thubbdat apbjl sod the acton free press pachi onw dome call it life to seek with mad en deavor the glided prise of wealth or place or fame to light the torch of toll and then for ever press onward brcathleu guided by lia some call it life to find in frenzied pleasure fqw vain years of evanescent blua to rob each rapt experience of its treasure to match from every joy its honeyed kh but some whose feet arc set in quiet places whose lives jtnarch on with leas tjmul tuous zest discover mld old friendships arid loved faces days humble sacrifice are bei not theirs the pride of place not theirs the rucrdoii of public praises all the world shall read yet thcue have tasted life with burden who lives for qthcru he hath lived in deed lovely tilings have been happen ntf this week one day looked through the pantry window and saw daffodils peeping out through thi brass ut mi cbjo of snowdrift anothi day found tulip shoob in my trout bordi and onj day heard robin liir such lovely lhliipj 1hi1 onllnnry common thhigi to muke one kiiui and the lovelicrt part of all the fact tlutt know these thing art liappciibig in every homo whtru then li gardt bringing joy to cvrrjone who lovut eet growing things and in tlw arly morning liuvo you hurd the robins lng7 why to wako up in the morning with bright sun shining and the rds ilnghig makes one fel like million dollars how it possible for anyone to get up witii grouch on bright day in jjprlng7 an ordinary ixraon just cant do it that all of course you know because havo told you how ltavo longed to ifel out in tlie garden und ut the first op portunity armed myself with fork hoc and rako and ctf to worlf removing tlie dobris thai collects during tlie mhln ter could ijct make much progress because some of tlie garden was too wot just had to stay where there was ifrosl but found enough to do to keep me bury for an hour or two for bevcrol days and its bten the best medicine ve liad for nbc months well have told you the good tiling hrst and now will go bark and give you hi alironologlcal order the other liappitiinjss of tho week which were not 10 good last sunduy morning for in stance was rtandlng hi the dining room when daughter suddenly exclaimed oh lo and pointed to the rpac ftbove my head wil almout petrified was certain jpidr wa getting renuy td drop down my neck and uo it wan quite relief when did at luit tur round tn find it as only the itove pints on fire at lea they uere fitiojii irlng and belching forth jtmolcc at evera jo nl so before uore hould happen uio plpiu hud to oome doun and tint mclweljl in outibit on mondav on sunday morning wi had be april 2nd lfg jumcs medoue ogei years burning lot or cedar uo and shanks at pulapace man tuet ilpc uerc morl coot thnn ftl day march lot 1010 thomas shunles realized in ills 74 th yar on monday morning partner watson ii fcquemf on saturdny ken bid to wood bee before ii jp do chore when one ofjjur ike little calves rot jjnrtl yinjiy frlfcy an clean till ah ok makivg mai li over the top of hlt pen and broke ufe jkodiucts eg in doing hi there was nothing ue could do far the poor little thing proruj supply of fuel li matter of hid to be dl pa ed of in hurry that tlie utmost importance hi maple lugar trouble number two making quick flashing blaze is mc tlie next day on hl wny in to dinner iairy to rapid boiling and thl can lk partner topped at the henliou to plcic obtain td only with dry fuel wood is up pail of eggs which he had left thcr twentv vtatts ago from the iiu of the free ptu of 33oway7aprtl 6tb 1916 xcggs are down to 21c uibj wck and butter is 31c mrs william hall main street picked pansies in her garden en tuesday war plot potatoes grown by pupils in uie school fair districts of ontario yield ed 91 766 the money wop used to buy motor ambulance for overseas use of thlo total hilton county pupils con tributed 69 16 friends of we john mochrle of tl 4th battalion riavo received word that he has been di ngerously wounded ihe mochre lived tui hfrs father and worked in the tannerus until about year ago when he enlis ed mr and mr alfred ipord sr mr and mrs alfrird ird jr oiul miss pord moved totoronto this week they have been residents of acton for several years and their removal regretted work will iooii commence on lmprov hitf mill street contract has be let for heavy coating of macadam und tarvia with sharp mind tlnlsh tax collector john harvey handed in the tax roll for 1035 to the council very dollar of uhlch had btn collect ed illtd chronicles of ginger farm