Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Mar 1936, p. 2

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tlfo the acton free press toiuhsday march mth 13s qmr acton jtmlrrb bath ou subscuvtxcff rates per uslmd 3tta hr singu copl je wunttm ahowtd ivea ba amw l1mlud camckllatiamsw fiaa tht or mtv criber prefer tt to hv their bubftcriptim lmiroptd la mmm ikmy faq to remit bfoi cxplntio wbu aab ii cnptioa will not crrid in urun vr ttfo yaiod let are aotiaud to cel hwi houu be mm by regiitcret letter noae order or advertising batxslexml notice ic per um lor ant mftertloa ac par line for each aabmcioent iaaetrtlem tec per una or ecb insertion 1m black um jp se pr use additional notice quufjrtne com in attraction aucb aa coarrti esterti meats cnarck odctr or oraa amcetiaajs etc ioc per line arnlai aatun ckarae 15c reports ol meetings held gladly inserted free la memocisn notices oc and 10c per line vtra lor poems birth afnrrusc sad death notices free small 4intnit ic per word minimum charge nje cash if boosed isc also 10c extra hea applications are addroaaed to tbia ofitk diapuy adwertialntf ratca vary sccordlae apace cop traded for altaougb every precaution will be taken to avoid error the proa press accepta advertutnc in ita columns oat the undemanding that will not be liable for say error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of aucb advertisement la requested in writing by the advertuer and returned to the free we buaineaa office duly signed by the advcftlaer and with sueb error or oorrectiona plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case any error bo noted is not corrected by the free pre ita liability ahall not exceed aucb proportion of the entire coat of aucb advcrtucmcnt tha apace occupied by the noted error bear to the whole apace occupied by aacb advertisement attlof dills editor telephones editorial and bu residence repaire are due the railing of section of plaster during the progress of recent event in the town hall rather forcibly brought to the attention of all that this building must have repairs it is noteworthy that at the lust meeting of the council it was considered imperative that repairs be made to the building this year it has stood the wear well it has been erected for over half century and repairs have been very meagre the outside especially has needed attention for some time and particularly several coats of paint and much glazing it must have been well and substantially built to have stood the test of the years upon it to meet the needs of the present day it would require remodelling that does not seem at present warranted but ij is to be hoped that allow ance con be made this year in the councils expendi ture for many of the repairs that have been overdue for some years organizations have been liberal in arranging for improvements but the nature of the work now required should be undertaken by council and borne by the community at large the that hotkey editorial that the time we were waiting for to write local hockey editorial didnt come this year leave more than the cdito disappointed we had hoped along with many others to tell about an intermediate championship team but for the second year in row durham has been stumbling block ttut there is bright side too the acton team this year made the most progress of tiny team toward power at cost in acton and from other parts of the province lias come the news of the best thirteenth power bills in years pf hydro all these rebates mean eventually lower power costs to the consumer few years ago it came almost to the point where actons thirteenth bill was debit rather than credit one wonders just how much bearing the cancellation of the old contracts had in bringing about the reversed showing and resultant reduced power costs at any rate it is an emphatic answer to those who criticized the cancellation and the negotiation of more favorable contracts last week was very inopportune time for publication of any criticism of the actjons of the hydro commission itwasnoticeabie thatthere bates were quite popular in ull centres and the basis of congratulatory remarks spring is here ly it arrived on friday and signs of it arc not lackin those big storms of march made it pretty miserable for few daysblltthe warnvsun shine didnt leave the banks piled long as in the winter robins und crows are quite plentiful and on monday citizen picked up grasshopper on the stccet and it hopped quite lively when it was brought in for exhibit the flics that go some place in the winter time arc getting lively again the frogs may be in the meadows but the coating of ice is still too thick for them to be heard from but signs of spring are certainly not lacking at the time of its