Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 4

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page pour the acton fkee press thursday february oth 1038 neighborhood news tntercstingltcmscon centres wrdcommunities in which any of our readers are interested eimn on wednesday ovcnliiff january 22nd the congregation of erin united church held their annual bualnca meetina mra alex porter and daughter edith of corbetton spent few dayo last week with mw imcdougall and mrs stephens miss jean young mr douglas youn and mrs klrkwood attended th funeral at fergus or their cousin mra chas robertson nee haxel youmj on tuesday last large congregation attended the memorial service at burns presbyterian church ori tuesday morning when he members of the four churches of the tillage and community united in reverent mourning for the late king oeorge highly respected and beloved cltlaen of erin towimhip paased away at sl jooephs hospital ouelph on monday january 27th 1936 in the person of william kevius beloved husband of the late sarah turner aged 17 years advocate georgetown the nremen were called to chimney tiro at mr harris near the coating mill last thursday it was extinguished without damagu to property mr and mrs squires and family of toronto and mr lions mcpliail of saskatoon were weekend vkiltors ttb the home of mr and mrs squires mrs herbert and miss herbert unlymjhnmn nirt nantrnftprt5pcnding nine months in the old country mlss herbert is cpondlntf few days in tor onto the womens association group of the united church held their monthly meeting at the homo of mrs swack hamcr on wednesday january 22nd miss mckay presiding blends and neighbors gathered at the home of mrst oroat college view on thursday afternoon last and prcuenbjd her with beautiful walnut end table and caftserole set prior to her removal to tlw apartment in the new poat otflce bulldlntf herald rockwood burlington mlat maxlno smitii occoiapanlad by mlbd mary collins of western springs 111 sailed on the lady rodney on sat urday morning from boston for king ston jamaeal where uiey will spend the next two months tlie many friends of cutr wullom young of tanafcy will bo pleased to know that he had returnod from the hospital where he had been laid up with si broken hip and is progressing nicely at his home trinity united church again had most successful year tills fact was re vealed at the annual meeting of the con gregation held in the gymnasium on wednesday evening last when tpkntlkl reports were received from all organiza tions mr ollriord hawed one of the members of the town council tendered his re signation to clerk busli an saturday morning lost at special meeting of the town council held in the council cluunber on monday afternoon last the resignation was accepted and bylaw paired culling for new nomination hcsluvnu of burlington and district turned out en masse on tuesday to pay their tribute and last respects to our lata beloved king george at the memorial torrvlces held in trinity united and knox prudbyttrlan churches at 1100 am both churehc were ailed to capacity and the attendance woe the largest by far to ever attend memorial service in the town ooxette eden mills rii jolmsorrof kn oxcol hgvvtor the young peoples society of the united church held uiclr regular month ly meeting on sunday evening tlio mooting was in charge of the christian fellowship committee toy day gave the scripture isesson an interesting discussion on war and unemployment won the feature of tho meeting those taking part in the discussion were rev mr somerviuc of eden mills mrs loren gfulld ben honking and edward pas more while spending tho evening with mr and mrs herb gibbons last wednes day mrs prater plummer was taken suddenly 111 and removed to the hos pital in guelph for medical attendance she recovered sufficiently to be able to return home during the weekend mrs max tullne spent day in ouelph last week with mrs milne and daughter miss lottie who is somewhat improved since her recent cerlous illness mr max milne also spent the weekend and sunday with his mother and otter rev john littles condition continues fau mrs lcn mcdougall is spending somu time with mrs mutrle towmihip relief work la again to tho fore with work going on at ostrandcrs crowilng on the fourth line mr johnston ugalp conducted ser vices at the presbyterian church on sunday morning the hand of death has been heavy hi our midst last week in which three of our wellknown residents have been re moved mrs robert thatcher mrs john richardson and mv david wilson town line eramosa and erin the latter passing away in st josephs hospital guelph after flvo weeks illness mrs robert thatcher who has been tjomewhat poorly at times and again rallied passed away peacefully at her homu last thursday morning her hus band thu late robert thatcher prede ceased