written specially far laetaa free freaa owenihline clakkx slats diary bx vijlvkr warrkn sunday some members of the chlrcb wlicro wo go to and who alnt so tur rlble relldgcous there selfs made offlc miss take thoy got precche nrde for be ih youmcrun the new is prccchln vcrsui some of the things thco members du st make it pay monday they ve good joak on sary wudkens she was about to bcoomo marryed agen when she gt wise that lie tuvsbend to ilwos of uu is she hod long time ago who liud lot 80 lbs of watt trftry wd he wiusent no good whi ii tin re uw all of him the wedm l4 dlkklured olf tuifday uilut war to do some ruuuiu up offl ut notht boy tliat is sick yesterday as arrived hr hit tin man you otto bitii lure at tlrxk wjy ull trj whit hatenrd aaint tlu km of dummij wcdnelay juk is dum or ilum nurn hilurs nio jirt teller mm to hu luusi iu hl ia did they liave fnhibly pruyum liforc brekfe ir jakl pokii up si repl jii ted no we alnt afearcd tht day time uefort his pa could iuicr thurday l1o teecher in nkool told juno she otto put her hand over tier mouth when ihe yawnr got about 14 tven with tlie dome by runmarklng it alnt big enulf to do no good lrlduy llie clus above ourn in jjcool was talkeu about moddern uclents al tht re teochtr ast them did thcyinoenny lhw bjiit cicnu cunt do they did oeht sd us kkl was ast did we xpect wus uiinken about tomorro ac ked cank nak jului vorvn the ueclicr round they wa evidfnbi of muscment in tli clou saturday aj we left skool last tlie tecchcr wat at the dore sc nd to me now go see if you can beet jcbita lo morro urn so long se you latter uutsstb aill rocks zk aland in vwv the sunday school lesson continued from pace two the highways and hedfces the oentues acts 13 46 47 xlomans 11 hi for us today the lesson in oo to heathen lands yes and to desolate placca at lionie this parable teaches us how to fill empty churches go into streets and lanes and bring in uie poor etc go into the highways and hedges among alio poor and unfortunate guosbs may always be found for ood table mark 12 37 iaiki lb cjutnjhit tarncl effort was lo be used in bringing ulciii cor cor 11 col rim ihiy would luetant tlirough iaiua of un rtliliu hut iuel and uenu of ntit loik tjtut jltile for place ml tabf it not pr lligucy uial mil hll tht pnx ruhtinathig tx ue making spirit which in jta conctra rldly affair hai no tlnu for tlu thlnj of cm no xciu can ju tlfy mili ct of ivltutun tuvh iihimatf hie young doctor it down wearily in hl eily chair and turned to hl wife ulfictlmately has my darling been lonely without me lie usked oh no she said at least not very lonely ve found something to do wltn my time oh lu iaiid and whau that7 organizing cla lot of wemen in the village luive joined and we re teaching one another to oook whut do you do with the tilings you cook we viiv km to tlie neighbors clear llttle womifci lie said kissuij her fondly ulway tllnklifg of yov hu bands pracuce annual award for bravery voted to ccoal miner alfred jtall of brighouhe risked ufe in roof collapse to permit rescue of trapped mate tilt natu1mx wav used alma unlvtnjlly but in somi cases coal to utllhced to help out mapli sugar makers near saw mills and that uppcldly cut of reach the hen out don believe there anything out of reach for the birds anyway ilabs ore very satisfactory whatever the found llu pill knocked it down and wood used odvlseu the pamphlet pro cesses making maple producl just issued by tlie publicity and exun slon branch dominion evepartintnt of agriculture it nliould be cut tlie previous winter piled out of doors to dry well duraig tlie summer and btored in th had eaten up ull the egri trojble number three wednesday and thur were fairly uneventful rldny went to an in gtitutc birthday party and saturday well lure we are and the worst that lias happened 10 far is the assecor lio wood shed adj inlng tlie sugar liouo called have ju washed out ix before the autumn rams comme aw eat and them out to dry and rnw hard woni nnri rthhii hrmll cqell now son lias come hick from tlie den togetlujr tlie latter keeping tho bfcmo bright and llvjy tlu amount of rut required depends upon its kind and dry neu ten cords of mhctd liard and loft od for 000 trees or 35 cordj lor 000 usees are recommended by experi enced makers in boiling syrup more especially it approaches the finishing point tie liquid has treat tendency to rle and broth in tlie pan and if not watched go there wood bee very carefully at tlmco it flows our the neighbor and uldn ho po tut after having