Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 7

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thursday february flth 1030 individual the acton free press paok esvktf but ood tms made no faces two alike ow lovely that he used no common mould bacji faoa in 00019 viao wa all its own and ood alone the pattern secret holds likewise our minds are ver different too delightful freshness that wo dally meet ah what crushing tragedy to nnd the selfsame mind along lifes every utreet why then do somo men say the nplrlto growth must form and shape itself from the common mould tlie ood who gave mo face and mind my own will let my spirit grow trom la own mould lillian collier gray twentv years ago from the isbuo off the free press thursday february 10th 1910 potatoes have jumped up to 200 bag this week and prospects are that uiey will still advance mr will stuckcy on of mr and mrs stuckcy has enlisted with uio 164th battalion at grand valley mr hcndcmon of bcachvlllc son of mr hcndviraoi has enlist ed edwin ptjrryman son of mr and mrs thomas perry man formerly of acton bi with the 2nd canadian pioneer battalion now in training at llaclcy down camp winchester eng the ac top patriotic subscription pund has been most ijitlsfuctorlly paid up oi the 57c215 subscribed 5330 lias boon paid to mr maclean treasurer twoday stock judging coure will be held at ucordmarcs atock parm on the 15th and 16th what is believed to have bceu on ln nhtnry qpi tt in tin rytm chronicles of ginger farm written specially far acton free press gwendoline oxakkk heading lioom of the parliament hull lngs at ottawa on thursday night wlille the house watt in session and six persons were burned to death ttfc member difficulty in getting out as the flro travel led very quickly the beautiful library and its contents were navcd mr nukoii lambert and fumlly who recently purchased farm in ernmosa will remove to their new home tills week miss 13 8pclht secretary of the acton stcd cross society lias liud many fettextj of thanks from our boys who received u10 christmas parcebi mt them througn uje society letters liavo been rvceivod from the following bugler john moore lieut kenney ihe wrlgjit pui singleton ptu auffiu tualariec and ptcrw hr wartlrbands hiah ilyndi ptc green sergt hardwood sergt gould pte james jeloberuion died husband at suult ste marie on january 25th 1010 sarah kuuibelli bunion wire jf william husband ngwl 70 years pcndan lujm lnejls every woman with subtle cliarm delicately fragrant cool ing and healing dupels all roughness or chafing makes uktns delightfully jtoft textured every woman should use tht peerleis toilet requisite dalnthvyis beauty refinement persian balm uchlevci thcu in every instance softens and whlteriij the hands promotes clear and youthful loveliness all women who cure for additional charm unheslttlnuly choose persian balm jttvk andaccimjts my thoughto tills week are all jumbled up with snow bloc iced roads taxes snow plouglis modem methods of house keep ing and spoonfed farm people so now beforu anyone sets up howl at the latt named thiiugtttjlow inc to elucidate wo have hod several wrclcs of real cold wiotbvr you know that dont you and roads rvcrywlmre have been badly luij in snow ploughs have been pushing their way up and down county roads clearing the way for traffic as fast no it wail humanly possible truck drivers agents doctors and persons whose busl 11134 necessttalwf travrlltng by car liavo iweii decidedly uiankful that travelling lias been made easy for them by the county snow plough sysum people liv ing 011 sldu roads have not been quite so happy about it thosnow plough dos not clear their roads and if they would uio their cam they must shovel their own way out puftiupt tiioy ship iiillt ttir milk truck of counw cant got in wo tin shipper must take his milk to given point on tlie highway or county road later in the day mrs farmer realiiies she must have bread and 01 course the bakr cant get through with his deliveries perhaps she wants to make cake and llndtt herself out of uigur one of the boys runs over to borrow some from mrs neighbor who incidentally is down to her last pound of butter marie has dreadful cold because after being used to going to high school in car the unwonted ex posure of driving in outter is more uiayishe can slund john lias pain in hti side und johns mother worrlci terribly in case it should turn to appca dlctlr and perhaps the doctor might not be able to get tliere quick enough through the miawnllod roads and so it gocei on people everywhere find themselves more inconvenienced every day some of them ttart agitating for side roads to be opened up forgetting that operating imow plouith is im peiitilve bujlncj3 would say it would