Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Mar 1936, p. 8

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paom boost th acton free press ifatiaai af bbtta atairlam am mti haml la tku caiman wltfcaat toil la llnrii nmfcaa at lat ar ka mlllnail tor nil bokn papiuiow in acton on wednesday uarcb asth ism wor and mrs arch papulon daughter mcdonald on sunday march 32nd 103tv to ur and mrs mcdonald no acton nee isabel ward law daughter macoimvray dr and mrs maooullvtay weyburn sadc wlah to announco the birth or aon william arena on friday march the 20th 19m died mcleak at ottawa on monday march 23rd 1030 acnes beloved wife of the late mclean of acton and mother of mrs norman lambert of ottawa in her 74tii year aokbw at the residence of her aloter mrs hematoset aoton ontario on tuesday march mth 1938 jennlo bafiterbrook wife of the late john agnew the funeral will be held from the above address on friday march 21th at two ocloekr service in knox church milton at three oclock interment at kvergeen cemetery milton in memobiam woods in memory of george woods who passed away march 26th 1931 time rolls on we are reminded of the day our hearts were crushed when ood took you oh so quickly and wo all in gloom were thrust in the bloom of life death claimed you in the pride of early days but we hope to meet you some day and bo with you always wife and family maxim ulvlnoff sovut foreign minister minstrel flashes qcals fiaps running april 1st all fools day next wed clod friday tu weclw fxom to morrow sidewalk are nearly all cie at snow again maple yrup will toon be oai tho menu o4aln iouccluilntf ue tuppote will be the imjxt upmt of tile season march provided tome mil jio stomu und proved very llouuke ian of sorbin bnuyjiopp wii picked up ion monday olive and bop ping hockey wound up in aoton on sat urday night after pretty successful brampton pair fcrant luu been ln creabed by ivvl county council to 300 lid year mitt geo maum lii this weeks uln mr in uie monarch ynm content ut mlm noizfin the nnt electrical ttorm of thi spring waa on tuiaulay evuilnir but not very ivtc tjifc drivers are uublo to plxh pedahstrlunj tlue days it isnt ncctvi nury to drive fast through towns sometimes tlw hackmoi driver hiu husband wlio nuuuikeii the kitchen from cluiir at the dining nom table bridge ud to bo wlut0 you stood at midnight now midnight is wlun you itnd out where youitand at bridue if you liave vlutori or aro bohirf away tell tin rate pkicii about it the ptnioiuu column li ono uuit all enjoy we dont know about hitching lour wagon to star but plenty of motoric mm to bo tryinc to hang their cars on one gult and guelpli police mnglitriitc will excluuigo duties for rdiort time iii keeping ulth the policy of the de pwrtmcnt at tlu owning wnlcc in the unlad church on sunday utv dr morrov iuintr that splendid colo the holy city which vls greatly enjoyed by the congiwation tlu hrit fresh flsh to rcuch uu editor deik uil year came from manl toulin island it was lino lake jtrout ttjit down by mr george hfejiop an ii it pftd mr ntil mcltlnnon of hllltburj kvcntly iold his oliamploii cljdeulal tekiiiur andle to mv scott of crem atory for perliaph the hltflieat prloc tvtr obtaliuxl in uift parts for hore during uie jwust ten tlayn tle areeji hoiuut of ii uljiop son have shipped 00 dajun tlilffodlbi aivd 170 docn tulip to toxuito ttie green ho iwh or pretty mght now lth iminy ilouepi in bloom the initial presentation of the min slrcl flashes was received with hilartoua approval by the young first loighters at the town hall lost evening the performance will be repeated tonight and friday night wttu curtain at 20 pm twelve spectacular flashes up tills spectacular minstrel with the color ful hotel broadcast of flash tit of fering fortyflve minutes of aong donee and jest those irrepressible black forties are itlgby cross charles wilson jack mcoeaclilc carney byrne gordon cook and joe hurst manager chorlcd krfrkncfis requires all lii experience olid skill to keep them in order as when jock mcgcochlu fesltj dance come on tim bell boys who come to sing dance laugh and luivc seine run are bill hor rop masule