Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 5

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thursday february otto 1030 the acton free press paoe rvi jpiacruiu from toronto for the weekend mr sidney scrivcn toronto upent the weekend at his home hero mro arthur drydcn james and robt of flint mich arc visiting mm dtryden and mrs holmck mr and mrs oeorge harris m5oo harris and mr ponton of detroit visit ed with mrs wataon mrs walton of drayton and mrs paurlnghamof palmeraton visited at the borne of urn john mann over ttoa weekend mlsa belle stepbenaon left yesterday for trft florida where ahe will spend several months with her sister mrs jas oheyne mrs rv lu bennle mrs vf ootlld mrs mcdonald mm blow and mr malnprijte attended the district annual of the in trntvr itnh guelpb yesterday mr and mrs john mitchell cardno of oeaforth announce the engagement of their only daughter margaret kuraboa to samuel john mackenale con of mr and mrs john boyd mackenzie of oeorgetown the marriage to take place quietly in february george wallace clothes shop exclusive but not expensive george wallace 1zs yonge street oppc kyrlara toronto elected president of wm mrs stewart of toronto form erly of acton was elected president of the toronto presbytcrlal of the frrewhyterfnti church at the concluding eeaaions of the twentysecond annual meeting which was attended by more than 000 delegates mrs stewart suc ceeds mrs victor smith mrs wil liams took charge of the election of of ficers which resulted as follows ircsid enfc mrs stewart 1st vlcelro sidenb mrs mall 2nd vlceireoid ent mrs heading 3rd vicet ent mrs thomas district vlcepro sldcnu city mrs konklc mrs william rochester mrs john booth mrs drummond mrs tt wal lace mrs tomliiuon mrs iroocruon district vlcoprcflldcntu itur al mvs marks mrs nhtoa of milton mrs martin of brampton mrs archie cameron of woodbrldga mrs mclntyro of newmarket mrs cunning ham of hlclimond lilu mrs young of aglncourt mlas sornrnervlllc of unlonville mbs mar garet scojt of aglncourt guelph lad killed by motor caft nephew of mf john nlcol of acton struck and crushed agalnt brick wu mr jolin nlcol received the sad news ou sunday of the death in ouelph of ills nephew ilobcrt nlcol tlia young lad was struck by car that jumped tlie curb onto the sidewalk lie wus earrlsd ten yards and crushed against the brick wall of store death resulted an liour later in st josephs hospital jle was thirteen years of age tile car driven by clarence peter 23 20 new street ouelph went out of control as the driver attempted to turn out of licavy ruts in the street car tracks at the intersection of earl and wool wich streets mounted the curb and travelled distance or 35 yards picked up tlie young lad who was standing vn uic street corner at the far side of tlie intersection ond carried him another ten yards on tlie bumper and ploughed into lf front of st operated by sanford 21111 crushing tlie laatogainstthe wallr tlie car continued on another ten yards knocking down stoop which protected the front entrance to tlie store pulling out lieavy bolts from tlie brick wall and chipping tlie cment btcps fire destroys kennedy block continued from xugo one blair have occupied the other parts for uome time the smaller apartment was construct ed during the occupancy of mr ken nedy the section over the main store was for ycarej the masonic hall in acton and was occupied by walker lodge until about fifteen years ago it was then fitted up for living quarters the contents and the building are par tially covered by insurance the loss is estimated at 10000 to 13000 the origin of the lire has hot been ascer tained but it is thought it started from the chimney and tprcod in the attic it was first noticed breaking through thu cupola on the top of the building workmen are busy this morning clear ing away the debris from the street and disconnecting water services the fire men stayed on uu scene until four oclock this morning and thu ruins are iu11 smouldering tho fire was fought under conditions almost as bad as tlie weather when tlie smith property was destroyed ibio of hose was left to protect other property and was avail able until tills morning group finals are delayed oakville and guclph given icr mlwionlwhotchoiiieand home games for second place and plenty of time to do it oakville come from behind and de feated ouelph in two straight games to tie them up for second place bi tho lcaguo the past week tliey won in ouelph by 73 and in oakvlllo by 01 tills gave them an even points each instead of ordering sudden death game to break the deadlock tho ojia lias announced home and home games with the first game in oakvlllo tonight and the other one in ouelph on monday night the postponed game played on tuesday was delayed for two nights for some reason or other the oha announced the game for monday night and without any apparent reason it was played on tuesday night it means that acton who finished the group on friday night will have to watt week and half to meet one of these teams and tho group winner cannot be declared