Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Mar 1936, p. 3

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thur march 26th 1030 yhe actonfree press mhm4 ultp 3tm prpbb lnrt tnrg forfeit forfeit very fine forfeit by ii ciieley 4ue six young occupants of the mcado bungalow were seated en the broad rront porch discuss ing plana or the next days entertain ment they were in the best of oplrits nfffr aiityt tlipfut dell uppof of pancakes broiled bacon apple turnovers and buttermilk the title aunt was by oourteay only elizabeth abbot being what alan meade called community relative jso capable and motherly person was she that mrs meade had ferfc no hesitation in putting the young people in her charge during their spring vacation week what gorgeous setting youve pro vided us mian laurel cloy shelby addressed alanto sftsber you couldnt have done better if you had searched the entire length and breadth of ken tucky the scene spread out before them was indeed beautiful the meade property sloped down to murmurous stream now swollen to about double its ordinary volume by the spring freshets on the opposite bank wooded mountain sides rose steeply to flaming sunset sky dads good taste not mine laughed back laurel the only drawback is the getting here from town you saw how impossible the roadb are which makes you all the mire of brick vera pronounced alan ho let your car in far the rough treatment it received vera ho wan cousin of clays and classmate of laurels at boarding school had motored all uie uay from lexington stopping for tlio othcrxi willi uie exception of clay in dlxvluo it was the leaut could do uasiit it she answered back for the invitation begged for this medical relattvu ol mum clay who won studying medicine lit boston had it seamed bobbed up unexpectedly just as vera was leaving and mighty glad uo arc you did remarked alan hospitably thanks acknowledged clay but tell trie liow do folks in uiat ulld country ocrous uierc ever manage to gil about slipping mostly reckon spoke up peter lisle fifth member of the group and sliding supplemented lireiida hid sister peter and brenda were friends and nextdoor neighbors of the young meades in dlxvlue so far they had been rather quiet due perhaps to their being trifle aliy and selfconscious in veras presence for they knew that lmr family were social is in lexington in fact there was considerable of the leader about vera herself even laurel was always careful not to oppose her what lifer anrrlalmwi clay the poor outcast ace surety to be pitied well save your pity broke in vent crisply if those wwmnfafw had an atom of qmbrttnrt theyd have moved uu boom town wig before this they are not in the least important anyway what is important is oar program for tomorrow whats it to be laurel opened her mouth in defence ux the isolated mountalndwwlkrs then cawed it wlthotttsocwntf it was not lack of sympathy thai kept her silent but lack of courage being veras insriisss how could she dispute the girl whats the matter with our mas querading as oldtimers came auu meades suggestion oh lets several enthusiastic voices cried in chorus well admits only early kentucky ladles and gentlemen continued laurel da lbuiiel boone come under that head inquired alan laughingly well anyway whether youd ciobs rougli andreddy plane as gentleman or not mean to impersonate him vw is only one kentucklan passible seeing joure namesake of henry cias rlghto responded lier coutln uondor went on vera still ai bumlng charge who peter ought to be would an early governor of the state the very thing peter finished for lier to assictxtbxcj0cortei4ondjngtoltji for uu girls of tlio party was the wort of but few minutes laurel could not iwlp noticing that it was vera who always had the deciding voice brciioa was to be an indian maid of boorre day laurel mrs clay though have not the faintest idea whether henry was ever married ar not confessed vera while for herself the governors lady was selected mrs clay she addreooed laura with mock seriousness could you provide any crinolines old lace waistcoats stocks or other furbelows for your distinguished guests7 the unfinished room under trhe roof might was the promising reply what the young folks found up under the caves proved genuine hreasurelrovo for their excursion into the post very acceptable sextet of kentucky finest gathered in the living room after lunch next day tableaux will be better for evening dont you think said laurcl let start off with few oldfashioned gomes how about forfeits timidly sug gested brenda by unanimous vote the company decided to accept the suggestion dur ing the next hour amid hllariou lough tor forfeit uas extracted from vcrv one of the six it fell to laurels lot to impose the respective lines slit seated herself on luusoclc kprvadhuf her flowing brulued