unyd eastertorook nor man gibson tom nicol john nicol bill hall jack miimullcn bbig ilornsden sunt simpson it splelvogel george slmivu mrs cameron irishman as mammy slns memory ijuie and edna hinttm is our girl monda old black joe ts jim smith in fiojji uie toytown admiral sunj by mrs gardiner supported by choxust of forty children will delight the hearts of tlie audience ipeclal surprise in tills niunbor is the duett animal crackers bung by tliose kelnknown ortuu betty gibson and billie vincent drothy dunn and anne ixotmecj con clude miuih wltli uitlr dance in fjajji ii uie theme wmg oil the radio tuns by itutli aibtion part ii is reme tlie four com edydramas liave recognized allstar cit including fannie hurst jack held jamcj ilojf meryl grindcll bert miuvojl joiephine mckeoyn joe whtttam and bill caleninn in fjiish win burton singi youre jurt fluer from an old boiuiuet to the girl of long ago is kay clmp inan they are supported by chorus of six charming young lad lei in flash vii mary paddy harrison and tom jean bennle with ten other and farmerettes are very gay about the reajon crop dorothy dunn and her syncopating sinners evecuto ume intricate fitepvi ultli ii truly profelonal polish in plata ix considerable time ond trouble on the iiart of nine of our prominent young townsmen has resulted in brlnging tlie stage for the two performances tlie ballet dtj flcurc famous in all tlie lare european centres this number la surprljj uhich ulll be prejntcd with pride and pleasure by the committee in charge the wedding party with cawthfi mcglll as preacher jc mcgeachle tha groom and herb woods the blooming bilu hing urlde concludes tlie broad ciiit ruth gibiop is uie rololst and tlic entire company jlgns off with good bye good luck mr thomitr byrne vr the nrcon panlt dlrtrtetf eileen mccarthy min trel riajjil the latest john run urn product on hl fatt moving from start to finish the costuming anj cenery prwuinting an elaborate spec urwtox hoke observations tbjs ttroo newspaper it promles to ccllpt all previous iwi formnncej along ti use liner after record of c4 jours of unbroken support of all local functions requiring tlielr truces the acton citlns band denering of the nutximum upport ut thoi tliey luie wnrd in their pn tatlon of tlie grtuuvt entertalnnunt of many juiuah1j wlun wlun lit opinions iallor jtlmird when li soldier not half toldler when in quarter dear fre pbess for orne time the calgary pailv hcruld has caitiod on alternate dayt oerlcb of dopvhgbt reserved articles uu glnnca and jeetcn in public life by mr fred cook for about fifty years in the pram gallery at ottawa these cover bsketchcs of many public men ln ccrnatkjoai affairs railway condluuuli etc the las one to hand deals with canadian newspapers would like if our edllxr with hi copyright know ledge judges mtfy refer to few facts he says that in canada now there ore 11686 newspapers dairy weekly or rnoobhly and other publications largtly 6f the magazine type there ttxo 110 dailies which is only id more than in 1bq2 fortyfour years ago ho men tions hbwever coocti of 16 omalgiuna tiono which probably with others would have made the number much larger bub tho strenuous times have forced such reductions such as ttio mall and em pire etc as newspaper man lie notes great change in the falmets of uie reportrt it dailicu especially since tlw organization of canaddan press limited in 1017 prcvfcusly party papers gave vtry full reports of tltclr own tddc and brief referenco to tthe opposition except perliaps lcadcrjj ilegardlng tile weekly preaf lie lia high praise niul ore credit to tiio country tpoaks of uvoc bebig tea wltli batreleiw ixvta work and ijjll fewer witli lieudingjj which siiould long ago liuvo been discarded he give nb in itiuioej but would object if the fmck phtsii were dlcard 1u typo of title letter wlillo think that wau not uie original letter rtlll it luut been on fj qult fcure for forty or jifty years my jlrst newspaper acqualntanoo the dundos bonner liekl tliafc form and ratlier tlilnk tlie globe and montreal gazette iull do bul tirf finer puiii is much neater it tibbut identical wltli tlie free ppts of