Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 3

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thtjrsday pebimjary 6th 1836 the acton free press paob fh ttx ulif firpi flrfaa ljnrt torg shadows on the curtain by earl silvers he rumor spread around tho few nights later when was stand campus as such things do that lruj at ho entrance or the kings build fred livingstones vote was all lng barrlck joined me again good even that had kept hugh barries out of the lng general he said isnt there scarlet club the sophomore who told me about it explained thai harriet was really the most desirable man in the preshman chus and that all ol the other un were eager to pledge him at the conclusion of rushing week however he had definitely re joe ted their invitations announcing tht he preferred to join the scarjet dub although he waited until midnight lor their told it did not come the truth of the matter was that the members had not elected him the next day he appeared on the campus minus pledge button of any kind be held his head high and gazed defiantly upon the college world but there was puzzled light in his y3 and the smile on his lips was not altogether pleasant one early in the afternoon he happened to meet fred livingstone at the entrance the old kings build lng barrlck halted im riot wearing qtiuo conceive of frcd having girl up pledge button as you can see ho an nounced bluntly perhaps you can tell ruling here at college that girls arent allowed in the dormitory at night yes answered olrls arent allowed upstairs in the dorm at any tune except when accompanied by chaperon why its thk way ho stated reluctantly last night was coming home from down town it was about ten oclock guess when saw girl outlined on the shade of one of the windows in wuletts hall which room was it asked the north corner room on the second floor ho cald dont know who lives there but well at least ive done my duty iro passed on down the campus path when lie had gone stood and won dered what it wa all about the north room on the second floor was occupied by fred livhigslone and could not theru at ten oclock at night it was possible of course that barrier roe why wasnt elected to the scarlot may have been mistaken but ho could club not have told mo story like that wlth frrd was surprised for moment by the directness of the freshmans attack but ho anuwered quietly enough such things arent tulkbdttboutrt5anick tra qrry if youre disappointed not half so sorry as am said baxrlck but you may bo sorrier be fore this incident ended it was of course almost unheard of effrontery for freshman to speak to sophomore in that way but uvlngutono was an easygoing chap so he simply nodded noncommlttolly arid passed on couple of nights later when was sitting on the steps of wuietu hull he told mo about it as most of you know have been tluj night watchman at rati tan college for over thirty years the boyti call me general cobb although am not mill zt tlon of the college buildings elancid tary officer when fred found mo alone wuuu up at the end room on the second door on the dormitory porch he sat down beside rne general he asked do you know freshman named hugh bar rltocj just by sight answered uo you know him fred not especially well the sophomore rested his elbows on his knees and spoke evenly wss impressed with him when orst saw him ho is good looking as you know he has assurance and poise and is just the type to make ah excellent hnpresaion believe wherever he goes nothing wrong so far suggested tw some of the fellows over at the scarlet club considered him just the out some bonis of fact the only thing could do was to keep my eye on the dormitory and await developments about li ahappy experience in wuletts 1111 and the dean had ruled that anyone break ing that particular regulation would be expelled from college so far as knew fred uvingstono was line upstanding young man since tlie time of hu entrance no one had uttered word of criticism against him the more thought about the matter the stronger became my conviction that barrlck had cither imagined the shadow on the curtain or was attempting to aroinuj my suspicion without just reason kept my eyed open however and about tenthirty the next night when was returning from tour of lnspec there outlined against one of thu drawn shades was the unquestionable proillo of girl thure was no denying tliu she was hatleoi apparently for could see her hair which was curly as looked she raised her arms and held them out in front of licr then she hook her head stood up and passed out of the circle of light for moment was unahv to believe my eyes but the evidence was dearly before me jdeeply