bo just fine for all tlie roads to be opened up if everyone prepared to pay higher taxes but that is generally horse of another color couldnt help laughing the other day when partner came in and raid tliere goes anotlwr mill on tli taxo the snow plough has iwvn past four times today and arur all li said and done why hut this spell of oldfarhioncd winter ueulher inconvenienced people so much lnt it because of our own unprcparcd ness por the lost few years we have become so used to practically oryjn winters and decidedly easy traellinir wc have bakers trucks delivering bread in many districts secral time week meat we can ret too if ue uant it the old churn has been shoivd awny into dnrk corner of the cellar because milk shln pr would rather buy butter than make it and since someone li going to towp two or three times ueek groceries are jut bought in nmnll quantic or they are needed and so after few days of real old fashioned inter people somehow get the feeling that they are being ill used uuffering hardship nnd they begin to think somcthlnghouid he dono about during the summer the british minis try of transport sent out 13000000 copies of new hlghuay code part of tills was based on tlie findings of group of 15 medical men appointed at tlie request of the ministry of transport by the british medical association to con alder the effects on driving of small doses of alcohol on the first page of the pamphlet is found this new rule before uslnguie roadbe euretluifc your alertness or sense of caution is not affected by alcohol or fatigue frac tion of tecond may make all the dif ference in avoiding an accident if you cannot give tlw necessary concentration you are risking not only your owr life jiultua llvasof otlmrs numerous experi tests were mode by the committee of experts and their conclusion was that no driver should consume even wnall quantity of liquor wlien about to drive amounts considered nonintoxicating and even negligible by innny haw serious effect on the driving capacity of the motorist 17 they diminish attention and con trol reasoning uud judgment are ef fected adversely they ghe rise to uconlldrnci in hbi slcul uholly mmnrnuited by the condition of the driver it li evident from their action that the highway uuthorllim of the brltlili government regard liquor as mibsun tfal factor in the tvrrlflc liughter on british rouds uud that the government feels no1etraln in calling ihe attention of tile public to thu fact despite the fact that it cbllcru large revenihs from the trade it leaves its minister free to take uhat action they deem best it is notable that while our govern ment und transport authorities of on tario urs making strenuous outcry ttguiilut carelessness in driving they huve been very slow to recognize und to inform uw pubuo that the liquor which the govcrntucht sells inevitably increases tlie carcleuuuss of driver ujld is prime cause hi coiuldurable proportion of tlw ucclavnu which entail lieuvy low of life and much property damage wht kwnds produce the unit sbigr tlie conor icti ltl but uhat after nil conutitutcs hard ship isnt it doing something for whu ve are totally unprepared something like carving joint of ment with blunt dinner knife after having been used the keen edge or carving knife bnck in tike old days not so very far back cither farmers drove their stock to the nearest station for shipping milk and cream waa also taken to tlie station plour wau houghs by tho hundred pound bag sugar by the barrel butter and bread was made at home and there was always homecured meat thus bad weather conditions for month more or less did not make very much difference because farmers wives had supplies on hnnd for wrvki nt hmo nmi thought nothing of with team and sleigh to wherever they wanted to go now in our ipoon fed age few of us want to go anywhere unless wo can rid hi car in fact we have become co used to travelling in comfort that hen old mail winter comes along and fills up lanes raids and ditches we sand around bewildered and wonder what to do about it bewildered because wo have lost our independence where once we were selfsufficient ue are now practically helpliiis and the otst ue can do is to look to our county id tounshlp council to miinuun that standard of ulntvr comfort to which ue have now become accustomed in far standard to which we are beginning to til we ire entitled but which also standard which obviously lncopsbtent with our canadian inter fen in tluory do think ue ihmud all able to paddle our own canoe or drive team to leigh but oh nt it grand and glorious feeling to roll along in comfortably heated car instcad kkficiknt mistress why are you cleaning the inside or the window but not tlie out side muld please mum so tlmt you can