her seven years ago the funerul took place on saturday afternpon with prlvatd service at he late home fol lowed by service at the united church with rev taylor conducting the services rev mr taylors meisaee was pergonal and inspiring sermon and dealt particularly with mrs thatchers life who endeavored to live for tho wel fare of others the pallbearcrs were messrs colin kltchlng thos wingrove wm mccutcheon dlckleson geo if pearcii and hanbldge of guelph interment took place in woodlawn ceme tery oudph number of floral wreaths bore testimony toi the high esteem in which the deceased was held those left to mourn her iols are three daugh ters mm george bayne guelph mm george sunley belwood and mrs chas mcdougall eramosa three sons charles and fred of rockwood and william of mooeo jaw sask resident of rockwood passed away on january 31st at lior homo in tho pertain of janet grieve beloved wife of mr john rlcliardson bom in pisli ers mills in 1804 coming to rockwood in early life residing in toronto the tarty part or her married life and spending tho remaining thirtyfive years in rockwood the funeral took place from her late residence on monday february 3rd with service at 300 conducted by her pastor kiev taylor who spoke words of comfort to the bereaved ohm during the service selection was sung by quartette com posed of messrs harris andrew elliott george dayjuid john liul which sang the old rugged crass accompanied by frank moore lage number of friends and ncighbom were prent to pay their respects to the de ceased the pallbearers were messrs wm harris stewart royce george ii pearen john little fred hamilton oil ehashrnarr5 ltrd church woo held last week at tlie htimr of mrs george pearen with good ut tendance mrs robt william son uie iresldent occupied tho chair and conduct brief memorial in behalf of our late mvc reign georgu mrs wm pasmorc conducted the program for the meeting and was owilnt by ojher mcmlkim of tlio group mrs mcphcdran gave tlte bible read ing tlie topic lesson on africa given by mrs wm pasmorc was also interest ing and helpful to all present at tho cluue of thcmeetlng mrs wm mcnabb led in prayer imis ievarlctulrdbon left on monday evening with her brother ralph for visit with him at vlneland and mrs root blchan 6f vlneland is staying with her father for fow days miss lovcna richardson left tuesday evening for kitchener to resume iter duties as teacher in school there milton llmeiiouse onto occupied hu own pulpit hew on sunday and preached an excellent ser mon on the uxt he came to seek and which was 1tut the ladies aid of the united church tuel at the home of mrs sommervlllo with good attendance quilt was quilted and olher business transacted tlie sunbeam mission band of the presbyterian church lield their monthly meeting air the home of their leader mvs mlno although the weatlier wan very unfavorable there uau good at tendance miss florence mcalplnc of the oac guelph spent the weekend in her home hi re tlie nighthawk club held tlulr week ly euchre in the home of mr and mrs mlno high icore for the ladles wou mrs lowrle gentlemen mr tolton consolation prizes aere won by mm jcu burrows and mr junius ailberuon dr fred croft of kitchener vlsitwl in his home liere on sunday mr donald mcpluill as recent vultor in the home of ht brotlwr mr george mcphall of winona mr robert wikon held very suocejuj ful auction sale lost weik miliars stuart und will currle of tarjnto kiit sunday in the home of tliplr sister mm thomas miss florence lowrlo of campbllvhle was sunday vldtor in her home lujre mr and mrs georue currle and family of georgetown visited in the home of an john mcalphif on 81v mrs frank mujori condition it7ltcm if the old legend is true we may look timus wrloiw und luiu twr muuy for six more weeks of whiter as tlm rwnda some unxtely groundhog could have seen his shadow hie ri gulur monthly meeting of the if he had taken the troubfa to wake up women missionary society of tlie interment took place in rockwood cemetery numerous and beautiful offerings bore silent tribute to the memory of the oyof mrs luchardon leaves to mourn her loss her husband four daughters aiid two sons mrs blchan vlneland station mfc4cj eva and dolly at home miss loveiiu kitchener earl at home and ralph of vlneland station daughter mvs saul rothmel neo pearl frances guelph predeceased her two years ago messrs george and medford grieve or toronto also mourn uie joes of ther sister mrs rlchardn and were prejumu at the funeral on monday tlie funerul or the late david wilson followed tliat of mrs rich ardson on monday with brier ficrvlu ut uie homw of his sliter mrs mar guret hanna und public ecrvjce in the united church at which rev taj lor oiflcutod und brought forth forceful mrjiuike to ihose present from jolm 40 and je will not come to me that might have life byudes mrs ilanmi