had tooth out rather fancy he vould like to have on other oth out next saturday instead of going to tlie mlv leal pestival which is the fate that eti in htore for him what can one do with bov ulio can lng falrlj well and vet doein want to every time practlx mentioned for after chool our son think of hundred and one excuts why he rhould the or aide all maple sugar makers ore fain nouldn ule him to ret home carljf lllar with tills characteristic and with do omethlng to help me and means of combaung it in tlie days ol then he remembers there geographv uutc irttatzcimritvkur7ctxu ieiid piece of fat pork few inc iei ir tiy home and tudy for ip above tlie normal boiling level wh njc iun why he doeriit like chornl tlie rising tyrup touehdtlio fit it lm meduitejy subsided lven jet this tlme lionortxl custom is followed and when the pork clean no serious obectlo can be taken to it unfortunately how ever all maple uiiar makers are not aa particular tu thty might bo about tlie quality of tlie oil or fat they ue lard and drying fata are nuuie use of hi sooie camps tluje subatanort it need hardly be pointed out tend to impart an undesirable flavor in every cos very unall quantity or an oily sub stance sufficient to quieten uve froth lng mass and nothing wll accomplish it more effectively than bit of good butter or fw drops of sweet cream neither of which will impart an undeslr able flavor praelloj but tfie reuviin why he doe know and add singing in the choir all right but nix on this solo stuff what problem children are olv them advantage and they fight ogalrai tlu in deny them thore some advunt agei and in time they would jure to look back and feel we luid not done ou best for them well in the midst of this problematic week liave managed to read olid enjoy tthef cliapman new ijooe the homesteaders and liked it lmmens ly in fact it made me long to be youivj down in eahmd tlie hullct rtfc to their druei frock und ulli are ca tume rt ittt mo ter or on of the freighter or the canadian na tlon il steamship in the canad new zeiliuid aurtrallx erv ice canadhn ire en have quite reputation in ue ze uand for tood tyle and de lgn amon the womenfolk and uiej hue the added idvanuim that jploil in the oppo le of in that countr xhero it liif of ix to 12 month between ohlon in new zealand and tlie north ern lleml phere there nrepi ictlcalb onlv two main taeuif tri new zealand mntti rj of drew cood iummr and wlnterthe mat pcpulnr ummer lln corlilt of tennl drc without ileeve or with flllort ktvt eixicmb ului matchlni coit or co ite are in dtnand for day and iftcrnoon wear liberate nfterno dreie or sanday nght up per dree ire not worn to time extent hi cinndn evening dre are much worn with erieral demanj for what are knoun bridge coau for evenlnc wear uhc being coiteci or cockuiico3ui to match cr hnrmoiile with tlie cvenlnr dre the cllmtu damper than in la tern canada and more comparable to that of iv piclflc coat iack of centnl heat hit makes heavy rtuff popular for wear the wlnur time uiunlly there xmtm breeze to be found uhlch encourages the ue of daytime drais witli sleeve cr coats and of the bridge caatr fo eveninf wear even in the ummer time very trying and hot weather infrequent school glrk wear uniform clothlrur at jclio and an enguh tourlt travelling in the north of otland far away from any where exclaimed to one of the natives why what do you do when any of ou nre 111 you can ncvervet doe pfty froc for daytime ycnr ftciuaidrftluy ml are not worn icorttrly thi jimh txunl in cinadi try pok impuovtmtt niie lr relied sandy dee natural death ve juri every arong properuity may be tin allj vubdued or con tderably corrected every right one ma be ted by ditlonal motive and rarritd to yet higher perfection even in the wout chnracur mie capicltv for virtuo mprovement tf which no vestige ne yet been oblrved may be discovered ur driun forth hi ilr wiibh lioui planli ipntiff fever at tills time of theycir lu jilinti often prow lanj uid nut to lo ii captain ross thedford mined que president of the cmudlaii in titutt of mining und metallurgy com ttulatinif alfred oall presented with the 1jwjv1 mtaul for bravery for lojd fty cfcntrajl rrtta3jcanadian medal for mr ball ore ns follows ottawa march tho mineral firebo dill while inspecting industry of cinad wdlea most dilrlcl in ccum michel col liory detected niece of apparently camrxalin toiuard the bad roof ond immediately detailed men enraged in this inuustby jn threo men named william jen pi of precautionj thiravnrlsc