Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Mar 1936, p. 7

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thursday march tttti 19m the acton free press pao bbvsn signs or bfmincr the cradled tn tho rmoirthe howeri deep and oer the woods tho frosty starlight biouda fstwn hldderi qnqpry coverts wild things creep the call of spring has roused them from their dreams icefettered stxeama are struggling to be tree the greathorned owl has owlets in its nest the sap is creeping up in very tree and sending tretriv thro each mighty crest the south winds roclc the great trees to and fro or whisper in trie pines and old oak chronicles of ginger farm writtaa binhby ammm pre vraw owxndoum crtag the noondy sun lays low the bonks of snow and crystal pendants drip from lowly eaves from fence and treetop calls the crow and jay the sparrowt held gay parties in tho trees the starlings mock the other birds all day and nickers feed with friendly chick dees redwings and robnls harblngera of spring vanguard of greatbird armjes trekking north from naked swaying trootops loudly sing that farther south tho buds are bursting forth ono day uils week wc liad vmtor ho like myself ha been more or ices ihut up in the house partner grvotoj him by kaying well old fellow how uru you now and to my joy lus friend the changing winds that scamper to and repllfd slull be all right just boo partner keeps laughing at me because for weeks have been longing for tho sun if only wo could have some nice doytj days with real sunshine would say or perhaps would stand at tho window and exclaim if only could got out in the garden and dig and of course there was no place to dig except in snowhank day after day wc would ttet perhaps llttilo iunshlnc early in the day and then tt would cloud over again and on surely or the day dark ened oo did my eplriu drop partner thinks am foonali bo let the weather uffect me but defy anyone to go tlirough tlie winter and only got out uboutf djkzcn times and ullll keep uicm ki ircnagieltlng jittery in dull wealher fro the killdeers song thati quivers in the air tho driving rain the feathered flakca of snow all tell us tlgn of spring arc every wliere trtinurica twkntv years ago from the isue of the free krs uf thurmday march 30th l9lb the mild weather has cut out uie short drive over the ice of fairy lace from tho first line into town ten additional rural schools in halton will teach agriculture this year making in all sixteen that have undertaken this work up to the present mr james lackey has been appointed caretaker of the jllgh school building and grounds at georgetown and will rempve to georgetown shoruy there was big wreck on uie grand trunk at georgetown early itidaynorn ing which completely blocked uie road lo eight liouri tlio latu lecture in the alnteru oouwe oi the kings bible closii was given oy rev george uujc or guelph ills fcubject wad cunada in uie waking and was vvry inspiring henry dobble tci rtolly vardcn ha enlisted in acton pjotoon xtes melvm soper and artluir an detbon are taking coun4 in zcaulixvz at orongeville both sons of mr robert moire gait fonikcrly acton liuve enlisted janiea bi in hamilton und lome member of the 7ut roltallon mr and mrn torrance lleardinore presented each ldier in acton platoon with it acid service pocket nirror in leatlier case twenty montlu of unprecedented war have parsed in uie worlds history ther has been nothing to compare with ltr 11ei mackenzie at the home of libt son 13 mackeiude georgetown on thursday march 33rd lplu samuel mackeiude in his 18ii year cory at cliesley man on sunday march 5th luie catlverinc hornby wife of milun ij cory and daughter of william hornby formerly of acton aged 33 years tourists from every state ik the union automobile tour lit traffic to canada from the united states tills season has shown decided advance over the cor responding period or last year tourist cars from every state in the union and ako from the district of columbia tho writ indies bahama islands hawaii canal zone and cuba were included in uiaislufl com lenured on sixty day touring permits through the port of the beat representation with total of 20115 cars ohio came next ulth 3332 and illinois third with 3000 other stated making good thoalng