burungton vt to which had frequent ucoi while lioli daying at lake cluunplain in 1034 it ga nice familiar illustration of my acton friend tlie writer nuditloned above speaks of tho great many caier of oldtime paragraplii copied from varying periods of yean ago recall comewhero about 1008 discussing uit then new feiiture in newspapers wltil mv it moore and jila opinion was unit 20 yearr in actons cose uould be abotiti best he otlad if uie writer wuld under tnkc ruch compilation and gave up uie fylu take lionw for tlic purpo tlili uaa u10 initalliitlon of tlie twenty year ago feature in tin vulz paris kept up until leavintr acton in 1017 wiui ai rood hatch alieod and luve never iv tlced any omission since recom mended succcstor who was approved and who pivrumu ttill it the com piler the presti of our country has great hate in moulding public opinion and well would it be if everyone or them rhould be as war expressed to tlie writer by prominent man regarding yours alwayt wellconducted paper clean and wholesome coleman since the above was written signed fjded and enveloped luivc opened up the flap to say that uie death of rev henry caldwell reported in tin rnrr palsi just to liand was sorrowful sur prise recoliecuons of him as young man ulien on georgeuftn be lieve erin circuits and later coming over from ntsjjigaw ey mokv tad commenuiry on life change the line editorial tribute to lit life and labor will be appreciated by all who knev lilm hawas onntinan ajao do not tocjudo wealth produoed from the aalo of fux or flsh ovr period of 31 years agricultural products arc neccaoarlly lower on account of having to clear and culuvatc u10 land first but from 1013 to 1034 24374810 is tho value placed on uifai part of the countrys resources it la interesting to note uuu tfteoe figures represent production of wealth cj slightly over 700 per capita for every man woman and child resident in tho district for u10 loot 31 yearn and show striking comparison benlde figured compiled in uie 1035 year book as issued by uic financial post which shows tho average canadian per capita income for 1034 was only 304 tho present pjpulauon according tlie moftt auuirntlc information for the district of tcmiskumlng and cochrane is 125000 people and uu avoragc for thcte two districts for uir past 31 year has been 54808 per year one of uio grcatcstdraw backs lias been roads but now that highway is under conslrucuon and improvement folk are hopeful that at some future umoliot far hence highway cimtl to nos or will bo available ilio present rool to uie norui known u1 tlie perguson highway whuh by the way slioukl now be changed to xme ouicr namo more suitable has homo in tcrestlng ilgureri to show somauibig of uie traltlcilio cciuts was carried on ovtr period from may 15ui to sep tember 25ul 1d35 thirteen checkupj wrre nuido during uiat period wliicii showcl iui average dally lralflc of bou cam including light and heavy tnicloi ii10 iiciik was readied on july 27th wlui b7g ontario pajaeligtr can 32j fortlgn 11assinutr car 136 light trucks 1u3 licavy truck motor busei hnd 47 other vehlclt tliese ilgurei point to vry definite need for imivoved high way condition climatic conditions pliy iui important iurt in road maintenance number of different klndtf of per mimtilt surface were laid last yir to be teited if macadam is succe it hoped it great deal more will bo used this jxxir gravel doc not stand such titmendous traffic woj jiny to read cf actons failure at durham in the hojkty playoff but alter ail someone has to be beat and to wasnt such terrible ixore and if happened to be one of uie playeic dont uiink id like to face what new market had to the year they came out victorious im interesting in uu telling the resuju of uie tb usting having restricted area li fine but uie personal loss hard to bear see accounts where farmera in some dltitrlcts are in rebellion and mak ing appeal to have ccmpulsory ttsw to pjied cordully yours johnson it jf kerrs list or sales thursday april 2nd joseph benham everton saturday april 4th mcdowell acton housthold effccl thursday march 3flth 1936 col job ilelc patamlm hrian mmtr vklsvci in