official advent with coal bins badly depleted and the ibng steady and severe winter experienced all signs are indeed welcome even the lawn mower and spade will be change from the snow shovel ontario liiminesri in reviewing business conditions the monthly summary of the bank of montreal has the following concerning ontario manufacturing has been well maintained with indications of continued expansion automobile production was lower during february when road conditions interfered with deliveries tire companies are accelerating output and report en couraging prospects for spring trade foundries have been fairly busy die and pattern makers arc quiet steel and iron mills arc expanding activities furniture manufacturing continues to be quiet textile woollen hosiery and knitting mills are well employed banners are more active bootand shoe factories report good season with sorting orders in larger volume than year ago lumber dealers re port increased sales paper nulls arc operating at or near capacity output of electrical refrigerators and household appliances is in larger volume than year ago flour mills are comparatively quiet more live slock on quctac farms during 1935 quebec farmers increased their live stock holdings by more than 25100 head as com pared with the preceding year this increase is due mainly to the larger number of pigs kept for slaughj tering purposes which advanced from 589930 in 1034 to 660380 in 1935 indications are that this expansion will be continued or at least maintainci during 193g while third among the provinces with respect to volume produced quebecs present pro duction is rot sufficient to take care of the provinces own requirements noticeable improvement in type and particularly in finish was shown during 1035 on the other hand the number of cattle on quebec farms decreased from 1579140 to 1527140 last year on decembei 1st last year there were 679910 milch cows compared with 687700 in the previous year sheep made slight gain with total of 518670 for 1935 compared with 517090 for 1931 the number of poultry hens ducks chickens geese and turkeys dropped from g67g830 to 0510260 editorial notes june 23rd the kings birthday is holiday irhsntrtticsrhythtsyeatt statutory well it will be some little time before the dust will be nuisance on mill street anywoy its almost time for the weather prophets to start predicting the kind of summer we will experience this year and give the signs which mny or may not tail the sunday school lesson for sunday march 20th jesus explains the kingdom ooldep text tlwy shall come from the euat and weul and iron tho narui and aauth and ahh bit down in tho kingdom of qod lmus 13 29 lesson text luke 13 1b30 time 20 plucc on the waj to jerusalem exposition tho marviw onwh of th klndocn 1b40 the klnbtiomofaodorwhtchour tbrd iiertf kpcukfi menj tho kingdom 6t god in ltd outward manlfculotion on curth it lbjlkathr mustard seed in ju jmnau beginnings and its marvclols growth cf act 15 201 ww auo lh 12 1c 17 dan 34 35 tile klnttdonl of ood way first planted in biblo emsj ju jumself john 13 z40l3jjljntke tyca of tho world tlila scfljli waii tmall and utterly lntlrnin cant lso 53 thla porablo li intended to teach the outward gtowth of uio klnadom in tho world railier 1hjn tho internal growth of the church as hyiicm of truth and ethics or the fcrowth of hiuj fipirlttittl life uiu in dividual iluix may bo oilier resdecui in uhlch the frowth of uw kingdom ot ifeuvn 1j ula the mustard wd but uie central truth that of rmnll bln iilnifi imd treat yrowtlu it juiiti ulio kouij th ujed iiu hov in ilii ukl which the uorld matt 13 37 uh dy tlu bird of the idr comuw mid rdulnt ui the brunche of it lt iym bolbonl the natlorui of the earth taking uielter under the jluidow of the king dom of god 17 22 23 24 31 12 don 12w some take lt that the birdii in tlitr parable are th same at tlioie hi the tirt of the luveii parable or the kingdom matt 13 101 but thb ulll not bear cloee examination in one place in the bible jciua ir spoken of undtr the fljjure of lion in an other place satan ir so npoken of ivtr almost all ihovvmentr uhlch are from god are like the mustard sd unall in their beglnnintn butt kretu in their growth let ut nevur despise any moemnt because lt may at first be uiak and small one conversion niny be the beaumlng of mighty church one rjxil tlie beginning of rich harvot of souls inward difuirbince 2021 in tlie parable of the leaven with uhlcu jaur immediately follfeus tlibi we see uiat tlib great outuard growth uas im mediately folloyxd by jreat in wart ruptlon both parabks ucre prophetic right from its try inception licur an otlvf growth luifi been at ttork in tlie church disruptlvc growth leaven is cvryuhero in tlie bible