were new york 3501 cars indiana 1440 cars pennsylvania 7b3 cara wisconsin g44cars mliourl 455 cara california 40 curs and maaiclulsetti 33 cars cars entered at wlntlor for touring pur poiefi for jwrlods up to 4b hours num bered 05307 and for other than tourlnj purposes under travellers vehicle per mits 501 automobile traffic through the port of fort krle via the peace bridge and ferry in augutt last exceeded that of auguit 1034 by 45465 cars cars handled dur ing auuust 1035 total ted 330304 made up if 173501 injwird und 1g503 ou wards an uveruue of more than 10 000 cars dally uere hundled thmii thls port durlnc the month fifty lhousnnd more uutomnblles acre pafud thr uth the port of nlugura ills durlnu the month of auuust compared with last jiur the inert jm in foreign cars inaards and outu arils uas 10713 in canadian curs 30uu5 curs tmured on blxtyduy permil numbered 35tl70 an lncvraje of 4307 automobiles en tered fbr period up lo 48 hours readied total or 60005 un tncreae or lj0utf all velucles handled belli inwards and outuujdi totalled 330 u13 for ute liloiitll aj tte pt iorm real uurm funshlncl toduy friend of mine came vlsl und it wasnt long before site wils jaiylnu well it certainly lovely to uxi the futujilne llow different it makes orw fel of courts laughed while part ner jald fionutlilng unintelligible and it uai np tcjne to explain tlie situation ytri tlurc really wai nonc winshlne toduy but even ro wasnt able to get out much iu tlierc was iucli cold wind blowing but luit by uio window where the sun was trcaijilng in until woij nearly baked and all tills lxst little while wlule have been grumbling about tliu dull duj letter was speeding tax lta way to from partner brotlicr who uvea in virginia auralla and in it lie tells about liollday lie and ills wife and two boys have been enjoying down at the tea and how sunburnt tliey wero und how tliey luul cnjoytxl uie swlm mliib lliat iundt all right of course but how ubout tills wlun wo were iwlmmlng today tliere wai small rhurk in tlio water whicli resulted in everyone making wlkl scamper ror tlic beacli th6 bauieru usually keep falrjy cloj togetlier in the aater and there nrt alwajs llfclvers around wlio keep tharp look out for uliarks and otlier don ten1 he didnt say wluit tlie otlier dangers were personally sliould thlnjc harks would bo cnounh won der how ue uiould weloomo vlsitom like that in canadian water wlien we want ed to go swlmmmg my brxitlierlnlaw ha4 iomc kind of job with the railway at present at chrlsuruur time lie and ids family uere given frxe pass to north queensland and travelled over tluree uiourjuwl mllei free gratis for nouimj now wouldnt tlutt be grand when read tlili letter twan australia uiought how strange it must seem to puriners motlur to get letter from one sorv taylng wliat terribly hot summer uiey were jiaving and tlien kttcr from anotlier son complaining abcut tlu oold and tlie tremendoil amount of snow we uere getting in can ada and tlien perliaps slie might look out of the window and from her home ui england possibly ie nothing but rain another mterosting letter we luul was frcm partners sister who was staying in london at tlu lima of uie bigs dcatli her letter ran when arrived in town lontfji felt satisfied tlutt uos quite faslilonably draicd but my fat lf action did not last long tlie next day the king died and everywhere wherever one uent people uere in mourn ing one wrndered wliero and how thoy managed to gvt it vo quickly in th ijiop women uere buying black gloves stocklnesf bans etc and the counters where black haui wvre iild uere abso lutel em now am eoing back uureo weeks to windsor ontario during the month ofjpeil ou abut ratlier interesting lltll ililrti hnprurifit ahllft nnc in toronto was going to rpend tlie day ltli friend wlio lives down at the beocl tlie last time went thce it uar dark so wasnt quiu sure if was heading in the right direction after left the street car coming along beach avenue was man with two little chlklren girl and uiy plnt thought would ask directions from this gentleman and tlven decided knew uiiere wan where my friend lived war just around tlie corner and almost tho first thing slie iud was wlih you had been here few minutes iioner thin you would liave ruen two dear