brother peter of ouelph survive who have the hynuuthy of httt of friends and ucquulntuncih in bereavement the ivmulns were inter nd in the rijckwmui cernutery on friday night of last week tho har many club of the united church gave an interesting lantern slide entertain ment showing pictures of china pro ceeds went to help tho mission fund mr and mrs mummery have been upending the week at their cabin miss beatrice lane and miss marjory cross of georgetown spent the week end with mrs robert lone on monday of this week mv robert wheeler of georgetown was laid to rest in uie llmehouse cemetery as mr wheeler woci resident of this village for great many years liaving for long time been section boss on tho gt he was well known in uio neighbor hood and many of ids old friends re maining will regret his passing mr wm mills mrs mills william and helen vlth mm robert storey paid uie vlllaai day which wad more of surprise to them as they luul jiq idea of tlio quan tity of snow which has fallen this win ter wood cutung seems to be tho pre vailing occupation of uie neighborhood and opening tho road to tho seventh line occupied quite time oakville mrs mtwhrr or crov luke who has been vfailtlng mr curry und ouier frlenda in town rrturnrd humc on tins day clements litl on monday for florida where 1m will enjoy thrte montlk vacation he will return home via new york city mr and mm hute und mrs houu rakebrick of toronto and miss bowes of milton leave on monday next for california where they will spend tlw winter it oraliam of trafalgar who under went an operation in ouelph general hospital on january th and later con troctcd pneumonia is wo are pleased to eay recovering lrovhicial constable george cookman who haa been undergoing treatment for sertoun war wounds in tho christie street military hospital toronto returned to ills homo here on saturday last billy son of mr and mrs ivan gould is undergoing treatment in uie hos pital for sick children toronto mr and mn goulds many friends hope their little boy will soon have per manent recovery champion am bo apples day in and outc by barbara brooks whats all uils fuss about vitamins granddad wants to know ho goes on to point out too that lie and his seven brothers lived to ripe old uge before they fcvcii heard of tho tilings more over half uio foods uiat give us our vitamins today wero luxuries in rund dodvj youth but if you listen to granddads stories of uie good old days you will uion hear about uie apple bin in uie cellar if ho suu lias enough teoui his stories arc acccnlectwlth pausea juicy bile from wiiat may be his thlrdrfourui apple for uie duy he lias ulways had plenty of upplcu because uiey are an abundant crop in most lands and keep well if properly stored and of course plenty or apples give plenty of vitamins and uiat may help to explain uie mys teryof granddads good licalth dear sir tin wliither hiu kept hwwl everyone on this continent either busy preptulntf for it or digging out of it and in thin country it luu brrn ho exception we thought urter nearly whole week of it uiat tho spell would wear on but still ai write the temperature is down to 20 below and nover risen higher than 12 below at noon wlui real bright sun so you sej it keeps us busy but wo thankful to say wo were for tunate to have good pllo of wood home and got machine to cut it all into etove size so arc able to bo real comfortable work starts thtt week providing gravel stock piles for use on tho highway next summer this will provide some work and uio income will bw greatly appre ciated in spite of considerable per manent surface laid last year great deal of tho distance in gravel surface and requires continual patching to stand uio tremendous traffic and high speed there is considerable talk of now highway to run from ooward in south westerly direction some 10 miles to connect with sudbury thwt will greauy iescn uie dlslaree by rood from kirk land and porcupine it will also open neltf territory uiat up till now has had no road connection one property with an excellent show ing has not been dovelopcd on account of the jack of road facilities tills it is hoped may be the means of opening another great mine noted character in the person of mr noah tfmmins parsed away during lotit week while on visit tp florida for his health was credited by many witbhavlng contributed much to record mining industry developing and attracting capital northern gold resources of canada as any man in the dominion it was uirough the efforts of benny houlnger alex gillies uio two timmins bra then and cousin that the worli famous holllnger comolldated gold mine war found and worked thfai mine beam uie name of the man awloul improvement ta agriculture u0 town nmri refrlgerauon storage and tfansportauon many citizens were turned away from tho gregory tlkatre on tuesday morn ing when