicic ci it ken huddie tlnfl 25c ueadlcut macaroni lie oxo cubes 4s for 10c 101 for 25c grapenuts flakes ilione yo onler fr nplivoiv gosum queen case is revived in kntw wouldbe writer wlmt do you eun alder the moit imiwrtunt qiuillllculliui for bejclnncr in literature old hund jniull upjutlu one minute pulp tbe saw that wudoni axctillutb folly as fur as light excallefh durk tiess lixcleslasled 213 hkwatolt iogaw ca1t hathkll it li reported from ottawa that action taken by the crown to recover from hon huncc logiui 7yeurold ienutor from nova scotiu und ciiptuln freeman ilutfield vieferun nova scotiu tea cuptuin 71000 paid to tho latter in compensation for the iosm of thu threemasted chooner gyptum queen during tin wur was upheld by un exchequer court jutlginunt tor more thun yeur cuptuin hutfield hua been in munchester nh juil fighting extradition to canada whqtu ho is minted on crihnnul charge of fiuud in connection with the same iunuictlon uiat resulted in the judgment he nnsnever uppeurcd at any of the proceedings in canada ulilch tarted in 1u31 when an affidavit wui discovered in livurimwl knlnnh indicating that tho gypsum queer was lout in tdorm