little children and tlieir grandfather tiey the homesteaeius by ethel chapman halton county readers will bo par ticularly interested tn the above mm tinned book not only because of ltu literary value bub because the author miss ethel chapman was bom and tcd in halton and who still has many friends throughout the county lss chapman is well known as editor of the womens section of tho farmer and olno as splendid speaker who has given generously of her time to various branches iof tho womens institute miss chapman is also author of previous book oods green country in this day und age we ore inclined to think cf umj pioneering opirit as some thing uiab is dead something past ami forgotten something belonging to previous keneration with which wc have llttlo concern but read miss chapman book thl ovcvyday story of ufo hi nortli cm saskatchewan of the courage and tenacity of uie young slmcdccker couplf and tlieir neighbors and you will realize as miii chapman meant you to roalue that tho pincer piriti lives it does not belong entirely to tlie past it bolanus also to tlio young men and women of today wlio with courugo ui great as thtlr frefatliers stake tlieir all hi bid for greater freedom to make good ln this nortliern country to which mlss clutpman iniroduret liere reitdexs couagw is too often merely tlie result of tpportuulty the girl in tlie tkpart meiit store don town may bo us brave ax laura secord but who will ever know hv but ui tlie homejtlider xllss clutpman shows ui that here ki jwirt of caiutda where it is still possible for woman to live full natural iuitf lutppy life and where even hi tills ago cf un emplonient man luvs cluuvou to us wji bruin imd brawn and prove mans man for that wlntkit totjltlsts tliali canadian winter sports hold ev increasing tlirllk for liollday scekcm from the united states may bo takan from tlie fact tliat the number of uuto moblles coming into curuula december last showed on increase over tlie carrespdndlrik month in tho two previous years winter tourlst travel is not usually at it peak during decem ber tho increase however may bj accounted for by desire on the part of those on holidays at christmas time to take trip to canada and indulge in the many attractions that arc offered during the winter season to the seeker of winter sports canndi often innumerable opportunities ski ing is now the ranking individual sports ulth both racr age being no impedi ment other form df outdoor play available to both visitors and residents include skating curling tobogganing unowijioclng various klndi of racing and hockey canadns national sport hockey is played in all parts of the dominion and in the past decade has successfully invaded the united state and otlier countries spectators an well as participants thrill to fills fast and energetic sport which attracts immense crowds to witnew both professional and amateur contents and through tlie medium of the radio hockey fans every where are able to follow the fortunes of their favorite teams the sunday school lesson continued from page two of tho childrens bread tty the leaven of false doctrine in tho study of the word of ood acts 20 29 30 32 tim 13 j4 jjl slrlvo lo enter in at the strait gate 2330 jesus never antiwercd questions of mere speculative curiosity cf john 31 31 23 and he did not deign to give direct answer to this question on this occasion thnugh he did answer it on another occasion matt 13 14 in the present case lie directed the man and all those about him to tlieir own duly to two to it that uhoy themselves entered in ratlier tluui llntl out juat how many would be saved jcus bade them all strive contend or struggle or endeavor with tremendous steal to vrfiav in tlwrw will be ll entering hi witliout earnest effort and cunfllot juf never wild it would bj easyho enter tlio kingdom no ono ever difls in acu 14 33 john 37 cor 3437 phil 12 13 heb 11 peter 10 all that ono hos to do to be wvt ly to do nothing to in iuved one must put forth strenuous eiroro oppifeed to ut in our efforts ire the wrrld tlie riexh and tile devil cor 41 gal 117 eph 12 to con quer we must put on tile wliolo ormor of god kph 13 delay is danger oili now lj tlie accepted time now is the day of salvation when once uie muster of the hiuj in rlwn