iklrts about licr while vera procetdid to liold tlw flnt forfeit over her licad forftlt forfeit very line forfeit wliat will uie owner do to redeem it laurel wud reasonably sure it was lur oun necklace tluit vera held slight metallic aouiul cave her uu cue before site had clionce itoucver to uilnk of an amusing way of redeeming lier pas session timid knock at the front door drew all eyes in that direction brenda who was nearest admitted most unexpected visitor an undersiaod child of about eight clod in faded calico hesitantly crossed the threshold she looked from one to the other of tile masquexoders with wondering half ncared look in hex dork eyes where be the nurse she inquired of brenda nurse what nurse returned uienda liar that stops at creek bend but dont understand frdo interrupted laurcl rising the child is evidently looking for miss cross who is in charge of the nw nurses bureau here in the mountains the wisenedr fmoo of the small visitor brightened yes atis cross she isald what is your nakner asked lauxel im bade responded the child and live with paw and maw in dowers ouch you haven walked all thai dis tancel hadgneddcdinthc afftnnativg but youve gone far out of your way went on laurcl to get to crock bend you tdiould have taken the turn to the left the other side of the bridge is anybody sick inquired clay mows awful come sades reply so paw writ tlus soylngrotf how should take it to the nurse the child smooth ed out crumpled scrap of paper pleeae nuie kum rite away my uoman ml ley sick ran uia unpunctuav od mlhpclied scrawl which clay read aloud to uie little croup tits face grey iiuer an sos suroly lie com nienuhl oh how tlrerfimet brofcein wrsr exobpfiralpdly laurel do tell tlu child hovt to get back ij uu right road it villi nai time if do uliat can for sades mother myself could car make it to dower to oulch clay asked laurel whoso car demanded vera sliarpl wcli bodmjf ours la the onlj onr uvu liable not available far any such unnccei cary errand as tlust came the retort unrmccjisary rcpeabed clay ear qui meb let thfl dtttrlc nuruo do it tliola wliat shes here for isnt it though what lier idea is good ness knous ive ttcard of these moun tain missionaries btfore travelling horse back all hours of the day and night but vera remonstrated clay ntly til ink of tin livmi they ru avhlg well came back the retort suppose they do aave tliem is that an tgti uuy are uorth saving nunoo tle took bldcsln the urgumenl beta ocn tn cousins laurel vas mlscrablc ijie knew clay was in the right and uiat ijie sliould back him with his medical knowledge he could do oj much as the nunc perhaps more aj before however slic was lntlmidaud by what vera might say or on it did not ma any toons com fortable to know that it was in her power to provide substitute for the car lief saddk horse dem was cure footed on the steepest ot uie mountain roads come sade spoke up clay the child placed her small liand con fidingly in his big one and they moved toward the dour an awkward silence followed which was broken by alan its mighty decent of you cloy lie but really do you think youre called upon 4o go all the way to dowers dulch itv iiff hike clay set his jaw resolutely if bade could do it guess pm good for it impulsively laurel followe tlie queo assorted pair out onto tlte porch it was still nob too late to offer dem as bho determinedly made up her mind uiat tlic would do ijo peal of mocking laughter floated out from inside lies done the moct ridiculous things all his life it was vcrus voice wliat hi tlio uorid ore au doing laurel tlw oon tmued when laurel wan settled on uie liai rock one more forfeit jl forfeit ery flue forfeit rumcd vera ulint uill uie ouiier do to redeem if in flaui laurel kneu uhat the ounfr uould do to redeem it breauie ilie rpoke uu uords beforo lua ftav of verufl opinion ijiould prv ent lier tlw ovvrua slie announced will get ocm and ride him for half hour oh como now pouted vera dont bo absurd laurel name something imuislble and lndoord dont know of onyuiing moro taislble main tabled laurel well it happens to be your own necklace announced vera if you persist hi redeeming it the way you say we cant prevent you only for hosteas to leave lier gueuts in this way und go tm borry vera inierrupted laurel but must tlkatg all ill explain whetl get back subpiious light iiomed in her friends eyes oh iiruwsundl sold vera meaningly that child ade has be witched you as she did clay and laurcl waiting to hear iui more rushed to the kitchen leaving word with the astonished aunt llxxie to pack some food and simple home remedies she hurried ha saddle oeffil while fche packed the ssddlebags hex mind was busy trying to decide ort the feboriesi way to overtake clay and jsade they must have crossed the bridge and turned back on the oulch road parauel