before february 17 th which is just aboub two weeks behind the time set by tho ojia the weather cant even bo blamed in this instance lor tho delay other groups will bo well advanced before no will have winner declared in the meantime the acton club will stage couple of exhibition games games have been arranged with ouelph cac tonight and with ii clarkes of toronto on saturday night want canadas mofc fob home and abuoao the necessity to make good tho deficit acton trims georgetown continued from page one be poulpunedugainuiitucsday night bunch of bad weather looks as if oakville and ouelph want to prolong the group us lung as pollute homt and home games when roup win ners were supposed to be declared by thejlrat of this month we take our hats off tooakvllur they certainly made real finish undmado ouelph fade badly and tho two wins for the laktsido boys were no indecloivo victories ilvu goal leads and two in row arent ac cidents well with the second line in such good condition wo dont mind bit having oakvllto as contestants hi the finish st albans mens service club sales still going tiood nnali standing of guouf goals pwltly agt ptsi acton 10 53 32 19 oakville 10 31 30 ouelph 10 47 45 georgetown lo 30 47 county seed fair for halton tiepreaeniailve from ooaniy agricat iuml societies arcuu officers fcveni will be held in mttioa tbl year maltdv hzam kwo ilk folt amle tileks an ou1ginajl swindle bwlndleaf an original kind lias been discovered by the gendarmes of klsmarton la the burgenhuida fanner found ills dogs attacking tramp and to compensate the man for his wounds and torn clotldng paid him twenty shil lings as this hud huppciiod number of times at dliferent houses and farms tho gendarmaa became suspicious tlw tramp was watched and was seen to set out with clothes already torn and wounds allowing traces of blood when nharuvd tlm man confesxed that lie worked tlie hoius at which dogii were kept and claimed dumnges as oon ou lio had set tlie dogs barking to whittn the linen tlie re are number of muiods of bleaching linen and cotton at home one of th beat being to leave the articles liantfiiig on tlie clouwit line all nltfht and if poidble all the nast day no mutter wluit tiie weather there will be deilulto alteration in the color afur thb treatment kitchen cloths uiui tubkt linen which liave been badly neglected muy be bitached in this way iioak um tilings for nltfht hi cold wuur wash in ttte ordhiary way next day and give thorough boiling with uood ioup ulnae haiig out in tlie air aiul huve for at wast twentyfour hour italu will not hinder the process in fact it will liave quke uood effect take the linen in wash agabi give second boiling and dry usual apple growing hi evacy part of eastern canada ki fraught with certain amount of uncertainty and loss due to tho ravages of severe winters wlillst iomo of this loss lias bem overcome by tlie selection of hardier varieties mucli of it is still apparent in tlie form of trunk injury and nunscald tho variety mcintosh has been particularly buscop tlblo during the uit two years and many trees tf tliki variety are badly multllated and seriously affected as economic pro ducers for years to come mcintosh lias always been looked upon as one of our luudtcst sorbs and rightly as it came through tills last severe test with small amount of bud injury and very little top injury with main llnibs badly eunscaldcd and largo areas of bark on the trunk loosened as result of winter injury it avails little to have tlie top portion of tho tree come tlirough in good condition to discard variety like mcintosh on account of this wcoknes would be calamity lnce at prnicht there is no other variety in sight which could ac tually replace it in our orcharda and markets there is however available method whereby much of tills typo of injury may bo eliminated tills method is double working there are come very hardy varieties of long standing which do not chow any appreciable amount of trunk injuryor tuncald in the crotclics of the main limbs by using these varieties for tho purpose of building the malrtframework bflhetres airdta1ruutling or graft big to the variety desired much future damage may be avoided the cast of tills method is greater at the outlet it is trtie more umo and labor are involved in conbtructing tho orchard but ijnce permanency lar better assured and losses bound to be reduced uia increased cast la well worthwhile trie procedure is blmply to bud or graft tluxui liardter sorts on seedling root stocks permit them to grow in the nura try until tlie main llmbfl four or ave in number liave been nroduced and then either bud or graft in tlie nursery to tlie desired sort or transplant to permanent locution and do the budding or grafting latur there uro numerous very hardy varie ties available among them being varlctlej likw antonovka hibernal charlamolf and tlie still hurdler sortn otimnn and col umbia of the considerable ls known of antonovka and hibernal im being suit able for topwork tlwy both make very ood crotches and have proved to bj hardy enough tor our eastern fruit