up and lia jjlutj the door easygoing religionist will find tliemwlve on tlio ouuujt those who atv eareleu in tlili day opportunity will be ultogctlies eager in that day of judkineiit many will plead tlu privileges which they lutv enjoyed or the lords prejnce and leaching 20 but enjoyment of christian privil eges and reception of religious intruc tln even socilhd relglous work will not be enough to secure udmlslcn lo gchis kingdom tlie itrlvlng to ehtcr in miuitj be in accord with tlie mighty working of god hi us col 20 it must be ferient ami uitli prayer col 12 some would fellow juua but they ore not wlllmg to take up his crtus during uml cmm uft riiere will only increase doom matt 11 2024 there will be weeping and gnarjihig of tecth great sorrow nnd impotent rugt in the world to which tliey depart many uill come from landi that liave been in darknesj and sit down in tlie kingdom of god the nations that ue have long despised are now listening the gpel and putting to shame socalled clwlstian landt in their eagerntu to learn or chrkt and luivlng found him in their self sacrifice and devotion to iilv wrvlcc there are many of our first people uho will be lait in tliat day lid xady tut curious old lady why youve loat your leg havent you cripple well ill be darned if havent pcridan ulm ic irresistibly appealing to all women wlio appreciate charm and elegance itu use kcps the complexion always clear and beautiful tonic in cffecl stimulates the skin and makes it uondyrfully so ft textured softens and uiutens the lianda persian balni ls equally invaluable to men as an excellent hair fixative and cooling sliavlng lotion splendid also to protect tlie tender ukln of uie cliild just wit by butxdld qy fhrm who were they2 asked tliey uere uie two little children jiulouging ic brvju hoh aht editor of the cliatelaine my friend informed me and uiey certainly were two dear llttk children and here is country story altar uie lost big storm tho ruads were block ed certain farmer was taking his milk oans tp towiv down uw lana he wtint wltli team and ijeigh at pretty good clip tlie reach bwike tlie planks on uu sleigh wjit up in uie air the farmer was pitched into tlie tjvow bank one of uie milk cans fell off uie slelgn awl rolled over his back fortunately uie lid ttayed on wlmt uie farmer mild uuouier story scotlands famous thshf wk itinri still supreme there hai been no fulling away from the national duh of scotland oatmeal porridge upon which so many bra hlc landers hai been raised judging oy the latest estimate of the cereal crop in scotland 1035 showing an increase production of oats over the previous year estimate for 1035 is c81000 tans as agalnrt 145000 tons tor 1034 ac cording to the agricultural department of the canadian national railways last year there was shortage of home grown oats and canadian oats were im ported to make up the deficiency to the extent of 67 per cent of the total i507fij cwts oats is uie principal cereal crop of scouand shoe production gains production of leather footwear by canadlnn factories during december last totalled 1565 086 pairs an increase of 305070 pairs or 34 per cent over de cember 1034 the largest gain wan made by footwear in sizes for women which recorded an increase of 25300 palw or 52 percent footwear made in slaas for men increased by 10 per cent cumulative production during the cal endar year 1035 totalled 21712080 pain compared ith cum poducthm of 1b401817 pairs during 1034 the beason daughter mother wish you woul ulop bossing father around so much mothpr whats tho matter now daughter well every time get some young man interested in me he grows serious and oijls me if take after you one minute pulpit the earth alfco is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have trun grcssod the laws changed the ordinances hroki the everlast ing covenant isaiah 244 king edward visits glasgow iiouhle truth some of you pedcstrlaiu walk an if you owned the streets yes and some of you motorists drive around just as you owned your cars rheumatis miikhmatimm lttmhaoo ouicklr tellrwd bv fl brownx drug store rumacapsj an incident of the recwit inspection of britains now superliner queen mary now nearlng complelon at clydebank scouand by king edward viil is pictured