type of cor ruption see tlu uriplred interprelatljn of tlie parable in cor gal fl tho uoman an apostate churclii mixed ule leaven cf false docbrinc mutt 10 12 in the childrens bread onl the whole life and doctrino of the church was leavened history has abundantly fulfilled tlibi prediction that along with uio marvelous growth oi the kingdom in lit outuard manlfcsuuon tlierc cliould go en also proeets of inward decay satan never presenu leaven alone to men to feed upon lie aluays mixes lt with meal covtrs lt wltli trutli clirifitlan science and every otlier modem form of error lias measure of trutli mixed with lt but tlie wliole doctrine of tlie church uas corrupted for centuries by tlve lejiven of error uhlcli had been rnud with 10 at very early date and the reforma tion becamo neottjiry tlio purist teaching of the gospel lias not prvcnted duturblnh elements creeping in in all times and ages and as tlie gospel elates it being hidden in its heart in the core or the church in every congrega tion of god people there axe corrupt ing forces belle vert and unbelievers converted and unconverted tlu children of the kingdom and uie children of tlie wicked one matt 13 30 we can find safeguard against this corrupting continued on page seven china gets bulk of uex news print from canada while uw chinese are aald to have invented writing paper china now finds lt neccaiary to bring her paper supplies from other countries it is mippoaed that tho first newsapers were published in china and for many centuries thenc were printed on small handprinting presses these handprinting presses ara still extensively employed throughout th interior in tho burger centres however modem printing presses are used with the leading dallies published in shang hai which as the principal centre of tho newsprint trade of china about 40 prr cent of the total imports of news print are absorbed hi shanghai alone whlifrapproxhnauly loperccnloxull pnper imports passes through the pan according to tlie industrial department at the canadian national itallways tho importance of tho newsprint trade in china is gauged by tho fact uiat about 75 per cent of tlie total imports of papcrtf which rank idxth among thir imports of china fe made up of new print of whi canada suppl tho greater portion this was not always the cose nofar as canada li concerned fur it is only since 1031 that canada entered tlie trade but elje rose quickly to position of premier importance irlor to tlit china got her newsprint from northern european countries and japan 1lans were at one time made and the scheme lt agabi receiving atten tion to build newsprint mill in central china at weiichow with dally output of 35 tons to be operated by fiuaffl pouer it bi evident however that china ulll have to depend on forcuni sources of supply for the larger portion of her paper require mtnts due to laci of raw material in other paper product the united states the chief tourco or supply for cigarette paper banknote und bond writing paper great britain is the leading source for paperware such as drinking cups envelopes etc fol lowed by tlie united states japan and germany japan and germany occupy important places in the paper trade of china and norway sweden and austria also share in the market target gallery of french parliament dr groenc amntcrdammer iiowikiik the situation from the viewpoint of peace in many respects wone tlian before 1014 david lloydgeorge prime minbter curgyman it lib best horgrcavcs invented machine for spinning cotton uhlch he called jenny in honor of hbi wife compton also married man invented almllar mnclilne which he called the mule making certain her wealthy iather iow can yoj have the cheek to ask for my daughter when you arc earning such unall salary suitor well you see didnt like to turn doun my job until uas sure of your consent douglas egyptian liniment is an ex cellent leg wash for stock also re moves corns in horrca and quickly re lieves bruises sprains suejungs and joint stiffness factographs llinc uetl horscj of end ndch onhill havuria have bten decor ultcl wth war buddy honor nacijl in rccornition of valiant ivicl in the world var coqudla nul the of the ftaiaba or piaaba palm one of the cocoanut ilroup native of tlrj7il are known ai veittable ivory tine pramed voodi ordinarily are ciiable ot talcinc inch jioliuii it ie po to be saved by tit 5l in of tlie lietli accordint to rtn nt rf port uhich tatci that thti is delicate membruni cieri and protects th el of iuiman teeth lurne made from orancel and jher talifornia fruits may cmnpcic mth those made from flulr if the experiments beint ridi lcientisls arc successful the title tltey were semifinalists andtthe team tfitif defeated them by one coil wl on to the finals