Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Mar 1936, p. 1

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ht sixtyfirst year no 30 looking back in 1936 hockey the sticks are hung up th suite are in mothballs and plans ktfelnfi made for next year hockey ended in acton for tho pro aent season on saturday night and what seoaonj opening on december 28th and with plenty of cold weather it has lasted almost three complete months its all hfetory now but even history baa its interest well not dwell on the games because they have been pretty thoroughly discussed from all anglea on saturday the team and executive went to guelph and had tlio annual family photograph and was it happy family we had hoped to bo able to present this picture our readers this weesc but somebody must have been jinx and the pictures we are informed by ui studio ore spoiled and before it cm be presented will have to be retaken well give word picture instead jack greer came acton in 1020 from bracebrldge and one of tilt original members of tho team played dofeiu until tvit years ago and now docs his tihare in goal hes the first nuin on tho ice call him bologney and he 11 smile any time hes married frank gibbons born and raised in acton and has played defence for tiu acton beam sine the flnst year in oh only missed playing in one gom until this ear plays baseball on uu local nine too familiarly known gout married also mbiute walter wiuj came clou to being one of tho original he came to acton from georgetown right after the flrsltfieabonactnrfrpdun0 mar and liofi been member of tile team ever since its live ywars now played on the foruard ibu until tills yar and now teams up with gout glbbom on defence alwuys oil tile baseball llbl too sliorbtop second base and sorrifl tlmcs pitcher if lome walters isnt native of acton his older brother was born here ills purtrnts and grand pareii li resided here for years he was marrle two yean ago norm morton centre man and tlie one uie fart from ouier towns sav watch tliat fairhatred gin1 still eligible for junior hockey but tteppliu fast cviii in uie intermediates came to acton with hit parents uicee year ago on the baseball held hes south paw pitcher and blamed good batter hes not married girls bus morton another ton of jaco xlortons play on right wing and come to acton three years ago thorns up well with norm and terry and plav tlilrd wick in baseball and cm take turn in the pltcheri box can sing and tickle the ivories and lies single too hla mime isnt reully bur but tlut what etriudy calls him prank terry came to acton from cult and has played oji uie team hen for four years was centre man but tills year went over on uie left wing and teamed up with the morton brothers plays left field in baseball and li an ullrqund athkte frank is hli name but lievj called hint more often hes married harcld mooney centre man wai raised in acton and learned hu hockey liere said to be one of tlie fastest skater on tlie team played on thejunlorluie until lust jear nnd has set tlie pate for the tar ting liiio plays soma hasa ball but tukut his hockey more seriously another leap year prcjipeci kaa marzo born and raided in acton and came up uirough tlie juniore play ulllgol ftofgilcd ilrniin up acton ontario thursday march 26th 1930 eight homeprint pages five cents school children on program tuesday evening was literary overling at the united church young people under tho chairmanship of mr albert mills feature of the evening woo the performance of the sixtyvoice seliol childrens choir andoojobbyft number of the pupils under the direction of miss hunt directress of music in acton school mrs mlcrow contributed reading tho church of long ago and norman braida violin solo the topic for tho evening wan 4ajcen by mrs romsdenj on the subject the hondlosa artist the scripture reading was given by mr arthur gamble diamond jubilee of united church will bo observed thia year pipe organ will be installed services to be held in june it uill be sixty yean uil june tint tho present building of