cheers for teddy uxre rad by the whip uorkers wlien uielr monarcli visited uietn without fomallty used tlie greasy gangplanks uutt tlie laborerti ue yardlng and leaving uie ship and commended uicm for the excellent job uiey ure making or u1l1 newest and greautt unit of uie brluah mercliant marine later he visited duellings of um workmen nearby and commented on the squalor of some or uiem as ctmpaired wlut the luxury uiat is being built into the new liner tlie king in shown in chicle surrounded by cheering work time tables nadian nati0nalr at aotow going east daily except 3unday 7msk dally except sunday 10vub dally except sunday ilupjk sunday only tmpjfc the cftnoaga flier that pastes tfaroatfb here at 031 eastbound atopa at oeorgetown at 040 gate dally except sunday ijuka daily except sunday supa dally except sunday 7jmxuk dally except sunday 1331 ajq sunday only 0mui sunday only luflam standard ttfcc3 arrow bus schedule leave westbound 945 in 1145 tn ezeept saturday 21s 31s tn malurojiy only 515 715 1115 105 saturday sundays and holidays leave eastbound 700 dally ucrpt sunday 010 ra 1245 4m to tn 645 nt 000 to km itineraries planned to aix points in canada unite1 states mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines tottonto collections since 1803 wo have been successful ly handling collections for un ever in creasing number of clients surely this indicates unit wo am efficient and responsible send in your list of note and ac counts if ue fall to collect we charbtj nothing lor our services kelly aiken the collceuoii storcuuau oltaljcevltlk ont household hints ity mks mahy moimon menu hint broiled hamburn steak baked potatoes onions cabbage carrot salad cottage cheese pic coffee few housewives appreciate the divcrsltytjf uses for cottage cheese in the daily menu there are many tpcs of salads in which cottage cheese may be used but there also are many other ways in which this healthful delicacy can be served one ol the tempting forms in which to prepare cottufe cheese is in pie such as the recipe filven here todays recipes cotagc cheese pie oneand one half cups cottaite cheese four table spoons melted butter onehalf cup miliar onefourth teaspoon salt one ublutpoauflour grated rind ofone lemon two crjr yollcs unbeaten unuhnlf cup raimus onehalf cup chopped nuts combine in the order if butter is vefy hard bowl may have to be heated second time butter treated in this way is softened blt never melted dainty addition blanket cover placed under the spread on the guest room bed wll make the bed as dainty at night by day it should be thin made ui one thickness of outing flannel em broidered with silk satinc edged with lace or washable silk poncue or rayon ut the blanket cover over the blanket and fold the top sheel hack about six inches over the blan ket cover then put on the spread honey or maple syrup mixed with whipped cream makes an excellent hopper for baked apples ail unbaked pie shell bake ut dygrcen for ten minutes then reduce temperature to 350 degrees and con tinue baking until filling is firm about 30 minutes ficsh frulls uieh us cherries and currant may be used in place of rusins this tccipe is ulficienl lo fill an eitfhu inch pie shell facts amd fancies to koflei nutter ilord butter needed for lunches bakinc or table use may be quickly and easily softened kill bowl with boiling water when bowl is very hot pour but the water and quickly invert steaming bowl over tlu piece of butter to be softened if you wuli to mcuure jtortenlng vvlte it very tin fill cup with much cold wale added lo tlie tmoont of kltodcn ing kequued wal nuke cupful now add lta uvwtaiiflg until tlu wlw rciclna tlui lcvd ol eoa cup fciid you will have on wriunl tlenredl new business bin ted will attrael kmw bubumort take the putx ui th old uiat yod ure laming gei bur prletdtf tm printing the acton free fress subticriptiokuj for all magazlnea taken ut rile free pitou offlc muggs mcgin iteo gnlxed leuding lapeclflc or dtrucuaiof jmiortrut ilotlu ovt worm euterniintor luu proved boon to buffering children everhere it cldom falls hotmaov come iarrs fills cat vfao ueave rr aloue hoimakl stopjl rrsouubs like woimaws gcit irt hia 7bbih by wallv bishop cr ivvns

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