puxxled hastened across the campus and entered the dor mitory no one patxied me on the stairs li dut when opened the door of livlng tnarj we were looking for and auinrested iv tht vv rtftjttt stones room the study wan deserted mat we rush him so we had him to hi dinner and ho mad hi hit bumm1 tau no but lor some reason no dldnt alto tw btthar appeal to me told that wutloajjy hu motsrw dejand hlstatas thd study and rz the compact wuj hr unelled an actor and he said that he going out for dramauca here at college 3fo eavv us some imitations of famous actors and everybody thought he was great still nothing wrong put in suppose not agreed sred but couldnt get it out of my head that ha wasnt all tliaf lie prounded to be about week ago when was driving through westvuie where he lives stop ped in at his high echool and asked hu principal about him anything happen then vfcll tile principal told me that bar rlck was real actor and uiat lie had oil kinds of talent some of his teachers uspected that he cheated in his exam inatlons though they couldnt prove sti id wia prluc pal seemed to think tliat ha lorceu to wasnt another to be tzti reaciedztf anyway decided that the scarlet ohm and so you blackballed him ouwasjrunklypu to compact tiie air nmelled vaguely of perfume went ttcroa the hall to the quarters of ounlor named wulum jocnmau he was lying half asleep on the window seat but he sat up and greeud me pleasantly enough hello gcncrall whats on your mind itm looking for fred livingstone explained have you seen him not since this afternoon answered dcmnan and grinned think he has girl friend down town and is probably there anything wrong no answered jlkt wanted to ask him about something returning to tlie porch waited for curred to me that possibly hugh barrlck might vbe mixed up in it some way ho might have induced girl acquaintance of hli to come to freds room and stand in trie light although that seemed hardly possible nevertheless kept strict watch upon tec cornctroom ossoanssits came dark early in tho evening saw fred pull down the shades then was called to another part of the campus and it was after nlno oclock when returned to wuletts hall struck by an impulse mounted the stairs quietly and opened the door of william dcnmans room william had gone out so sat down on his cot and decided to wait the dormitory was quiet far down the hall some one strummed for time on mandolin and then desisted finally the clock on the mantel struck ten and had just about decided to go out to the campus when heard soft footceps approaching some one comb down the corridor opened the door of living stones room and closed it crossed the corridor and pushed open the door of the comer room seated on the window seat in direct line with the light discovered girl and am forc ed to admit that my heart missed beat her face was turned toward me pretty face with red lips and pert noso well said sharply what ore you doing here unexpectedly sho turned away from mo and covered her loco with her hands please let mo go tiho begged had no intention of letting her go liowover and crossed the room and tood over her have you been hero before demanded yes she said still not looking at mo but fred said it would bo all right stood glaring at her and finally my eyes rcsud on her shoes suddenly ijiw great light for they were tho uhoes of man oh snapped reaching down snaiclicd thu wig from mm jjiriu linah the person wadnota newfoundlands people mostly of british descent newfoundland is unique in that prur tically or rxy cent of its populntlon 1b native born and of british dcocont it no racial problems to contend with ier haw brn hrtleor no mi gration except from rngllnh hp4nklng countries worthy deconilant of isng llab scotch and irluh plontore tho newfoundlanders have rwnconuj mould ed into distinct type bkjwhh writer in the plontral herald to john and sebastian cabot those latrepld adventurers from irtntol town who ssay be regarded the ac tval discoverers of the north ameri can esmneat goes th predt for dis covering newfoundland under letters patent ef henry vii they net sail in two small vessels from the port of bristol in the spring of 1407 follow ing doe westerly course they cam in jmss te newfoundland and the coast af labrador though columbus had pioneered the western seas ove years before and touched at the islands as the west indies he did not in reaching the mainland until 1406 year after the cabets sad set foot an newjfoandtand and labrador and just as columbus was deprived of the honor of having his nasae affixed to tho great continent to which he had pointed the path bo john oabot on his return home merely re ported the dlscovy