the unite church was polled and ut meeting on monday night tlie congregation de cuktl that uibt ouunoiid jubilee occasion uould be upproprlatejy marked lilabor tttc plans wto formulated for uils occa sion it uyi be marked wltli bpeciul servient fr tlie uut tltreo sundajs hi june uiid tlio llru sunday in july fortmr paston of tlie church and vbltbig hpvokcni will take part in ull jubilee occusloii the trllue boiud uui riven the upprovul of uie congregiitlop for uie puum prttnted it was oljj propoil and reclved the imnlmourt upportof tlie oangregiiuail to liutal iiiu pipe organ in the chuveli and the project already is backed membtrj and friends ultli financial up port in connection with uio duuiond jubilee an historical bolclet will btied that will put in concrote form the hlfctory of tlie church pictures uf mlnlteri who liave occupied tlie pulpit during tlie ihcty yoan will be included in uil booklet uie original tru and much maurlal tliat will moke it valu able compilation of history of the churen uml iu relation to acton tlie arranyimtnt for thl eient iill naturally take ime planning and at uu monday night meeting committees ueie appointed oj follows 3tnfral concrebational committee rev dr moore hanlran chair man rev dr morrow chairman moore secretary hlitarlcal committee rc dr mur rou mlore broun and matthewii ripglitnition and enteruinnunt harrison mlt nelson mr drj den pipe organ cmimltue dr nelson ml brouii mrs it arnold mtssrs mason taj lor and ma on press commltut rev dr morrow dills mcke in wauan matthew pulpit supply committee re dr morrow ktrr bell and mctuvlih iin utijn committee mljils bt nnett droun ii speifiht uar ga dlllaiid jil oenni the committees are now at uorlc on the phaei of the project and planning the event the coiurregatlanal nieetuifi were verj eiwiuisijutlc in uielr endbri tlon of tlie proiiram mid thli june uill lu numorable occauin in the hktor nf rhi ttnltwl qlii in arton york road won rural league will hold the kuraley trophy for year final came realtussle by queer freak of circumstance nobddy in the background seems to be paying an attention to king eduard of encland in reality and st likely the camera uould have shoued tt had it clicked any other time the kinc wan the cynomre of all tjes or he paid an unexpected viilt to st davids day ceremony lit all hallovu toutr hill london to celebrate the conilnr cf nee cf tlu welsh guard thl regiment was ralsetl in 101a th king hancitd out leeks to the ifictr in tlie touer of london part of thu ccremonj icjnp edward viii li plctired in uie uniform of colcnelinchief cf the welnh guards for tlie llnt time rince iiji iccrioii tc uie throne he carrier suord nrd ueir hli many medal on hl arm uniiny band in mimory of father the late king george of england r7 eaus married mr in mrv tiick itamsli iu armrrl rf rt obi nnl thrlr nni irjr cu saturday surroundtd all uie nilnbls of th lr fum tnjtim el luilth rid with conrituhitions hiuerod on theai hmt of frind mr mill mrs tw ramhaw cb tle 57th umit irj of uitlr irrlat ut lelr home cga osbor nue riro on saturdw lirj irunb ulr frlencl flni relation trhirel at their 1mm in th etjiiiiu to uflir to uratiiliuo tin ul qclos1oi their two lu 11 tronto and garllld of ojiiuw with the funilu wire pr in at ui cu of the fil ing bull lu iclitdii wilt vred in th din rjiin hich wiu profiua ymc doings cover wide field hoinj wrestling radio and aeroplane model huildinp are now active on program tliat line doesnt play any baseball just hockey brother illo mar on the oakwlic senlcrr tills jear nlcknani senu to be itch but were not sure on thai point but he single dtule llndsaj came taactan from ue ill last ear and haii made htnualf right ut home here started on centre but khlfted to left ulng luld scoivd one of the fastest yoal if uie seajan in 11 seconds in gult lies cored lot of otlier caali too and wiui coich of the junior trim and lie is slnulei keith scott came to acton frou granhunt last jear and defeu man broken jw rut her hampered pliy at llu flnlh of thu senin ii luiin bten around