look out but the people outside cant bei inl vegetaxule plates abe popwlae by barbara brooks nearly everyone knows some persoi whom ho considers the best cook in the world it may be mother chef wife or best girl in my case it lo of all thingsl teacher of homo econ omics thk woman is absolute proof that dietitian can cook n6t only tho fancy recipes bo often attributed to tho members of this profession but tho good everyday foods as well one of her hob bles bi tho vegetable plate or platter and her advice is to vary thu methods of cookbig as well us the vegetable serva borne thing boiled nomc thing baked some thing fried and something creamed this insures variety of color texture und flavor and will suit every taste the vegetable combination aro endlesn nnd rung from tlie ones which am iimplc and easy to those which require time and patience to prepare vcgc tables ure cooked noparutely and arrang ed on platter or plunk often eggs or cheese an used to balance thbt typo of meal and somu timet green peppcrjj onloiui or tonuitoes are stuffed with highly leusoiild mixture und topped with grated cheese tho platcil may be serv wl from the kitchen rather than from the dining table hero are some suggestions for both luncheon und dinner combinations uio latter being heavier and sometimes in cluding small amount of meut xn the centre of plate put small mound of savory rice and around uio base arrange sliced cooked buttered car rots complete tlie plate with grilled ullci of tomatoes raw cejcry hearts and steamed spinach with lemon to glvo pleasing color arrangement and contrast in flavors und textures savory rice is made by lightly brown ing cooked rice in onion and fat und adding chopped green pepper and plm lento press into custard cup turn out and serve with cheese sauce prepare tho by ucrnpfriir tlren boiling in as little water as possible dress them with butter salt nnd pepper tlie tomato slices may be seasoned and broil ed or dipped in fine corn flake crumba and baked in well oiled pan set in hot oven thl combination is heavy encjugh for dinner if served with hot bread of ome kind bran muffins nc good nnd it is easy to stir them up and bake them especially if you are usinr the oven for the tomatoes plate suitable for luncheon may bo baked half of an ncorn squash french fried potatoes cabbage nnd beet rnlad and buttereu onloruj bacon corn bread good with this combination there arc numerous rilates dominated by curry powder curried eggs peeled banana sleimed rlceundn relish made from ground apples onion and green pepper form an unusual menu for tlie person little daring in food experi ments bran muffins tablespoons shortening cup cugnr egf well beaten cjp sour milk cup ajlbrnn cup flour teaspoon baking powder teaipoon soda teaspoon salt cream the shortening and sugar add egg and soiir milk add bran and ct soak until tlie moisture is taken up sir flour with baking powder soda nnd sau and add to llnt mixture stirring only until flour disappears pill greased muf fin tint twothirds full nnd boko in moderate oven 400 degrees for 20 to2a minutes slats diary by oliver warren sunday thto as was maxen reddy to go after uum rcligcn which unkcl fen rlmmarkcd can uwj lot of ma give my ears very coin plcot waruhun al sed now get yro car mufflers why so sed dont you want me to here or dldcnt you get uiem clciic monduy ivrby pylo are towns young man that mude good in holly wood ac got murryed ut buck vuriislienlng he cuius evry yr about now ike tubb iut jmt hlx did pure fetch hits wife on his returns jciu ud yes und tjie wa mlety purty damci fuewluy jake lias ullus bin us dum iu he cood pojxilbly be but heje gotten dllmmer ijll nlu he told at utipiier ldel unit hcjv ot fur emlff long pellrn be studyeii words of at it slllndcrs wedliiulay tlie ytnig ladle proof ruder on the noosepuper whereat pu worlaf at is purty wli xpeet kniiy how feller out in thu country whose bin courted her writ lier perposul he told pti she mnrkt 3u erers hi it as the wlrst cuddent be murkt ut all shu sed thursday pa nil mojt ravjd row ut supper tonite xpect ho sed iiej tdittir of the nooetpuper sed hi never taken his trubbles home from tlie olfbe as pa sed he repllde dont ncether mine is tliere when arrive ma gives him lqok that wooden say was so sweet prldny bib ten bi up on thu teeoher she ust him liow many ensu did he liave he thot wile ac repllde if sed teecher sed nhe had only seen henren rcclen tnjten as smellen well yourc short common nnd horse sod bllstera satprday no skool to day as con fldemhelly feel like knnary bird out of water or fish or sum thine no grass even to mop icy roadways uequibk special cake ani attention uvuotttant hj uil very ordinary sort of fellow who got suddenly rich by striking