oakville joined wlui uie ntit of uie kmplre in memorial services for the late king george speaking before large attendance of members andrew dale gcorcgtowj vicepresident of the hal ton liberal anl progressive association told the oak vllle and district liberal aiijclatlon or wednesday night that liberals were just au loyal as conservatlvci in spite of uie flag waving done by uie other party in political campaigns star mr and mrs frank ptillcn are en route to new zealand where uiey will spend some ume before returning home robert atklnd the first boy scout cf the newlyformed troop to win tlw second class standing was presented with his badge by scoutmaster dean wllkco wednesday evening tlie flrv losses in oakvllle during 1035 amounted to 7000 the highest in four years according to report from naylor secretary of the oakvllle volun teer fire brigade during the year total of 33 calls were answered in u12 town none of which were false alarms record balunafad mvs noble visited friends in george town during the week mm crlpps returned to her home in toronto after spending two weeks visit ing her sister mrs large mm roy gulp was ha hamilton at tending uie wedding of her brouier mr howard large on saturday lart mr wm harding spent the weekend with friends in toronto tlie many friends of mrs sin clair will be pleaded to know that she wa able to return liome on from toronto hospital after her opera tion and is improving nicely quite number from hero attended uicjnnpral of miss campbcuauqlon williams on saturday mlai phyllis foreman was home from toronto for the weekend on thursday evening meeting was held in uie united church for the pur paui of orgunlzing mission circle letuir wus read from the presbyteriai secretary mrs clements expressing her regret at not being able to attend be cause of uie uncertainty of tho roodii short program wjis repdered by uie young people artcr which the officer were elected with mui phyllis cappa as president splendid schemo of mls ilonury education is now afforded to all ugii through the buby band mission band circle and pallburers were xhsrs george gordon baxter nelson hugh black pearen alex mcculg und duruin crlppt of acton the lute mr wllwin ut one time fanmd the old academy farm where let wealth be regarded by any ioclety lu ui tiul in iticir und that society iihajl be airbed and paralyzed uiike in its wealth und in its poverty from top to bottom our own society only not pljy cursed io completely as it might be be rivm us great variety of fruits and vegetables apples remain as ttandby for mast of us nearly tlio year round fortunately uio crlipnej and slightly acid flavor of apples arc always refresh ing raw or cooked they blend well wlui other foods here are como un or mr timmins who was the means of providing capital an interesting story in told of noh timmins making hurried trip to the houlnger mine by plane and being somewhat excited did not make hbi presence knoun to the staff he went direct to tlie shaft houw to go below mual recipe thn prove their volatility thc olhmlar not rccoanmrot wm in uio menu apple omelet tablespoons butter apples washed cored and diced croai wlse vi inch uilck eggs slightly beaten tablespoons milk teaspoon salt powdered sugar paprika melt thc butter in skillet and brown the appieii on both sides over moderate heat remove apples from skillet com bine eggs milk and talt and pour them in the skillet cook over low heat lift ing thc edges with spatula to let tto uncooked portion run under when set put the fried apples sprinkled with uugar on the omelet roll it and turn it out on warm platter sprinkle with paprika onetwothree salad dill pickle diced medium onions finely chopped tart apples funpared diced lemon juice or elder mayqnnalsc combine dill pickle onions and apples sprinkle with lemon juice or elder and mnrlnate for at leant 30 minutes mix with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce or as relish with meat onedish breakfast wash and core apples place in bak ing dish sprinkle lightly wlui cinnamon fill cavlues with bran breakfact food sweeten with honey or brown sugar and dot with butter add boiling water to cover bottom of dish about ulnch deep bslceinamod for about 30 minutes or until apples are tender serve warm with cream or whole milk and mistaking him for newspaper reporter refused him admittance heated discussion took place with mr timmins the victor he then called after his opponent send uiat to your news paper and then went below am often asked what the country is like where we moved from and of courte make the dcijcrlptlon give as interesting as possible dont know whether it might be ths means of some time increasing uie population it wan interesting to learn wliat actona population was according to uie last aiessment wasnt aware that loud speaker was necessity for hockey arena