dis tricts where vlyor li tuainllui that large and quick growing tree hibernal perhaps 1h the belter in addition it makes admlrabli crotches with nice right unghs which will not bivak down very easily kitlior charlanioff hibernal or antonovka hounwr should prove muca uiwrlir to the main limbs of mcintosh and otfier vurietles iubject to bark ipllt ttng and crotch injury why tjiouid you pity turths uetaujmj theirs is hard ease jplans are bow under way to atagc fc county eced tuir and convention in milton on march oth and 7th statc3j whltclock agricultural ncprcscnta of horses in canada consequent on the tivo for halton the event te beixlg decline of horse breeding hi die years nnanced and sponsored by tho acton prior to 1033 and the fact that there esquesing and county of malton agri is market abroad for canadian horses cultural societies it is anticipated that are two of the urgent reasons why tno it will bo an annual event with tho 1037 present revival or tlie horse industry pair going to georgetown and 1038 to which has spread to every province acton should bo encouraged the replacement the primary objective of the seed ltlr of tlie farm horse by machinery in thu is to stimulate an interest in better sed jeors previous to 1033 made it appear and at tho same tlma facilitate tho tliat tlie horse was doomed but sinw marketing of surplus need available in that date circumstances have prown that thrfcounty ah farmers in tlie town tlie disappearance of tlie horse is ion ships of erin eramosa esqueslng nas pleco dbtant as matter of fact sagaweya neuon and trafalgar will bo decided awingback to horses has been eligible to compete the practical valuo in evidence alnce 1032 ond now there or the lah is to be stressed wo undcr are not enough horses to supply the stand and to this end only those who demand tlie change in agricultural lmve icod for said will be bllglble to com condltious characterized by low prices pete anc urthcrmo the seed for jile for farm commodities lias impressed must be of the same quality as that upon tho farmer uic fact that the horse inhibited is the mait economical sourco of farm power in successful canadian tflgrlculture and that the supply of fodder for pro ducing and maintaining tliat power can be very cheaply produced on his oan farm the khortago of droit horses not conflnod to canada both tlie british isles and tho united states are in the same condition and there is demand from both the countries far canadian iwrses tliesc two important export outlets command the consideration of canadian breeders tho touil number of canadian horses sent to the united kingdom in 1035 was 331 as compared ulth 33 hi tlie corresponding period of 1034to tho united states 3d35 in 1035 compared with 2325 in 1034 prices at tlve principal horse markets in can ada in 1034 showed an advance of is to 25 per cent over those of tho previous year and prices in 1035 further increased by 15 to 20 per cent in each of the post three years sliipment of horses bred at breeding stations under tlie breeding station policy one of tlie ouveral polldas of dominion department of agriculture for the encouragement of horwj breeding lum been purcliased by tlie governments of trinidad and bar batloes and ha proven highl satin tlw iit albans mens service club held tiwclal meeting on wednesday last tlie membcm jo their wives and lady frlqnds tlw nrtt part took tho form of gamca cuchro be ing playtxl there was also nice program given by tho following artists mr coleman jr norman uralua tlie mlsous weaver hall ihltuin each one being well received dainty lunch wan then ecrv cdt by tlie muzi uftcr which dancing was taken part in tim euchre prize winners were indies miss pallas mrs wmino genu mr jf liowlcs mr mulun all voted to have liad good umo and were loud in uiclr praise for tlio way theyhad befca entertained on sunday tho evening service was held by the club the special feature be ing tho presentation to the choir of number of hymn books ilcv bril llnger was in charge and on behalf of the church accepted them thtey were then dedicated to the woranlp of god and service of the church mr bc the president made the prasec tatlon after which the rector preached an eloquent sermon from the text psalm ills subject wael what is man there was large number of club members present the service was most inspiring one tlie club is grow ing rapidly there being now nearly 70 members it browns sale on friday continu ed to see kood prices wcurcd by auc tioneer kerr there was blf crowd uiui food bidding and everything ottcrrd wa diaponerfof the oflertng of hogs brought over 1200 and cattle brought good prices credit way offered at tills sale but there was less than 300 in titesat tho final nettling auc tioneer kvrr is firm believer ha adver tising his salui in wide list ox weekly papers and gets buyers from wide area stewart maivcolm badly burned isleuunt malcolm formerly actod who now roildeu in toronto and is cm ployed by die oak wood theatre was badrybumedottthetace and hands wlnm ilamoa from tlie furnace lie was attending burst out