with tha wvcr suddenly laurel knew she would ford uie streairir down um steep slope can carefully picked his way to the waters edge then undenitandliig lie was expected to broi tiki river he gave whinny of delight laurel urged tlie horse toward mid stream there to tier tturprke tha fording was not to easy as she hod an uc grweii swirling know of water released by tlia upriver thous cliallengvd lier advance tlu turll or play uiddcnly left gem lie rcaliud li luiu hard uork aluad at tinu uie cullt current tlwuatened to sueep lilm down stream fuially in desiwato attempt tft wrfvml hli dtiwflnn hr fr nirtlin scotts scrapbook tme old master jakk schaepebsc 1as fmk creartst bhuard plavbr ofmcm all im 1879 rules makms in jcmtvo 8inch eulktle hoping lb handicap him vjhch hc became unoearablc af tkat gamii 14 inch 8aiklinc vjac oeniskd twat faileo fb sibo him go 18inch baikhne was craeartd eur oldjakfcrseignto eupocmc until rur ttn op the cenrbfv ty fe scon hlu ilcai ccr did you he bugon uicn broke off but youre hurt not much laurel assured him enough for me to get you home 111 du uiat if you don mind terpocud miss cross ive this minute heard about the call far help from gotten oulch suppou you hurrj ahead on uio liorso uiis impulsive but couragt ouo girl lias crossed the river to provtdi iuwlui 11 directly but liow oh said uie nurw indicating lier cocur can ea 11 tuc us boui clay lulped uie tuo to mount ho tjild iu vvurd of uianicj uc uie moment but the louk lie nave iiurel ftu uuuiks nough ruuier subdued llttk group rcaumd the ipterrupted game of forfeits uiat evening even vera seemed cluinged uulllce hericniaj doml pelf liad returned ului news uiat sadcs mouier liad been umtlo oomfortoblo and was out of danger and vera now adked if tliey mlglit not go on from wluvc uiry left off only rjjo lald to laurel ought to explain that after you left we took illation in our own hands and docidod itow uie forfeits should be redeemed youve already redeemed yours of courso so has qlay do you want to hear what the rest of us are to do mystified laurel assented to get my forfeit back tad vera promise to buy adq new drei and take it to lie and brenda followed next agree to give lies pair of new allocs contract to carry basket of pro visions to the oulch announced peter and finished alan will be re sponsible for whatever medicine uie nure and ooctor henry cloy here order vera gavo an liysierlcal utile lough always used to uilnk forfeits rauur utiw game siie confessed but tills purucular one has been rather exciting ill iay to agreed lier companion sharp uric laurel was utencjied ncarli out of uie caudle she fought to regain her balance lot it and the next moment uai uirown into the nrveiilsh uhirl somcthhig hit lier on the luad md lvrthinn unit buclt iilie unke to find lujlf pratrate tn the bink gt and tranf hu utre nulla quktlj bj while oil un nnlluu perm lw nt owr lur ihiv iw nou ujl1 the uuman ah iiht unnu bn itlu imn in id vlmt luppiiwd it tii amid ih tin pn un ef ind ou nut in nuk ii lii tjwr emu tin iilutr bit 1m sure ii loill gl id iu1h ll 111 mi tunud laim in luih on innd it llu uu win ju tan tli irgm rl ml cr ofl tlu head of uu iuij ihijj hi in th uut nill4i bir lur tl llu lrcuin tn icluroil it tiilt time of wliat nuiv ou ulnipj lud to aero ive time xpiauudjjurw aihi uant to nuj him have juu wtn ui body go by wliuu uv on ifxutnir ro henry clay juu crtw gave beulldeivd uugti kurly not uuj ikairy cuiy fcpialkitloik followed in tile mldat of uwu louiu cauglit uiglt of uu fonu approocjung wiui suingbig joridc ijadc uati perchod ol henry oloyv shotlkler at sight of laurel uke young moil stopped in tswwirhwist amascokeat uiw the many iurroe oil boul in uie llouixr ojld stable there arc scores of uie for dr tliomat tclectric oil use ittto cutr bruiie buriu scalds uie pains ol rheumatijn and acutlca irc uiroat and chejl horfa are liable ery largely to imllar allinentu and muillapt ai alrllct mankind and are equally anieiiablo to uie healing influence of uils fine old remedy wluch lias mode uiousanda of rinn friend during uw pait fifty yar slats diary by oliver waiuikn tiunday snub injct are olttys loed lng colldge cradgeate is on uie sts with blacked ee uhen jnio boddlc art him tiou did it tuippeu he nel he klst bride ll uil inns long after uu uidhig moiuui littel joiuiut tommaoes mullii uus teechuig joirnu about uie troddig isinri tuud karr tjiw tm joiuile tarud to jx11 cry si etc hn ed lie wai jorry rr uie katt it did at ut do lurflw it ted joimle tutjdai in kool today the tisctwr lut are claui uhut did luxih most likely do vvhll lie uai on uie urk uiey was mutch watter he filled sed jok4 no lie diddent nax uie llttel lit boy on uie front sect only llud worms and uie fkji wilt nil drtmned wedn joe hhc uas try in to take out name hhjrebvaon better vi