and it doesnt seem very popular according to comments always uioughtu good pair of eyes and knowledge of the play was what spectator moat needed acton and georgetown are still capable of providing lots of uirllls as they always did watched them play away back in the days when we stood on the snow banks down in the hollow around uie beardmoro rink cordially yourti johnson no thornloe mr wm oordon is ulr prtnt mrs ln tlu phlloriophy und politics ot wilson predeceuted him number of yea cuilm there are luckily ciiiuiui ruble number of jwople of nil cjusseu in whom the instinct for better lire pmbvt but thtt ure not mifflcienuy strong and atul rurntnral und milk sift dry lrlfcoivlouj to form determining ingredients und udd to first mixture apple crunch cups sliced tart apples cup brown stigur teaspoon nutmeg grated rind of lemon cup fine corn flake crumbtj mi cup melted butter arrange apples ln bottom or deep pie plate 0lnch cover with ji cup of brown sugar nutmeg and lemon rind combine corn flake crumbs with re maining cupiugar and butter pack llrmly on top of applet bakt in mod erate oven 400 degrees nnul apples are done about 30 mlnuten serve wlui crcum ylvld six servings luncinxw corn biuad hnt fillghtly beatrn cup iugiir ii cup prepared bran cup cornmeal cup milk cup ftmir uttiipoon salt teaspoon baking powder lb diced bacon cup sliced tipples combinu egg mid sugar thoroughly smashing ull pr vidua recurdt cun lullim mliifj will pay ah are hold era grand total of about 57000000 in dlvl jiuisduriiig 16j5acc7ruing utacom ptltntlon inude by the llnancial post is calculated that ull public industrial companies in cumida combined will puy in 10j5 total of ubout 150000000 ln dividends of which tho canadian mining induktry will contribute about 20 per cent whih much of tne increase ln mining dividends is credited to gold pro ducers earning of luuo metal produces also show very material improvement with total payment for uie year in exeats of 12800000 international nickel company of canada lieads tlio list as the largest single contributor lake shore gold mined famous klrkland lako gold produce ranks second cou trlbuung 6000000 third honors go to hallinger porcupine gold mlno with noranda largo quebec coppergold pro ducer coming fourth disbursements of dividends from ontario producers were larger than those of all other provinces combined hands web protected gloves wero worn thousands of years ago even before trousers and jackets boots and hatii they were known even in prehistoric days for many prlmluvo drawings done by cavemen show figures wearing gloves tlio word glove comes from gothic ward lofa mean ing covering for uio hand dcnt amp cue rcctt cramped nerves iiv yodr foot send nerve reflexes to distant paru of your body health spot shoes give comfort and foot health protection kachlin mill street actcn next carrolli cuurclnsw utiilpb blurfr 2umuc acton raster uev morrow ma fbtx paraonoge bower aveoue sunday peuiiuary 0th 1030 110o tlio minister ouf latheri kingdom fourth in scries 12 15 sunday school and bible classed 6o pm tho minister slxui in uie series stars of doouny the way to tonstrlko tuesday boo young peopled league missionary department miss laura johnston chairman wednesday 000 unity mena club at ymoa thursday 730 bible study hour everybody welcome jlrtahutfriom knox church aoton hev bennie manse wluow street sunday pebruary oui 1938 11 00 pire hazards and others 30 the sabbath school 700 pjn pain suffering uio pellowship of note the young peopled guild on tuesday night at 800 pan subjest tlie hearb of things always 0htifit etjurdf aoton rv baxtebv mur sunday pebfluary oth 1030 10 30 sunday school too evening service social outcast becomes missionary tor god tuesday 00 study flys colob fancy it this way wlui flics theyd rather cit on an orange than cucumber if the choice depends on color such was uio deduction announced at the univer sity of calirornla recently as result of scientific observation of prcfer enccs of multitudes of flies huge checkerboard with eleveninch squaws ln various colors was hung up ln dairy barn of the univcrultyi callcgoof agri tin nation let wealth regarded by wnm jtklcty of the future as mere iin uns to the prop mis uf huinuli lift und whfthir it lt rich or umr on the who 1u wfulth will be fairly du trlbutvil and uiut society happy and healthy pour into greaued pun arrange apples und dlcnl bacon ovr top jtuke for about 20 mliuiuy in moderate oven degrees urowrty ihecrust and crlip the bacon by placing the bread undr the broiler for ininuuui yield servlugd pan inches mluure culture the fllc3 were invited to como und muke themselves at home lor three montlis thlrwcnt on wlillo lester rerry graduate lludent in chuvge of the experiment and his aides kept wutch the tabulated results announced by berry follow not ktj than 10572 hies