ills sermon clergyman illustrated ponlt by saying one must plaut roses in the uunshlnc but if you want your fuschias to grow you must keep them in the shade after the service he was approached by one of the women of his congrega tion her face wreathed in smiles oh im so grateful for that ser mon che said shaking hla hand warmly his heart glowed with this appreciation of his labors yes slio went an never did know before what was tho matter wlui my fuschias maid professor uie next room ia 11 fire professor why worry me am hi uiujvext room removal notice on and after april 1st gardiners watch and clock repair shop will bo located in the old stnnd next to burrs grocery gardiner acton ontario patterson spoihulst in eye auaalnauoci orthoptic trtmsiu cr 168 wyndhja hl next lubls ouelph phone3108 quoliiy accuracy svtim dear phel phi the terrible hood cnditlon still coi tlmici all over the country except the north we ilj txaiied uio lnt bin now storm that so crippled traiflc the corner mall ecms have the umilujit lienti vuu nri bixught into tin pun phil ijill on manila by howard iulu the uiie wum found ui on tlu furtu on rulty und uai not much blnur tliui uiut of uu ouifiujttf nwl ujllm ukat uie biys uusi to have tile stcind tijie ujk1 on ttmiturday wita ulut uie klvr of roblnn tug on monday there uir iu more tlii vuipl have b11 an vie in vnt vuxic lkmi window tlie two olrm wrlgh flvrrthulr of iui weve seal plrnty of bi rud but uio are te cxtrnne jn tltu ouur dlrcuoj whit ls hot in cold father mutaid iikk to smili dlmr ito wilurt wlutn the nam if thai el itlnn the okluvlii pli luu wiiiur riliei your ni diner on jump in the like tlk you civil juestlou one minute pulpit vat 11 by one iiunuli nhtjlcnci fuuny were mude miuners so by the ubedienie of one khull many luidu rihteoun romuiuj ll our weather modi rate bllchtb above frelnit durini the day whiili melt and sittle uie snow und then uius below durinj the niidit slclifhln still fairly rood lumur cimiw have their iupplles pretty well all out and men are return injr home tnul makiim preparation foi sprhig work an lntcritinj article appearlnj uue at tlil nirthern iuihts worth liuitinu in part it say tlie north lountry need nt alibi for lui existence wlieniuie coiulier it coi cr an area ol j34 0oo aijuare muti with an eitlnuited is 000 000 ncreii of airrirtiltural lds and with if reit natural rtmrce in inlmml umbir came mid ibh and uatr jmiwi in ouier to eeirl pu it the eonlmluilluil nude by pluiili iiiul ouur lnter tid in the devilup jmiit tiltars upplleckby uie depirv int nt tf minn 11u1 tno railway rtxiru ami tnunllpil suttsllt ire in tf una turnipm canp prndncd ild irom 1010 to idj4 valuui sj74 15t7ti0 icliklimd lke camp lotj to 1uj1 iuullj7j0 collult and gowgaiuu produced ilhir and otlu nilntrau fioin 1wm to puj vihud ut joa000000 tliubii huudl uilyhy the rail way train 1004 to idjj ooooou ilu jltfiirti do not inilude thnber old in the coihiune din tr let ulimg the cnr nor do they represent th irtutleui of alui tvalld vfrom local lailei ftliiibtr and ouirr juodiuts iluy travel for health and education popular educational economlc ol university tours to the british isle holland prance germany iiraayjlaiyandouuircoun trice toun can be modified or extended to suit time purse and personal taste and will include the unvell lnn of the canadian memorial at vlmy rhine whether rolnft vvith party or independently can supply full lnforniatlmiltiiratmu uto wright mill sthfkt 1ianri office os ilrfildrnce 102j it wai nectsiary to postpone tlie hular scout meeuw monday night owing to uie illnitj of scoutmaster mil who write uie following iimj iik to tlie acton 8coul and rtadan of thli colunm am very sorry voj unable to ut tend uie weekly scout meeting but dr nclon ortlervd me off to bed and after all scout obey orderr however fully expect to be on deck this coming monday at which ume we will close uie presj nt patrol comiietl tlon note especially hut iwhili will be awardtd fcr twiif alpliabou turned in at uiv meeting so uhy not lay oi few extra pouits for your patrol by netting the fellows tojfcuier for an out ing saturday afternoon and track down