oil and was always trying to impress those with whom lie came in contact with ilia great importance one day he rushed into the railway station laid 20 bill down ot the ticket sellers window nnd bald gimme ticket where to asked the tiket agent anywhere it doesnt make no dif ference said tlie nculyrlch man tt business all over yield large or 12 small muffins note if sweet milk is used instead of sour milk omit the ij teaspoon of boja and use teaspoons baking powder and allow tlie bran to sonk for at least 10 minutes bran bacon corn bread egg slightly beaten cup sugar cup bran cup cornmeal cup milk cup flour 11 teaspoon salt teaspoon baking powder vi pound diced bacon combine egg and sugar uioroughly add bran cornmeal and milk sift dry uigiwilaitfl and add to fltt trtlxlure ftfurintq crvrsetl pan sprinkle bacon over top bake for nbout 20 minutes in moderate oven 400 degrees brown the crust and crisp the bacon by placing the bread under the broiler for few minute yield pan inches square the batter may be baked ns corn sticks or sprend in thin layer and cut into linger lengths neither iwllcve nor disbelieve icccpt ood harold bw1 wright druggist tells easy way to end bladder weakness plfusaut inexpriujve home treatiiunt quickly lttuvc dally irritation and ghlliuiupnllilii no mutter uhut your nge may be how long joij have been troilbled or how many inedlcnes you luivty trlwl without success if you ure viqiiih of bluddlr weuk ncts und urethral irritation causing dnys of troublesome annoyance mid nights of broken it you should try the splen did value of the dr southworth uratabs formula at once made from upeclui formula success fully used in the doctors private prac tice for neurly t0 ymrs urataua aro particularly designed to swiftly relluvd the pain and misery of burlng urethral irritations backaches bladder wcaknosd and octtlngupnlghts safe pleuoiuit inekpriialvr and supplied by all good druggists on detinlw promise of money back on very first package if not fully satisfied if you need medicine of this kbid try uratabs today some salutation minister in awkward pause following ceremony well young man salute the bride groom shaking her hand congra tluate you irive slowly and keep the car in gear when esleet storms and sudden freeze ups truiusfurni tlie roadsurfaou hito skating rink the motorist faces one of his bravest imzards few outlying munici palities ua yet are making any wide us ugi of ubrusiviyl to reduce the danger jf leueoatikl surfaceo and only special care and attention on tlie part of the motorba will prevent dentvd fenders smashed ttliteb und rlous ucldenu when driv ing 011 uusiituied ley mlrfaoii if you are 11 winter luotorbt cloi oliuryanre of uomc of thv fundamental rtih for safedriving under theje condi tion will go long way to keep you out of hojpitil tin first warning to motorists ul way the same drive slowly noth ing that follows will be of any id if tints lint rill bs lbregurdid keep it in mlnj adhere to it und if jmi do chiuie be involved in minor mbhup you slimihl never be responsible for any iirlous ac cldtnt when driving on icy pavements it is well to forget the clutch at nil tuis the enr uhoiild bo kept in gear nnd if obiylng the fittl rule the motorbit will have no difficulty in changing into low gear for slowing down freewheeling should not be used when driving on slip pery surfuces und even when braking th tidnyti should not be duengaged until the car has practically stopped oreat care should be tnken when usinrc the brakai prejent day brakes arc severe and act so quickly that their ten dency is often to slew the enr around and start it skidding apply tlie brakes gently rasing them off nnd on will bring better results than one severe push when possible however it is better to uc the gears rather than the brnkcii for slowing down skidding bi so often encountered on slippery surfneei that it is almost im possiblcto avoid thtstinnger tnlve fundamental rules for skidding will offnu good deal of the danger of tills mewt dlitujing or car unties under nrj clr cumstanees iue the brakei keep the car in gear turn toward the skid that ir in left skid turn the front wheel lert in right skid turn the front wheels right for starting in illppery weather it better to use second penr let the gas in jowly on all but the most gradual slope second gear should be used both for nu cendlng and descending on the steeper ilojies use 10 genr the brakes should not be usld to aw the car doun when descending hill let the engine slow the car down equipment it very important factor for nife winter driving most motorists uie chain in the inter time but in districts where the snowfall bi light many have found it possible to carry on with out them sjcond only in importance