in the ball wiiui lit we tant ij ij thing about suiiuin ptstinu hut hi lq jw iit more on face phe siioppkrs tilllde iiir felluului are the uetsd in which mtbka ri fnnti acton ktret olid buiiukt inrii uill 1m found hi thu kuc of tlie rf hfn lmt arrcllu rrtiry lmte 1uu lrl plume kajd kutru irturry llray rhll luuhrry kte uuojh grxwry kiulml rury rlicalrf khtu lurron kltce whghi ltujno tilrrtwy ktt lrorwiuuial strtu ri mlntrrl ulir iluiut bm wri jt gnlinr fair to sponsor several clubs griiin potato and cnlf clult to im part of activrtieii huiding to be im proved oraud ltli tulik and mih pu mrs rl 11 rjbii ion and mrs ci ir nto tir oirc mr and mr ranuhiw wre fo maiij jeip rt idmu of acton at iiifftlni of the acton lair dire uin jeltrdaj aftrnotii it was dttldei that iil jtir grain and potato cm petltloivfwlll jiln lw pons rid til if wis ii ditldfd to hold bojh cnf club li emmet turn with tin 1nli llw oui of tills activity will bu broad ciiki thi tur and include vtrl brei ds which will le opportunity fm liryir uilry commlttiis wenalo apjkilnteti iklfiitiite for uu iitua ijrunts and ptu ni ite the ale of nwrnbtrs utki ts an urc vuja und spclal dnnatunui tintutlve plaiii for tlu arena per formanc aiul vuriaton of the prolan win brli ily suutttctl impr venujitt to the groinui and building were ulmi dudihid utu uim nilth ii apvlnud attend to uw detail mr whlleuxk arlruluual iliprts4n tathe uits pnitiil tuid ultpoisscd url oua nuilurj uttii tlu luiord mid uuuiktd lum for ub twikriltluii at tlie oo pair ii mllbin just one ioal between juelpii and toronto teamft st mdimls uvtr won the firs line in th finals jr the 11 juni jiimpl luhip on iu sda nitht thr mapi urf rtlris toronto bj lw il gui maii itafs to 10 ml lilies of ixtrn pay he hiiiuli iinr tn iluirpl nv hl luiugi will piid in giltum iridav and uu ihlid if iinljr uii tu dldd uil aj the st re and ovciitlnie lndlates uiure wis no muh ilftriiue twten th hitx ti iiu ti nluht and alth tin tus tin fit iiisiim coltiu ur in innt it pit nt still uiita ui to uhkh tine wj1 win ut hi ud hi ialir jusl few jiouiiil uv tin ilj ml iu tl is mil nj lni tlii iar if swtit ul wils the little hero in the irl hi fimmd in six the it rr ij iu iinu ik und mip ijtnjt an as 1st for another 1t iiihnd haw the dtitlon of in ttlnt the la if dt fi iie and utulusiuiur und iwpped in ill iints ut oppuuin tim tlie guiloii team paiid tlntiuuu alton jirlj lu the ulcniimn om tlu ly the uuiit und uielr iiipikrte followid latr artuitits it acton community ore tummj on real inipetil uie past week cluts with supnlsors urc now being iwlh aitndid and liitliu iatlc ec fhik li tharm of the boxlnir wi rov nij jh ini lntructon lu wrctling th pirlids an on miuidaj ni wpdnfsivcveniniri from to uid tlll word is tliat there ls plenty uft opt and room for all in both closi tin radio cub at the stage were ill who wlh to included should leave tlulr niiun with the secreuu at once modi airoplane club aettmg iu tho aorkihop room tlie hoi4 hiuc bet tonstnictuiii uible tbis wtfk and are ai tlielr club uork piu an alo belnu formulated for the formutum of womens aumllury in tonihttion with the ymca to do the things tint lilly women can do ii ikli tc the place homelike in tlie bjm the bg drive is of coure toward tlu clrous jut what it will tmliidc we havent blen able to find out but it uem that its twnlghf allilr ind quite the eent of the seiuuip all th ii wh are inter in furm lni an orclu tra kindly iimac uielr nuims at tlu olficr in the tin join hoys witc eliminated frkwil tlu ruco for uu itumley trophy on thursday niglit of lost wk wlven uh dublin greeiifthlrtri beat uielr malaslilft team by yl pour of ulc rvgular joile boy witw unable to be on liap1 and they bcok tli ice wlui just two uubfl but they navi nviry tfod ocoouitt of tin selvwj and dublin were rather lucky to pull out win jim mcgeacliie aoored uie only coiuttir for uio jones boys in tlio lirst period and they held on to their lead for qulto while until pooult bunged in uui etiuuliar utu scramble in front of tlie joiui boy nrt iliey