tho ddbr his cloth ing was badly burned he au removed to the hospital where he will bo oon fhifd for montli prlends licre regret learn of ills injury and wish him speedy recovery all the bov sent my little boy for two pounds of blackberries and only received pound and half my scales arc quite correct madam have you weighed your little boyl change when was twentyono made sv resolution to get rich you havent done ad anyway no found it was easier to chance my mind tlw committee hi charge is planning to secure two outstanding tpeakcrs for the afternoon program of the second day tlie executive committee is made up of representatives from all three agri cultural societies and is as follows president edwin harrop milton 1st vicepresident tom brownrldge oeorgetown 2nd vlcepnvjdent pearcn acton secretarytreasurer wjiltclocx milton dlrectors cecil clusholm and george leslie jr georgetown murray and swackliamer acton ernest itead licad and woodley milton people dctjrvc leuure in proportion as they make uorthy use of it phelps factory in constabulary work tlie demand for horses from tho british isles is principally for aound weighty draft geldings weighing up wards of 1700 pounds and suitable for heavy transport work in either single or double lorries in shipment sent over in june 103 prices as high as 3go per head were realised for tlie best individual hortcs there is also de mand in britain for good vanners upstanding active cleanlegged good quality horses up to 1c00 pounds for uork compared with heavy express work in canada rar suitable hones high prices are paid in 1035 for the tlrtt tlmo on record canadian bred per cheon stallion wan purcliased for ship ment to scotland for breeding purposes with regard to the united states be sides tlie many good commercial work horses purchased by american buyers many sales have been made during tlw past two yearn of highclass geldings of show calibre for advertising purposes tlie united states quoted prlcos of b00 per head are not at all unusual in these transactions in addition num ber of shipments of purebred etallions and manm for bjvodlng purioies luue btcn made to united states buen dur ing 1035 collections suice 1003 we liave been successful ly luindllng collections for an ever in creasing number of clients surely this indicated tliat we are efficient and responsible send your lktpf nnt nnd ac counu ifue fall to coilect we charge nothing for our services kelly aiken the coumu61 spaeullsia ouangevhjle ontaiuo ituiallng to titavkx and ki not tli brtit of all our hopes tin hopi of immnrtulity always be fore how can uv be dull or heavy vihlc ue have tlmt new experlliicu to loolc forward tol it will be the mast joyful of all our travels and adventures uill bring mi our best acquaintances and fruiulihln4 but there is only one uuy to gvt ready for immortality and that la to love thlt uff and live it as bravely und chterfully und faithfully as uu tan van dyke gregory theatre uluiay feuuuauy 7ut special agent powerful action drama with glowing romance starring bctto davis and oeorge brent comedy lonesome trailer cartoon making stars chapter of mystery mountain satuuoay rciwuaby 8th hands across the table dlwrtlng ptlce of funny busl iuwi crammed witli lively action snappy chatter and uuglui galore starring carole lomarde vred miicmurray and ralph bellamy comedy pop ooeu the kasel cartoon lluppy butterfly vox neus monday klckluuauy lotli outcast lady kivnly etchwi soclu drama co starring coiutniice luiinett and herbert marsluill major bowes amateurs no cartoon barn yard hahlt scren song mtadlo lllaikody mutiny on the ttounty wliat animal would you like to be in winter little otter woods grocery family grocer phone 37 acton ontario behold the stranger stranger moves to your neighborhood you observe him tolerantly but with no immediate display of interest you are an established resident getting along very nicely before he came jbut you do not avoid him for reasons not entirely unselfish you wait for him to reveal himself possibly he may add something to yoursocialand business life possibly he will take highly respected place in the community he may even become one of your intimates it is up to him oyourtotejiijdaaxinertalkwith him and form an opinion if he comes up to your requirements you accept him and often he proves welcome addition to yoiirrgroiffpnqrffriends it is with exactly tlie same attitude that the intelligent newspaper reader regards the advertisements of products new to jiini these strangers may add something to his civilized enjoyment they may contribute to his comfort safety even his success in many ways they may prove valuable certainly it is wise to give them careful consideration read the advertisements in this news paper they may he the means of intro ducing you to products that will take im portant places in your life and every day they will give you information tliat en ables you to buy intelligently and make your money go farther iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1m iiwn

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