kink zanon and james from time to time cmerj esciei when trnvis to reinforce timbering ot thi men to save other frtmilnjury or while the men were pre death mustvhtk ihels olin lives irui1 to do ulu work iare por many yam the whlbers of roclc ul or fll1 rom lll the canndmrj in tituteuol mininpl roof nntl tov jenkins complete and mctalluriv hivl ured thai the lv lxct llij llcricl uo1 non institute cite and acvlnim uch nctsl travi declare tint jenkn of heroi ii decidecl that lvlcl nlir llv he pushed ihem medal for irnvery houlll be nt fnllllurock althoui rounded hnd ihrotij the efforti of no lq0 te l0 itelajc him ii collin of the international alfred bill wa on the scene it once ind not ced that further fill rock immediately trbmpany fund were for the found ition of nritli rojiimliinn ivlna on the occa ion of the thirty simh innu il eneral meetinj of the beinj held otl nii lfred dill of bri house brill columbu awarded the medil for tin xiir te cirdumsiancii of the deed yvhlh on tl ibfvcjenkin ir id tinmment ind knomiu th it therq va no time otwtrven tiaddkd in if over jeiil tnj luid ind kej his houlder mi the loc tl while other men trie iled nkn who died hutly ifteru rds from in injurie tl it lk tt ii few mientj nfu ii tarw rt time tables nadian at ajcttom goiujt km dally except sunday omn dally ezccqt sunday 1007 aja dally except sunday flospm sunday only 7m pja the chicago flier that passes tbxootfi hero at 31 teastbound stop eo go town at 40 gain wat dully except feunday 806 ajta dally except sunday 233 pja liilly except sunday 04 jul duly xe pt sunday 13 31 am sipidny only ofl ajo sunday onb liaspju standaitx ttw3 arrow bus leave westbound 45 11 45 vxoepi saiurdjty z15 pm is ttu iturdjiy only 15 kn 15 to ii 15 to 05 balurday bundy and holiday leave eastbound 00 dnlly topi sunday 910 ii 45 est tn 6sk kzi sootm ttinekatuls planned to aix points in canada united states mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines tobonto collections lnt it time you made up vour ilit of noti and account uhlch are ui low send them rilonk before other have ted come of tht iaimc dbt or rir in llrt add olf kelly aiken the collection specialists utiln mean jouiirer und for partn uic mtere in difc when ll it probtbly lneaiu that ur ive prni fever lu to pi lie prini in uri jppoti life all over aj iln hi jorthern siskat clkuun but then should ve liave thi eia to do it wonder what ml take ye make uheij ue are youniil ho treat it uuuld be if ue could tart ou nt tuenty live 1th tlie xperlence of forty but then perhap life mloht oe too ay rand hat one neto witli little elfort seldom brlnts much luipplneij so pcrhapo tiling ure better iu uiey are but anyway ml chapman hook male hood readlrjc and if ue are too old to bo udvnturbiff in ral earnest we can ut least follow lur in funcy und and that there is ttlll land or promue fo tliose who are ready to work plant ture 1j to pi nit thi in out ioor un pruii md summer pot and the garden gi iph inpqnnnl jqlle linn dymj out when bedded dcuih ob ervc the following rules sink potted plnt in round lo vvilhin one inch of top of flowr pot filnce everal inche of cinder or coarse jiql below flower pot to keep out anklet worm lame back amk hack uinnutuu lumiiauo hwml qdeth ll browns drujf store rumacapsl ohangviil isi ino ontuaio tel 10 new business piunted mumataiiblp will attraet nw bualneari taka thj pue of the old that you ar loalnjr get our pfioctf on prlntlcuf the jict0n free fress approqcliintf murrioga of chsrlie choplln screen comedian qnd paulcito goddard whom ho tutored to become his leading womui will be charlie third marital venture charlie tint wife waa mildred uarrls ond his second llta grey chaplin engagement of charlie and miss goddard was announced at shanghai china whero the couple accompanied by miss goddard mother stopped on world tour subscriptions for all majjailnng taken ilia pre pram offic muggs mcginnis kuot and obstinacy it pivcliely tht proudest ami mai oluiunate men who ar the mast httbli to uhlft thilr piultlan and contradict tiienuwlvei cvtrythliiii nujtr to tlum ulan to face the simple fact that thty have been thoroughly dtfiitw and mu tutfln life uneu cuortii lllot botjiuni loiinimiw till boy you uruiuavxl udvrrtwmeiit ror lou profcmir lo io ite ucu like lie knows jio world iocd erthiuk lu wsa warrcu molmjku mid to 1mt trtck just l1w36 ujtuijrajl wfcll jwfl corvtorf owtkal htdl auoclatloti ty wally bishop ho to lb jos uikc oil ou wiu1am tfeol pracrvy raor suocmmtp moboov butt howswfs