parked 011 the orange square while only 20g7 nought out the green prim rose yellow drew 0541 carmine 4415 light blue 3480 and white 2300 more esthetic fliuj went after coral red hnd pink argument no delivery in setting forth the facts upon which ww bate our collcltauon for the flornl work ln acton and vicinity we have shown that wo can meet and ln many instances retter uie competition of out oftown firms ln design price quality and selection in ouier words uio flowere are now ready for thc customer we have to de liver them on orders for acton and imme diate vicinity of courso tho deliv ery is rapid we can maku up work and have lt delivered immediately we also deliver within radius or ten miles at very moderate charge all orders given uo for out of town distant poinui aro charged at express co rates and shipped as soon as order la receiv ed and made up orders received by phone wire or mall ore as care fully attended to as orders placed in person phone write or tiall bishop son grower florfads phone 54 acton we driver raisins losl stickiness seeded muscut rulmns are sticky niak 11 nucauury for wommi to ooat their hands with hour in or dor to handle uiem the leeds thutwere removed were also ttlcky and handling them was me job for the technical men in charge or the pfocals chemists tuckletl the prob lun und thty tucceded in making the ruldm mipply the whit ion result the raisins ure now being ofled and in addition to being eailer to handle because or the luck of stlcklneiji they prcjunt iiuch an attractive upikurance uiat tlio packer are now uble to market thtm in trumipurent wrappers somk tlimiltlt httmj tiiel9 holds sway tbis weekend 19 honest values for you 19 cuaiucs tomato soup 310o llbbyu veobtadle soup 219o clatuca ciitli sauce l10a wiiitl or coiin 2joo clurua large pork bcurut z10c diced caitnots 210c diced i1eet3 2i0o victory sweirr qiieiucins lloo raisins witli seeds 219c nufiii how youll ktlln inntf wir youuh rlthiiullc auolus well uuim lcuniod to luld uiijdu nuuuhu but dd rhjiri bour jud jellv rxwdcr 319c redpatii icino 3loc de3t pnuit suqau 2190 durham corn starch 2100 kellocta3 ai4lbran lioo rncsn muitets 2180 medium tdadiaic li0c laundry starch 219o sanlwlllti toilet piiptr 3i jennvlind unclassified small advertisements advertisement under thla kcdbitf one cent her word winimucu durcf ajc iter ianectloti vive inftertlona far oa if piil cash toe fcdtlitioal lid bed where itetdt vihve to be booked hog hhiitjng saturday 50 and grade hog trucklnk free hogji delivered by farmer tsbo holmes actou wanted brooder stove small sbce apply mwiw ltttle ilockwood jl no nottck will the party return the coat taken from mcklnnonvi door last night bnd avoid trouble as the party la known radio kvalvicf prompt etflclent radio service on all mojces of rodloa work guaranteed jack sjjikf acton 32 phono 05 mkn wan tto for rawlelgh itoutoa in acton writo today nawleran oo dept ml111sba 324 montreal canada caud ov tiianks tlie plre brutadq appreciated very much the kuidncj of mr und mra chas molmes and mr and mrs marry holmes of the dominion hotel and mr and mrs george lonus in rvhik wmd wlchos and coifeo to uie plre brigade during the fire lost night this work kept up until four oclock when the fire men were otui on duty aided the men very much in the performanco of tlielr work the assistance of cltlxens ln help ing light the arc was also appreciated by the brigade it mcdonlald chief notice to creditors 111 th erflata mrrim eyrtlxlo uie vlluira oi aclot in the county txf iluuton totmei keeaaed all persons having claims against tho estate of the above named morrid sayers who died on or obout the 23rd day of april 1033 at uio village of acton are required to send to tho under ul gn ed ad inla trntoror or before tlie 34ui day of pebruary 1030 full particulars of uielr clahnu and any socurlthyj uiey may hold uierefore and ta1ce notioe uiat otter uia 34th dayof lbruary next ui ald ad ministrator will proceed to distribute uia estate having regurd only to uio claims of which he sliall then havti received notice and uiat he will not bo liable to any person of whose claim will not uien havo received notice tar uia uuauj so distributed datjid at actan thla twentyuilrd day of junuary 1030 icenntrril wf lanodon solicitor for robicrt murray mcdonald 303 admlnlstriitar with will annexed chocolates frjt oilangik giiapufuuxy unions wananas ctlkity lkttuck aktknxpi swkbt potatoes tutnpjl imwmc kjfor uhh delivery barks quality courieuy service general we hfkciauze th ufe fire licalth and accident automobile windatorm plate glass hollar fidelity ijonds annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamship tickets leading companies kxckulknt facujtiks bpreaanmiiv rroteotlra liula tian ot fmaudm tor 1kfciiim onj fred wright acton

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