of newfound land and newfoundland it has re malned is thin dity nor does the re ward received tho hand of his royal natron seam at all adequate to our ad vanced ideas of compensation for the event is briefly chronicled by the fol lowing entry in tliu accounts of the privy purse expondlturo lliy au gnst 10th to hym thut found tills new isle 10 girl of course xt was xlugh xjarzick knowing that the deception was up lie rose to hli feet und confronted hw his face was pule and iht hands were trembling wluit arc you glg to do ulth me he demanded first answered want to hear uhat you imvu to bay he smiled ucakly and wet lilii parched lips with his tongue xt wont do any good to my anything suppose fred livingstone kept mc out of tlie scarlet club and this was tlie way planned to get hack at him why tills wuy oskfed told you was interested in dram atics all through lugh ichool took the part of girfa and people sold that could ea be mistaken for one hud brought my costumes and makeup to college but no one know it so when read about that dormitory ruling thought might come here couple of times and stand in front of the shade if you saw the shadow fred would be hi wrong even if he denied it and figured tliat if you caught mo here you wouldnt recognise me mightnt have said if it hadnt betn for your shoes he lookeh down ruefully hardly expected you tonight and co didnt bother to change out if had you would have been deceived axis voice assumed riot of pride im char acter oetor he finished an actor perhaps corrected him but without character xxe nodded unhappily what are you going to do with me general he ask ed hugh old and there was same tiling in my voice which caused him to look up hopefully if say nothing about this will you promise me camc thlng vcs he replied teately what is it tiiat from now on you will lot up on tlie acting and bear down on tlie cliaracter he drew back hbt shoulders and his eyus met mine without wavering so help me general will iie uid wc let it go at that and when the corridor was clear he hurried back to his room three doors away and changed into mans costumu he juu worn it ever since for he in member of the junior clou now and report has it tliat hpwihjjiituc honor roll at tho end of the emestet domestic money orders paid at full face value under the pontul luws ynd rvjula tlons an original domestic money or der must be paid nt its mil fucft value if presented at the oroce ou which drawn or st the olllce of isnue at any time within one your from tho lunt day of the hmnlh in which ihuiieri for the first thirty dmn aftr imuif nuy domestic money order issued in the continental united state and drawn on an ofilce located therein mny be paid at itu fnre value ipur feo pre scribed by liiw at an ofilce other than that on which drawn or the olilco of issue ttie fe chnred in nucli cjiho is the same fee an in charged for tho is sue of the order any post ofilce money order is en titled to payment at its full face value without uny deduction for feea at the maid oil ice any cluaidfiadatatlouor shy branch ofllc tho term branch office applies to ofilou located in drug stores and other places of butdnoa tk firt movl4 the first public knowing or moving pictures was made in may lttt at iks broadway new york city the snb ject wbh boxing bout between griffs tad usrnett and lasted shout feur kalnutes on the screen there were be real movie stars for many year after the advent of the moving ale tore blanche bsyllss and william oourteoay were the stars in the first picture play miss jerry made in 1164 terry hamsaye in his history of the dnstry million abd one nights says that john bunny was among the aerueat plsyers really starred his urst appearsuce blkig in 1010 other early stars were mary pick ford mabel nor maad arthur johnson james klrk wood henry walthall etc flfttiful ne ho awery year karypt exports hundreds of millions of ggs to other countries yet heus with chlckh are almoiit nevet seeu in cairo the explanation is that octs are srtlflclally hatched by ayatb that has not chanced in 4000 years the eggs lie for while lu staamlug ashes deep dowa in tho hatching pita inter thoy are put beneath black cupolas of nile mud lying on camel dune and covered with palm leaves tlie system is so accu rate that attendants can tell to the hour when the chicks will hatch no juat tiidd wmuit prepared to vote somehow barrlck heard about it and now im just bit worried nonseniel said youre the pre sident of tlie sophomore class and varsity football player in tlie bargain hes only vreshman and he cant do xiy luirm to you maybe joure right general yvd stood up and yawned forget what fold you tilings will be