battled cvensttpheji for awhile wlui dublin luivlng all uuy could do to ktcp uie battling joiils otf the score slioot wlui uboub five minuuts tt go unit broke away for the irlji and lii shot from the wipg found hole hi gibbons pads for tlie winning goal the jones prv luird to the end of uie gamo but they lacktd uw nuuiixiwer nrcesjuy to na urate on the roucli ice on ivlday night dublin put another feather in their liats when tliey white win bed biookville 40 and ellmliuited blacklocki battlent from fuxtlier coin petiton tlii year the dublin boys lmd little difficulty in pulling out win uluiomdi uie btook vllle ladji gave them several unxiou niomeiili nrouiul tlie net the irbli llktd tlie lit ivy going their uelgnt combined wlui good ipetd giving uxnm big advantage tlielr ability to ideate better than their opponents was ako big factor in their win but brookvilv wtre very uood bunch vf sports and took their beating admitting tluvt uio better team uon saturday nllit uiw the final wind up betwetn dublin and york road uils being dublin third name in uute niglili about the biwiest crowd or uie eur was on hand and the band nlj hnppncd to be prucn before uie game stnrttd and lhened proceedings witil music llowcier tilings didnt flnliii uu s3 lhely for dublin iu they last th iiame jl afllr nursing one nmil ljad the ice was wet and sticky but trj llod came of hockey was dished up bcui teaim battled ta scorek diiw for uie first two periods wlui boui 1calle pn turning aside numerous ijiots thit ldoktsd like sniro goals uerjbody on the ice worked like trojans bat ntltlilr side could make uie red light risisur plaj started oji liitlj agiln in the lu peri otl with boui tcanii going at top speed however halfway uirongh the periotl dublbi managed to got tlio flwt counter york road uien put on the pressure with dublin waiting for the breaks the greeiujlirls were penality idr tripping and while man idiort uie sllier roxai tied it up hen man was left uncover in frrit of uie net the teanu again turnetl 10 on and were tiofng from one iui of uie rink to the ther the ioxes scored tlio final and winning coal when long idiot slid in otf the dublin olies pid the gnenshlrts uien turned an the pre ure but they couldnt penetrate tile till dlfence put up by uie silver poxe who held on to uulr leati and won uie humllji trophy at the conclusion of uiegome mr rumley pnented the cup toul york oders and congratulated uiem durlni the jinrs play tiiey lost but on rami so they look like uie bot tenm the tiopby for annual competition mrs maxjcolm mclean many frlend1 hern were grlevd to uitrn of uie death on monday in ottawa of miiicol mcl wft until twii years oko one of actons most hltrhly fteenicd cltlzciui mra molean hud imii in falling litmiui for uie past two an niwl lmd gone to ottawa to reside wiui lu dautfhur mrs norman laliibt rt mni mcoan vvtu born hi inverourl ticothuid ovtr vtnty three years ng und cuiiic to llv ui caiuida with her pirentn mr and mrs alrx akinncr when sib wot small child tile family settlid in liniliay wlicre uie skinner hom was located rr sixty yeari in iflflc the deceased was married to mai colm mcliiiu wliohe family luul scttkd ut manilla hour lhidiy in tlu mlddl of the lost century mr and mm mclim came to acton from uxbrldee about uiiielcn yuars uio referees view of the game why the actondurham game of course referee wortley free press the psec pstss li hi receipt of uio foulavlng ietter from referee ernie wortlry of toronto and his comments will be read wlui great diat of hitercr und we publish it in full toronto march 21st 1931 editor acton pkk pittsa acton ontario dear sir regret very mucii to read in locil paper tlio accusation uiat tlie playen of uie acton hocky club wtrc not hi nt condition uj play hockey hi uieir lujt gunio at durliam would like to say in defence of your tcum unit such tau nieiit very lar from the truui and am quite confident win the store of utiuu rn as co wnjjuioi ijiould you care to snake enquiry purcluuedby mtwn conuuy luid mc the durham uani or iupportert