with whitby or niogaraonthelake they lost only one game all season and lost the chance for the finals by one goal which was pretty close disappoint merits last week led to lot of search for failure to win und of course went to extreme lengths and un founded fact this is bound to happen when hockey is taken as seriously us it is in acton and district weve had pretty close association with the hockey boys and our sympathy is with them they did their best hut just couldnt match the type of play that was required in durham they felt badly enough about losing without false rumors of thefr conduct but were writing about nothing what we really want to say is that even defeat requires sportsman ship more of it than winning its been great year for local hockey the boys came close and put up real year the management handled the affairs of the club excellently dr nelson seemed to get the cooperation of every one in his efforts and after all isnt that quite bit the year is over locally simcoe slot machines are being licensed at but we have been glad to hear tho boys and the tle fuc charged for pin bull dyedinthewool fans already talking und planning uld lbtolle games thats nice way to help out for next year and while our predictions went bit ax ckels that tolks dont astray this year it willbe no mistake to say that if io net for otlu things tho same boys take tho ice next year bucke we still think that spring shouldnt have been left the entire job of clearing the streets in acton the plan for even two blocks cleared this year did not materialize the testing of cattle is progressing throughout the county halton will soon ho in the fine position of having only cattle which are free from tubercu losis it is said erin farmers will soon join in the progressive measure bucked by the same management they will again give good ac count of themselves und perhaps get to the top of the ladder as one who knows purt of the troubles of 4eam and management we say thunk you for the season of good sport the burlington gazette enters its thirtyeightit year of publication last week und under editor harris und his son mayor george harris continues to give builingtoit und district splendid newspaper good gardenin by kikan hallway citrl freu cuadlim garden expert there ura certain point to hv ob served in hot nnd cold garden ing hotbeds should be iturhd curly in march und allowed to work for while bnfme us in thin procedure jpcrmlls tho hotbed to cool down somewhat ueforo muk und plants uro placed in it seeds should not bo planted in hotbed until tho umpcruturo of the nil it contains hua dropped below bu de arcau it in wise however to keep vnator straw hndy for oovurmu the hotbed on very cold nights the btwt soil for uius in hotbed is onu free from fertilisers und wcl leeds compost of equul purt of clenn fund ordinary loum and fine ly 1iaiuilutcd peutmosd in tkcellctil ftu hotbed purnouiu oiicu your hotbida arc in owrn ttuji cold frames should bu uet ii uhfl covered with glu kukii so the mill ittiin the rutiid wilt wunn up und dry out boc being usd for plunting pinpo uecausei cold rrmr urtrniorc useful to th vr me gurditri than hotbed tnora vpurc hhould bo brovlded for cold fuldntigg in order that all seed ing lny be hccommodld when tiui unting time arrival free table tennis with rrrmft botdtrtij chocoule milled milk iit 39c christies biscuits crisbrown and ritz pug elch belli lor 25c maple luf pure lard utpw 14c aylmcr choice tomatoes nosmlln 19c cabin pure maple syrup i6rwt2lc buifotd canadian peaches 14c keen engliih mustards 23c cm pert tlcnd uf cofa tfoftnanu fiiiil thm bui thr ntcshncss li uiulir tlve jwronl uprvi tion of our clrrkt lwuw acli crind tue coff dan io lurr culfuivr otiltit wc liav tftr tlitj viryintf irt rtcliiurti 4utd flavor all tpcially priced dui vk carrolls coffees fuvolowm blnd economy it 33c lb 31c lb 21c carrolls teas goldrltip mwjjnti cirio speul dnj ib 65c 50c it 45c 39c rownut siyle hlb ur 19c cocoa 0utch for milnulauon nj unjfwiiskl tonic food beverage 38c 58c 98c ovaltine food assorted banquet cream sandwiches iu 29c couhlrykistfgoldeif corn 17o tins 25c heini tomato ketchup boie 35c heinx delicious soups assorted tr 25c oranges sweet and juicy medium 7qr onions sstmntl und drj lbs lor lie potatoes good cookers tf iipr jilci rj rivi cereal p9 22c ayunr amd infants foods 19c tloi sbo bockv salmon iib 31c bi poliil brasso tmi3c 22c kind vr ii louchu ivory 14c goldh liundfv oep gold 18c slt loi hoiicrv lux pm 22c scoiuirig pdi sos p9 14c 2vc spinach 2ihl3m 2llc crfen curly cuisi nbw lettuct yw beets2 stoke closed wednesday afternoon 12 30 cabbage firirucrven htady 7c acton free delivery phone 58 carrolls

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