all right or course it aeemed to me that pred was unduly concerned and promptly rorot tlie incident about two weeks later when was ugaln on the porch hugh dirrlclc hlmwflf came out of the dormitory and joined me its fine night he de clared it was uie fhi time ho liad ever spox en to me and encouraged him to tuik youre proslimnn urbnt jou like it here in iome wayd he ansuered ive aluays wanted to raniii to cheti and bo coinpu leader but gutaa iteshman doeuvt ratj so high youll come out nil right ta if you play thd gamo ue jaoked at me curiously but made no umuer after minute or two he uvnt hulde again ha had imprtmwd me rather nk young fellow and found it hard to imdrufd rvsd uvintonea aiitaguii wn uctuiilly fit ft jilue lorry that rved hud kept him out of tin slsrh club do somehow aw affair uas inconsis tent with all tliat liad known of pred and so decided to wait for another few days before reporting to tlie den tlie next afternoon dropped in at his quurterti and found prd studying cliemlstry rved aked taking tlie compact from my pocket did you over ceo tills before he was suddenly emharrwjed and hts face grew red yes he answered elieepklily it belongi to friend of mine how uct olit waii wandering around the dorm last night explained and found it on your table oh he smiled relic wdly it wx left in my pocket couple of daya agj and puntnhenjirrinriabtonbiiitir buck but rorgot all ubout it hianlut general handed over suiv jour girl friend wasnt up here fred he looked nt me or course not what mulcts ou tlilnk that flt nerul iw heard indlrtciiy thut there bn girl in the dorui mild but lts junt rumor of course none around lu palthely left him to hi tudu and uunder id up tin athktlr field figuring tlmt if he had broken the ruled my word would wum him theprfirtli hud reii on the hhude uiu ilu1 mysury for unit could rtiid no uilution it oc or ivoi ulta and clolbuius chil blains come from undue exposure to clusli and cold and frostbite from tlie ley winds of winter in the treatment of either on excellent preparation is dr thomas ecloetrlc ou as it counteracts the inflammation and relieves the pain tlie action of tlie oil is prompt and its application is extremely slmpfc gafadmiufc law suits sixt century france gabs bllng ja law aurs wasboluncoimoh writes ijtwivnee wollantoa ubjul in colliers magsxlnc one uan would bring civil action against an other usually without juhtlllcatlon far the purpose of lulling the cane wheu bs had the advantage to profession al plaintiff who would gamble on wla nlnfe it through tho inlmltithlo lylni ol his om nilatt of wltuesse tilt ueason he announced one morning uastus didnt show for work until quite late ills boss oslcd why well you atk ham was tnkti into de lodge luit night what rtiuon thut tlmt yoiflhiouid blate ipilitnornipb well jou ij ijuj 1vuslierud to olflce und ie tmy this mornln blecitd to an office the night jou wire taken into the order yas tlr was uppolnted the grand iuliid nul of de universe hiuti pretty high oiricv for ne lnt it no sir onmcl rxulud ituli ob de untvtrv li de bery iowot olflce uhat dey li in dl lodge rapija ktuu upatraam it in tru the rapids in the hc john river in cunudii run up stream twice every 24 houru the st john river emptleu into the uuy of fundy which lu notoil for uh remiirk ahle tldefl when the tide is coining in the rupldarfl mnnlnu udhtrenin in home yeurs in the itprhik the tide hau bien itn own to have dully varia tion in uome porta of the buy ueurly b0 feet his abvick what uould jou wiy jackie if mtrrleil jour mother und became your daddy dont do it mr ilmlth firut asalmt lu nw wokhl it is tuld that klfhie linills who arrived with the french colnnlsti in 1711 returned to hltt home in tnulmiuu on lwit und unw amileaa luouiliii in bin par4nt garden on hln leturu to mobile he brought weedu and planted them by the end of the inrnh hi rliut imnleuh had upread our the ovil ihese tire bellewd to he the lit uu kus plsuttd in tiie new world canadas homes study of canadian homes baaed on tho last dominion censua rvveals thul uic great majority of canadian rural families 11 vo in owned homes but in urban areas paying unanti aro smewluit more num rousuuui owqarwli jmaianuui jflbj icr cent of all liomes were owned us compared with 45 55 per cent in urban communities all houxchoula hi the dominion numbered 2252129 in canada the alxroom house is moo common than any otlicr size but it not typical in all parts of tho country nearly 60 per cent of tho canadian houholds occupy from four to tcven rooms and almost 20 per cent uvo in tiuec rooms or fewer only 34 per ocnt live in homes of more than ten roomc in the maritime jtovlncea urban