line of those letters tliat hive lieen hard to nnd tlie coming of sprlnft brlngi oppor tunities for many frejl ftctlvitiett ci peclally those outofdoors now uie time to get yur bird houei hi sliapc and how about your hiking rear is it ready for uta at momenta notice packed carefully hi that haversack you made out of flour ban or will mouier have fpend half ly helping you locate your litem lis and uie other half tracking down her own we must jet in more hiking this season it jood lun it ls inod for you and it is good scoutni there will also be plenty of cliancs to do otl tarns during 4iie sprlnit clean up we nillt remember not only to be proud arlon but to do our bit to help mike it tnun to be proud ol on jutir way home from chool or play mippcie you quleuy cet rid of some of the unly bits of rubbish the melting snow will leave uncovered eery here underslind uiere ls chance for to net sjiendld camp site near terra coltu thls year arranremenu are be nu made with diitrict comml sloner wheeler to necure the cervices of couple of gilt icover scouts to help out with our camp program tliee fellows will act woodrrott and pioneering instruct and ulll have an active part in keeping the camp pro gram movini along at tp ijieed tlicre klu be atleastone ovornight adven ture during the camp and every chance will be given uiose fellows who uiih to lompete uie flnt class and other tests the 035 annual reprt has been ued by provincial headquarters on tario nu nbenhlp ixst year showed uital oi 30 045 an inert ase of 070 t5c tut uie previous year most of the new roups formeij list year weri aflllialid with united nd roman catholic churclus onie again no fatal accident scout vamp the uoaid of honor in rep rttng 10 award for kahuntrv daws attention to the nuni acton citizens hand presents minstrel flashes john is rojrern iroducuon tonight and friday night town hall acton 820 pm chudken 20p adults r0c admission includirif tioi seats resekved free op charge on sale now at urownk druk store ijy popular demand there will be available loo rush seats at 35c including tax ixrtt timt htrn av ing persons from drowning and empluullng desirability or truinliig in lift saving careful lnvestlgauon of tlu eisi sluwed little or no asslu mice had bet rendered by bysuuule and that ect pt for uie action of th scout drowning would have been inevit able thliw id pp4ar to be attribut able to training and nu of duty to riiuhr aswls timet to those in dktrejj mason somi uinini why aie till pt uple tin liiii st ut au tlu art alway tuiet in btd what bluls uer imu of little jamesvay poultry equipment tin vliblllty ulf jmwo iwwiltry mubumnt lmm mooni wh kuw11 thut jbiutmiwy iuuhd malvuaut to kuarkmu of quality uid4 poullry taa kim th jmwy oil hkul coi biuniluir biubara iw klocul la imc bttiiy bcootlor fjrrr 11 wtrirt iit tdl kiudri ul hwu lylntf ant iiirouurti uttt unnliialurl uid caaiuplattf broou luiiteart manuaciurmr of alt kinds vf afl ttal building tnauruil vb ofjmay j1 at wtt dlwd eastern steel products vmciorima iao at moatwil tnj toronto itlu iv und at dln allilltts wilv did th roil utile hi tail it aw the kllihen sink wjiv an lis llkt tore uitaui thty are lit pair peiirsl wht wlu bar hun not hopt tl into stable lic1ti vins poll man why ilint you blow your horn moutba tjuiihuy undf tlk inihifn wlio lo you think am utile lloy uxhf spring clothes attention mr chas beatty cambridre clothes representa tive will be it our store on thurs april and will show complete and uptotheminutj line oj mat erials and styles we invite you to come in and see whats nv foi the spring and summn seasons cambridge clqrjles for the man who known just arrived new shirts new ties he new xtval yacht shiut iiil smartest shirt bcnif sliown this spring uangc ol colors and with the new marvel collar 200 eaklscourt shirts smart patterns each 150 ties smart spring colors just tne ivind lo brighten up your spring outlit stripe iith checkn 50c 100 boys blouses shirts patterns idc topie special irices in the grocery 1eiartment hvery week rhoiie your order free delivery if you waat to sell advertise

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