lean jiut four jtun auo uils month tliat you will find tliat every player will on mirch nth mr mclean piujd bock up in saying that cviry ax ton away after rather ngthy illnesv pliyer and orfltlil who had aiiyuilng to lollowlng his death mm mclean con do iul the game us abiailuuly iu umrd to reside in acton at the cot tlie actions or the acton playcrt on tace en bower avenue until ur health me ice sptaks for iulf as every playjr failed and she removed to ottawa like rcnueman and uitre was th church und community slie lnu bten one penalty imnded out for any mlvotl luid many friend litre join sympathy with her daughter mrs lam bert in her iujing ho uie sole survvlng member of uie family pour lsters and two brother also reimiui mn david muckeiude of calgary mri william grant or cleveland ohio mr dleri of clurkson ontarlo and mm albert knight of ashburn ontario and her brothem william skumer of orillla and james skinner of peter borough the remain were taken to lintliv on tuelay iifternoon jr interment il the family plot there on wednesday thing other uuin minor infraction and could easily have been overlooked if uie playing condltliui liod of beon belter which would eliminate uio pos sibilities of player bving hurt would say the jpime was lost owing to condition over which your hockey elub luid ery ilttli ctiitrol viz the live iiail tfiad uhleii they uiought was ample to carry them to victory wltliout ixorlng any more tlie small surface and the poor ice whicji uu coveted ith mush the acton team ur not defemive team and were lmt when forced to play this style of hockey bj homework tj be no more school was upheld literary society lias many fcaturfci tipisnnitirattcrionstvlir roy young uramoni townslllp held vtry successful auction sale list thur tlay thei wan li lime attend unte tlie stock was in good condiuon and fair prices were realized every thing was dispesed or wiuiout wserve iccrr win the auctioneer of this lie died at 101 yeai knox voun peoples he rt iu la nutting of knox guild luid lust im tiny rarniiu was ntli ndt tv it rui muiilh nfthe mrmbrrs of thr ttu id nnd tin rongrrgation the iitkulii in ft bi iiiie the prt elite of mi cud of gui iph wh jpive one his willlniiwn iiui much apprerlatid iils oi il tial in othr countili on th tier id it was his trip ut new mi situ mid tli sou up hut and it bfauilfullj lllu rati tt slldi the rinlorphs oi inch he hud taken on hi tour and the uir in wlilch th guild membtis aeti illy fill that tin were on unit trip tliemelws mr card has the happ fatuity of muune you thorinikhly lutt etl and suuuulnif that nteu while his touch uf liumm run wlui luuulittr uirough thu uitiiti evening hearty vote of tliunku wo tendered mr card for hli modt inter esting und tntt rtainlni lcttue im thnmau mcitwrli away at milton after teaching century murk milton irand old luly mm tiioa 1lu well who in ivbriuiry 5th last ddcbtuuq iuir lttlsfj hlruidoy ut uv liunu of her tiuugliltr mn aiuiur rindt 35 rfiiluald atreet hamilton wlure she iuid ikvii piiuilng uu whi ter diet uuue ui tlnirwiay mv mc dowell wi twite marrlid ih llr it husband ittiiry iarrell iui in lbbo and he married tlioikuui mcdowell hi khij mr mcdowell iluvt number of yenr aio mrs mrdtmell nuilden niijue wius saruh mepuury kile came from ireland in 142 to iule ui milum ut the aue of iv ysjxr ami liod hvud in the rlyii of live sovereigns bglnnijig wlui william iv ihirvlving uw two oi iuui two tlaugiunt tluwnfut mc lowii of calgary imlxrt mrdtmy of vlelii la haruu mm hligji rt of poil tlutnlty iuuimjjuiudt of hamll ton be ide the belovvd husband who had the durluim club who ganted client kone on but short time before from tile drop or tlie puck and hkj many other good teams hi the past have none down defeat trying to play puie they were not acciutomed to plrtv big acton are essentially hard jco club being much lighter than their opiwu ents and were lott under uie eiluiig if decision of debatcrfl in hiph condition durham defeuted acton it home last year under the same condi tions by score of to and