to slow drhing as surety factor are tires they arc tho final link between tho cor and tho road to prevent skidding the tread riuut be hi good condition tlru worn smoolh will travel 77 furtlicr after braking than new tire car fitted with new llriji will ntop from thirty miles an hour in t0 feet but if the tires are worn hi 50 tet the car will jllll be travelling at 13 14 miles hour which represent till impact force of nine tons tire matmfacturers do qt rctommtiul delliitlon of tlie tires below the prenure udvbt for various aji wlndhleld wlpr lire essvntlu not oiily for tlui drivers dlrvct view in front but twin wiper to allow for 11 clear view wluii miking rlht huud turn again slow careful driving und little courtey rusher thun lighting for the right of way will prevent nib hap the stjrluijgur brukt horn wlnd shleldwlpei and tins should be lnsix id perlwllcully lit memler th it from now until the end of the winter th icy pavement con stitutes one of your gravest hazards sandtd hlghwuyu can be ued with con fidence but on slippery surfuces drive slowly und carefully und ue your lieu it boys smdjormls hockey book towl autocjumed hcturcs of your favorite flayers evoryltfty wiilwiittiiiuflok xxola lipoma hocky bur by totaiuy gorman cuuli uml nmiumcni of did world cluiinploil ifontrrt murnniu hlmply taka alalwlfrouathitrcilowmbiundor llllyvjliriifj ftlid njtjrni il time tables nadjan nationabflflllwaysl at ajotow coins eaat oully except sunday 706 jk daily exctpt sunday 1oj07ka dully except sunday alsplm sunday only tj4pjb tlie chicago filer that p4ea tturoagfk hero at 31 costbound atopa mx georgetown at 40 tn going west dully except sunday 9jk ajn dully except sunday 223 pan dully excopt sunday 704 pjm dully except sunday 1231 tuax stinduy only 906aja sunday only 1136 pjn standard tim tlwi lulck your iuhiiokiiii mldrmm iisuihy and thu vnrilhockiy ikwik ifhlltlui ifcluil to thu cviuulji ytiutih co limit tfwoittn uud your bock will be bout you immodiutuly alto soud in lalwl or lu front of chou from nuy iiroduct of tlia cunmlji buucli co iimltwl markwl willi your name and tul tlrni ami tho pictura you wnt one plclurw for wuiilulwil anil your cltolcool tlmfollaw lni picttirrn inouutd riwuly for rmjjin will bo bnt to you group mmilrtal haroont group caiia tlttni group canadun olympic hockey tram individual picturri of llaldy narrliroii ilait manilla utt intro art tmr ujte trolittr annmiil xtnndou karl kobiiiwui irank lkwicluf ace haiuy idwiinosnrnfl crown brand corn syrup the famous energy pood ulv tvtinrc corh svruf bensons corm starch canada corm starch challence corn starch silver cxoss laundrv starch product of tho canada stakcii company limit tollonto the free press offers you great subscription bargain ihat saves you money here is real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year throughirrthisisalyouhaveto select unv of these famous magazines ether wit li yn and you will receive the whole publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low prjice viiivpopcr current thought yr maclean iuci yr chatelaine yr canadian yr national home monthly yr pictorial review lyr canadian horticulture and home maeaune 1yr our guarantee to you tlila wondiarul offer la nvnll nble to old unci new subscrib ers to this newspaper wc cuarantee the fulfillment of all mauuiine aubacrlptloni nnd you hove positive tisauninco that thlu licncrouu offer la enactly us represented tlc nuwula will bo extended ior full term ihown picokd clip hit maoaiiiien alr checkiuo publica tions desired fill out coupott careuhy gentlemen enclose please send mo the three muuuzines checked wltli year aubscriptlon to your newspaper namb stheet town and pitovince arrow fjs schedule leave westbound y45 1145 txv except kalurdny 115 kn 31s tit kiurdity only 515 kn 715 ka 1115 it 105 kn saturday hunday and ilolidaj leave eastbound 700 ku dally eacept hunaay 010 nt 1245 4j ku 643 pkn b00 kn itinkualllts plannia to aix 1oints in canada jnittl states mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines tollonto patterson bpocldut lit kjo kxtolnjuioo oruiopuo tvcatmenu rcfkrlpiimm 108 wjndham bl next to lofcw guelpii phone aioa quality accuracy bi stove for every home electric cool olid wood coaj oil gosolljie isljwtrlo wot male and cplendld ranfto of guaran teed used and reconditioned stoves wc ako iurnuli itepalru for all malccti of stoves vour old stovo accepud oh part payment terms arronbcd we can nave you money wontkt kqkjkmnt co entablirjlicd 1023 10 wuiwih bt guclph ont new business puintko wlu attrust take the phu ol the old that you are ioaiajc get our print ob ttrintlttx the acton free press thou shalt not kill drive cnrofully

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