homes such as in halifax and saint john centre around six rooms while tho rural homes arc larger on the aver age than in any other part of ca nvoroom homes are tho mout numer ous in urban quebec but in rural quebec there is no definite favor for any special size xjoth rural and urban ontario homos charactcrhitically include sbf rooms the butstandlng exception being ottawa where seven room houcs aro most numcroud over go per cent of prairie rural homes contain four rooms or fewer while the number of such homes in ontario li leas uian 23 per cent fourroom homos dominate in both rural and urban areas of uritlth columbia imany mothers have reiuon to bleat mother raver worm exterminator bj cuusu it lias relieved the little ones of suffering and made tliemheuluiy dirry the lie tow und 31111 was famous english eccentric one day ho over heard two nervants disputing as to which uhould wuili tho hall oach insisting that it wim not part of licr duties tlio clcrgy in called in and sent cacliaway on un improvised errand when thuy returned uioy found tho reverend gen tie man diligently mopping tho hall iioth earnestly pntustcd agalrmt his perform ing bo menial task ioohl ibohl he said its not your duty ieggy nor yours jane so it must mine suppose thereafter the hall was cleaned regu larly wiuiout dispute mexican oabbits mexican and an american worked together in mine in kansas on sev eral occasloni the mexican had rabbit for dinner und shared it with his work mate one day tlie american asked where do you get rabbits joac cant find any my wife she get urn joso replied ever night tliey com round the house and make noise she shoot um noise itabblts dont mak nblsc sum ottertcd jose positively go meow meow jrost vvtor customer want to buy taome rouge und fuco powder clerk for your wife sir or to match your coat lupel cietting along with my neighbors somewhere have found this creed ol nrlghborly living like it may pass it along to you believe in tho good will of my neigh bor iblkv that heu trying aooord lng to his light as am trying accord ing to mine to do what is right and good believe uiat do not fully understand my difroring neighbors point of view therefore will seek diligently and sym pathetically to do so believe that ha does not iully understand my point of view therefore will bo charitable and patient believe that have more defects hi manner speech disposition and te ment than can detect or am willing to own therefore it 111 becomes mo to bo too sharp critic of my fellows believe that the happiness and suc cess of my neighbor arc as important as my own thererore will seek in behalf if others tho earn thtpy that seek for myself will seek to bo rair to people of other nations to free my mind from harrow prejudice and to grant to other peoples and races the same rights and privileges that claim for my country will further seek to establish methods by which reason and the spirit of good will may bo used to adjudicate differ enecs among nations confident that peuce on earth can bo maintained men of good will sense of proportion is essential to tlie erfectlve attulnmcnt of any great objective franklin ix xlooaovell save after and all day sunday low night and weekend rates now apply on both anyone and persontoperson long distance telephone calls canadians and their ndusth ks an tiikik batnnr grain growing hbnry james can remember did tell lng ui that in his day they used to thresh their grain with flail we couldnt get along tliat way nowadays theres too much james youre right henry we must have mechanical help to produce grain at profit in these days but im in favour of employing as many men as we can henry thats every sensible canadians point of view our local bank of montreal manager tells me that if the security is all right his bank is willing to ierutmoney tor necessary modern implements by the way our loan at the bank has been paid ofif in full and the manager has promised to ad vance money against the sale of our wheat to pay for harvest labour we couldnt get along without the banks cooperation it will be helping us as usiial when we need money in the spring for seeding and for that new barn well have to build one of these days some of the banks services to grain grow ers business chequing accounts savings ac counts money orders and travellers cheques thecashingor grain lit lets and cheques banking by mail safekeeping of securities loans for planting harvesting and farm equipment bank of montreal 1s1 aiilimii 11117 i11ao nillci montriial acton branch fraser maiugci mobekn kmcitnt hanking bwvirw thf otttcomw of ii yva kt surefcsimjl rtfrntc aylor

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