being hood club who had iilso only lost oie iime uils inter play ed headsup hockey and deserved uie win oil tliu group two of uu literary society nlithts pliy at acton continuation school lud cluarge refcroetj caichc and players all majtc of the program hta prulay aftemoln mbajikey due to the speed of uie game thj kitchen orchestra jiul ai liead al umc time or other but if they luul waitress sylva morrow and chief cook mie time io make up thoir mind patricia harrop their offering in as lhesjiectators do they would make clided quite variety of popular num vc few during the course of game ben rut it dotj seem too bad uuit tt elub novel feature uil sluldow fight hich only loses one game in boosou that wus vtry amusing group tf re accused of nt puiying uie gome collection of ouier tliys had mirdejj btcau they were defeated hi one un kuloctlons duett by dorl and hazel fortunately us long as liockey ls plaeo wilson and pltno solo by urann mc thu kind or crluc will have to be ud donald era ted and play era officials ani referees if debating would abolish homewoik uill luive to be content to say we can then it would bo no mm tlio affirmoi tnkeit the de of uie subject resolved uiat yours cincerely homework taiould bu nbllnhed in high schools was upheltl by hetty watlu and vernon agmew of group tliree the negative side was taken by dougl smith and laverne smith or group two the affirmative won tlie ikcljon io julcj cafaes llbted judue miss blair and meters for spuing assizes hiutoniuidjlarey hassurd during the interval of arriving at decision tlitieulll be no injury cases at uiu margaret ilarrlon gave piano selection1 spring assizes which will beghi the markings given for uie programs milton on monday presided over by were explained by mias bell and mr hon mr jurtice klngntone no crim iflnton uil uie crluc principal mac inul casts are to be tried and only uiree rat asked rather pointed qucsuon cv il cases have been set down peer vs what do you think of per who peer an undefended divorce action boc iuid the princlpul uuii uti hi wen tuck vs george tu an action opinion of tluse lndiiduals tlie 10a connection with an alleged partnership tlonil anthem brought uie nuetlng to on fann on the dundus highway near cloi oakville howley vs downey damage action arising out of collision between an automobile and horse and buggy on uie base line djjueslng an uie 28th ernie woiltliey referee birthday party on saturday evening friend und neighbors gathered at uui home of mr hurry gibbons on yoiuig strtvt to sjiend xicial time wlui him on his 84th birthday games and cards uere play ed the prize inner tre miss linma robin and mr ii brown fin ifrui consolatl prcus to mrs brown uiui mr andrew murruy afur uie birthday cuke with lighted candlt was pr senud lunch was arved day of juji 1034 to the gutlurlnj coming events anmmiu cuicnli ol meet mini can tern or cu in kvtutu urnur tlim licjdnn are charged io ccutl lr ur with minimum clijrye fur any jimouiiiciuent of jc oakvieee tannery threatened by eire laktslde chapter iodk dmce on thin day april ltilh in town hull harmony orchestra regular bilsines met tmg of uio conibustnn in pue of uutlur juiv womens institute will be held ut tlie lugs in the bisement of uie kendall nf ml chbjtulm thurviay april leather co oikvllk turly sauuxlav night uiitniteiikt to disuoy the lur je uueetitniey building dns smoke the tpaned hot miut pie jjupivei haideivd uu llrtiiiun fmm tliscovering ill be held at lbtiiezer cliurch on uu source of uie bliiiu bouiur no wednieduy april ht supper from dumogu woj ivporud ivtu nun iipandlti iimigtam cnuuad the hookantiladdr truck fur jvnu mlnuus but wnro not able to gut it slajttul aiidrew luuli luul jack krjly two high sclvibl btudnts vwre the ilrot to notice um tuikltt louring from uie bulieilng aixl turneej ul uw alarm tlie lai tt drama hejairrttcuaii under uusplii of uu yountf ladiui vrhndh circle will in glvn in th unluxi chtireh on wednesday evening april 8th 00 admiftaloti 15o uid loe

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