life today as the iikl at 1dm wliat did lier grand larreiits die of joe plldc ued iuj uaienl pure but node it wasent ho uilng mou tliursday down touu yestiddy lko tubhs luuejwf to llxiy tubbs arc hoilikiloqrii wos guiding lkome ouiicre ekkcmomlck confrinoo ai uie skecker oiit did it pay to put much munney in coos ai lko spoko rite up re plide no if your wife is good watclies for holes hi your pockets prlday mebbe busten oint so dum as tltotr he was utter all ha joined hands with mo in not noing wlust the teechr asl him who is oebrgc washcrton abcrliam lhikcn but new ojc wtveci duay ecii wallls bearle was men ulened saturday we wa tclleu each an ouier about tlie treashen at fcuppsr tonlte as ma asl iv uliy did lie expect god made adam fu befour kvc as pa milt liavo mado lilt wiul lier backards uhen lie icd sio adamcculd get chanll to tauk aim judging by uie look ma gave hm is delicious cinderella tilimlsud time wtxk to boa ui orphanage in in wlir bhe hatf uvd klncts infancy mary ellen hlltfgln 18 ha landed jo mid of lb qloriiiecl american girls in it great zieew which la being filmed at holly wood ttudto mix hugiiru worked ad nuriumald and washwoman at week just before aoliuf to the iljdio prevent dangers of constipation bulk in alleuan lb gentle in action common con itipntion ii lorrfnly due to liisulhcitint bulk hiuul oii full to pit your mti runt ecr ise million of people linve foil ml tliit kt iior iitn upplu oft bulk with utisfu tor ult te it in nutrition lalioratoi illiuonititle tli it tin bulk in 1ikn in be til with tlu uu loiiluliiili nuuiilk tho llu lildlmllll lis itll ill 11 ill ol lutiilj iti int tin imulil not ike hulk in ui form in uafi vto ui in bran unlike lutluiilks am nian is at it it iiltion nor dot tin food lo it ilti tut mil witli ton tinuiil use within the hodj it ah urlu nun itiiri anil cliiinei the mte tlnumi pronintini nornuil uml htiilthful elinnnation two tnlilenpoonfulhol tills rleli riouu cereal nervtd with mlllc or cream are usually hufucietit enjoy it uuo in cooked dialies help your family keep wii serve aixhuaw regularly for regularity sold by ull yroecrh made by kt1 lugj in liindonontariu wkjltliy sihiknts to the un1tei statvs tlie trade in live poultry from canada to the unilid states has again become facto of considerable importance tlio poultry industry in western ontario ai result uf uie tariff reductions made ufecllve under uie recent canada united state trade treaty during januarj 103g shlpnunts of uie poultry to nearby united states points chiefly buffalo amounted according to unofficial flgunn to 11233 head in january 1035 shipments tbtallcd only 5gc head by the terms of tlic treaty uia united fitauis duty on live poultry wad fixed at four cents per pound it previously had ben light cents per pound shipments are made up largely of fowl prices on ike towl at montreal and toronto at the present time ore approx imately five cents hlglier uian iasl year savh tilt uoklses the cabby leaned confidingly towards uie very stout woman who had just given him uie exact fare but no up for uie journey tpordon me maam he sold with exaggerated politeness but would you mind walking uu other way and not passing uie horse she looked inquiringly at hurl but why she asked because if see wot vs been carry ing for shilling vtl probably ave tuv replied uie cobby few cents day ye uiuta what work fory and im tho most willing worker you ever kir every hour of the day seven day wcelc fm at your service ready to run your errand keep you in toucli witli friendo pro tect you against all kinds of emergencies give hiu tt chance to prove my worth youll never want to im without me again have you telephone in yovh home our togal buummsm offlc umu gxmtuy ipiy info armament corporations profit from war scares wur threat in europe actual var in africa and border lkirmlfhey wlui uireat of conflict in monjoliu constituta tktruordlnury calei mm palgns for armament corporations in every part of the world uile factories are working 24hour ijilfu in ail effort to keep paetj wiui uia huge demands of governnu nhf for increased armaments britain is launching jtsoooouooo defence projecu in the the figures ore close to billion in yrance ipoiand russia and germany the eacut eachasalaggmring total in all countriatt save russia the anna moot kasustry privately owned vlckaxa parhapa the larasat munl uons and armament industry in the world iu4 announced divi dend of per cent on ordinary hares hlghot thou for luany years the rarairicauons of the vickert conipany shown in the alagram the skod ut in cxacboslovkl one of the largvst in europe la tdiowh working full blast mean while in germany the krupp plant armi to ihcnvlgrman army at tt tremendouj rata paying urge dividends to their share holders

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